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Pastorals : by Pope (q.v.) written when he was sixteen; & published in 1709.
... only with this part of life that eighteenth-century poetry deals. The country is only treated as a subject of ridicule as in Gay's Shepherd's Week or of purely conventional description as in Pope's Pastorals and Windsor Forest. 1 3d As a natural result of this, the exclusion of external Nature. The sense of natural beauty is quite absent from eighteenth-century poetry and we do not have even so... false or conventional pastoral; i.e. to say a mechanical imitation of Latin & Greek rural poetry, & especially when they try to write love poetry, they use Latin & Greek pastoral names; but these pastorals have nothing to do with any real country life past or present, nor do they describe any rural surroundings and scenery that ever existed, but are mere literary exercises. ...
... this technique depends on the power of the Page 362 writer to discover and sustain the true movement of the hexameter, its spirit and character, such as we find it in the ancient epics, pastorals, epistles, satires in which it was used with a supreme greatness or a consummate mastery. That movement can be of many kinds; it admits a considerable variation of pace, sometimes swift, sometimes ...
... Gods grown men, holding the world in their hearts And breaking with its beauty and its bale And washing with blood of roses every limb! The epic's hurricane, the lyric's gurgle, "The pastoral's tremolo of bending reeds, The drama's splendoured hells and darkling heavens— And through them all the Voice without a name, Crying beyond power, passion, pleasure, pang, Hushing ...
... grown men, holding the world in their hearts And breaking with its beauty and its bale And washing with blood of roses every limb! The epic's hurricane, the lyric's gurgle, The pastoral's tremolo of bending reeds, The drama's splendoured hells and darkling heavens— And through them all the Voice without a name, Crying beyond power, passion, pleasure, pang, Hushing ...
... explosion finally occurred, in August 1914, it was greeted in all concerned countries with jubilation, caused by an instantaneous inflation of the national egos. The Archbishop of Cambrai proclaimed in a pastoral letter: “The French soldiers feel more or less strongly and clearly that they are soldiers of Christ and Mary, defenders of the Faith, and that dying in the French way means dying in the Christian ...
... elements are taken up and assigned their place in a complete psycho-spiritual and psycho-physical science of Yoga. Its popular form in the Vaishnava religion centres round the mystic apologue of the pastoral life of the child Krishna. In the Vishnu Purana the tale of Krishna is a heroic saga of the divine Avatar; in later Puranas we see the aesthetic and erotic symbol developing and in the Bhagavat it ...
... barbarians, but had their psychological ideas and were capable of creating mythological symbols which represent not only those obvious operations of physical Nature that interested their agricultural, pastoral and open-air life, but also the inner operations of the mind and soul. If we have to conceive the history of ancient religious thought as a progression from the physical to the Page 91 ... seven rays or cows are Aditi the infinite Mother, the Cow unslayable, supreme Nature or infinite Consciousness, pristine source of the later idea of Prakriti or Shakti,—the Purusha is in this early pastoral imagery the Bull, Vrishabha,—the Mother of things taking form on the seven planes of her world-action as energy of conscious being. So also, the seven rivers are conscious currents corresponding to ...
... city cannot refer to these: the Vedic peoples themselves could by no stretch of imagination be city-dwellers, it being overwhelmingly obvious from the internal evidence of the Rgveda that they were pastoral nomads after all. Therefore, before the discovery of Mohenjo-dāro and Harappā - soon followed by the discovery of many other cities within the Harappān cultural zone - there could at best be some... and warriors." Mark the comparative "oftener". So, if pur meant city or town, the Vedic peoples have to be thought of as living in at least some cities or towns of their own and not being absolutely pastoral and nomadic. Surely, here is an anomaly - and a gigantic one too. For, as Chanda writes: "In one stanza (7.15.14), an extensive (śatabhuji) Pur made of copper or iron (ayas) is referred to. In... vision are three facts. One we have already touched upon - namely, that the Rigvedics ascribe mighty forts not only to their enemies but also now and then to themselves and thus spoil the picture of pastoral nomads pitted against great city-builders. The second fact is that - as my book has already stressed - the puras they speak of go far beyond anything we can find of human city-building at the time ...
... is enough for them that Max Muller should have found henotheism in the Vedas for the Vedas to be henotheistic. The Europeans have seen in our Veda only the rude chants of an antique and primitive pastoral race sung in honour of the forces of Nature, and for many their opinion is conclusive of the significance of the mantras . All other interpretation is to them superstitious. But to me the ingenious ...
... dancing but no movement. (Pp.120-121) Indeed, this is beauty cleansed and translucent, a beauty of the eternal Ionian sky. How limpid and serene, yet pulsating with a coursing life is this pastoral: In the sky the clouds were ringlets; here and there A trumpet of gold and rose: the approaching dusk. In the scanty grass and among the thorns there roamed Thin breaths ...
... Ways; A dancing but no movement.³ Indeed, this is beauty cleansed and translucent, a beauty of the eternal Ionian sky. How limpid and serene, yet pulsating with a coursing life is this pastoral: ¹ "Postscript", From Log Book II. ² "Salamis in Cyprus", From Log Book III. ³ "Engomi", Ibid. Page 195 In the sky the clouds were ringlets; here and there A trumpet ...
... a pastor at Lille, in France," Mother narrated to Satprem, "for perhaps ten years; he had practised his religion a lot, but dropped it all as soon as he began to study occultism. At first, for his pastoral examinations, he had had to specialize Page 270 in theological philosophy, studying all the modern philosophy of Europe —he had a rather remarkable metaphysical brain." He even published ...
... waves swept from the steppes to the Doab. It is more likely that Indo-European-speaking pastoral tribes of a variety of traditions and probably of a diversity of ethnic background gradually infiltrated the fertile plain from Peshawar to the Punjab. This pattern of movement is more characteristic of pastoral peoples than the great migration historians are prone to dramatize. As pastoralists they may ...
... Fair attitude! with brede Of marble men and maidens overwrought, With forest branches and the trodden weed; Thou, silent form, dost tease us out of thought As doth eternity: Cold Pastoral! When old age shall this generation waste, Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say'st, "Beauty is truth, truth, beauty," — that is... unheard which led us to sculpture's essence of Spirit — essence later connected to religious mystery — finds intense though brief illumination. Then the Urn is again apostrophised. It is called "Cold Pastoral!" The meaning of the noun is: "a play, poem or picture portraying country life." Here there is a marble picture, as it were — a picture that is cold because marble is cold and also because there is ...
... Gods have replaced the Vedic names or else these have remained but with only an external and diminished significance; the Vedic ritual, well-nigh obsolete, has lost its profound symbolic meaning; the pastoral, martial and rural images of the early Aryan poets sound remote, inappropriate, or, if natural and beautiful, yet void of the old deeper significance to the imagination of their descendants. Confronted ...
... asserts that it is true, that only certain heroic themes can be treated in English hexameter (the most practised of the numerous types of Quantitative Verse), This has nowhere been said; epic, pastoral, epistle, satire, familiar speech, poems of reflection have all been admitted,—only there must be either power or beauty. then the utility of the suggested adoption of verse based on quantity ...
... and from this adventure I will pass to a more dangerous liberty - a slight modification in a passage that has become famous. I refer to the grand finale of Keats's Ode on a Grecian Urn: Cold Pastoral! When old age shall this generation waste, Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say'st, "Beauty is truth, truth beauty", - that is all ...
... Therefore are you participants in praise Page 247 With Armin and Viriathus; you stand The last of Freedom's children and your land Her latest foothold upon earth; nor can Your rugged pastoral mood disguise the man Identical at Salamis who waged Unequal battle and in salt floods assuaged The Persian's lust of rule. Miltiades Is grown your brother; the strong Tyrolese Hold out their ...
... and tend to the universal. He was born out of a victorious harmony. His qualities join pure and Page 152 gracious hands and link themselves together naturally and with delight as in the pastoral round of Brindavan, divine Krishna dominating and holding together its perfect circles. To evolve in the sense of the God is to grow in intuition, in light, in joy, in love, in happy mastery; to serve ...
... g waves swept from the steppes to the Doab. It is more likely that Indo-European-speaking pastoral tribes of a variety of traditions and probably of a diversity of ethnic background gradually infiltrated the fertile plain from Peshawar to the Punjab. This pattern of movement is more characteristic of pastoral peoples than the great migration historians are prone to dramatize. As pastoralists they may ...
... is given one of the priest's daughters to marry. Moses then settles down in Midian, where he leads a _____________ *plight: a condition of extreme hardship or danger. Page 99 pastoral'-'" life for several years when suddenly the first of several great encounters between God and Moses occurs. The Burning Bush One day, an angel of the Lord appears to him in a fire blazing... of Egypt?" (Exodus 3: 9-11). The more Moses refuses, the more God insists. It is obvious that Moses totally lacks the confidence to take up the task God has given ____________ * pastoral: simple country life; relating to shepherds, their work and way of life. Page 100 him. However, as Moses performs the necessary commands given him by God, his character develops. ...
... Indus sites which find no mention in the Rigveda: wheat, rice, cotton, tiger, ass, camel, and indeed the urban and commercial character of the civilisation itself is at variance with the contrasting pastoral worldview. While supportive of the precedence of the Rigveda, this can fairly be said to be neither here nor there. There is, however, the mention of horses and chariots in the Rigveda, and these ...
... of this system for all but the simplest form of agricultural and pastoral life and all but the small people living within a very limited area that compelled the problem of the evolution of a more complex communal system and a modified and more intricate application of the fundamental Indian principle. The agricultural and pastoral life common at first to Page 408 all the members of the ...
... battle between the children. of Light and the sons of Night. Thirdly, the Vedic Rishis spoke of these things in a fixed system of images taken from Nature and from the surrounding life of the warlike pastoral and agricultural Aryan people and centred around the cult of Fire and the worship of the Powers of living Nature and the institution of sacrifice. But they looked upon these images as symbols, which ...
... That the people should not find out the real Truth was their intention; they wanted them only to know the outward truths for which they were fit. This picture of Vedic society [ a completely pastoral life, without priests or warriors ] could easily be challenged. The householder may have lit daily the fire on the household altar, but when he wanted to offer a sacrifice he did it with the aid of ...
... ornaments has fallen away; what is normal, common, commonplace – not the pomp of vernal lush but merely the sobriety of autumn – is now enough; the aspiration of these mellow days resembles the sweet, pastoral tune of the religious mendicant's one-stringed lyre. From the golden beach of the other shore Imbedded in darkness What enchantment came with a song upsetting my work? Page 189 ...
... intellectualism in Greece killed poetry; it ended in the comedy of Menander, the intellectual artificialities of Alexandrianism, the last flush of beauty in the aesthetic pseudo-naturalism of the Sicilian pastoral poetry; philosophy occupied the field. In the more rich and complex modern mind this result could not so easily come and has not yet come. At the same time the really great, perfect and securely ...
... France, for perhaps ten years; he was quite a practicing Christian, but he dropped it all as soon as he began to study occultism. He had first specialized in theological philosophy in order to pass the pastoral examinations, studying all the modem philosophy of Europe (he had a rather remarkable metaphysical brain). Then I met him in connection with Theon and the Cosmic Review , and I led him into occult ...
... attitude! with brede Of marble men and maidens overwrought, With forest branches and the trodden weed; Thou, silent form, dost tease us out of thought As doth eternity: Cold Pastoral! When old age shall this generation waste, Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say'st, 'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,' - that is ...
... turn to find flaws in it, such as the pseudo-pastoral setting, the too powerful intrusion of St. Peter and puritan theological controversy into that incongruous setting and the image of the hungry sheep which someone not in sympathy with Christian feeling and traditional imagery might find even ludicrous or at least odd in its identification of pseudo-pastoral sheep and theological human sheep: but these ...
... booty given by the gods to the human warrior, and a journey and a sacrifice; and of these things they spoke in a fixed system of images taken from Nature and from the surrounding life of the war-like, pastoral and agricultural Aryan peoples and centred round the cult of Fire and the worship of the powers of living Nature and the institution of sacrifice. The details of outward existence and of the sacrifice ...
... thinkers. We fail to see how there could have been nothing between the early savage and Plato or the Upanishads. 10 Yet the exegetes of the Veda are not wholly wrong, for the Rishis did live among pastoral tribes, and it was through familiar material symbols that those men had to be brought in communion with what was beyond immediate appearances ; they had to be taken at their level, with their need ...
... Principle and the source of the Beatitude. The Deva is indeed, whether attracting and exalted there or here helpful to us in the person of the greater Gods, always the Friend and Lover of man, the pastoral Master of the Herds who gives us the sweet milk and the clarified butter from the udder of the shining Cow of the infinitude. He is the source and outpourer of the ambrosial Wine of divine delight ...
... into symbols and covers for their secret meaning. Just as they used the ambiguity of the word go , which means both ray and cow, so as to make the concrete figure of the cow, the chief form of their pastoral wealth, a cover for its hidden sense of the inner light which was the chief element in the spiritual wealth they coveted from the gods, so also they would use their own names, Gotama "most full of ...
... elements are taken up and assigned their place in a complete psycho-spiritual and psycho-physical science of Yoga. Its popular form in the Vaishnava religion centres round the mystic apologue of the pastoral life of the child Krishna. In the Vishnu Purana the tale of Krishna is a heroic saga of the divine Avatar: in later Puranas we see the aesthetic and erotic symbol developing and in the Bhagavat it ...
... d then there is the world of horizontal vibrations which come in at their own sweet whim and make us jump here or there; it is an infernal fandango compared to which our rush-hour traffic seems a pastoral dream. And everyday, we add some new “knowledge,” new encounters, new and wonderful "points of view” to this strange mixture, but all along there is nothing new in all that, except a gigantic mental ...
... manifests himself in the growth of the creature. The Supreme Reality is a triple divine principle and the source of the Beatitude. That Reality, the deva, is the Friend and Lover of man, the pastoral Master of the Herds, who gives us the sweet milk and the clarified butter from the udder of the shinning cow of the infinitude, Aditi. This deva is to be found by the soul of man who soars as ...
... to and lives with non-believers and tries to convert them to his/her religion, for example, Christian or Islamic missionaries. ostentation: using one's wealth in a showy way for all to see;' pastoral: simple country life; relating to shepherds, their work and way of life. Page 128 plague: a disease that quickly spreads to many of the people of a region. plight: a condition ...
... time." ¹ He felt infinitely relieved when he got back to Manchester. The Rev. W. H. Drewett was in pastoral charge in 1879² but in 1881 he resigned his living on account of differences with the deacons. ³ He is mentioned in the Church register in 1882 as staying in Manchester but "without pastoral charge". So he was in Manchester up to 1882, but later on, before 1884, he seems to have immigrated ...
... may have between themselves observable affinities without identical authorship. Just as affinities have been discerned as regards Luke's Gospel and Acts, "some scholars have associated Luke with the Pastoral Letters [1 and 2 Timothy, and Titus] and the Letter to the Hebrews either as author or as amanuensis because of linguistic and other similarities with the Gospel and the Acts". 37 The majority opinion ...
... old and the new, and opened a new chapter of the unfolding Future Poetry. Again, as Sri Aurobindo points out, the hexameter is made for nobler purposes, and it is a fit medium of epic or pastoral or of a powerful or forcefully pointed expression of thought and observation. Considering that the theme of Ilion requires great power and beauty and deals with the epic struggle of destinies ...
... given by the gods to the human warrior, and a journey and a sacrifice. The Vedic poets spoke of these things in a fixed system of images taken from Nature and from the surrounding life of the warlike, pastoral and agricultural Aryan peoples. And these images centred around the cult of Fire and the worship of the powers of living Nature and the institution of sacrifice. The Vedic poets used for their expression ...
... other side of the cage—dreams, a dark or shining jumble, question marks and disconcerting encounters, and all this is put back into the language of the cage upon returning: it is a translation of the pastoral life, or not, by a perpetual prisoner who has never set eyes on a real field. We can say whatever we like, but it is never these eyes which see, these eyes will have to decay in order to see differently ...
... to find flaws in it, such as the pseudo-pastoral setting, the too powerful intrusion of St. Peter and puritan theological controversy into that incongruous setting and the image of the hungry sheep which someone not in sympathy with Christian feeling and traditional imagery might find even ludicrous or at least odd in its identification of pseudo-pastoral sheep and theological human sheep: but these ...
... best, certain general influences from poets preceding or contemporary. The Nature-poems, start-lingly fresh though they are as a whole, share in details the vocabulary of Edmund Blunden's inspired pastoralism enamoured of the English countryside. The magic vision within many verses casts our mind back to Yeats's Celticism and here and there is a drift of dreamy fancifulness not very far removed from de ...
... by the gods to the human warrior, and a journey and a sacrifice. The Vedic poets spoke of these things in a fixed system of images taken from Nature and from the surrounding life of the war-like, pastoral and agricultural Aryan peoples. And these images centred round the cult of Fire and the worship of the powers of living Nature and the institution of sacrifice. The Vedic poets used for their expression ...
... Bhaga, the Aswins, Ribhus, Page 677 Maruts, Rudra, Vishnu, Saraswati, with the object of provoking by the sacrifice the gifts of the gods,—cows, horses, gold and other forms of wealth of a pastoral people, victory over enemies, safety in travel, sons, servants, prosperity, every kind of material good fortune. But behind this mask of primitive and materialistic naturalism, lay another and esoteric ...
... France, for perhaps ten years; he was quite a practising Christian, but he dropped it all as soon as he began to study occultism. He had first specialised in theological philosophy in order to pass the pastoral examinations, studying all the modern philosophy of Europe (he had a rather remarkable metaphysical brain). Then I met him in connection with Theon and the Cosmic Review, and I led him into occult ...
... these scriptures was simply due to the traditional superstition devoid of any rational cause. According to them, the Vedas are the first attempt of man at literature. They are a mere collection of pastoral songs comparable to the lispings of a baby. Man in his uncultured and innocent state used to feel every object infused with life and imagined spirits behind the forces Nature. Therefore he prayed ...
... [direct knowledge] is more important. The heterodox on the other hand swear by Max Müller and the Europeans----The Europeans have seen in our Veda only the rude chants of an antique and primitive pastoral race sung in honour of the forces of Nature, and for many their opinion is conclusive of the significance of the mantras. All other interpretation is to them superstitious. But to me the ingenious... but as yet without any approach to a decision. 40 * * * Page 113 August, 1915 The Vedic ritual, well-nigh obsolete, has lost its profound symbolic meaning; the pastoral, martial and rural images of the early Aryan poets sound remote, inappropriate, or, if natural and beautiful, yet void of the old deeper significance to the imagination of their descendants. Confronted ...
... Sanscrit father addresses her in the orthodox fashion duhitar , O milkmaid; Greek, as well as German & English parents follow suit with thugater , Tochter , and daughter , but Latin has abandoned its pastoral ideas, knows nothing of duhitā and uses a word filia which has no conceivable connection with the milk-pail & is not connected with any variant for daughter in the kindred tongues.Was Latin then ...
... aesthesis that Page 36 were the constituents of their genius. Thus, a medium technically full of rhythmic resources of beauty and power got lifted to climax after climax of epic and pastoral and satire. Where in Longfellow or Clough, the two most famous among the accentual hexametrists, is any burst of climaxes in an adequate medium? Even Kingsley who is better at construction and me ...
... to thy breast's hill-cavern winds. 15 Such poetry may be sensuous? but it is not really sensual, this sense of love-play between young cowherdesses and the dark-hued boyish Krishna is more a pastoral - or even proletarian - version of divine love than an exercise in eroticism, .and although the imagery is often bold, often audacious, often even outlandish, there is seldom any suggestion of ...
... shepherds. MR JOURDAIN. But why shepherds again? It always seems to be shepherds. MUSIC MASTER. Because, if you are to have people discoursing in song, you must for verisimilitude conform to the pastoral convention. Singing has always been associated with shepherds. It would not seem natural for princes or ordinary folk for that matter, to be indulging their passions in song. Page 187 ...
... The earliest of all, The Witch of Ilni, dated October 1891, is now included in Volume 7 of Centenary Library Edition. This 600-line long, but fragmentary, piece is redolent of Elizabethan pastoral romance. The opening song - Under the darkling tree , Who danceth with thee, Sister, say? inevitably recalls Shakespeare's 'Under the greenwood tree', and in the Wood-lands ...
... activity of mind, abundant in perfect forms of thought and inner vision, is Page 365 the first aim of the sacrifice in this Sukta. But there is a deeper subtlety concealed in this vigorous pastoral simile which, once we have grasped its principle, opens new doors on the significance and value of words in the Veda. Go in the Vedic tongue is not confined to the ordinary sense, cattle, but means ...
... of Rāma and Śrī Krsna, I shal jump down from the chariot and prostrate in truth and in reality at their feet, which Yogis can only meditate upon in their mind. I shall also bow down before their pastoral comrades. 16. Would not the Infinite One place on my head, lying prostrate at His feet, those blessed hands that give refuge to all those who run to Him out of fear of the speed with which the serpent ...
... According to him, they are the people we know of through the Rigveda as the enemies of the Aryans: the Dāsa-Dasyus of whom the Panis are one sect. These enemies, in Parpola's exposition, are neither the pastoral Dravidian aborigines they were once thought to be with their small palisades termed 'forts' in the Rigveda, nor the urban inhabitants of the Indus Civilization whom Wheeler and some others took to... cemeteries of late Strednij Stog culture indicate that society was now stratified and dominated by raiding warriors. During the following Pit Grave (Yamna) culture dated to c. 3500-2800 B.C., full-scale pastoral technology, including the domesticated horse, wheeled vehicles, stock-breeding and limited horticulture, spread now eastwards over the vast lowland steppes, which earlier were largely uninhabited ...
... Resurrection, they could question the rising of the dead at the world's termination. Since this rising follows from that of Jesus, the two * 1 and 2 Timothy as well as Titus (all termed "Pastoral Letters") are under dispute for authorship. The Jerusalem Bible (p. 264), in spite of their lacking in Paul's distinctive style and vocabulary, inclines nonetheless for several reasons to attribute ...
... 1934 I had written the explanation of the cryptic lines, but wrote it in the wrong place, so I did not send it. I do it now. It means—"Her name sweeter to speak (repeat) than the sweetness of pastoral poetry could make the white hand when writing it as if brighter than its wont and gave a deeper colour to the lips that uttered it (then, in these past days), but it is now a dead and forgotten thing ...
... could pierce not his iron refusal. "Echemus, surely thy vaunt has reached me, but unfelt is thy spear-point. Weak are men's arms, it seems, in Hellas; a boy there Ares Aims with reeds not spears at pastoral cheeses not iron. Judge now my strength." Two spears from him ran at the hearts of his foemen. Crouching Thretaon heard the keen death over him whistle; Ascanus hurt in the shoulder cried out and ...
... paintings, with photos and panegyric of the fellow, followed by a sequence on torture in Guatemala (or I don't know where), followed by a slot on heroin traffic; then an arrangement of Beethoven (the Pastoral Symphony) for Oceanian music with Polynesian "yoyo-yeye" — it was a grace if I did not go insane. But I was completely devastated. Even Hitler had not devastated me to such an extent. I spare ...
... to admit that Jesus Christ came in the flesh". Thus we may aver that the "heresy" became full-fledged a little later than Matthew. But distinct beginnings may' be spotted earlier. Reviewing the Pastoral Epistles (1 and 2 Timothy and Titus) in the immediate wake of Paul or even at the term of Paul's own time if they can be attributed to him, Earnest F. Scott 73 underlines one of their "main interests" ...
... self, inner life and worldly life. What we need is a total life; we need to live the truth of our being every day, at every moment, not only on holidays or in solitude, and blissful meditations in pastoral settings simply will not achieve this. We may get incrusted in our spiritual seclusion and find it difficult later on to pour ourselves triumphantly outwards and apply to life our gains in the higher ...
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