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53 result/s found for Navajata

... message about my work and place in Auroville. The arguments put forward by Navajata, adopted by Sri Aurobindo Society and supported by the top of the Ashram hierarchy to declare the above direction to be invalid were as follows : The message was meant for Udar only. In February 1971, Mother did not speak to Navajata about the work given to me, although in the normal course, he would have been... been asked. I had manipulated things with Mother to get authority in the temporary absence of Navajata. In any case, even if the Mother's direction is taken to be genuine, it stood replaced by the decision of the Society's Executive Committee to remove me from the work and to entrust it to Navajata. The following arguments were made from the Auroville side : Mother's message was valid... to the time after Navajata had taken over from me by virtue of the decision of his Executive Committee, but even for this period no distinction was made by his witnesses and the CBI. In the eighties Nata disclosed that in August 1970 Mother spoke to him of the mismanagement of Auroville and the sad state of affair there. It was clear to him that she wanted to replace Navajata when she said that ...

... Anger I heard of Roger Anger the day Mother spoke to Navajata about him in connection with Auroville. That was when the Auroville idea was just getting known. An offer was received from him in his firm's name for the architectural services to be rendered by him to Auroville. "I am giving you a costly architect," Mother said to Navajata when she gave him the paper of offer, and asked him, "Are... "Are you willing?" With his characteristic enthusiasm Navajata had expressed his readiness and given me the offer for comments. It was the usual commercial type of offer and needed a lot of finance. When I told Navajata that he was incurring a big liability by signing his acceptance, he hoped that in the course of Mother's working the offer and its acceptance would be forgotten and money for Roger's... disciples at the Ashram in general and among two of his friends, Page 71 Navajata and Udar, in particular. One day Mother spoke to both of them in the presence of Roger. This significant talk came out in the Bulletin. About 1975, when Roger started indulging in separate meetings with Navajata and others regarding Auroville affairs and issuing disharmonious notes in the name of the ...

... conversation Rani-di mentioned that a long time ago Navajata had offered to stay with the Mother all the time and help Her with all Her work, as Dada used to. Page 121 The Mother heard him and said: 'Yes, you can do that but I have a condition. Will you be able to fulfil that condition?' 'What is that condition, Mother?' Navajata asked. The Mother replied: 'No wrong thought... ' On hearing the condition Navajata did not insist any more. It isn't easy at all, this condition of the Mother. Not to let the slightest hint of a wrong thought enter the consciousness. Even for a second. Your mind should always remain full of faith, love and surrender like a flawless diamond. Like the immobile, clear morning sky. That is why Navajata used to say: 'I respect Pranab for... college studies and came away. I have not travelled anywhere nor do I have any experience of the outside world." I said that casually and fact I completely forgot about it later. Suddenly one day Navajata called me and said: The Mother wants you to go and see the Olympic Games. She has asked to make all the arrangements for you.' The 1964 Olympics were on in Mexico. "But Mother hasn't told ...

... You see, such was the battle. Yes... (silence) I saw only those two men, Navajata and Barun, being brushed aside by Mother’s dress. Nobody else. Both of them were actually the obstacles to the Work. 32 For a long time I didn’t really understand the noxious importance of that little man — for Navajata, I understood at once, but for Barun, I didn’t understand right away. Page... there: “So,” says sarcastically the letter, “after an Auroville ‘ gestion Navajata,’ an Auroville ‘ gestion Shyamsundar,’ we will have an Auroville ‘ gestion frangaise’ ...” Then, really, if such is the reaction in peoples minds, there is nothing left but to have an Auroville “ gestion nothingness” or call back Navajata, for, indeed, this is exactly the kind of force which is destroying or wants... closed, but she did not look around: she was staring straight ahead. And this man? Page 76 I was quite amazed to see this man rolling like that toward the Samadhi. Well, it was Navajata! I was so amazed to see him ... Brushed away. Brushed away by the hem of her dress. It was quite amazing. Mother made no effort at all, she was walking, she did not pause for a fraction of ...

... "Wait patiently." — Trees will not wait, they are cut daily and only a skeleton of the forest remains. This is exactly what is happening in every sphere, including Navajata. Wait patiently till nothing is left. Thus Mr. Navajata has his reign assured and he will go on reigning in spite of all our goodwill. Our goodwill is foolish indeed. Meanwhile we may create big Institutes, gather crores... array of black forces are behind Navajata, a huge wealth and a Tantric backing. This fits exactly with Mother's description in Agenda III of May 15, 1962, when She spoke of a physical organization around a false Sri Aurobindo, trying to establish a new and merciless Religion in the name of Sri Aurobindo, with the help of Tantrics. This is exactly what Navajata is doing. He is there to spoil and... after day.... Far from it! The battle of the Agenda took on even crueller dimensions which embraced the whole of India and further unmasked the game of the Forces. It was not until 1982 that Navajata would definitively lose his case in the Supreme Court of India, where he tried to have it recognised that "Sri Aurobindo is a new religion." This time (but probably even before I became aware ...

... Down Memory Lane Panditji At Calcutta I had heard of Panditji as an important visitor to the Ashram. Navajata spoke highly of him as a person of great siddhis and as one who had become very intimate with Mother. He was offered a seat in front of Mother ,a rare honour. He was a tantric yogi and spontaneously recognised the Divine Mother at the first sight. He... traditional custom of not bowing before a non-Indian or a woman. But when he came to Pondicherry in course of a pilgrimage and went to the Mother, he prostrated himself before her spontaneously. Navajata informed me that Panditji was highly qualified to be the Chief Priest of the Rameshwaram temple, but he had been denied the post by the local establishment. He said that Panditji wished to be the... express my feeling. My father took up the matter with his colleague whp was himself a learned and religious man. The subject was discussed a few times with some clarifications from Panditji through Navajata, but although Panditji's merits or suitability were not questioned, there was some scriptural injunction against a householder getting the appointment and that stood in the way. During my visit ...

... message about my work and place in Auroville. The arguments put forward by Navajata, adopted by Sri Aurobindo Society and supported by the top of the Ashram hierarchy to declare the above direction to be invalid were as follows : The message was meant for Udar only. In February 1971, Mother did not speak to Navajata about the work given to me, although in the normal course, he would have been... been asked. I had manipulated things with Mother to get authority in the temporary absence of Navajata. In any case, even if the Mother's direction is taken to be genuine, it stood replaced by the decision of the Society's Executive Committee to remove me from the work and to entrust it to Navajata. The following arguments were made from the Auroville side : Mother's message was valid... to the time after Navajata had taken over from me by virtue of the decision of his Executive Committee, but even for this period no distinction was made by his witnesses and the CBI. In the eighties Nata disclosed that in August 1970 Mother spoke to him of the mismanagement of Auroville and the sad state of affair there. It was clear to him that she wanted to replace Navajata when she said that ...

... lying just keep silent. There is a great strength in the power to keep silent." * * * 6.9.72 A moment of silence. * * * 7.9.72 Rs 25000 are brought by Navajata. It goes for Auroville's electricity, phone, maintenance expenses. Letters and requests for joining Auroville were disposed of. The little child came today also. Mother said, "He is... to Mother for her help in this knotty problem. And she helped. * * * 10.9.72 The weekly selection from Sri Aurobindo was read. She said, "Good." Last evening Navajata, Nandini Satpaty, Anjani and myself had a meeting for how to get support and funds for Auroville. Nandini of her own made the suggestion that a deputation should see Indira Gandhi with a request to... "No, Mother." * * * 19.2.73 Handkerchiefs from Bhavani offered. Aspiration Bakery has started regular production. A loaf offered to Mother. Rs 50000 are brought by Navajata for Auroville. Rs 10000 are given to Auroville by Aurocreation. Mother will not be the President of the Auroville Association, Santa Cruz. There are legal obligations. June Maher and others ...

... lying just keep silent. There is a great strength in the power to keep silent." * * * 6.9.72 A moment of silence. * * * 7.9.72 Rs 25000 are brought by Navajata. It goes for Auroville's electricity, phone, maintenance expenses. Letters and requests for joining Auroville were disposed of. The little child came today also. Mother said, "He is... to Mother for her help in this knotty problem. And she helped. * * * 10.9.72 The weekly selection from Sri Aurobindo was read. She said, "Good." Last evening Navajata, Nandini Satpaty, Anjani and myself had a meeting for how to get support and funds for Auroville. Nandini of her own made the suggestion that a deputation should see Indira Gandhi with a request to... "No, Mother." * * * 19.2.73 Handkerchiefs from Bhavani offered. Aspiration Bakery has started regular production. A loaf offered to Mother. Rs 50000 are brought by Navajata for Auroville. Rs 10000 are given to Auroville by Aurocreation. Mother will not be the President of the Auroville Association, Santa Cruz. There are legal obligations. June Maher and others ...

... ashramites, disciples of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo had gathered to enjoy that very special air that the programme had succeeded in creating.     The following day, Navajata-ji arrived accompanied by a gentleman in Red House. Navajata-ji introduced him to me as Mr Angadi who was from Karnataka but based in London. He was the editor of a journal called Asian Music . Handing me a copy of this journal... Aurobindo's Centenary The individual darshan I used to have of the Mother did not take place during Sri Aurobindo's centenary year. However, on two occasions, I came to know from Nolini-da and Navajata- Page-198 ji that the Mother had remembered me. The Pondicherry government celebrated Sri Aurobindo's centenary. Shri B.D. Jatti, a disciple of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, was the... Future wherever we go. That is my humble request to you." After listening to the gentleman, I requested him to write about his project to the Mother in detail. We would do whatever the Mother decided. Navajata- Page 201 ji could take the letter as he met the Mother daily. Both agreed with my suggestion and decided to send a letter to the Mother the following day.     After ...


... action, I blurted out, since I had just come from there, “Auroville”, even though I had no real interest in it. He immediately replied, “Go to meet Navajata.” Navajata was the Chairman of Sri Aurobindo Society which was sponsoring Auroville. I met Navajata who said he would ask the Mother about me. In a few days, he returned with word that the Mother had accepted me into Auroville. On October 10, 1969... Around Christmas of 1975, I was called into Navajata’s office for a visa interview. The interview has been published in Sun Word Rising , a book about Auroville written by Savitra a.k.a. Alan Lithman. Navajata told me that I would have to “collaborate” with the SAS or I would have to leave Auroville. My visa was in fact the first to be threatened. These methods only aggravated the situation. Under pressure ...


... Considering the initial difficulties in its way, one may well designate it a child of Divine Grace. In its origin it was the idea of a young businessman, Keshav-deo R. Poddar, now known as Navajata but even at that time secretly what the name signifies: 'The New-Born.' For, although not yet a resident of the Ashram, he was devoted to the cause of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Feeling the need... meant to make current the gold of a spiritual light at any material expense, and no calculation was made about the length of time it might take for this celestial coinage to be accepted. Navajata put his project before the Mother. She, in consultation with Sri Aurobindo, approved it. Then he proposed Amal Kiran (originally K. D. Sethna but known to the Aurobindonians by the name the Master... individuals pay attention, something will have been accomplished. Some time before the date of publication the Mother gave an interview at Pondicherry to all the Aurobindonians concerned: Navajata, Sethna, Soli Albless who had been appointed the Editor's associate, and Yogendra Rastogi who was Navajata's right-hand man for management. The Editor was rather worried over that part of his job ...

... attend when there would be some problem requiring my assistance. Andre also shared my feeling of relief. Once I was asked by Navajata to draft a resolution for the operation of the Bank accounts of Auroville by four persons Page 22 jointly viz Andre, Navajata, Roger Anger and Prem Malik. Till then Mother was the sole signatory in the Bank accounts and the volume of the Bank transactions... some work. One of our first contacts took place when the Comite Administratif d' Auroville was formed. The main enthusiasts behind this Administrative Committee of Auroville were Roger Anger and Navajata. I was inducted as a member in it and in this capacity I did attend its meetings, but I was not feeling happy. The meetings were held every week on the first floor of the Auroville office opposite... transactions was on the increase. There was rationality in the decision but Mother was not asked about the names of the signatories. The resolution was given to Navajata in the usual course for Mother's signature but he returned it saying that it should go through Andre. The resolution came back to me with Andre's note that Mother had deleted Malik's name and put my name and that she had also wished that I ...

... I met Paolo. He informed me that Roger was willing to change the Urn. But I came to know from an authentic source that Roger was insisting to Navajata to keep the present Urn—so Navajata declared that it was out of the question to alter it, or to give his consent. The people concerned gave Paolo the impression that the present Urn was the Mother's Vision and wish ...


... The Mother was the President of the Society as well, and Navajata was the Secretary. Navajata was the name the Mother gave Keshav Dev Poddar, a prominent Bombay businessman, who had organised the "Sri Aurobindo Circle" at Bombay in 1943 and later launched the fortnightly Mother India with K.D. Sethna as editor. The Mother knew that Navajata was born for her work, and so she had permitted him to wind ...


... would help exonerate Navajata and implicate me. The fact stated by him was incorrect and he said that he had written it under instruction from Navajata in whom he had implicit faith and who had sent a special messenger from Pondicherry to Bhubaneswar to get his signature on the letter. I compared the date and it was an interesting phenomenon. The messenger was sent by Navajata a few hours after he ...

... (PTD)—The foundation stone of "Auroville" new international cultural township, sponsored by the Sri Aurobindo Society, will be laid on February 28th next year, the General Secretary of the Society, Shri Navajata told Pressmen here today. The new township, about three miles from Pondicherry, would cover an area of 15 sq. miles. The twin conditions laid by the Mother of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram for those... the material realisation of that unity. The project was endorsed by the General Conference of UNESCO which met in Paris in October last year. It had been approved by the Government of India. Shri Navajata added: The township would take shape over the next 15 or 20 years, and eventually accommodate 50,000 residents. ...


... morning he said that Mother had said Yes and gave me the cash pleasantly. Once my request to see Mother, sent through Navajata, was not accepted. I was told that Mother had remarked, "But when he comes to me, he just stands still and does not do pranam and goes away." Navajata asked me whether I did not do pranam to Mother, and I replied that I always did. He said that he was going out next day and ...

... also my first trip to Europe and I carried a letter of introduction from Navajata who, I discovered on reaching there, had never met Carlo till then, but was known to him by name due to his association with Mother India of which Carlo was a subscriber and with Sri Aurobindo Society which was a rising star then. In fact, Navajata had assigned me the task of getting Carlo involved in the Society and ...

... rich person, and that is an act not permitted by law. Somewhere within me there was also the feeling that when Laljibhai wanted to pay and the Ashram was short of money, why should it be forgone. Navajata had cautioned me that Mother did not like to be told that she had no authority to do something she had Page 83 decided to do, but in spite of it I gave my honest legal advice that it... sickness which was only fever and then if I was simply lying in bed or doing some work also. Mother was happy to know that I was active. On an earlier occasion when I got fever, I was advised by Navajata that Mother did not like to receive people suffering from flu or even flowers from them. He reported my sickness with much concern. Mother wondered why that much of fever was disturbing us and expected ...

... passed. Considering the initial difficulties in its way, one may well designate it a child of Divine Grace. In its origin it was the idea of a young businessman, Kes-havdeo R. Poddar, now known as Navajata but even at that time secretly what the name signifies: "The New-born." For, although not yet a resident of the Ashram, he was devoted to the cause of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Feeling the need ...


... of spirit and matter in the mind of the world, particularly of free India. The proposal was really mooted by a young businessman from Bombay, Keshavdeo R. Poddar, named by the Mother Navajata, The New-born One, though he was not an Ashramite at that time. Sethna says, "...he conceived a paper which would busy itself with that world's problems without any narrow business concern" ...


... done exactly according to the Mother's wish and guidance they would not have gone through such a severe crisis as they are in now. I heard that the copy of the Report has already been given to Navajata. Yours Huta EXTRACT FROM THE DOCUMENT FOR THE FORD FOUNDATION: THE FIVE POINTS FOR WHICH MOTHER APPROVED THE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING APPROACH FOR THE BUILDING OF THE TOWN. Auroville is unique—not ...


... physical nature in both its strength and its weakness in order to take Mr. Everyman to the status of Superman. The "human condition" could be seen clearly from a remark she made in my presence. Navajata had had a severe attack of renal colic. One morning, when he met her/she asked him how he felt. He answered in a somewhat sad tone that a little pain still persisted in the kidney-region. The Mother ...


... contains some Sanskrit names given by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to disciples and devotees, with meanings such as Anurakta (lovingly devoted), Dyuman (the luminous one), Huta (the offered one), and Navajata (the new born). There is also some early regulations for the sadhaks of the Ashram. Part III Miscellany The Mother's Blessings My love and blessings are with you. Understand ...

... p. 284.) Page 774 The resolution was warmly applauded and unanimously passed by UNESCO, and it became the responsibility of Sri Aurobindo Society and its Secretary-Treasurer, Navajata, to take steps to get the project started mobilising the necessary support. On 19 June 1967, the foundation-stone of the advanced Guest House, Promesse, was laid on the edge of the proposed site of ...

... 148,152m, 341, 383m, 640, 646, 690 Naoroji, Dadabhai, 11, 190, 227, 228, 273 Napoleon, 20 Narayana Guru, 16 National Value of Art, The, 337, 353, 354-55 Navajata, 775 Nava Sakti, 284, 308 Nehru, Jawaharlal, 490,728,735 Nehru, Motilal, 229, 522,531 Netter, William T., 778 Nevinson, Henry, 205,207,269 New ...

... of 'Savitri' (1962). 88. Quoted by J. B. Leishman, in his Introduction to Rilke's Poems, pp. 18-19 Chapter 27: Identity with God 1. Quoted in Sri; Aurobindo by Navajata (1972), p. 92 2. Nirodbaran's Sri Aurobindo: 'I am here, I am here', in Mother India, May 1951 3. Purani, Evening Talks, First Series p. 111 4. Ibid., p ...

... in English Verse (1958); A Study of 'Savitri'(1962); The Glory and the Good: Essays on Literature (1965); Subramania Bharati (1968) Naravane, V. S. Modern Indian Thought (1964) Navajata, Sri Aurobindo (1972) Nevinson, Henry W. The New Spirit in India (1908) Nirodbaran, Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo (1954); Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo: Part II (Humour) ...

... photographs, and started working with his team of associates, duly taking note of the Mother's vision, the proposed terrain, and the local circumstances. The Mother continued to advise, guide and inspire Navajata and Sri Aurobindo Society in their endeavours to campaign for Auroville and win global approbation and support for the great futuristic adventure. Now and then she also issued statements throwing ...


... ministry in my survey of "The Mother's Birth Centenary" (Sri Aurobindo Circle, 1978, pp. 69-92), in my essay "Words on the Mother's Words" (Sri Aurobindo Circle, 1991, pp.66-91), and in my two Shri Navajata Memorial Lectures on "Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: Their Teaching, Self-revelation and Yogic Action" (Pondicherry University, 1988). The second edition of On the Mother has been out of print ...


... heads of departments - the sadhaks in charge of the divers services - Pavitra, the Director and Kireet, the Registrar of the Centre of Education, Udar with his finger on the pulse of many things, Navajata with his global plans for Sri Aurobindo Society, Prapatti with his expanding "Navajyoti" organisation in the service of the Mother, Madhav Pandit, so poised with his canalised spirituality and in ...


... recorded. I may give one more instance, a bit long though. One morning he requested me to go to Auroville to quieten a group of residents there who were planning some disorderly acts against Navajata. He also added that I would not be able to return in time for the scheduled meeting of the Executive Committee of the Society and that as he would be attending that meeting he would take care of the ...

... with him started and grew there only, as it must have been in the case of most of his friends and acquaintances. In my early days, when I received from Mother a big birthday card, clad in silk, Navajata complimented Champaklal for it. "I only made the card," Champaklal protested, "It is Mother who chose it." Champaklal always tried to be exact in his words, and in acceptance of compliments, whereas ...

... with a litigation between my father and Raja Narayanlal Bansilal Pittic and once I wanted to consult a specialist in company law there. My friend and well-wisher Keshavdeo R. Poddar (later named Navajata by the Mother), who was still in Bombay involved in business, advised me to see one Mr. Sethna who was well known to him and an appointment was made by him.   At the appointed hour I reached ...


... only I but also a friend of mine was involved. Owing to a disturbance in the established management of Mother India the whole responsibility of running it fell practically on my shoulders, with Navajata appointed by the Mother as a background support. As I was all alone he provided to me a young man from Orissa as a helper. He was a very good-hearted and willing assistant, but his future was ...


... was felt a new journal taking a spiritual look at Page 418 Indian and world problems was desirable. The young Bombay businessman, Keshavdeo Poddar (later known as Navajata), accordingly helped to launch Mother India as a fortnightly with K.D. Sethna as editor, and he was promised ready guidance from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. A few years later, the journal ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Later the Mother told Nolini Kanta Gupta, Counouma, Dyuman, André, Amrita, Champaklal, Vasudha, Navajata and others that I had received the correct vision. It was nice to read the Mother's talk of 23-6-65 in Mother India, Monthly Review of Culture , special issue of February 1967: Have you heard of Auroville? For a long ...


... Hindocha the sum of rupees one thousand only, cash, as offering for Matrimandir (lotus). For Sri Aurobindo Society Shyamsunder (Secretary) When Pourna Prema came back from Paris she met Navajata twice and apprised him of the lotus matter. There was no response. On the contrary, he wrote to Roger that whatever he said was right—the Urn would remain as it was, ac-cording to the Mother's Vision ...


... States. She said that when a person went up to the lotus-urn and faced East, the lotus should be in front of him. Pourna Prema revealed this truth to several prominent people concerned, including Navajata. M. André, the Mother's son, also told me that the present urn was not according to the Mother's idea or vision. Janine, M. André's elder daughter said to me the same. Vasudha, the Mother's personal ...


... André on 29.8.75: Dear M. André, Thank you so much for your kind letter. We all know the situation of Auroville. We can only pray to the Mother to set everything right. I have heard that Navajata wishes Panditji of Rameshwaram to put "Yantra" in the Matrimandir. Yantra means diagram believed to possess magical or occult powers. The term is derived from Yam, meaning, "to hold, curb or restrain ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Navajata, the Secretary of the Sri Aurobindo Society, took me to the chosen place on 29.12.65, a Wednesday, in the morning. It was a barren land—almost a plateau, without any trees save a lone banyan tree on a slightly raised ground that witnessed all the ups and downs of the vast land and Nature's moods. I heard that somebody ...


... of Rs. 14,877/- (Fourteen Thousand Right Hundred And Seventy Seven only) for the construction of her pavilion at the Matrimandir of Auroville. Signed for the Sri Aurobindo Society, Auroville by Navajata General Secretary Also the Mother remarked: 14877 is an occult number : According to the Mother: Number 1 is the One Number 4 is Manifestation, Perfection Number 8 is Occult ...


... mantra itself is :- Supreme Lord, Eternal Truth Let us obey Thee alone and live according to Truth Page 61 Naturally, this has been the mantra for Sri Aurobindo's Action. Navajata was very unhappy with Sri Aurobindo's Action from the beginning and Mother had mentioned it to me in June 1970 itself. He and his club could never reconcile themselves with Sri Aurobindo's Action ...

... 536-7 Mussolini Benito 395ff, 403-4, 430 Nag, Dr Kalidas 534 Nandini Satpathy 778 Napoleon Bonaparte 405 Narayan Prasad 244, 320, 349, 354-5, 359, 434, 691 Naresh Bahadur 362, 652 Navajata (Keshavdev Poddar) 686, 691, 726, 816 Nehru, Jawaharlal see Jawaharlal New Age Association 716-7, 727, 739, 745, 764, 780, 816 Nietzsche 181 Nirodbaran Talukdar 136, 164, 230, 273ff, 282 ...


... similar fire was burning near the banyan tree and the lotus-shaped jar [Kumbha] where the foundation of Auroville was laid. Mr. Anger brought us to the site which was a deeply-dug-up square. Nolini, Navajata, Mr. Anger and Auroville's first citizen Aurofilio, a child of about 5, went down the square. We saw another deeper square inside this square. This was the place for laying the foundation-stone.. ...


... ill and all our meetings stopped. When she had recovered, some interviews were gradually resumed." 10 Dyuman, who used to serve her meals, and Nolini, Madhav Pandit, Counouma, Madanlal Himatsingka, Navajata, Page 816 Shyam Sunder, Udar, went up to the Mother, not for long discussions but "just come and go". B.D. Jatti was allowed to go up to her in the second week of April and receive her ...


... of falsehood and darkness and division and hatred - that the time had come to take further concrete steps towards an extension of the ideal adumbrated in that seminal declaration. She found in Navajata, Secretary of Sri Aurobindo Society, an intrepid evangelist, and so the Auroville idea, like a 'seed of grandeur', was cast on the consciousness of the world. As the Mother observed on 8 September ...


... Bombay for my second assignment, viz, to meet G.D. Birla. He was known to be antagonistic to the Mother and the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. So much so that he was refusing to see people coming from there. Navajata was anxious to have his financial support and told me that although Mother had been showing little interest in the Birlas, my Bombay visit was approved by her. At Delhi I took a letter of introduction ...

... letter in which he expressed his resentment against it, but the Society paid no heed to it. Later, as a result of the intervention of Nathmal Himatsingka, a respected well-wisher from Calcutta, Navajata agreed to withdraw these suits for all the accounts were already in their hands. Here also, although the suit against Manju was withdrawn, the suit against me was not, which fact was discovered when ...

... only the doors of the gate have been replaced. Upstairs, on the eastern side, where Abhay Singh's rooms are, there was just one room and it was allotted to Doraiswami. On the opposite side, where Navajata's rooms are, there was a large terrace in which pots of rose plants were kept. Mother was deeply interested in roses, so Amrita maintained that garden and Barin tended the plants. This is why that ...

... Golconde Gate. Amal-da announced his name as "GGG - Glory of Golconde Gate".   For quite many years, around 4 p.m., I used to go to the Samadhi with the Agarbattis given by our dear Ammaji (Navajata's mother). It so happened that it was also Amal-da's time to visit the Ashram. Mostly we used to pass by with a smile without any talk, but that smile was more than enough to keep the rapport intact ...

... months later he wrote again saying that somehow the ideal accommodation had been snatched out of Amrita's hands: I was asked to come to Pondicherry myself and help find a flat. I phoned to Navajata's travel agency and booked a train-ticket. The next day I went by bus to collect it. As I alighted at the stop nearest to the office I was hailed by a young Muslim whom I had met a year earlier ...