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Perseus : son of Zeus & Danaë.

53 result/s found for Perseus

... the flood, A floating mountain. Perseus comes to me Touching the waves with airy-sandalled feet, Bright and victorious. Perseus returns. PERSEUS The grisly beast is slain that was thy terror, And thou mayst sun the world with smiles again, Andromeda. Page 489 ANDROMEDA Thou hast delivered me, O Perseus, Perseus, My sovereign! PERSEUS Girl, I take into my arms ... sacrifices Perseus? THEROPS Speak! is there A fool so death-devoted? PERSEUS Claims any man victims? CRIES There's none, great Perseus. PERSEUS Then, I here release Andromeda and Iolaus, Syrians, From the death-doom: to Cepheus give his crown Once more. Does any man gainsay my action? Would any rule in Syria? CRIES None, mighty Perseus. PERSEUS Iolaus,... Men thou needst not fear; but, Perseus, Poseidon's wrath will wake, whose lightest motion Is deadly. PERSEUS Mine is not harmless. IOLAUS Against gods What can a mortal's anger do? PERSEUS We'll talk With those pale merchants. Wait for me; I bring Herpe my sword. CYDONE The wallet, Perseus! leave not the dear wallet! Perseus goes out towards the cottage. ...


... chains, and lift me in thy arms To safety? 17 Perseus comes indeed, and the horror - the grisly beast - is slain, and Andromeda is free and is in the sungod's arms. Elsewhere Polydaon is busy condemning Iolaus, Cepheus and Cassiopea to death, but at the nick of time Perseus intervenes:   Page 126 Syrians, I am Perseus, The mighty son of Zeus and Danae. The blood... "inner" life. II Perseus the Deliverer is something of a tour-de-force - for it asked for not a little boldness on Sri Aurobindo's part to embark upon this adventure of rendering a greek myth in the language of modern thought* - that satisfies us as drama, as poetry, and also as an imaginative presentation of the ideas of evolution and progress. Perseus, the heroic hero of ancient... to the cliff, the insane inflated blood-lust of a Polydaon revelling in images of horror, or yet the radiant serenity, the confident strength and the prophetic aura of a Perseus. Although the "heroic" characters - Perseus, Cassiopea, Andromeda, Iolaus, and the rest - are vividly and boldly enough delineated, it is Polydaon, Priest of Poseidon, that fearfully dominates the play, which may ...

... these latter, only one— Perseus the Deliverer —appeared in his own life-time. Four other five act plays— Vasavadutta, Rodogune, The Viziers of Bassora and Eric —and an unfinished play entitled Prince of Edur have been published posthumously. It is not surprising therefore that Perseus is the maturest, but there are fine things in all the plays.         Perseus rescuing Andromeda from... sea-monster. But at the nick of time Perseus saves her. There are many passages of sustained eloquence, for example Polydaon in his mood of megalomania and Andromeda giving utterance to her despair as she is chained to the rock. Perseus speaks the epitaph over the dead body of Polydaon—an epitaph that would fit other fanatics too, a Hitler for instance! Perseus' also is the closing speech, underlying... is the human mind of all times.. ." 105  These prefatory remarks of the author apply more or less to all five plays, whether they seem to have an Indian or an alien origin.          In Perseus the Deliverer, Polydaon the priest of Poseidon is the central figure; his very sanctity makes him wrong-headedly to assume (like Raghupati the priest in Tagore's play, Sacrifice) a cruel and vengeful ...


... Act II. (The issues of Bande Mataram containing these two scenes were subsequently rediscovered, and in 1955 they were restored to the text.) The plot of Perseus the Deliverer derives of course from the Greek legend of Perseus and Andromeda, the most important surviving classical source of which is the fourth book of Ovid's Metamorphoses . Notable among modern retellings of the story are... a section consisting of all other pieces of fiction, arranged chronologically. COMPLETE PLAYS The first of these plays was written around 1905, the last in 1915. Only one of them, Perseus the Deliverer , was published during Sri Aurobindo's lifetime. The Viziers of Bassora. The manuscript of this play was seized by the police at the time of Sri Aurobindo's arrest in connection... Cleopatra, Queen of Syria, as recounted by such classical historians as Appian, Justin and Josephus. The immediate source probably was Rodogune (1645), by the French dramatist Pierre Corneille. Perseus the Deliverer. Sri Aurobindo wrote this play during the period of his political activity, and its publication history is marked by the uncertainties of that era. A notation from the now-lost manuscript ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1962 February 6, 1962 These past few days I have been reading Perseus 1 —it was performed here, so I knew a little of it but it never much interested me. But reading it the way I read now, I have found it VERY interesting, I have discovered all kinds of things, all kinds. Yes, I have noticed that... question is readily cleared up. But if I want the truth—the true truth behind this difference, it becomes very difficult. And that is exactly what I have seen in the light of the events described in Perseus . If you don't take the problem generally but specifically, down to the least detail.... But it evaporates as soon as you formulate it. Only when you feel it concretely, when you get a grip on it,... universe. For the joy of this You. If you understand something, congratulations! Au revoir, mon petit. × Perseus the Deliverer , a play in five acts by Sri Aurobindo. × The play was performed some eight years earlier ...


... in the Alipore Bomb Case. A weekly edition of Bande Mataram was published from June 1907 to September 1908, in which editorials and articles from the daily edition were reprinted. The play Perseus the Deliverer and the translation Vidula first appeared in this weekly edition Karmayogin English Weekly Calcutta "A Weekly Review of National... Contents: 1890-1902: Songs to Myrtilla (See S\), Urvasie (See 93), Love and Death (See 51). 1895-1908: Poems: Ahana and Other Poems, excluding "Ahana" (See 3), Perseus the Deliverer (See 65). Volume II, Contents: 1895-1908: Translation: Vikramorvasie (See 97). 1902-1915: Baji Prabhou (See 5); Nine Poems: "The Mother of Dreams", composed in... 1909 First appeared as "An Open Letter to My Countrymen" in the Karmayogin, July 31, 1909. Subsequently included in Speeches (See 82). SABCL: Karmayogin, Vol. 2 65. PERSEUS THE DELIVERER Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1955 A drama. Written in Calcutta or Deoghar between 1906 Page 399 and 1907. First appeared in the weekly ...


... regains his Kingdom as well as wins a bride in Kamal Kumari. In the maturer play, Perseus the Deliverer, Sri Aurobindo projected his dialectical idea of progress through the Poseidon-Pallas Athene confrontation as played in terrestrial Syria by Polydaon and the sea monster on the one hand and Andromeda and Perseus on the other. Translated in general terms, the Asuric and Divine forces wage a fierce... conflicts or more wide-spread conflicts between whole nations and peoples. When giant forces join issue in this manner, people usually pin their faith on a messiah, an Avatar, a divine-human personality. Perseus is presented as such a power and personality; he is, one might say, the divine Seer-Will descending upon the human consciousness to reveal to it the divine meaning behind our half-blind action ...

... Statements Made in Biographies and Other Publications Autobiographical Notes Perseus the Deliverer Polydaon realises his failure—Poseidon's failure; ... he now supplicates to the new "brilliant god", and falls back dead. It is left to Perseus, the new god, to sum up the career and destiny of Polydaon... Page 113 [ Sri Aurobindo struck through... through "the new god" and wrote: ] The new brilliant god is the new Poseidon, Olympian and Greek, who in Polydaon's vision replaces the terrible old-Mediterranean god of the seas. Perseus is and remains divine-human throughout. ...


... with either delicacy or power or, most often, with a subtle mixture of both. Just one illustration may suffice—part of a scene from Perseus. Andromeda, who towards the close of the play is chained to a rock to be devoured by a sea-monster but is rescued by Perseus, is here longing to save shipwrecked foreigners condemned to be Page 79 sacrificed to the sea-god Poseidon. The goddess... effects or the tearing of the Page 77 passion into garish tatters, that often disfigures this tradition— the first to be published and presumably the earliest to be written was Perseus the Deliverer} This play is on the Elizabethan model and is Elizabethan too in its blank verse, but at places the semi-mythic semi-mystic manner comes in or else a barer more intellectualised style ...


... power.... Ah, I found a very good description of it in one of Sri Aurobindo's plays, when he speaks of the goddess Athena (I think it's in Perseus , but I am not sure); she has that kind of... it's an almighty calm, and with such authority! Yes, it's in Perseus —when she appears to the Sea-God and forces him to retreat to his own domain. There's a description there that fits this Being quite well.... ancient world!... How art thou white and beautiful and calm, Yet clothed in tumult! Heaven above thee shakes Wounded with lightnings, goddess, and the sea Flees from thy dreadful tranquil feet. Perseus the Deliverer , Cent. Ed., VI. 6 . × "They are different aspects of one self-existent thing," Mother ...


... to the writing of his dramas only a short period of time, barely ten years or so, stretching from the late nineties of the last century to the early years of the first decade of the present one. Perseus the Deliverer, Rodogune, The Viziers of Bassora, Eric and Vasava-dutta are the five complete plays written by Sri Aurobindo. These are really, to quote the words of Prof. K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar... signify that the author had completed the plotting in his mind although, for whatever reason, he did not or could not complete the writing? Another intriguing question haunts our mind. Except for Perseus the Deliverer which was published in 1907, no other play of Sri Aurobindo saw the light of day during his long lifetime. Does it mean that Sri Aurobindo did not authorise their publication because... dissertation only with the humorous aspect of Sri Aurobindo's writings. Hence, let us fix our attention on all that is there of humour in his plays in the forms they have come down to us. In Perseus the Deliverer almost whatever is spoken by Cireas (a servant in the temple of Poseidon) and by Perissus (a citizen butcher) is enlivened with a rich touch of humour. Some conversations of Praxilla ...

... Pearson, N., 516fn Perse, St. John, 78 Perseus the Deliverer, 68,119,120,139,186, 242, 327, 642, 646; conflict in the play both individual and cosmic, 121; dialectical progress through conflict and change, 121-22; ludicrous and tragic traits in Polydaon, 122; development of action, 122ff; Polydaon and Hitler, 127; development of Perseus-Andromeda myth, 127-28; union of Power and Pity, 129... from Bhartrihari, 88; from Kalidasa, 90ff; The Birth of the War-God, 92ff; The Hero and the Nymph, 94ff; on Vikramorvasie, 98fn; Urvasie, 99-107; Love and Death, 108; Baji Prabhou, 1148; Perseus the Deliverer, 120-9; The Viziers of Bassora, 128-34; Rodogune, 13441; Eric, 141-7; Vasavadutta, 147-52; The Witch of Ilni, 152; The Maid in the Mill, 153; The House of Brut, 153; ...

... and the bright Sun-God Perseus - the redoubtable Eardley Norton and the young Apollo Chittaranjan fought out the issue between the Old and the New, slavery and freedom, death and life. Norton's massive experience and sheer driving intellectual power met Chittaranjan's jets of emotion and lightning intuitive leaps. Was it Goliath against David, or the Dragon against Perseus? The Alpine edifices of... Aurobindo. Asked by the Court, Sri Aurobindo had said that he would leave the case entirely to his lawyers; he himself did not wish to make any statement or even to answer the Court's questions. As in Perseus the Deliverer, there was here too the vast invisible struggle between the dark nether forces of the foreign bureaucracy on the one hand and, on the other, the forces of light striving to break ...

... poems with a borrowed substance from a great voice of the past. Mendonҫa does not refer specifically to Love and Death , to which your enthusiasm first went out, to Poems , to Urvasie and to Perseus the Deliverer though this last he would class, I suppose, as sapless pseudo-Elizabethan drama; but that omission may be there because he only skimmed through them and afterwards could not get the... have no objective existence but are only a term for some subjective personal reaction in the Page 350 reader? I meet the same absolute contradiction everywhere; one critic says about Perseus that there is some good poetry in it but it is not in the least dramatic except for one scene and that the story of the play is entirely lacking in interest, while another finds in it most of all ...


... Goddess of the first break of inner illumination, and as when the soul has a Vedantic awakening in the short piece entitled Reminiscence. As the only available copy of the drama, Perseus the Deliverer , Perseus the Deliverer, had some damaged pages, a bit of reconstruction was done here and there for the Collected Poems and Plays (1942) and while doing it Sri Aurobindo added—in the same style ...


... poems with a borrowed substance from a great voice of the past. Mendonca does not refer specifically to Love and Death, to which your enthusiasm first went out, to Poems, to Urvasie and to Perseus the Deliverer though this last he would class, I suppose, as sapless pseudo-Elizabethan drama; but that omission may be there because he only skimmed through them and afterwards could not get the... conclude that they have no objective existence but are only a term for some subjective personal reaction in the reader? I meet the same absolute contradiction everywhere; one critic says about Perseus the Deliverer* that there is some good poetry in it but it is not in the least dramatic except * Collected Plays, SABCL, Vol. 6. Page 19 for one scene and that the ...

... says Aeschilus, "dwell monsters abhorred by mortals, with locks of serpents whom none looked upon without perishing." They were the Gorgons, three sisters out of whom Medusa alone was mortal. Perseus, in his quest, had to kill Medusa which he did with the help of Athene. Later on, Athene fixed the Gorgon's head at the center of her breast-plate, the Aegis. Grace: Goddess of the beauty... light. Whether the first part comes from a word meaning "to destroy" (in which case Persphone would mean "she who destroyed the light") or from an adverbial root meaning "dazzling light" like in Perseus, it is not clear. She was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. First known under the name of Kore, (The Maiden) she took the name Persphone after her abduction by Hades. As goddess of the underworld ...


... Hephaestus, and the "ancient Dis", "into the courts divine they crowded, radiant, burning". In Sri Aurobindo's play, Eric, as we saw earlier (Chapter VI), the end-note is "not Thor... but Freya"; in Perseus the Deliverer, the change is from ruthless Poseidon's to enlightened Pallas Athene's rule. There is on the terrestrial as well as the cosmic scale a continual push of evolution - from war and revenge... woman as uncompromising Shakti, had been sketched earlier by Sri Aurobindo in Vidula (after the Mahabharata), in Chitrangada, in Cleopatra of Rodogune, in Aslaug of Eric, in Cassiopea of Perseus the Deliverer; and Andromeda was the portrait of a woman fearless as well as compassionate, her Shakti playing the role of triumphant Grace rather than that of ruthless power. But Penthesilea still ...

... than an hour. So too we shall find him, in the thick of the political period, essaying powerful verse narratives like Baji Prabhou and Vidula or adventuring into the realm of poetic drama in Perseus the Deliverer. Although Sri Aurobindo's first acquaintance and his growing intimacy with Bengali and Sanskrit literature opened a rich vein of poetic interest and inspiration resulting in a... Aurobindo's editorship of the Bande Mataram and later of the Karmayogin, some of his poems including Baji Prabhou and translations like Vidula (from the Mahabharata) and his original play Perseus the Deliverer appeared in those papers or in the Modern Review. Songs of the Sea, Sri Aurobindo's translation of C.. R. Das's Sagar-Sangit, was published only in 1923 and hence does not strictly ...

... Mid-August. The heavens penetrate Earth's atmosphere in spectacular fiery showers of falling meteors —the Perseids — which appear from the constellation Perseus. Like Jupiter penetrating Danaë's brazen tower in a shower of gold, for the birth of Perseus. The slayer of Medusa. The deliverer of Andromeda. Page 36 Calcutta. Twenty-four minutes before sunrise. 1 ...

... that I shall be present in the theatre during Savitri presentation.” Now and then I do see her. What plays of Sri Aurobindo did you take part in? Well, there was Vasavadutta , Rodogune , Perseus the Deliverer , Vikramorvasie ( The Hero and The Nymph ) to name a few and of course Savitri . What other guidance did Mother give to you for your sadhana? I remember going to her and telling ...


... wrote for Bande Mataram , an English weekly which followed the line of the revolutionary nationalists and made Aurobindo Ghose’s voice heard throughout India; and he even found time to write a play, Perseus the Deliverer. Aurobindo’s articles were so skilfully written that they propagated the idea of unconditional independence and non-collaboration without ever crossing the line of sedition. Still he ...


... thrilled by Her memories, Sethna has found what Ramakrishria Paramahansa calls the "post": "Hold the post hard and run circling it." This is the new romance which Sri Aurobindo has revealed in Eric, Perseus the Deliverer and Savitri . Sethna as an Aurobindonian modem recreates the new aesthetics. To imagine is to walk ahead. GOUTAM GHOSAL Page 218 References ...


... the British people; that he would have considered as part of the mendicant policy. These articles and other items (satiric verse, parodies, etc.) referred to in these pages (not of course Vidula and Perseus) were the work of Shyamsundar Chakrabarti, not of Sri Aurobindo. Shyamsundar was a witty parodist and could write with much humour, as also with a telling rhetoric; he had caught some imitation of ...


... Synthesis of Yoga (Yoga of Works) (4) Superman (and other essays) (5) The Hero and the Nymph (with essay on Kalidasa). As regards the Collected Poems numerous corrections have to be made in Perseus and the essay on classical metres, but as these are mainly misprints there is no objection to their being made on the proofs when these are sent to us. As to The Ideal of Human Unity and The ...


... 4 February 1966 Mother, The reason for retelling Sri Aurobindo's stories in Hindi is very simple. It is honesty. We do not want to pretend that we can translate his "Baji Prabhou" or "Perseus the Deliverer". We can reach nowhere near the original unless, as you told me once, "we reach the consciousness from where he has written", which is beyond our dreams. The stories are very nice; we ...


... but knows a rapport with a greater illumination, the intuitive Truth Consciousness beyond the intellect. Not Apollo, but Athene is the divinity of mental Wisdom. Even as far back as the drama Perseus the Delioerer 2 of Sri Aurobindo's Baroda days we have those lines on Athene: A noble centre of a people's worship, To Zeus and great Athene build a temple Between your sky-topped ...


... Baji Prabhou, the last-named a martial episode of the time of the great Mahratta leader Shivaji. Then there are dramas ranging over many epochs and types of human culture: Page 94 Perseus the Deliverer, Rodagune, The Viziers of Bassora, Vasavadatta, Eric. The translation of a play of Kalidasa's, under the title The Hero and the Nymph, may be listed too. We have also a good number ...

... among which Ilion (extending over 100 pages) is an innovative experimentation in an epic in quantitative hexameters in the history of English literature. Sri Aurobindo has also written five dramas, Perseus the Deliverer, Rodogune, Viziers of Bassora, Vasavdutta and Eric. He has also translated two plays of Kalidasa from the original Sanskrit into English. When Sri Aurobindo withdrew in 1926 into his ...

... course, for his supreme creation Savitri , the story was taken from the Mahabharata. In addition to poems, both short and long, Sri Aurobindo wrote a number of plays in blank verse. One of these, Perseus the Deliverer , is based on a Greek myth which Sri Aurobindo adapted. It is an imaginative presentation of the ideas of evolution and progress which were to recur so prominently in Sri Aurobindo's ...


... means to rise out of the shades of egoism; it is the ego that ties man down to this lower consciousness which is the domain of death, and the only antidote of egoism is love, love human or divine. Perseus the Deliverer is obviously the story of the deliverance of human soul from the siege of the emissaries of Death, the lower consciousness. It is also the legend of the destruction of a darker age of ...

... manhood and the Kshatriya's preference of death to servitude." We may note here that in the 30th June issue of the weekly Bande Mataram appeared the first instalment of Sri Aurobindo's drama, Perseus the Deliverer. In it, not the spirit of patriotism and revolt against political subjection and slavery, but the gigantic clash between the forces of Light and the forces of darkness, is portrayed ...

... experience, which came in the same unexpected way as the first one he had at Apollo Bunder. One day, while he was going in a horse carriage, he 21. Love and Death, a long poem, and the drama, Perseus the Deliverer, belong also to Baroda period. Page 29 suddenly found himself "in danger of an accident." But he had, at that very moment, "the vision of the Godhead surging up from ...

...       Ouspensky 34       Owen, Wilfred 390       Pandit, M.P. 20       Parnell 40       Patanjali 21       Peacock, Ronald 427       Pearce, Roy Harvey 388,394       Perseus the Deliverer 12,47,49,318       Pinto, Vivian de Sola 344       Piper, Ravmond Frank 373       Plato 33,271       Plotinus33,326       Page 495 ...


... issued to the editor of the Bande Mataram by the British government. June 14 Leaves Calcutta for Khulna to found a national school. June 30 - October 13 Publication of Perseus the Deliverer, a drama, in the weekly Bande Mataram. July 30 Search of the Bande Mataram office. Complaint lodged against Sri Aurobindo. August 2 Resigns the principalship of the ...


... his mystical experiences, and the results have been astonishing. He no doubt attained an early mastery of the blank verse, as may be seen in his Urvasie and Love and Death, as also his plays— Perseus the Deliverer, Vasavadutta, Rodogune and The Viziers of Bassora. Presendy he was attracted to the classical quantitative metres, notably the hexameter, and he was led in due course to develop ...


... warning is issued to the editor of the Bande Mataram by the British Government. June 14 Leaves Calcutta for Khulna to found a national school. June 30-October 13 Publication of Perseus the Deliverer, a drama, in the weekly Bande Mataram. July 30 Search of the Bande Mataram office. Complaint lodged against Sri Aurobindo. August 2 Resigns the Principalship ...

... to themselves and to the Religion that they are going to build or want to build. Really, Mother will not allow that?! If She has led us this far, she will not leave us halfway.... Have you read Perseus the Deliverer , by Sri Aurobindo? Sujata pointed out to me what an extraordinary description it is of all that has happened since Mother's departure — Andromeda is the Agenda , the child of the ...

... Uloupie 387 Chitrangada 387 Love and Death 387 The Cosmic Man 394 The Children of Wotan 396, 410-1 The Iron Dictators 396 The Dwarf Napoleon 397, 405 In the Battle 406 Perseus the Deliverer 406 Collected Poems and Plays 429 Assignation with the Night 490 Hymn to Durga 535, 539, 706 The Blue Bird 595 The Descent of Ahana 650 Ilion 680 Savitri ...


... roles on the terrestrial stage; a Kacha mastering an alien lore in England but rejecting the blandishments of Devayani; a young Augustus at Baroda, imposing his empire on the "realms of gold"; a Perseus or Prometheus of 'Bhavani Mandir'; an Arjuna surrendered to Krishna at Alipur; a Vyasa doing a neo-Mahabharata in the Arya, a neo-Vishvamitra giving us a new Gayatri in The Mother; a Yogishwara ...

... later he remembered the piece while the book Collected Poems and Plays was being compiled. He wrote then to his secretary that he had published in the weekly Bande Mataram not only the play Perseus the Deliverer and the translation Vidula , but also "a political satire in verse purporting to be the report of the Reception Committee Chairman at a Moderate Conference". The piece could not ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... my own chair. He appeared so stately and in command that this gave me the impression of sitting before a ruling monarch of empyrean stature. In fact he told me that when the Ashram school staged “Perseus the Deliverer”, one of Sri Aurobindo’s plays, he had played the role of King Cepheus. One day he went to the Mother in his costume. When she saw him she said, “Udar, I know where I have seen you before ...


... fresh, spontaneous and recalled in vivid detail!’ 6 Sri Aurobindo’s unfinished epic, Ilion, about the last day of the siege of Troy, is a monument of classical knowledge. There is his drama, Perseus the Deliverer. There is Heraclitus , an essay on the pre-Socratic philosopher, which reads fluently even after seventy years and would still be accorded a place of honour in any philosophical publication ...


... Bande Mataram ; he was active as a leader of the Bengal nationalists, having to go on tours and to attend meetings and conferences; and besides this he still mustered the strength to write the drama Perseus the Deliverer. No wonder that his daily practice of pranayama became irregular, something that does not go unpunished. He fell seriously ill, so seriously in fact that he would later say that the ...

... circumstance by an ever alert sensitive imagination, Sri Aurobindo himself has been an able playwright with at least three productions which rank rather high in their own genres: the richly dynamic Perseus the Deliverer, the many-shaded complex of romance and comedy that is The Viziers of Bassora and the psychologically subtle Eric with its shifting interaction of hidden motives.   ...


... intimately and incomparably well the literature and culture that dominated European life and history for centuries. These classical themes later found great expression in his poetic writings, e.g., Perseus the Deliverer as a play and Ilion as an epic in Homeric quantitative hexameter based on the naturalness of temperament of the English language. Here it may be mentioned en passant that Sri ...

... ____________________ 1. Francois Villon (1431-c. 1463). French lyric poet, author of ballades and rondeaux. 2. Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571), Italian goldsmith and sculptor. His sculpture Perseus is famous. Page 349 towards you and Mother. I suspect I received something yesterday. Anyhow I will try to welcome devoutly more if it comes. Very glad to hear it. Mother ...

... 399n – Collected Poems & Plays, 236n., 301n – "A God's Labour", 236 – "Love and Death", 383 – "The Golden Light", 300 – Elements if Yoga, 101n – Eric, 384 – Perseus the Deliverer, 383 Page 408 – Rodogune 384 – Savitri, 238-46n., 248, 249-52n., 266, 274, 276n., 286n., 287, 300, 318n., 323, 383, 390n – The Mother ...

... COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS: Short Poems; Sonnets; Longer Poems; On Quantitative Metre; Ilion; Poems in New Metres; Metrical Experiments. Volume 6 — Collected Plays AND SHORT STORIES, Part One; Perseus the Deliverer; Vasavadutta; Rodogune; Eric. Volume 7 — Collected Plays AND SHORT STORIES, Part Two: The Viziers of Bassora; Prince of Edur; The Maid in the Mill; The House of Brut; The ...

... August: The Bande Mataram was started by Bepinchandra Pal. Sri Aurobindo joined it as leader-writer. Consolidated the Nationalist Party, reaffirmed its programme. His play Perseus the Deliverer appeared serially in the Bande Mataram. December: Took active part in the Subjects Committee of the Calcutta sessions of the. Congress ...

... political controversy, but his pen also did him yeoman's service in political, philosophical and literary exposition. Some of his poetry and translations were published—the five-act blank verse drama, Perseus the Deliverer, Vidula or "The Mother to her Son' (from the Mahabharata) in Bande Mataram, and Baji Prabhou in Karmayogin. At the time of publication, all these had a pointed political appeal ...


... connected with the furniture work he generally met people upstairs. I was a young lover of Sri Aurobindo's poetry. The first edition of his Collected Poems and Plays had come out in 1942. His play Perseus the Deliverer was among the first items of his read by me. Rishabhchand spoke of the mantric quality of Sri Aurobindo's poem Rose of God, and later, also of The Bird of Fire. He gave an impressive ...

... the issue was "Pagri Samalo, Jata", a free rendering by Shyamsundar of the poem that used to be sung by the Jats to rouse their countrymen to protest against the imposition of iniquitous taxes. Perseus the Deliverer, Sri Aurobindo's poetic play, began as a serial in the issue of 30 June, and the readers of the Weekly must have seized the import of the word "Deliverer" hammered on the consciousness ...