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Michael : Grand Duke Michael Romanov was anointed Czar when his brother ‘abdicated’ at the ‘request’ of top-ranking generals in 1917, apparently on 17th March. Next day Michael too ‘abdicated’. The Romanovs had ruled Russia since 1613.
... Michael Denton: Evolution – A Theory in Crisis , p. 71. × Michael Behe e.a.: Science and Evidence for Design, p. 180. × Michael Denton: op. cit., pp. 45, 52. ... × Michael Ruse: Darwinism and its Discontents, p. 27. × Michael Denton: op. cit., p. 117, 69, 79. × Michael Behe: Darwin’s Black Box, p. 166. ... transformations he proposed had ever actually happened,” writes Michael Denton in his Evolution – A Theory in Crisis . “There can be no question that Darwin had nothing like sufficient evidence to establish his theory of evolution. … None of his claims received any direct experimental support until nearly a century had elapsed.” 32 Michael Behe, another critic of Darwin, points out “how little Darwinian ...
... n that life was designed by an intelligence is a shock to us in the twentieth century. But other centuries have had their shocks, and there is no reason to suppose that we should escape them. Michael Behe In the last decades of the 20th century two new ways of thinking have put scientific materialism into question from within. Its premise, to wit that all is matter because there is nothing... creationists. The contentious atmosphere resulting from these debates is directly responsible for the bitterness of the battles fought between creationists, positivists and intelligent-designers. Michael Denton’s Evolution: a Theory in Crisis (1985) may be seen as the starting signal of the Intelligent Design movement. On its cover is printed: “New developments in science are challenging orthodox... problem is that evolution is a historic science and therefore very different from physics with its prime condition that experimental proof must be repeatable within identical conditions. We remember Michael Denton’s observation that “being basically a theory of historical reconstruction, [Darwin’s model of evolution] is impossible to verify by experiment or direct observation as is normal science. … Unique ...
... cit., p. 9. 468 Rüdiger Sünner, op. cit., p. 23. 469 Michael Ley: Apokalypse und Moderne, p. 38. 470 Michael Burleigh: The Third Reich – A New History, p. 50. 471 Volker Mauersberger: Hitler in Weimar, p. 98. 472 In George Mosse, op. cit., p. 35. 473 Klaus von See: Barbar, Germane, Arier, p. 29. 474 In Michael Ley, op. cit., p. 35. 475 Albert Speer: Inside the Third... 643 Albert Speer: Inside the Third Reich, p. 68. 644 Joachim Fest, op. cit., p. 284. 645 Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh: Secret Germany, p. 259. 646 Hermann Bahr quoted in Michael Ley and Julius Schoeps (ed.): Der Nationalsozialismus als politische Religion, p. 209. 647 Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, op. cit., p. 247. 648 Peter Levenda: Unholy Alliance, p. 44. 649... Bevor Hitler kam, p. 243. 1007 Michael Hesemann: Hitlers Religion, p. 30. 1008 Timothy W. Ryback, “Hitler’s Forgotten Library”, in The Atlantic Monthly, May 2003. 1009 Michael Hesemann, op. cit., pp. 30-31. 1010 Anna Maria Sigmund: Die Frauen der Nazis I, p. 37 1011 Martin Sobieroj: Der Stern des Abgrundes (manuscript), pp. 128-29. 1012 Michael Hesemann: Hitlers Religion, pp ...
... × Michael Shermer: op. cit., p. 209 (emphasis added). × Michael Behe: Darwin’s Black Box, p. 65. × Michael Shermer: op. cit., p. 211. ... × Michael Shermer: op. cit., p. 109. × Wikipedia: op. cit. × Michael Shermer: op. cit., p. 85. ... Wikipedia: op. cit., p. 9. × Michael Shermer: op. cit., p. 134. × Michael Shermer: op. cit., p. 150. × ...
... × Michael Denton: Evolution – A Theory in Crisis, p. 27. × Tim Lewens: op. cit., p. 74. × Michael Shermer: In Darwin’s Shadow, p. 101. ... and no manoeuvring will destruct its foundations, even if it is true that we do not yet understand all the mechanisms nor even all the modalities,” writes Claude Allègre. 1 And another scientist, Michael Ruse, states: “By any understanding of the terms, evolution is a well-established fact. It is logically possible that evolution is not true, but it is not reasonable to believe this.” 2 Evidence... to Denyse O’Leary, “evolution is the theory that all life forms are descended from one or several common ancestors that were present on the early Earth, three to four billion years ago.” 5 And Michael Behe writes: “In its full-throated, biological sense, evolution means a process whereby life arose from non-living matter and subsequently developed entirely by natural means.” 6 Darwinism and ...
... image of a winged Christ is there when in Book VI the angel Michael asks Satan not to risk a fight but go on his own to the infernal regions prepared for him, "Ere this avenging sword begin thy doom, Or some more sudden vengeance, wing'd from God, Precipitate thee with augmented pain..." 126 True, when Michael says this, he is not aware that his fight with Satan would be... Milton's conception and expression. Milton has even used the noun "Deep" at one place in a curious connection with Heaven. On the second day of the battle between Satan's armies and those led by Michael and Gabriel, Satan in desperation gets the idea of making gunpowder and surprising his foes. He opens his comrades' eyes to the new possibility thus: "Which of us who beholds the bright surface... be indecisive and that God has reserved victory for Christ. But above Michael, to whom Satan is equal, there is none except Christ to wage God's war; so "some more sudden vengeance" which would be "wing'd from God" upon Satan could only be Christ's attack. And actually it is Christ who, augmenting Satan's pain, precipitates him into Hell. Also, God's decisive "vengeance" on His foes through Christ ...
... by its picture of the angel Michael, the leader of God's armies, fighting against Satan and his rebel hosts: the sword of Michael smote and felled Squadrons at once: with huge two-handed sway Brandished aloft, the horrid edge came down Wide-wasting.. 28 This is magnificently formidable yet not mysteriously so; and, although we know Michael to be a divine warrior and... Omnipotent. Ay me! they little know How dearly I abide that boast so vain, Under what torments inwardly I groan! 8 Page 117 The other passage is Adam's outcry on being shown by Michael a prevision of "many shapes of Death" and "the ways that lead to his grim cave": O miserable Mankind, to what fall Degraded, to what wretched state reserved! Better end here unborn.... also in their Page 127 reference to the decisiveness of the blow than in what Milton says soon after the mention of the angel wielding his long heavy sword with both hands. Now Michael and Satan are pictured as opposed, their swords about to slash down: Together both, with next to almighty arm Uplifted imminent, one stroke they aimed That might determine, and not ...
... David: Sociobiology – The Whisperings Within , Fontana/Collins, 1981 Bauer, Henry H.: Scientific Literacy and the Myth of the Scientific Method , University of Illinois Press, 1992 Behe, Michael J.: Darwin’s Black Box , Free Press, 2006 — The Edge of Evolution , Free Press, 2007 — and others: Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe , Ignatius Press, 2000 Bensaude-Vincent... 1989 Dembski, William A. (ed.): Uncommon Dissent , ISI Books, 2004 Dennett, Daniel C.: Breaking the Spell , Allen Lane, 2006 — Darwin’s Dangerous Idea , Penguin Books, 1996 Denton, Michael: Evolution – A Theory in Crisis , Adler & Adler, 1985 Dunbar, Robin: The Trouble with Science , Faber and Faber, 1996 Dyson, Freeman: Infinite in All Directions , Pelican Books, 1989 Ferguson... 1998 — Order out of Chaos , Bantam Books, 1984 Rose, Hilary and Steven (ed.): Alas, Poor Darwin , Vintage, 2001 Rothman, Tony, and others: Doubt and Certainty , Basic Books, 1998 Ruse, Michael: Darwinism and its Discontents , Cambridge University Press, 2006 Sagan, Carl: The Demon-Haunted World , Headline, 1996 — The Varieties of Scientific Experience , The Penguin Press, 2006 ...
... half of the passage. C. McColley, referring to it in his study of Milton, 6 states that, while early theologians interpreted it as naming Michael as the conqueror of Satan, some altered the punctuation so that Christ could be regarded as intervening after Michael and Satan had waged an indecisive fight. McColley 7 has also noted that the second version is not really unorthodox since the De Victoria... B. Rajan in his Milton-study: 8 commentators in the seventeenth century identified Michael with Christ, and Milton himself, while distinguishing them and portraying Christ as the victor, admits in the De Doctrina Christiana the authority of this version when he writes, "... it is generally supposed that Michael is Christ". So the wrathful Christ, Tyger-dreadful in his attack on Satan and his hosts... argument for non-exclusion could derive from the discussion of the passage dealing with the dragon that is Satan. We have cited Milton's remark: " is generally supposed that Michael is Christ." If Christ acts in the form of Michael against Satan, then wings are most natural for him: all the Angels in Christian tradition are winged, just as the Cherubim and Seraphim are. And we may observe that the fusion ...
... trägst meinen Namen Leeb, Johannes (ed.): Wir waren Hitlers Eliteschüler Leigh, Michael Baigent and Richard: Secret Germany Leigh, Michael Baigent and Richard: The Elixir and the Stone Levenda, Peter: Unholy Alliance Ley, Michael: Der Nationalsozialismus als politische Religion Ley, Michael: Apokalypse und Moderne Libera, Alain de: La mystique rhénane. Lidchi-Grassi... André: Hitler et l’Ordre noir Bronder, Dietrich: Bevor Hitler kam Bullock, Alan: Hitler and Stalin – Parallel Lives Burgess, Simon: Stafford Cripps – A Political Life Burleigh, Michael: The Third Reich – A New History Cannadine, David (ed.): The Speeches of Winston Churchill, p 134. Chamberlain, Lesley: Nietzsche in Turin – An Intimate Biography Châtellier, Hildegard:... Helmut: Die Rückseite des Hakenkreuzes Heiden, Konrad: Hitler Heiden, Konrad: The Führer (1999 ed.) Heim, Heinrich & Jochmann, Werner: Monologe im Führerhauptquartier Hesemann, Michael: Hitlers Religion Hickman, Tom: Churchill’s Bodyguard – The Authorised Biography of Walter H. Thompson , (Headline Book Publishing Ltd, 2006) Hipler, Bruno: Hitlers Lehrmeister Hitler ...
... There the angel Michael, the leader of God's armies against Satan and his rebel hosts, is pictured fighting: the sword of Michael smote and felled Squadrons at once: with huge two-handed sway Page 198 Brandished aloft, the horrid edge came down Wide-wasting... 1 Then there is another passage in the same Book of Paradise Lost, in which Michael and Satan are pictured... judgment and retribution and overruling government that has a touch of the Omnipotent. The phrase "God's reformation" is a good hint to combine with the phrase about the "two-handed sway" of the sword of Michael, the divine warrior. Something archetypal, as it were, which goes beyond all earthly authority, has manifested through the poet's imagination: what is conjured up is God as righteous Wrath with full ...
... DNA showed that, if there was a Designer, “he had made serious errors, wasting millions of DNA molecules on a blueprint [of his designs or creatures] full of junk and scribbles.” 13 Yet, as Michael Behe noted, “it is scientifically unsound to make any assumption of the way things ought to be,” things in this case being the genes and the genome. For it was gradually discovered that so-called... Grail” of Biology “By the late 1980s it was becoming obvious to most genetic researchers that the heroic effort to find the information specifying life’s order in the genes had failed,” writes Michael Denton. “There was no longer the slightest justification for believing that there exists anything in the genome remotely resembling a programme capable of specifying in detail all the complex order... John Horgan: The Undiscovered Mind , pp. 140-41 (italics in the text). × Michael Denton: Evolution – A Theory in Crisis , p. 149. × Denis Noble: The Music of Life – Biology beyond ...
... can be specially provided. Apart from what has been observed above, some other observations can also be made in the light of Michael Hand's paper on The Meaning of 'Spiritual Education', which is a critique of David Carr's work on the topic. According to Michael Hand, Carr has left "many logical stones unturned" and he presents an outline of a more comprehensive analysis. In his view, Carr... K. during the last two decades, a good deal of discussion on the theme of spiritual education. Apart from brilliant papers by Mac Laughlin and several others, the paper by David Carr another by Michael Hand are not only instructive but provide us with analyses of the issues and also of the phrase 'spiritual education' which can be utilized properly in developing relevant and suitable pedagogy.... his contention. In any case, some experimental research in regard to this contention needs to be carried out. As far as the practical activity of cultivating spiritual values is concerned, Michael Hand contends that this activity is not necessary; there is no mandate to instil spiritual virtues Page 92 in pupils. He, however, concedes that 'spiritual education' may include such ...
... theories that more compactly, more elegantly, and/or more completely explain the evidence. John L. Casti It is scientifically unsound to make assumptions of the way things ought to be. Michael Behe We have come a long way in our narrative of the various manners in which evolution was and is interpreted. A mass of facts which science has discovered since the time of the first geologists... be alive, it is completely mechanical,” reflects Mary Midgley, a philosopher who made her voice heard in the sociobiological debate. 48 “It is one of the greatest ironies of our century,” wrote Michael Talbot in the 1990s, “that as reductionist biologists were slowly trying to purge all mention of consciousness from their understanding of neurophysiological processes, physicians were at the same... × Mary Midgley: Evolution as Religion , p. 115. × Michael Talbot: Beyond the Quantum , p. 149. × Richard Lewontin: op. cit., p. 93. ...
... Marathi called Mori from a pundit. He had an aptitude for picking up languages with an amazing ease and rapidity. He learnt Bengali himself, and learnt it so well as to be able to read the poetry of Michael Madhusudan Dutt and the novels of Bankim Chandra Chatter ji; and both of these authors are anything but easy. "Bengali was not a subject for the competitive examination for the I.C.S. It was after... Rajnarayan Bose, Chaitanya Charitamrita, Chandidas, Jnanadas, the Dramatical Works of Amritalal Bose, the Poetical Works of Govindadas, a collection of poems by Dinabandhu Mitra, Bengali Sonnets by Michael Madhusudan Dutt, Ananda Math by Bankim Chandra, Goray Galad by Rabindranath Tagore, etc. Page 60 "Aurobindo read Bankim Chandra's novels by himself, and understood them quite... leaden yoke galled and oppressed. In the field of literature, which is the medium of expression of a nation's soul, arose some remarkable men of original genius. "The two Dutts, Okhay Kumar and Michael Madhu Sudan, began a new prose and a new poetry." "...Madhusudan's first great poems Sharmistha and Tilottama had a complex effect, much of a piece with the sensation created by Marlowe's Tamburlaine ...
... biological world there is no inheritance of acquired characteristics” (Michael Ruse 27 ); or: “Lamarckian evolution was downright spiritual” (Robert Wright 28 ) when Lamarck was a declared mechanistic materialist; or: “Thanks to modern genetics, we know that Lamarck’s theory of acquired characteristics cannot happen” (Michael Shermer 29 )? The ‘Darwinian’ camp, as usual, refers its opinions... × Michael Ruse: Darwinism and its Discontents , p. 262. × Robert Wright: The Moral Animal, p. 232. × Michael Shermer: In Darwin’s Shadow, p. 117. ...
... stone. They are then as great creative artists as Shakespeare or Michael Angelo? I should have thought that Shakespeare's power of the word and Michael Angelo's of translating his image into visible form is at least an indispensable part of the art of expression, creation or image-making. I cannot conceive of a Shakespeare or Michael Angelo without that power—the one would be a mute inglorious Shakespeare ...
... time in India, expressed proto-nationalist sentiments in the English language. The famous grave in the Lower Circular Rd. cemetery not too far, is that of the first "modern" Bengali poet, Michael Madhusudan Dutt (1824-1873). Madhusudan loved England and the English language as a young man. At the age of seventeen he wrote a small poem whose first line declares, "I sigh for Albion's distant... referring to a visit to the graves of some of the famous men of the Bengal, nay Indian renaissance of the 19th century. I should end by invoking them once again: Sir William Jones, Henry L.V. Derozio, Michael Madhusudan Dutt, but to this list let me now add the names of the even more illustrious Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo. If we place them in chronological order, we notice a peculiar progression... Calcutta: Seagull, 2002. Derozio, Henry L.V., Poems of Henry Louts Vivian Derozio, A Forgotten Anglo-Indian Poet, Ed. Francis Bradley-Birt (1923), 2nd ed., New Delhi: Oxford UP, 1980. Dutt, Michael Madhusudan, Madhusudan Rachanabali , Ed. Kshetra Gupta, 12th ed., Calcutta: Sahitya Sansad, 1993. Gandhi, M. K., Hind Swaraj (1909), Ahmedabad: Navjivan, 1994. Jones, William, Sir William ...
... Peter's mouth in Acts as well as in 1 Peter which Roman Catholics sometimes incline to regard as his document. Apropos of the play of imagination in the Gospels we may, in passing, cite Michael Ramsey, Archbishop of York. Contrasting Mark and Matthew on the alleged miracle at the tomb, he 45 writes: "The possibilities of embellishment in the tradition will be apparent at once to a reader... non-physical appearance of Jesus d la Paul would stem from the story of the women and the empty tomb common to all the four Evangelists. It would be legitimate if we could concede an argument such as Michael Ramsey's: 135 "There is the evidence that the women found the tomb empty upon the third day after the crucifixion and reported the news to the Apostles. This evidence is set forth in the... 519. 38. Ibid., in. 5a. 39. Ibid., p. 519. 40. Ibid., p. 520. 41. Ibid.,p.340. 42. Ibid., p. 526. 43. Ibid., fn. 25. 44. Ibid., p. 526. 45. Michael Ramsey, The Resurrection of Christ: A Study of the Event and Its Meaning for the Christian Faith (London: Collins, Fontana Books, 1961), pp. 60-61. 46. "Aspects of New Testament Thought", ...
... × Charles Darwin: Autobiography, pp. 30-31. × Michael Denton: Evolution – A Theory in Crisis, p. 34. × Paul Davies: The Origin of Life, p. 134. ... × Edward Larson: Evolution, p. 70. × Michael Denton: op. cit., p. 42. × Tim Lewens: op. cit., p. 60. ...
... and a perfection of word and rhythm only; for they resemble each other only in one thing, an excess of the word over the substance. 19 August 1932 Michael Madhusudan Dutt I had once the regret that the line of possibility opened out by Michael [Madhusudan Dutt] was not carried any farther in Bengali poetry; but after all it may turn out that nothing has been lost by the apparent interruption ...
... extracts from books called Martial Arts by Howard Reid and Michael Croucher and The Martial Arts by Michel Random. Because of the limits of space we have restricted our choice to Kalaripayit and Aikido. Finally, we have presented extracts from a remarkable book: Page 26 The Psychic Side of Sports written by Michael Murphy and Rhea A. White. The reader will find in these extracts ...
... Sanskrit Literature, with English translation and Notes (Luzac, Londan, 1951). Buchanan, Scott. Possibility (Kegan Paul, London, 1927). Bullett, Gerald. The English Mystics (Michael Joseph, London, 1950). Page 486 Camoens, Luis Vas De. The Lusiads, translated by William Atkinson (Tenguin Books, London, 1952). Cassirer, Ernst. Language... Creation and Discovery: Essays in Criticism and Aesthetics (The Noonday Press, New York, 1955). Yeats, W.B. Essays (Macmillan, London, 1924). Yutang, Lin. The Wisdom of India (Michael Joseph, London, 1948). Wain, John. Preliminary Essays (Macmillan, London, 1957). Walker, Kenneth. A Study of Gurdjieff's Teaching (Jonathan Cape, London, 1957). Wellek ...
... structure. He found them there. But even there he tries to separate what he calls the pure aesthetic feeling from the other overtones of painting. He takes as an illustration the "Transfiguration” of Michael Angelo. He argues that aesthetically it is not necessary for any one to know Christian mythology in order to enjoy the picture. These are "overtones” Page 224 and have nothing... The disposition of the mass, the composition, the design, the colour-scheme – these alone contribute to the pure aesthetic value of the picture. Sri Aurobindo : Does he mean to say that Michael Angelo painted it keeping in view the masses and the colour-scheme ? I thought aesthetics had something to do with beauty and beauty is not only formal. It is also beauty of the emotion, in fact, beauty ...
... she did not deny the theological truths contained therein." An instance of undeniable invention is made to stare us in the face in a passage in the book The Resurrection of Christ 67 by Michael Ramsay, Archbishop of York, one of the best books on the subject, finely conservative and discreetly critical. He asks: "What signs of embellishment in the traditions are noticeable?" and begins... Ibid., p. 521. 61. Ibid. 62. Ibid., p. 340. 63. Ibid., p. 519. 64. The Birth of the Messiah, p. 520. 65. Ibid. 66. Ibid., p. 245: fn. 33. 67.Michael Ramsey, The Resurrection of Christ (Collins, Fontana Books, London, 1961), pp. 60-61. 68. Ibid., p. 61. 69. Rediscovering the Bible (Association Press, New York, 1951), p. 218. ...
... cells than we can understand cells by reference to their atomic constituents.” 28 × Michael Behe: Darwin’s Black Box, p. 168. × Robert Shapiro: Origins, p. 13. ... × Sri Aurobindo: Letters on Yoga I, p. 8. × Michael Shermer: In Darwin’s Shadow, pp. 173, 172. × Ken Wilber: Eye of Spirit, pp. 39, 45 (emphases ...
... revival of myth their political future”. (Michael Ley 469) After all we have seen in the last chapters there can be no doubt that Germany identified itself as a nation with the future of the world, which it had to rule and lead on the right path – something which could only come about after a series of armed conflicts. Considerations of this kind make Michael Burleigh quip that Germany was “going boldly ...
... of the Divinity, the story of Joan of Arc could be seen as being as close as it could be of a compelling proof of a Something beyond. Page 16 The beginning of the story: angel St Michael appears to 13-year old girl Joan of Arc, the daughter of a peasant, and commands her to drive out the English from France and to bring the king to be crowned... The end of the... for the dauphin, and demanded an escort to Chinon so that she could go and see the king. Robert was flabbergasted. He was a rough, simple soldier, not a man to be impressed by such a story that St. Michael, St. Catherine and St. Margaret had appeared to a peasant maid and entrusted her with the Herculean task of freeing France from its foreign invaders. In short, he told her not to be a little fool, ...
... When asked about it, (the young man) replied with: 'I heard thunder, his hands had eyes, I fell unconscious.' " A last technique, inexplicable in ordinary physical terms, is noi cun, which Michael Minick describes as follows: More commonly known as the divine technique, this is a very rare form of kung fu practiced by only a handful of adepts. It is not widely taught or particularly popular... fashion, sport may not only be an end in itself, but the beginning of a human unfoldment that will eventually extend the boundaries in all areas of life. ________________________________ from Michael Murphy and Rhea A. White, The Psychic Side of Sports, Addison-Wesley Publishing Cy, U.S.A. Page 697 ...
... education, since a very close relationship between mother and child developed. To the lack of the firm guiding hand of a father, Pestalozzi attributed his over-sensitive, even unstable character; 1. Michael Heafford, Pestalozzi: His Thought and its Relevance Today (London: Methuen, 1967), p. 34. Page 261 his tendency towards single-mindedness also showed up early. To quote his own words:... and not the child for education, he showed that the needs of the individual child had to be taken into account. Education was to become at the same time more human and more scientific. From Michael Heafford, Pestalozzi, His Thought and its Relevance Today (London: Methuen, 1967), pp. 39-49. References There are many books about Pestalozzi in German, but very few in English. A thorough ...
... of expression, and never misused a single word." The remark about not understanding Bengali that well needs to be amended. For, did he not in August 1894, do a literary critique of Bankim and Michael Madhusudan Dutta in a series of articles in the Induprakash! Then again, Mano, almost immediately upon his return, in October 1894, wrote to Rabindranath: "Aurobindo is anxious to know what you think... I think, that he might do great things. Unfortunately he has directed (or rather misdirected) all his energies to writing Bengali poetry. He is at present engaged on an epic (inspired I believe by Michael Madhusudan) on the subject of Usha and Aniruddha." This legend is found in the Mahabharata. Pictures rose in D. K. Roy's mind. "He wrote his poems first on the Gray-Granite writing pad; seldom ...
... university examination. Marginalia on Madhusudan Dutt's Virangana Kavya . Circa 1894-1900. Editorial title. These two pieces were written by Sri Aurobindo in his copy of the Bengali poet Michael Madhusudan Dutt's Virangana Kavya (Calcutta: Vidyaratan Press, 1885). The first was written above the text of Epistle One, the second above the title of Epistle Two. The line of Sanskrit is from ...
... The Birth of Sin A Drama Persons of Drama LUCIFER - the Angel of Power. SIRIOTH - the Angel of Love. GABRIEL - the Angel of Obedience. MICHAEL - the Angel of War. RAPHAEL - the Angel of Sweetness. THE ELOHIM. BELIAL - the Angel of Reason. BAAL - the Angel of Worldly Wisdom. MOLOCH - the Angel of Wrath. SUN. ASHTAR - the ...
... itself." What exactly makes the structure such and such and controls the evocators? The simple answer from the point of view of current physics and chemistry is: We have not much of an idea. As Michael Abercrombie remarks in Experimental Embryology Today in Science News 13 (published in 1949), "Though some of the finest experimentalists in embryology, such as Waddington and Needham in this country ...
... account for the importance accorded to the horse in the Rigveda. [ Added Note : Some readers will be familiar with the recent storm of controversy over the 'Harappan horse' whipped up by Michael Witzel and his associates following the publication of The Deciphered Indus Script by N. Jha and N.S. Rajaram in 2000. As Sethna had observed a while back, the issue had been settled years, even ...
... our world and to express it and share it with others. And this is the most humane activity of our existence.” ( Elements of Literature edited by Robert Scholes, Nancy R. Comley, Carl H. Claus and Michael Silverman, Oxford University Press) Jnaneshwari goes beyond that. In it human language acquires the character of transcendental speech. Its scope is the revelation that can become a part of our existence ...
... remain practically unknown to the common reader. Even Joachim Fest, most insightful where Hitler’s character and the war are concerned, hardly touches this subject. Only a few recent writers like Michael Burleigh and John Weiss make the effort to find out who the German Jews actually were, how they lived, and, most important, in how far the accusations of their torturers and executioners were justified ...
... × Ken Wilber: “But isn’t this view of mine terribly elitist? Good heavens, I hope so. When you go to a basketball game, do you want to see me or Michael Jordan play basketball? … All excellence is elitist, and that includes spiritual excellence as well.” (In the magazine What is Enlightenment? , issue 12, p. 28.) ...
... Armanen-brother’ can only mean that both Hitler and Steininger belonged to a chapter of a secret List society, or were closely connected with it, even when no further indications are available”, writes Michael Hesemann. The Germanenorden, the Thule Society and societies like the Armanen took their oath of secrecy seriously. It is also relevant that the principal occult inspiration behind these secret societies ...
... been able, as I hoped, to make a comparative study of the two Vaishnavs; I shall let you know my opinion when I have done it. I had always the regret that the line of possibility opened out by Michael [Madhusudhan] was not carried any farther in Bengali poetry; but after all it may turn out that nothing has been lost by the apparent interruption. Magnificent as are the power and swing of his language ...
... of Bengal. The first person to develop a systematic metrical theory of Bengali and one of the luminaries of the University that Tagore conceptualized in Santiniketan. Meghnad Badh: by Michael Madhusudan Dutt (1824-1873). It is an epic poem in Bengali, taken from the Ramayana, on how Ravana's son Meghanad was killed. Here are the lines from Robert Browning's (1812-1889) How ...
... series published by Ward, Lock and Bowden, without date (but after August, 1891, when Bowden joined the firm of Ward, Lock, and Co.), "unannotated edition, edited with a critical memoir by William Michael Rossetti". Among these notes, "two detect echoes from Goethe and Spenser, several remark metrical irregularities or faulty rhymes..." Three in all record variant readings. One of them, apropos of ...
... ed. R.C. Majumdar and A.D. Pusalker (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1954). The Vedic Age, ed. R.C. Majumdar and A.D. Pusalker (Allen & Unwin, London, 1952). Ralph, E.K., Michael, H.N. and Han, M., table in Ancient Cities of the Indus, ed. G. Possehl (New Delhi, 1979). Rao, S.R., Lothal and the Indus Civilization, with a foreword by Sir Mortimer Wheeler (Asia, ...
... Veddids, 21, 22, 23 Vedic Aryan, 56 Vedic Index, 55fn., 103, 111, 112, 116, 117, 126 Vendīdād, 35 Venkatesvara, S.K., 41, 44 Ventris, Michael, 49 Verethragan, 34 Verethragna, 34 Views and Reviews Vritrahan("Vritra-slayer"), 34, 133 Vritraghna, 34 Washburn, S.L., 21 ...
... propagandists, to be held at Munich University from 5 till 12 June 1919. The teachers of the course were learned doctors and professor-doctors like Karl Alexander von Müller, Karl von Bothmer and Michael Horlacher. Their themes were “the political history of the war”; “Socialism in theory and practice”; “our agricultural situation and the peace conditions”; and “the relation between internal and external ...
... t of mankind … There is no alternative: if you sink, then mankind sinks with you, without any hope of resurrection.” 388 “Fichte and other Romantics radicalized the Christian apocalyptic”, writes Michael Ley, “the salvation of humanity is no longer the task of God but of Man, in whom God incarnates himself. The new bringers of salvation and redeemers of the world are the Germans … The Germans will ...
... 3 March with Russia, looks like the finishing off and robbing the corpse of a defenceless enemy. The German troops were immediately transported from the eastern to the western front. Operation Michael, the great battle for France, was launched on 21 March. The first German successes were overwhelming and their armies, four years after August 1914, threatened Paris again. But the Americans had entered ...
... hitherto scanned the akṣara-vṛtta . I am quite prepared to adopt a new principle if it is more scientific, but I think that historically this explanation is not unsound, that it represents the idea Michael and Nabin Sen and the rest had of the basis of their verse and shows why it was considered as of a syllabic character. (2) I did not think or hear that Tagore invented the mātrā-vṛtta —I could ...
... breaking down occurs strikingly at a word — "daughters", "unkindness", "children" — reminding Lear of his own tragedy. Wordsworth packs a world of pathos in the plain line about the old farmer Michael who, after a life of labour and loving hope, was heart-broken because of his wastrel son. No complaint did he utter, but often to the unfinished sheepfold, which he and his son had started building ...
... from your photograph I can glimpse a corner of your book-lined room, which you say I visited! Very warm and delighted congratulations. (6.4 .1989} From K. D. Sethna I must be quite a Michael Ventris to have read your handwritten letter. Have you heard of him? He was a scholar in Greek who deciphered the famous Linear B script for which there is no bilingual inscription. There is no such ...
... species can continually renovate and revitalize itself through the introduction 1 J. A. Thomson, "Life and Death" in The Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. 8, p. 4. 2 Michael F. Guyer, "Reproduction", in The Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. XIX, p. 171 B. 3 S. Metalinkov, Immortalit é et Rajeunissement dans la Biologie Moderne, p. 17. Page 383 ...
... Littlefield, Adams, 1967. The World as I See It. New York: Philosophical Library, 1949. Schilpp, Paul Arthur. Albert Einstein: Philosopher - Scientist. New York: Tudor, 1951. Talbot, Michael. Mysticism and the New Physics. New York: 1981. Page 263 ...
... do. If instead of fighting with him you say to your enemy "you have won " and bow before him, that is the biggest deed in the world." ________________________________ from Howard Reid and Michael Croucher, Martial Arts, Eddison/Sadd Editions Ltd, 1983. Page 664 ...
... among the students for his wit he was never popular for his teaching. Prithwindranath Mukherjee recalls in his memoirs: “When Nishikanto came to teach us Meghnadbad Kavya [The Slaying of Meghnad by Michael Madhusudan Dutta] I felt sad when I observed that such a witty and learned person became extremely dull as a teacher.” [66] An interesting personality Yet Nishikanto remained an interesting ...
... rites. Rajnarayan himself was an outstanding product of the new India that was then rising. A contemporary of Bankim Chandra Chatterjee and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, and a close friend of the poet Michael Madhusudan Dutt, Rajnarayan represented in himself the composite culture of his time — Vedantic, Islamic and European. He was also among the first patriots of the country, the organiser of a National ...
... would have succeeded by this time and no one would have talked of Oriental inaptness. I always look with pity at our people trying poetic exercises in English, except HarM, and always think of Michael Madhusudan's failure. But I suppose you think otherwise, because you have a big trump up your sleeve—the Supermind. My aim is not personal glory, but to arrive at the expression of spiritual truth ...
... 173-5 Margaret, 138 Marut, 22, 28-9 Marx, 126 Mayavada,278 Mazumdar, Dipak, 213 -"Baritone", 212 Mazzini, 253 Mephistopheles, 250 Metaphysicals, the, 57, 71,286 Michael Angelo, 170 Milton, 52-3, 85, 93, 125, 147, 163, 168,245 --Camus, 245n Page 373 -Paradise Lost, 163, 168n Minerva, 284 Mitra, 45, 157, 159-60, 180, 294 Modern ...
... Mahalakshmi, 44, 207, 209-10, 225 Mahasaraswati, 44, 207-10, 225 Mahashakti, 67, 198 Mahavira, 44, 207 Maheshwari, 44, 207, 209-10, 225 Manicheism, 127 Mary, 82 Matariswan, 44 Michael Angelo, 210 Middle Ages, the, 134, 139, 149, 421 Milton, 156n. – Paradise Lost, 156n Mimansakas,137 Mitra, 207 Morgan, 56-7 Mother, The, 63, 65-6, 270, 282-3n., 285n., 289n ...
... Shelley or our Tagore seem to be emanations of Beauty, Harmony, Love—Mahalakshmi. And the perfect artisanship of Mahasaraswati has found its especial embodiment in Horace and Racine and our Kalidasa. Michael Angelo in his fury of inspiration seems to have been impelled by Mahakali, while Mahalakshmi sheds her genial favour upon Raphael and Titian; and the meticulous care and the detailed surety in a Tintoretto ...
... sales money the students went on a holiday-excursion once a year. We were often taken to different places; I remember once we were taken to the cemetry at Park Circus where we saw the poet Michael Madhusudan Dutta's cenotaph. At that time there was a huge gathering of people around it. Some of them came forward and spontaneously recounted to us some anecdotes from the poet's life. I was listening ...
... the eldest daughter of Rishi Rajnarain Bose, according to the rites of Adi Brahmo Samaj. It was the alliance of two authentic and forceful currents in the inner life of Bengal. A contemporary of Michael Madhusudan Dutt, a student of Henry Derozio and David Hare, Rajnarain Bose was an early synthesis of the East and the West, and in the heyday of his hallowed life "represented the high water-mark ...
... academic year that a vacancy arose and A. A. Ghose could join college: "Ghose Aravinda Acroyd, admitted scholar at King's College, October 11, 1890 . . . Matric Michaelmas 1890 . . ." The feast of St. Michael, one of the archangels, is known as Michaelmas and falls on 29 September. Oxford, Cambridge and other universities in England have a Michaelmas term. Dr. K. D. Ghose wanted his son to go in for ...
... Ray arose with a new religion in his hand, which was developed on original lines by men almost greater one thinks than he, by Rajnarain Bose and Debendranath Tagore. The two Dutts, Okhay Kumar and Michael Madhu Sudan, began a new Prose and a new Poetry. Vidyasagara, scholar, sage and intellectual dictator, laboured hugely like the Titan he was, to create a new Bengali language and a new Bengali society ...
... The feeling for life and character here is a very different thing from the splendid and abundant vitality and the power and force of character which we find in an Italian painting, a fresco from Michael Angelo's hand or a portrait by Titian or Tintoretto. The first primitive object of the art of painting is to illustrate life and Nature and at the lowest this becomes a more or less vigorous and original ...
... Plotinus or Spinoza or Hegel, poetry superior to Homer's, Shakespeare's, Dante's or Valmiki's, music more superb than the music of Beethoven or Bach, sculpture greater than the statues of Phidias and Michael Angelo, architecture more utterly beautiful than the Taj Mahal, the Parthenon or Borobudur or St. Peter's or of the great Gothic cathedrals? The same may be said of the crafts of ancient Greece and ...
... pratistha preparation. It is connected with the union of aishwarya-ishita-vashita with trikaldrishti and prakamyavyapti. Page 989 For the last few days a revolution in Russia with Michael brought to the throne as Czar has been telepathically suggested to the mind. This is half-fulfilled by today's news. Reference. "The result will be that Prakriti will lose her power of reflecting ...
... Record of Yoga Undated Notes, c. January 1927 Amrita— Moses, Brihaspati, Hermes, Michael Angelo, Rudra, Pythagoras. Bijoy Child Krishna, St Jean, Kartikeya, child Vishnu Barin Nefdi. Apollo-Aryaman St Hilaire— Ramakrishna—(The Four) Kshitish Narada—Bach-Isaie Kanai Sukadeva—One of the Vital Four Tirupati ...
... Marriage of Heaven and Hell, The, 29. 137,158,173,176,205,231 Mathematical Commentaries, 139 Matthew, Brother, 48 McColley, C, 45 Mellon Lectures, A.W., ii Michael, 44,45,48,90,93,113,114 "Mills, Satanic", 245, 249,251 Milton, 155,240,245,247,248,249, 251,252,255 Milton, iii, 32,55,58,59,64,65,75,76, 83, 84,90,91,92,94,95,99,101; 102 ...
... extent for Christ's wingedness in The Tyger. Rather we may say that the incorporation renders it all the more natural for Blake to give Christ the wings which either by identification with the Angel Michael during the war in Heaven or through rising in an ensemble with the Cherubim or as the creative divinity one in action with the Holy Spirit or for any other reason doctrinal or poetic the Son of God ...
... Library, Pondicherry, Vol. 3, p. 346, 3. Raine and Sethna, p. 2. 4. K.D. Sethna (ed.), Overhead Poetry. Poems with Sri Aurobindo's Comments, Pondicherry. 1972, p. iv. 5. See, Michael Hamburger, The Truth of Poetry, Harmondsworth, 1972, p. 105. 6. Nirodbaran, Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo, Pondicherry. 1983, p. 61. 7. Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry, ...
... gives the span of Harappan Kalibangan as 2200-1700 B.C., while Thapar's figure is 2300-1750 B.C. George F. Dales 39 corrects the former to 2700-1900 and the latter to 2850-1950 B.C. E.K. Ralph, H.N. Michael and M. Han 40 have the corrections: 2630/2670-2060 and 2850/2870-2110 B.C. So the central Indo-Aryan nature of the feature concerned goes to the very root of the Indus Civilization. And surely such ...
... his best from the mass of his inferior work. Undertaking to do this separation, he included in his collection only three extracts from The Prelude. He found the best of Wordsworth in Michael, The Fountain, The Solitary Reaper and ruthlessly dismissed his formal philosophy as it is set forth in The Excursion. There is, in his view, something artificial in Laodamia , and some ...
... his teaching rules the whole world.” “Hitler presented himself as the Messiah, who as a warrior, filled with the fanatical faith in the righteousness of his ideas, goes his predestined way”, concurs Michael Rissmann. And Hitler said that one day would be written on his tomb: “A man who never capitulated, who never gave up, who never made compromises, who knew only one goal and the way toward it, who had ...
... Abraham that he would spare Sodom if only ten just men could be found in the city, I also have reason to hope that, for our sake, he will not destroy Germany.” “According to some accounts”, write Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, “[Major-General Henning von] Tresckow walked from his headquarters to the front line and there shot himself. According to others, he simply strode out amid an artillery barrage ...
... paralyzed. Although there was a great deal in this speech that I didn’t understand, I was still fascinated and I sensed that the audience was in bondage to this man.” 896 In his autobiographical novel Michael , Doctor Joseph Goebbels recounted his moment of illumination. “I go, no, I am impelled to go to the rostrum. There I stand for a long time and look this One in the face. This is not an orator. This ...
... have skipped Isaac Newton. As the result of a 1936 auction at Sotheby’s in London “scholars were enabled, for the first time, to assess the magnitude and scale of Newton’s Hermetic interests”, write Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh. “It came as a startling revelation. The first commentator to publish the hitherto suppressed work was John Maynard Keynes, who concluded that Newton’s ‘deepest instincts ...
... Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, material relating to the influence of esoteric thought on National Socialism and the Nazi hierarchy was deliberately suppressed, and has been lost to the record”, write Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh. “According to one of the British prosecutors, the late Airey Neave, large bodies of existing evidence were too bizarre to be admitted; they would have permitted too many ...
... × Denyse O’Leary: By Design or by Chance? p. 187. × Michael Behe: Darwin’s Black Box , p. 26. × Robert Shapiro: Origins , p. 32. ...
... untractable idea‘ that must be replaced if we wish to understand the patterns of history.” “It is a delusion engendered by our refusal to accept our insignificance when faced with the immensity of time.” (Michael Ruse) The religious and spiritual view, on the contrary, has held of old that the human being is the masterpiece of the creation, and even that it was made in the image of God. For Sri Aurobindo ...
... can function independently of brain activity. Many NDE-accounts seem to include elements which, according to several theorists, can only be explained by an out-of-body consciousness. For example, Michael Sabom states that one of his contacts accurately described a surgical instrument [used after she was clinically dead] which she had not seen previously.” In other cases persons and their actions and ...
... in the Führer, Adolf Hitler, whom He has sent us.’ Like all sects and totalitarian organizations, the SS recognized no departures and no separate private sphere. The individual was in for life.” (Michael Burleigh 829) “I don’t doubt for a moment – many don’t understand this at present – that in one hundred years the whole German leadership will come from the SS”, said Hitler in one of his monologues ...
... familiar with the enormous mass of medieval apocalyptic literature and drew freely from it” 362. He wrote in German for Germans what was “a communication from the Almighty, conveyed by the Archangel Michael”. The message of the Revolutionary of the Upper Rhine was that the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, asleep in the Kyffhäuser mountain, would wake up, appear on a white horse and lead “a new chivalry” ...
... have in any writing except of the Indus Valley Civilization the sign of the circle with inner spokes. Outside the Indus Valley the earliest such sign is in the Mycenaean syllabary as set forth by Michael Ventris and John Chad-wick, the now-famous Linear B. script. 11 There is a four-spoked circle, denoting the ka-sound. The language is Indo-European, an archaic Greek spoken in the 14th century B ...
... 265, 266, 279 Mehrgarh VIII, 226, 227, 229, 230 Meir-Melikyan, Prof. N., 210 Mesopotamia, 156, 203, 210, 251, 252 Mesopotamian art, 180 metals, 233-6 Michael, H.N., 224 Middle Indo-Aryan, 214, 274 Misra, Dr. Satya Swarup, 214, 272, 276, 278 Misra, Haripriya, 274 Mitanni documents (see also Kikkuli's manual), 210, 214 ...
... exclamation of Adam when Eve tells him of her deed – How art thou lost! how on a sudden lost, Defaced, deflowered, and now to death devote! 10 – or, finally, in the vision which Michael gives Adam of lost humanity at last reaching home with the help of "Joshua whom the Gentiles Jesus call" and who shall quell The adversary Serpent, and bring back Through the world's ...
... was himself undergoing night after night. The clue-character of the passages is suggested further by another reference to an extraordinary sleep. This time it is Eve's. When the Archangel Michael takes Adam to a hill and shows him a wakeful vision of some things to come and then relates the rest, Eve is sleeping far away, but when they return to her bower she is found awake and she says: ...
... stands over-passed in many ways. When we study the findings of recent physicists like Louise de Broglie, Schrodinger, David Bohm and others, we feel in the presence of a Great Shift and new paradigm. Michael Talbot speaks of reality of the sub-atomic particle as "omnijective", an inseparable combination of the subject and the object of knowledge. The astonishing implications of Bell's Theorem is that, ...
... ways. When we study the finding of recent physicists like Louise de Broglie, Schrodinger, David Bohm and others, we feel in the presence of a Great Shift and new Page 65 paradigm, Michael Talbot speaks or reality of the sub-atomic particle as "omnijective", an inseparable combination of the subject and the object of knowledge. The astonishing implications of Bell's Theorem is that ...
... "Well, no," replied Gilbert, in serious tone; "Batch is by way of decomposing." 13 (8) From O'Leary: John Philpot Curran, the barrister, and Father O'Leary were dining one day with Michael Kelly when the barrister said: "Reverend Father, I wish you were St. Peter." "And why, Counsellor, would you wish I were St. Peter?" asked O'Leary. "Because, Reverend Father, in that ...
... s, made vibrant with life. And it may be said that even this is the law of a particular formula of creation – but Rabindranath has followed another law. We may take here an example. As a sculptor Michael Angelo had no parallel among the artists. One special trait of his carving was this that he hardly ever completed a figure to a final finish; he left it unfinished to a certain extent; the unfinished ...
... of all this. It was a glimpse I could have of the river Kapotakshi, no longer limpid like the "pigeon's eye" though, for it was all cluttered up with weeds – on whose banks stood the birthplace of Michael Madhusudan and the mango grove where he used to play about as a child. I did feel as if the breath of his poetry still lingered about in the atmosphere. The household arrangements at our Gardens ...
... of all this. It was a glimpse I could have of the river Kapotakshi, no longer limpid like the "pigeon's eye" though, for it was all cluttered up with weeds—on whose banks stood the birthplace of Michael Madhusudan and the mango grove where he used to play about as a child. I did feel as if the breath of his poetry still lingered about the atmosphere. The household arrangements at our Gardens ...
... a 8 Madhyama 13 Mahabharata 103, 104 Mamata 9 Manmohan Ghose, Prof. 92,102 Mantra 25 Manu 5 Marcellus 23, 24 Matthew Arnold 102 Medhatithi Kanwa 8 Michael Angelo 19 Milton 9, 16 Mitra 1, 4, 5, 31 Montevideo 55 Modern Review, the 93 Mount Kailas 17 Muse 61, 88 Page 104 N Naiad ...
... the round, not simply in a frontal view. A Shakespearean scene is not only a feast for the eye but is apprehended as though through all the senses. However, we must not forget Michael Angelo in this connection. He is living, he is energetic, to a supreme degree. If we seek anywhere intense authentic life-movement, it is there at its maximum perhaps. Even his statues are a paean ...
... forms and figures in the round, not simply in a frontal view. A Shakespearean scene is not only a feast for the eye but is apprehended as though through all the' senses. However, we must not forget Michael Angelo in this connection. He is living, he is energetic, to a supreme degree. If we seek anywhere intense authentic life-movement, it is there at its maximum perhaps. Even his" statues are a paean ...
... emanations of Beauty, Harmony, Love – Mahalakshmi. And the perfect artisanship Page 209 of Mahasaraswati has found its especial embodiment in Horace and Racine and our Kalidasa. Michael Angelo in his fury of inspirations seems to have been impelled by Mahakali, while Mahalakshmi sheds her genial favour upon Raphael and Titian; and the meticulous care and the detailed surety in a ...
... Mrs.,30,31 Dibreuil, Jouveau, 384 Dupleix, SS, 374, 376, 377, 379 Dutt, Charu Chandra, 189ff, 193, 207,208, 285fn, 286, 322 Dutt, Kanailal, 324ff Dutt, Michael Madhusudan, 25,49,50 Dutt, Romesh Chunder, 11, 81fn, 83, 662 Eknath, 9 Eliot, T. S., 209,294, 318,491, 513,535 Englishman, The, I'll, 340 Epictetus, 48 ...
... drama, The Birth of Sin, only a scene (Prologue) from Act I has survived and is now included in Volume 7 of the Centenary Library Edition. In the Dramatis Personae figure Lucifer, Sirioth, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Belial, Baal, Moloch, Ashtorath, Meroth, Sun and the Elohim, but the dramatic fragment itself opens with a dialogue between Lucifer and Sun - Lucifer compelling obedience on the part of Sun ...
... "mud' mud, mud, mud of the subconscient. Can you not tell us a few words on this subconscient? By the grace of Freud and other psychologists, we have come to look upon it as Dante's Inferno or Michael's Hell. Your description seems to come close to it, but you've said somewhere that in this subconscient, there is formed and stored the impression, besides that of previous lives, of everything seen ...
... Auroville, after a long interval. I said, "Mother, I am getting worried, anxious about it, but hope to learn to get over it." Offering sent by Varadhrajan and Shyamala handed over. Michael's letter about an accident at Aurogarage was read. It was a miraculous escape for all. Udar's proposal to counteract the strike at All India Press by running it with the Ashram residents was approved ...
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