The Mother [8]
A. B. Purani [1]
Amal Kiran [11]
Dilip Kumar Roy [1]
Dr. Prema Nandakumar [5]
Georges van Vrekhem [16]
Huta [2]
K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar [3]
Kireet Joshi [18]
Nirodbaran [1]
Nolini Kanta Gupta [5]
Pavitra [2]
Rishabhchand [1]
Satprem [5]
Shyam Sunder Jhunjhunwala [2]
Sujata Nahar [5]
Sunil Bhattacharya [1]
Tara Jauhar [1]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Ancient India in a New Light [2]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Beyond Man [1]
By The Body Of The Earth or The Sannyasin [1]
Collected Plays and Stories [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Education and the Aim of human life [2]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
Evolution II [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [9]
Hitler and his God [4]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [2]
Joan of Arc [2]
Learning with the Mother [1]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [1]
Marie Sklodowska Curie [3]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [6]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [4]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On Art - Addresses and Writings [1]
Parvati's Tapasya [1]
Problems of Early Christianity [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Savitri [5]
Seer Poets [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks on Poetry [1]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [3]
The Crucifixion [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Mother (biography) [2]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [2]
The Siege of Troy [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [2]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Uniting Men [2]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
The Mother [8]
A. B. Purani [1]
Amal Kiran [11]
Dilip Kumar Roy [1]
Dr. Prema Nandakumar [5]
Georges van Vrekhem [16]
Huta [2]
K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar [3]
Kireet Joshi [18]
Nirodbaran [1]
Nolini Kanta Gupta [5]
Pavitra [2]
Rishabhchand [1]
Satprem [5]
Shyam Sunder Jhunjhunwala [2]
Sujata Nahar [5]
Sunil Bhattacharya [1]
Tara Jauhar [1]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Ancient India in a New Light [2]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Beyond Man [1]
By The Body Of The Earth or The Sannyasin [1]
Collected Plays and Stories [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Education and the Aim of human life [2]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
Evolution II [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [9]
Hitler and his God [4]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [2]
Joan of Arc [2]
Learning with the Mother [1]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [1]
Marie Sklodowska Curie [3]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [6]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [4]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On Art - Addresses and Writings [1]
Parvati's Tapasya [1]
Problems of Early Christianity [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Savitri [5]
Seer Poets [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks on Poetry [1]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [3]
The Crucifixion [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Mother (biography) [2]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [2]
The Siege of Troy [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [2]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Uniting Men [2]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
Pierre : Gaston, supporter of Lemaire in the 1914 election to the French Chamber. He came to Pondicherry as a judge, later resigned & soon became an eminent lawyer.
... pursuing the work she and Pierre had undertaken. Marie was the only teacher worthy of succeeding Pierre. Marie was the only chief of laboratory who could replace him. Traditions and customs must be swept away so as to name Mme Curie professor at the Sorbonne. Marie Curie was offered the Chair created by Pierre Curie: [...] University of France: Mme Pierre Curie, Doctor of Science... knowledge of magnetism. This is how, one evening in the spring of 1894, she was introduced to a young physicist, already known in France and abroad for his work: Pierre Curie. "She met a man whose genius was akin to her" [... ] Pierre Curie was born in Paris, in Rue Cuvier, on May 15,1859. He was the second son of a physician, Dr Eugene Curie, who was himself the son of a doctor. The family... been for some time a worker in the laboratory of the Museum of Natural History in Paris, and he was the author of works on tuberculosis infection. His two sons, Jacques and Pierre, were drawn by science from their infancy. Pierre, with his independent and dreamy mind, was unable to adapt himself to systematic work and discipline. He had never been to school. Dr Curie, understanding that the boy was ...
... —Curie, Marie. Pierre Curie. Translated by Charlotte and Vernon Kellogg. New York: Macmillan, 1932. (Marie Curie's Autobiographical Notes are included at the end of Pierre Curie.) —Curie, Marie. CEuvres de Marie Sklodowska-Curie. ac. Pol. Sci. Varsovie: 1954. New York and London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2005. —Curie, Pierre. CEuvres de Pierre Curie. Gauthier Villars... merits. -She received 15 gold medals, 19 degrees, and numerous other honors. Page 92 La Sorbonne University, Paris Pierre Curie 6) A Tribute to Pierre Curie by Marie Curie Pierre, Marie and Irene "I have attempted to evoke the image of a man who, inflexibly devoted to the service of his ideal, honored humanity by an existence lived... daughter, Helene, born in 1927, and one son, Pierre, born in 1932. Pierre is a biochemist. Helene is a nuclear physicist and professor at the University in Paris; she married Paul Langevin's grand-son: Michel Langevin (1926-1985) who was a physician; their son Yves Langevin is an astrophysicist. (Paul Langevin was a French physicist who worked with Pierre Curie.) 1 8) Eve Curie (1904-2007) ...
... organized in Stockholm, proved to be for Pierre de Coubertin, in his own words, "an enchantment". He added that for the first time the world saw "a great international festival of sporting friendship and goodwill. " After the interruption of the Great War (1914-1918), the Olympic Games were held in Antwerp in 1920, again thanks to the indomitable spirit of Pierre de Coubertin: he had been extremely... IMPORTANT THING IN THE OLYMPIC GAMES IS NOT TO WIN, BUT TO TAKE PART; THE IMPORTANT THING IN LIFE IS NOT TO TRIUMPH, BUT TO STRUGGLE. THE ESSENTIAL THING IS NOT TO HAVE CONQUERED, BUT FOUGHT WELL. Pierre de Coubertin will fight during more than thirty years to securely reestablish the Olympic Games. He was only 29 years when in 1892 he made his first public appeal for the resurrection of the Olympic... thousand people attended the Congress, including 79 delegates and 49 sports associations from 12 countries. A hymn to Apollo, recently discovered at Delphi, was sung at the inauguration. Afterwards, Pierre de Coubertin stood by and unfolded his great dream before the Congress. He told them that "a man is not only formed of two parts, body and soul; there are three — body, mind and character. And character ...
... violence. Lemaire has for him most of the Christians & Renonçants (except the young men who are for Richard) and Pierre. But the Pierre party is entirely divided. Kotia refuses to declare himself, most of the others are Bluysenites, the Comité Radical has thrice met without Pierre being able to overcome the opposition against him. Lemaire had two chances, one that if the people could be got to vote... quietly at first. There is, however, just one possibility, that if something happens which it is just now needless to mention, it might be feasible to unite Gaebelé & Pierre in a candidature of reconciliation. The idea was raised by Pierre himself & very reluctantly rejected by Gaebelé before the elections. Another time it might succeed & even if Richard were not the candidate chosen, he would get a great... elected this time. Laporte is not strong enough to change the situation singlehanded. Richard has come too late; otherwise so great is the disgust of the people with Bluysen & Lemaire, Gaebelé and Pierre that I think we could have managed an electoral revolution. Still, it is necessary, if it can at all be done, to stir things a little at the present moment and form a nucleus of tendency &, if possible ...
... Seyril, Jacqueline and Yen presented. For Seyril's going to Israel, Mother said, "It is alright". * * * Shanta of France wishes to come to Auroville. Approved. * * * Pierre can go to the hills for health if he thinks that it will do Page 169 him good. Mother's permission is there, but Auroville is not rich, we can not pay the expenses for it. * ... 10.5.72 Mother, holding a prayer flower, asked me, "You want prayer?" "Oui, Mere." Offered handkerchiefs and flower decoration from Meenakshi. Page 176 11.5.72 Jean Pierre, Louis and Jacques have returned after a month from Bombay where they had gone to bring money for the Polyester unit. They haven't brought any money. (Mother had a laugh). They have procured some... expressed my feeling that we should remain firm on our just point and arrive at a settlement as soon as there is an opportunity by conceding their reasonable demands. * * * 18.6.72 Pierre wished Mother to touch a card of extracts from Sri Aurobindo's Hymn to Durga by way of blessings. Mother blessed it. Ruudi, a Dutchman, wanted to know if he should be here or go- Mother ...
... Seyril, Jacqueline and Yen presented. For Seyril's going to Israel, Mother said, "It is alright". * * * Shanta of France wishes to come to Auroville. Approved. * * * Pierre can go to the hills for health if he thinks that it will do Page 169 him good. Mother's permission is there, but Auroville is not rich, we can not pay the expenses for it. * ... 10.5.72 Mother, holding a prayer flower, asked me, "You want prayer?" "Oui, Mere." Offered handkerchiefs and flower decoration from Meenakshi. Page 176 11.5.72 Jean Pierre, Louis and Jacques have returned after a month from Bombay where they had gone to bring money for the Polyester unit. They haven't brought any money. (Mother had a laugh). They have procured some... expressed my feeling that we should remain firm on our just point and arrive at a settlement as soon as there is an opportunity by conceding their reasonable demands. * * * 18.6.72 Pierre wished Mother to touch a card of extracts from Sri Aurobindo's Hymn to Durga by way of blessings. Mother blessed it. Ruudi, a Dutchman, wanted to know if he should be here or go- Mother ...
... felt all kinds of scheming around Andre for a long time. (...) Many other things are swarming around, but I don’t know which ones. Last night, I was in a rain of stones. March 9, 1977 (To Pierre Etevenon) Page 217 Between two rains of stones, I will try to answer your questions of February 14, though they are not very clearly put — or rather you grope your way toward a question... hand everywhere, in every detail. And the secret consists in saying: that is Yours, Yours, For You....And when one is perfectly crushed, then it springs forth very well. ... Our friends Pierre and Micheline have worked hard and I would like them to read The Agenda , but not the photocopies, which are incomplete or have been corrected since then ... I want them to be the first to have... rest our heads? March 9, 1978 Delhi (C.P.N.) accepts the project of the new place. * (Letter to our friends in Paris) The letters dated March 4th, from you, Micheline, Carmen, Miel, Pierre, Rachel, the young student from Nantes and this girl from Cernier, all that flows like honey with all the Page 359 sweetness of Mother, it warms the depths of our hearts — at last, there ...
... could only accept or refuse them because they liked or disliked them. Several of the greatest names in science showed active interest in spiritism, among them Crookes and Flammarion, already mentioned, Pierre and Marie Curie (Nobel Prize winners), Charles Richet (Nobel Prize winner), the mathematician Augustus de Morgan, Cesare Lombroso, the physicist Lord Rayleigh, and others. But what about Charles... untrained mind that can follow the mathematics of relativity or other difficult scientific truths or judge the validity either of their result or their process.” (Sri Aurobindo 46 ) In conclusion, Pierre Lagrange and Patrizia d’Andréa see the historical importance of the relation between occultism and science as follows: “The occult, presumed to be opposed to the sciences, is in fact profoundly defined... × id., p. 650. × Pierre Lagrange and Patrizia d’Andréa: “Définitions occultes”, in Des Savants façe à l’occulte, p. 19. × ...
... worshipped for "something that 'shone' at the heart of Matter". The role of Christianity is really minor, if not marginal. Omega has its source beyond the Christian religion 21.Quoted in Pierre Teilhard de Chardin; His Life and Spirit by Nicholas Corte (Barrie & Rockliff, London 1960), p. 3. 22.Ibid., p. 4. 23.Ibid., pp. 4-5. 24.I, ch. 5, 25.Christianity... you see, is what we should frankly acknowledge, rather than cheating oneself with words." Now we are disposed to ask: "Is it at all 6.Lei me Explain, Text selected and arranged by Jean-Pierre Demoulin, translated by Rene Hague and others (Collins, London, 1970), p. 156, 7.Lettres Intimes..., pp. 253-54: "Entre les autorites romaines et moi, il y a plus qu'un malentendu de mots... persistent nuance which Teilhard gives to it remains to be clarified. We mentioned that nuance when we commented on the incomprehensible Pauline idea 3. Ibid.. "En cette fete de St Pierre: Mon reve: pouvoir confesses professer ma reponse a la question: 'Quem dicunt esse Filium Hominis?' ...Rep[onse]: ...Le foyer evolulif d'un (de l')univers convergent." Page 318 ...
... itself fully formed. At the very least, intuition and luck need to be tested — and the test is to re-read them after a good night's sleep, or subject them to fresh scrutiny by someone else. It was Pierre Uri who looked at the text with fresh eyes on the following morning, Monday April 17. I had decided to ask him, and him alone, to work over our initial draft. His imagination and his crisp style proved... decided to send the plan to Georges Bidault, the Prime Minister, under whose aegis the Planning Commissariat worked. That very same day, only a few moments after I had had the dossier taken round to Pierre-Louis Falaize, Bidault's directeur de cabinet, Clappier got in touch with me again, apologizing for his long silence. 'Here's the proposal,' I said. 'I've just sent it to Bidault.' Clappier read... and Marie — run on ahead. Now I have time to be with them, and get to Page 124 know them individually as they grow up. I press on into the paths round Bazoches, where I meet my neighbour Pierre Viansson-Ponte. 'Good morning, Monsieur Monnet,' he says; and under that title I find in the Monde some echoes of our conversation, filtered by his delicate art. The seasons go by: I had never noticed ...
... the literature of the ancient peoples was unrefined or insignificant? A Turgeniev, an Amiel, a Leconte de Lisle or a Pierre Loti can take birth only. in the present age. Dante, Homer, Valmiki or the most ancient Vedic sages – none of them, like Turgeniev, Amiel, Leconte de Lisle or Pierre Loti, sought for the tales of various other ages and countries, and yet have these modern poets and litterateurs been... Varuna. Hence in France Malherbe had to appear on the scene after Ronsard. It was Malherbe who was the father of classical French literature, and it is he who paved the way for that prince of classics, Pierre Corneille. The natural march of literature towards the classical style shows also the very raison d'être of literature. The literary genius of a particular nation does not seem to attain its full ...
... the grass, my body taking a good rest from its “pounding,” or in other words, spreading out into a somewhat clear and fresh milieu, when it suddenly cried out with a start, “Pierre! Pierre!...” Something had happened to that Pierre. I wired the said fellow, and learned soon afterwards that he had fallen from an electric pole he was repairing some four thousand miles away and, rather miraculously, had ...
... variance with whatever immanence and omnipresence his fellow-Catholics expounded in terms similar-sounding to his own, he was under suspicion all his life while Péres Fernand Prat and Joseph Huby and Pierre Benoit were free to cosmicalise Christ to their heart's content. I remember your quoting a translation of the Pauline "Omnis creatura usque adhuc ingemiscit et parturit". You had no doctrinal... Ibid., p. 205. 9. Ibid., pp. 194-5. 10. The Virginal Conception and Bodily Resurrection of Jesus, pp. 36, 38, 41-2. 11. Evolution in Religion: A Study in Sri Aurobindo and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1971), p. 89. 12. Ibid., p. 17. 13.Zaehner, op. cit., pp. 112, 113. 14. Ibid., p. 113 15. Ibid., p. 89. 16. Les ...
... still the torrent continues.” 33 But, as “criticizing Darwin is extremely unpopular among English-speaking biologists” (Jonathan Wells), one or two influential French voices may also be heard, e.g. Pierre Sonigo: “More than 150 years after having been formulated, the Darwinian theory of evolution is accepted but still not perfectly understood.” 34 Or Gerard Amzallag: “Darwinism [i.e. neo-Darwinism]... × John Horgan: The Undiscovered Mind , p. 187. × Pierre Sonigo and Isabelle Stengers: L’Evolution , p. 48. × Gerard Amzallag: La raison malmenée , p. 162 ...
... the evolutionary process, one suspects that changes occur according to rule, and there is no spontaneity. C. Lloyd Morgan (1852-1936) Page 51 According to Pierre Tailhard de Chardin (1881-1955), the evolutionary process cannot be described or evaluated in terms of its origin. What comes later is more than what was there earlier. There is, according to him... suggests an eternal order and a creative reality. The cosmic series has a nisus towards the eternal order which is beyond itself, though it is increasingly realized in the cosmic. Pierre Tailhard de Chardin (1881-1955) Page 52 According to Whitehead, an actual event is the meeting point of a world of actualities, on the one side, and a world of ideal possibilities ...
... and although he speaks of 'emergence' in the evolutionary process, it appears that changes occur according to rule, and Page 11 there is no spontaneity. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin According to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955), the evolutionary process cannot be evaluated in terms of its origin. What comes later is more than what was there earlier. There is, according ...
... chance. The others * We : a small group of mostly young men who have accompanied Joan in her journey from Vaucouleurs to Chinon to meet the King. Among them are two brothers of Joan, Jean and Pierre d'Arc, the narrator, Louis Le Come, childhood friend of Joan (later, her page and secretary), and two members of the nobility, Jean de Metz and Bertrand de Poulengy who were touched very early by Joan's... negotiations with Philippe of Burgundy, endeavouring to detach the duke from the English cause. Meanwhile, Compiegne, Senlis and Beauvais submitted to the royal army, and from the last place the bishop, Pierre Cauchon, was expelled. Not long afterwards he was to be the moving spirit in the trial of Joan of Arc. At last Joan got her way, and was allowed to attack Page 90 Coronation ...
... (Calcutta). Loving Homage (1958) Sri Aurobindo Ashram (New Delhi). Pioneer of the Supramental Age (1958) Srivastava, R.S. Contemporary Indian Philosophy (1967) Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. The Phenomenon of Man (1960); translated by Nemard Wall. Tagore, Rabindranath. The Religion of Man (1931) Toynbee, Arnold. Civilisation on Trial (1948) Vama, V P. The Political... Yun-Shan, Tan and Sisirkumar Mitra. Sri Aurobindo: A Homage (1941) Zacharias, H. C. E. Renascent India (1933) Zaehner, R. C. Evolution in Religion: A Study in Sri Aurobindo and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1971) Page 825 Creative Writing by Some Disciples of Sri Aurobindo Fiction and Drama Chatterjee, Promode K. Whom God Protects (1969) ...
... I was watching over him, I had never ceased to watch over his destiny, here and there, this traveller without a real name, for they go nameless and meaningless whilst I approach: Pierre or Paul and Paul or Pierre They have landed in a body They move like marionettes They know not from whence they come Nor where they go. They are grey, they go fast Ils sont gris, ils vont vite But I ...
... elected this time. Laporte is not strong enough to change the situation single-handed. Richard has come too late; otherwise so great is the disgust of the people with Bluysen and Lemaire, Gaebele and Pierre that I think we could have managed an electoral revolution. Still, it is necessary, if it can at all be done, to stir things a little at the present moment and form a nucleus of tendency and, if possible... the fact that at Nanda gopalu's village where there is no single Bluysen te, there were only 13 'votes' for Lemaire and all the rest for Bluysen. The same result in Madanapalli which is strong for Pierre, except in one college where Sada (President of the Cercle Sportif) Page 415 interpreter and did not allow any humbug; knowing whom they had to deal with, they did not dare to ...
... Karikal and others are likely to be opened at Yanaon and Mahe. Page 459 An Indo-French Committee in Paris An Indo-French Committee (Comité Franco-Hindou) has been founded in Paris and M. Pierre Loti has been invited to become its Honorary President. The Committee proposes to develop intellectual, scientific, artistic and economic relations between France and India. It is a good deal for one... between Europe and India, between the West of today and the East of yesterday and tomorrow, is a welcome sign of the times for those who know how much the world's progress depends on their union. M. Pierre Loti, in a letter addressed to the President of the Committee, thus expresses his veneration for India:— "And now I salute thee with awe, with veneration and wonder, ancient India of whom I am the ...
... Age of Uncertainty (John Brockman, ed.), The Trouble with Science (Robin Dunbar), The Trouble with Physics (Lee Smolin), The End of Physics: The Myth of a Unified Theory (David Linley) … Jean-Pierre Vigier, a French physicist, said that “physics is in crisis, we are in full struggle, the stakes are enormous.” Steven Weinberg, Nobel Prize in physics, conceded that “it is a terrible time for particle... Ilya Prigogine: La Fin des certitudes , pp. 14, 16. × Sven Ortoli and Jean-Pierre Pharabod: Le cantique des quantiques , pp. 5, 6, 125. × John Lennon: op. cit., pp. 31, 32. ...
... desire of his to prove the [Christian] theologians wrong.” 12 These are revealing assertions. For “a truly predictive science” reminds us of the pretensions of the French mathematician and astronomer Pierre-Simon Laplace, who said that the future as well as the past of the entire universe could be known if all elements constituting the present were known. Wilson sought to establish mathematics as the... Dawkins “a visionary quality,” but he found the way in which it was expressed “not full-throated enough.” Adding this to the confession that “as an over-romantic graduate” he had been captivated by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Phenomenon of Man and the Omega Point, one will not be surprised by the tone of Dawkins’ prose and the radicalism of his reasonings. This is one of several characteristics he ...
... The Spirit of Auroville The following letter dated 19.6.1974 I received from Micheline and Pierre Etévenon: Dear Huta, We received at the same time as Barun your beautiful book on the Matrimandir. It is a great joy to read what Mother said, and it makes her presence even more vivid in our hearts. What a large vision is hers and how her outlook synthesises... synthesises all that we can envisage on different levels! Thank you so much, dear Huta. We hope to meet you next time we come to Pondy. In the Mother's love. Micheline and Pierre ...
... Does the same phenomenon occur in the case of scientists when the results of their work are realised some time after their death? Yes, in the case of Pierre and Marie Curie, for example, it is certain that the power of work of Pierre Curie passed into his wife at his death. Men who undertake excavations in the tombs of Egypt often meet with accidents. Why? They deserve it! When they ...
... Mother’s Agenda 1964 May 2, 1964 ( From Satprem to Sujata ) St-Pierre I am in silence, gazing at the sea. In fact, I am not in Brittany, not in St-Pierre, not in France, I am in Air-India's waiting room, waiting for July 18.... I am neither happy nor unhappy—I am nothing, I am as if anesthetized, counting hours and days in my waiting room. During ...
... Survey of India, 1912-13, 1926 Arrian, Life of Alexander the Great, tr. by Aubrey de Selincourt (The Penguin Classics, Harmondsworth, 1958) L'Inde - Texte établit et traduit par Pierre Chantraine (Paris, 1927) Anabasis and Indica , tr. by E. J. Chinnock (London, 1883) Athenaeus, XI.V.66 Aurobindo, Śri, The Foundations of Indian Culture (The Śri Aurobindo... Chandragupta Munipati, 219 Chandragupta, minor, 227 'Chandramas' (Xandrames), 176 Chandramsa (Xandrames), 182, 183, 189, 190.191. 192, 200, 228, 232, 596 Chantraine, Pierre, 118 Charanavyuha. 262 Charpentier, J., 241, 281, 309 Chashtana. 462, 463, 465, 468, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482 Chashtanas. 603-4 Chatterji.S. K..279 Chattopadhyaya ...
... 1,400 years. Early in the nineteenth century, archaeologists began to explore the remains of the temple of Zeus, and they have been digging in the area ever since. A French nobleman. Baron Pierre de Coubertin, envisioned a modern revival of the ancient games, and he spent many years appealing for support from the nations of the world. In 1896 he finally was able to restage the Games for the... F. Kitto, The Greeks, Penguin Books, London, and from Edith Hamilton, The Greek Way, Norton and Company, New York Baron Pierre de Coubertin The Olympic flame, Seoul, 1988 Page 299 ...
... was not alone in this adventure: we cannot dissociate Pierre and Marie Curie. They were dedicated to scientific research as a high ideal for which they were prepared to give themselves entirely. Neither was interested in fame or material profit. Their common dream was science without borders at the service of humanity.. After the death of Pierre, Marie continued this mission alone. In spite of the ...
... 76. ibid.. Appendix. 77. ibid., p. 28. 78. I wrote the above in April 1960, and I am glad to find corroboration in a recent study by Ninian Smart and also in a biography of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Writing about 'Sri Aurobindo and History' in the current (1961) number of Arts and Letters (issued by the Royal India, Pakistan and Ceylon Society), Ninian Smart finds like ... Page 464 potentialities that the luminous future will be fashioned." It is no less interesting to read in the recently published Nicolas Corte's Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: His Life and Spirit, translated by Martin Jarrett-Kerr, that during his years of theology at Hastings, in Sussex, de Chardin grew little by little, "more and more conscious, less ...
... mostly in government jobs, against a local population numbering 270,000 individuals in 1911. It is a wonder how so few foreigners were masters of so many for so long. Of the preceding deputies, Pierre Alype never once set his foot on the soil of the land he represented for four terms; Henrique did visit the land once during the eight years he was deputy for French India. However, it was senator... Hindu Party. If you think that only Europeans were the members of the European Party and only Indians of the Hindu Party, well think again. The leader of the Hindu Party was a French barrister, Gaston Pierre. Suvrata's father-in-law, Henri Gaebele, was the leader of the European Party. One big pillar of the European Party was an Indian, Nanda gopal Chettiar. He was a big fish of the area. He was actually ...
... from the history of Cleopatra, Queen of Syria, as recounted by such classical historians as Appian, Justin and Josephus. The immediate source probably was Rodogune (1645), by the French dramatist Pierre Corneille. Perseus the Deliverer. Sri Aurobindo wrote this play during the period of his political activity, and its publication history is marked by the uncertainties of that era. A notation ...
... Mother’s Agenda 1964 May 17, 1964 ( From Satprem to Sujata ) St-Pierre Of course, Nature is wonderful, the sea is so beautiful, the climate delightful, but ultimately, when I close my eyes and meditate, I feel something fuller and more solid than all the degrees centigrade on a pearly sea. In reality, I spend my days waiting for my hours of japa ...
... Mother’s Agenda 1964 May 21, 1964 ( From Satprem to Sujata ) St-Pierre This morning I have received your letter of the 16th and am surprised that I paid you a visit because, on my part, I didn't see you—still nothing, complete blackout . This too disgusts me—I really Page 118 don't know what I am doing... probably useless and silly ...
... Mother’s Agenda 1964 July 4, 1964 ( From Satprem to Sujata ) St-Pierre Outside, everything is agitated and running around and making noises, but inside I was all along as if on an island of Peace—at home. And even the most beautiful landscapes of the world were not as full, not as quiet as this home in my heart. S. Page 122 ...
... basically an adherent of Spinoza, and although he speaks of 'emergence' in the evolutionary process, one suspects that changes occur according to rule, and there is no spontaneity. According to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955), the evolutionary process cannot be described or evaluated in terms of its origin. What comes later is more than what was there earlier. There is, according to him, ...
... the 'universe', the 'thought' and the 'action'. Sethna justifies this by pointing out that "Symbolism subdues the inwardly perceived to the outwardly conceived". With ample examples from Valery, Pierre Emmanuel and Wallace Stevens, Sethna beautifully brings out the dhvani technique of Mallarmé. The commentaries of Sethna, apart from drawing out the wheel-within-wheel significance, demonstrate ...
... never acquire or a secret he will never penetrate? Jean-Baptiste Lamarck The Natural Sciences Members of the French nobility had names as long as a freight train – so too Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-Antoine de Monet de Lamarck, usually referred to as Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, or for short Lamarck (1744-1829). The fame of this extraordinary scientist has been eclipsed by the aura enveloping Charles ...
... After Nolini’s demise, in 1984, several persons have published their remembrances of him. There we read that he had himself told that he was a reincarnation of the Latin poet Virgil, of the French poet Pierre de Ronsard, and of André Le Nôtre who designed the gardens of Versailles. The Mother significantly wrote in one of his birthday cards: ‘Nolini en route towards the superman’, and in 1973: ‘With my ...
... years. Heinrich Hertz produced electromagnetic waves, Wilhelm Röntgen discovered the X-rays, Giuglielmo Marconi sent the first messages on invisible waves, and Henri Becquerel, followed by Marie and Pierre Curie, discovered the first elements which radiated in the dark without apparent reason. At a time when renowned scientists proclaimed that science had reached its limits and only a few gaps remained ...
... Pagels: The Origin of Satan, p. 33, 2. 544 Ron Rosenbaum: Explaining Hitler, p. 324. 545 Id., pp. xx, xxiii. 546 Ron Rosenbaum, op. cit., ch. 18, passim. 547 Id., pp. 32-33. 548 Pierre Barret and Jean-Noël Gargand: Si je t’oublie Jérusalem, pp. 80 ff. 549 Evan Connell: Deus lo volt – A Chronicle of the Crusades, p. 12. 550 Léon Poliakov, op. cit., pp. 243, 245. 551 Id ...
... André: Souvenirs d’une ambassade à Berlin Freller, Thomas: Cagliostro – Die dunkle Seite der Aufklärung Friedrich, Otto: Before the Deluge – A Portrait of Berlin in the 1920s Gargand, Pierre Barret and Jean-Noël: Si je t’oublie Jérusalem Gellately, Robert: Backing Hitler Gilbhard, Hermann: Die Thule-Gesellschaft – Vom okkulten Mummenschanz zum Hakenkreuz Giordano, Ralph: ...
... common knowledge was Nolini Kanta Gupta, a great yogi. He himself has said that he was Yuyutsu in the war on which the Mahabharata is based; Virgil, the Roman poet and friend of Caesar Augustus; Pierre de Ronsard, the French poet of the Pleiade and friend of Francois Clouet; Francis Walsingham, Elizabeth’s councillor and spy-master; André Le Nôtre, who designed the gardens of the palace of Louis ...
... was elsewhere than in devotion to the historical Christ-figure. It was only afterwards that his religious l. Quoted from Vie Heart of Matter [Le Coeur de la Matiere) in Nicolas Corte's Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: His life and Spirit, translated from the French by Martin Jarrett-Kerr (Barrie & Rockliff, London, 1960), pp. 4-5. Page 14 being became Christocentric and led ...
... Auralee, Bhavana, Christine, Claude, Deepti, Don, Frederick, Ganga, Jay Singh, Jean-Yves, Jossy, Jyoti Madhok, Kireet Joshi, Krishna, Lala, Lola, Mala, Martin, Mirajyoti, Namrita, Olivier, Pala, Pierre, Serge, Shailaja, Shankaran, Sharanam, Soham, Suzie, Varadharajan, Vladimir, Vigyan. General Editor: KIREET JOSHI Author of this monograph: Donald Kelman We are grateful to many individuals ...
... Ashatit, Auralee, Bhavana, Christine, Claude, Deepti, Don, Frederick, Ganga, Jay Singh, Jean-Yves, Jossi, Jyoti Madhok, Kireet Joshi, Krishna, Lala, Lola, Mala, Martin, Mirajyoti, Namrita, Olivier, Pala, Pierre, Serge, Shailaja, Shankaran, Sharanam, Soham, Suzie, Varadharajan, Vladimir, Vigyan. General Editor: KIREET JOSHI Author of this monograph: Christine Devin We are grateful to many individuals ...
... and Peace and Anna Karenina. War and Peace is an immense panorama of Russian life in the early nineteenth century, including Napoleon's 1812 invasion of Russia. The two major characters, Andrey and Pierre exemplify the major moral conflicts of the book: between romantic self-realisation and service to others. The inner tensions Tolstoy dramatized so powerfully in these two books began to overwhelm ...
... Ashatit, Auralee, Bhavana, Christine, Claude, Deepti, Don, Frederick, Ganga, Jay Singh, Jean-Yves, Jossi, Jyoti Madhok, Kireet Joshi, Krishna, Lala, Lola, Mala, Martin, Mirajyoti, Namrita, Olivier, Pala, Pierre, Serge, Shailaja, Shankaran, Sharanam, Soham, Suzie, Varadharajan, Vladimir, Vigyan. General Editor: KIREET JOSHI Author of this monograph: Christine Devin We are grateful to many individuals ...
... Ashatit, Auralee, Bhavana, Christine, Claude, Deepti, Don, Frederick, Ganga, Jay Singh, Jean-Yves, Jossi, Jyoti Madhok, Kireet Joshi, Krishna, Lala, Lola, Mala, Martin, Mirajyoti, Namrita, Olivier, Pala, Pierre, Serge, Shailaja, Shankaran, Sharanam, Soham, Suzie, Varadharajan, Vladimir, Vigyan. General Editor: KIREET JOSHI Author of this monograph: SUZIE ODELL We are grateful to many individuals ...
... of Sri Aurobindo, with a summary and notes by the compiler. The other two compilations contain extracts from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.) WORKS OF OTHER AUTHORS Bertaux, Pierre. In Encyclopedic Francaise, tome XX (Le Monde en Devenir). 1960. Condorcet, Antoine Nicolas. Esquisse d'un tableau historique des progrès de I 'esprit humain. Cousinet, Roger. ...
... form, order, balance and proportion. The ideals of literature and art were "order, neatness, precision, exactitude" — and these were presumed to be the ideals of all reasonable men of all ages. Pierre Corneille (1606-84) was the father of French classical tragedy. In 1636 he had written Le Page 210 Cid, the first of his powerful dramas that glorified will power and the striving for ...
... Tagore, Debendranath, 16, 26 Tagore, Rabindranath, 15, 16-17, 62, 147, 220,244,247,273,550,571, 615 Tandon, Purushottamdas, 534 Tegart, Sir Charles, 287 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 442,443ff Telang, K. T., 15 Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 164, 177,615, 690 Tehmi, 595 Théon, M., 396 Thompson, Francis, 631 Thor, with Angels, 147 Thornhill ...
... 222 76. Ibid., p. 102 77. Ibid., p. 437 78. Ibid., p. 334 79. F. Spiegelberg, The Integral Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, p. 53 80. Nicolas Corte's Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, His Life and Spirit, translated by Martin Jarett-Kerr (1960) 81. Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man, translated by Bernard Wall, p. 72 ...
... speculation, and not even as a hypothesis, still less as a fact. ..None the less it may be a fact!" 68 Again, the recently (and posthumously) published book, The Phenomenon of Man by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin provokes comparison with The Life Divine at many points. Father de Chardin, a Jesuit was also a hard-headed biologist and palaeontologist, and he saw in man the spearhead of the ...
... will no longer be a few pretty thoughts capering down to a grave: there will be a changed earth—conspicuously changed. Not a “pretty earth” as seen through the eyes of some super-Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, but another earth, another Matter. The next Matter is to be made, or rather revealed, through the breaking of a million little habits of seeing in the wrong way, living in the wrong way, being in ...
... culture and way of life is an important factor in his easy appeal to Western readers. To me he appears shallow and perverse in his vision, and smart and frivolous in his mode of expression. Pierre Teillard de Chardin's books have created a world-wide stir. He speaks of a new race of supermen, and he brings his enormous scientific knowledge to bear upon his theory. A French gentleman has sent ...
... come out greater and purer from the ordeal. The Mother, Words of the Mother - III: New Year Messages Seigneur, tu as voulu juger de la qualité de notre foi et passer notre sincérité sur ta pierre de touche. Permets que nous sortions de l'épreuve grandis et purifiés. ( Paroles de la Mère 3, p. 184) असतो मा सद्गमय । तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय। मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय ॥२८॥ asato mā sadgamaya ...
... from R. C. Majumdar, Nilakanta Sastri and Yvonne Gaeblé (or Suvrata as Mother named her). Page 114 He pored over old maps of India. One of which was drawn in 1635 by a Frenchman, Pierre Berthelot (born in Hon fleur, France, on 12.12.1600) when the Danes were in Pondicherry. And sure enough 'Polesere' was well marked at the right place. The map by Berthelot carried the names of only ...
... (Harmondsworth: A Pelican Original, 1963), p. 214. 2. Ibid., p. 212. 3. Ibid. 4. Ibid., p. 220. 5. R.C. Zaehner, Evolution in Religion: A Study in Sri Aurobindo and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (London: Oxford University Press, 1971), p. 92. Page 72 6. Chhandogya Upanishad, 8.1.5. 7. Zaehner, c p. cit., p. 93. 8. Proverbs, 2.3-5. ...
... tolerance. Names like John Toland, John Locke and David Hume, willing to draw the last consequences of the enlightening but fallible human reason, are an ornament to its culture. In France there was Pierre Bayle (1647-1706), “the great apostle of tolerance”, who in still very intolerant times had to flee to Holland, the continental haven of intellectual freedom at that time. His Historical Dictionary ...
... although often so pronounced; vitalism, taboo in academe but stubbornly raising its head time and again in various disguises (evolution, after all, is about life); there is the ‘Omega Point’ theory of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and his epigones; there is, of course, creationism, not only as narrated in some holy books, but also in its metaphorical variations; there is the intelligent design theory, which ...
... books, the Hebrew Old Testament and the Christian New Testament. According to the latter, Christ, the incarnated Son of God, is the key to the redemption of all creation and especially of humankind. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and his consummation of the evolution in Christ is a well-known example of this vision. Another is e.g. Claude Tresmontant, former professor of philosophy at the Sorbonne, who writes: ...
... × Sujata Nahar, The Mother’s Chronicles II , p. 128. × See Pierre Barret and Jean-Noël Gurgand, Priez pour nous à Compostelle , pp. 109, 259. × The Mother – Paintings ...
... . Later after WWII, he came as the Governor of French India. In his book Le chemin de bonheur Baron speaks of his quest. Gabriel Monod-Herzen (1899), Doctores-Science. Charles Pierre Baudelaire (1821-67), French lyric poet, author of Les fleurs du mal. Paul Valery (1871-1945). Stephane Mallarme (1842-98), French symbolist poet; author of Uapres-midi ...
... ,. an interior aspect." Wildiers's vehement protest is rather strange in the wake 23. Ibid., p. 57, fn.1. 24. Ibid., p. 301. 25. Ibid., p. 309. 26. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: His Life and Spirit, translated from the French by Martin Jarrett-Kerr (Barrie & Rockliff, London, 1960), p. 61. 27. An Introduction to Teilhard de Chardin (Collins, A ...
... factors in recent years is indeed amazing: prions, introns, transposons, histones, messenger RNA, transfer RNA, ribosomal RNA, soluble RNA, RNA interference, mitochondrial DNA, and so on. “Today,” says Pierre Sonigo, “it becomes evident that the regulations within the cell – and consequently within the organism – are anything but linear [i.e. one-to-one]: They are part of series of loops without end and ...
... Simmons, Geoffrey: What Darwin Didn’t Know , Harvest House Publishers, 2004 Singh, Simon: Big Bang , Harper Perennial, 2005 Smolin, Lee: The Trouble with Physics , Allen Lane, 2006 Sonigo, Pierre, and others: L’évolution , EDP Sciences, 2003 Sri Aurobindo: Autobiographical Notes , Complete Works, 2006 — Essays Divine and Human , Complete Works, 1997 — Essays in Philosophy and Yoga ...
... Klostermann came to Paris and showed me the film he has made with your paintings of the first canto of Savitri. This is well done and there is quite an atmosphere. Wanda and Janine were there as well as Pierre and Micheline Etevenon, who happened to have lunch with us that very day. With loving regards from the three of us. Yours, André ...
... the arrangements to you. ( Silence ) Good-bye. Page 324 14 April 1970 G: (Referring to O) He is German, Sweet Mother. He is the one who draws the comics, like Claude de Ribaud-Pierre. He is the one who does that, Mother. (Referring to P) He has just arrived, Mother. He is a mason. Ah! G: He is from France and he is a mason. He is going to leave for some time to fetch ...
... Mother’s Agenda 1964 May 15, 1964 ( From Satprem to Sujata ) St-Pierre I have become as brown as an Indian—that's just like me, I do the contrary of the country I am in: Breton among the Indians, Indian among the Bretons. Basically, I'm forming a new race, the Bretondians—what do you say? S. Page 117 ...
... Mother’s Agenda 1964 May 28, 1964 ( From Satprem to Sujata ) St-Pierre This month of May is interminable, in-ter-mi-na-ble, it is surely elastic. If June is as long, I'll tear the calendar to pieces. But I haven't yet spoken to my mother about returning sooner than planned; I would like to know if Mother approves, it would give me more inner strength ...
... absence of "second" and "third" proves that the missing phrase must have been as we have reconstructed it: "one extending to...years." That McCrindle has not mistranslated is clear if we consult Pierre Chantraine's edition which has the original Greek on one side and the French version on the other. 2 The Greek words used with both the republics whose years are given are: Thv.., Thv meaning "once ...
... century. In the second half the most significant event so far for Europe's thought has been the publication of Le Phenomène humain (The Phenomenon of Man) by the Jesuit palaeontologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin who too was once influenced by Bergson. The book is physics and biology argued out along lines prompted by poetic and religious intuition in a language at the same time precise ...
... like competition and success, which do not carry with them the flavour of pure seeking. Today's world of sports and games is mostly an expression of the urge to competition and Success. Baron Pierre de Coubertin, when he put such energy into the revival of the ancient tradition of the Olympic Games, had a noble goal of establishing more securely peace between nations by making them to compete ...
... Ashatit, Auralee, Bhavana, Christine, Claude, Deepti, Don, Frederick, Ganga, Jay Singh, Jean-Yves, Jossi, Jyoti Madhok, Kireet Joshi, Krishna, Lala, Lola, Mala, Martin, Mirajyoti, Namrita, Olivier, Pala, Pierre, Serge, Shailaja, Shankaran, Sharanam, Soham, Suzie, Varadharajan, Vladimir, Vigyan. General Editor: KIREET JOSHI Author of this monograph: Alain Bernard We are grateful to many individuals ...
... evolution has not received universal acceptance. Many philosophers have provided new accounts of the process of evolution. These philosophical theories, such as those of Bergson, Whitehead, and Pierre de Chardin are speculative, and they do not carry scientific conviction. In contrast, the spiritual theory of evolution as developed by Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950) and the Mother (1878-1973) is ...
... in 1959. He said that he was surprised to find among the members here an "identity of preoccupations" with those of the Prospective groups in France. He died in late 1960 in an accident. 21. Pierre Bertaux, in Encyclopédie francaise, tome XX ( Le Monde en Devenir ), 1960,pp. 20-40-7. III. The Dawning of a New age 1. The Supermind can be described as a self-effectuationg ...
... freaks. 1 I quote Herbert Read to show how he agrees with me on this point. Says he, " Pioneers like Saurat and Signac will be held in honour; others like Manet, Monet, Camille, Pissaro and Pierre Bon-nard (to mention only some famous names) will grow more obvious and acceptable with years. But it is already evident that they do not reach beyond lyricism, beyond surface, to the magnificent banality ...
... far from being a 'crank' or a 'case', he was generally in the line of the great mystics, philosophers and poets of the world. For example, when I had almost completed my thesis, I came across Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's The Phenomenon of Man, and I was surprised to find striking similarities between his and Sri Aurobindo's speculations, to which 1 have drawn attention in the course of the first ...
... translated by William Atkinson (Tenguin Books, London, 1952). Cassirer, Ernst. Language and Myth, translated by Susanne K. Langer (Dover Publications Inc., New York, 1946). Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de. The Phenomenon of Man, translated by Bernard Wall (Collins, London, 1960). Letters from a Traveller (Collins, London, 1962). Chaudhuri, Haridas, The Philosophy ...
... Crane, Hart 390 Dante 33,102, 111, 330,333,334,371,372, 380,381,383-385,394,410-415,417- 419, 422,426,432,448,450,461,462 Das, C.R. 12,17,45 De Chardin, Pierre Teilhard 35-37 De Ruggiero, Guido 450 Dharma 11 Dickinson, Emily 314 Dowsett, Norman 18 Drewett, William H.6 Dryden ...
... .. With much affection. Satprem December 8, 1978 (Letter from Satprem to his mother) My beloved little mother, Here you are in this dark Paris, I'd rather you were in Saint-Pierre, it would reassure me. December 15 is drawing near [my mother's eighty-third birthday], I would like to surround you with much love and gratitude. I have quite the impression that we belong to the ...
... thorough investigation. "However, the constables, scattered all over the town, spread rumours detrimental to the refugees. They say that those Swadeshis cooperate with the party of Mr. Gaston Pierre, teach its members how to make explosives, and make explosives themselves; they allege that the murder of Ashe was prepared in Pondicherry and that one of the accused in the Tinneveli affair is hidden ...
... McKinley is assassinated; he is succeeded by Theodore Roosevelt. 1902 — The Trans-Siberian railroad is completed. - Powerful eruption of Mount Pelée in Martinique; 30,000 dead, town of St. Pierre annihilated. — Beginning of the Sinn Fein organization. — Sri Aurobindo begins organizing revolutionary action in Bengal. July 4 — Swami Vivekananda passes away. December -Sri Aurobindo ...
... tous les coins du monde une de Tes divines pierres est posée par la puissance de la pensée consciente et formatrice" Page 606 [p. 296]. Is this not similar to the fact that when Rama came he had with him some Devas and other higher beings to assist him in his work on the earth? I believe there are various such "divine stones" ("divines pierres") now in various countries who will be gradually ...
... rent fire and even motionless silence. Yes, that world is of wind and fire (compare our world of Tapas) and yet calm and tranquil. So the poet sings: Douve sera ton nom au loin parmi les pierres, Douve profonde et noire, Eau basse irreductible ou, I'effort se perdra.* 1 "Towards the other bank in a still darker night." 2 "A torch is held up in the day's grey ...
... transparent fire and even motionless silence. Yes, that world is of wind and fire (compare our world of Tapas) and yet calm and tranquil. So the poet sings: Douve sera ton nom au loin parmi les pierres, Douve profonde et noire, Eau basse irréductible où l'effort se perdra. 2 Inspiration, according to the poet, is not the high swell of garrulousness and anxious effort. It is ...
... fire and even motionless silence. Yes, that world is of wind and fire (compare our world of Tapas) and yet calm and tranquil. So the poet sings: Douve sera ton nom au l oin parmi les pierres, Douve profonde et noire, Eau basse irréductible où l'effort se perdra.4 ¹ "Towards the other bank in a still darker night." ² A torch is held up in the day's grey, ...
... joy that is contained in activity is compensated and balanced by the perhaps still greater joy contained in withdrawal from all activity 606 dans tous les coins du monde une de Tes divines pierres est posée par la puissance de la pensée consciente et formatrice — in every corner of the world one of Thy divine stones is laid by the power of conscious and formative thought 607 Il faut ...
... jusqu'à la source de la vie. Celui qui petit y boire devient immortel. Vois! mes ramures plangent dans l'infini; je suis l'espace entire que remplit Ie soleil. En moi, les pierres, les fleurs, les animaux, les enfants, les amants, les étoiles chantent à jamais. Je suis Ie Paradis que l'on croyait perdu. Je suis l'antre de la s'orcière et la demeure de la ...
... go." Occasionally, just as the white jet sighs to the blue, the blue sends forth to Mallarme a glimmer of the Nirvanic peace and then we have a line like: L'insensibilite de l'azur et des pierres. (The insensibility of the azure and of stones.) But mostly the Azure is a splendorous Time-God and, though invested with an ecstatic innocence at its high origin or in its flowery reflex below ...
... he comes along Slowly he approaches near Sits on the soft moss here.* 19. Le Lezard *Le petit lezard curieux, Le petit lezard vert, Le petit lezard bleu Apparait entre deux pierres. Au moindre geste, il a grand peur Et son caur bat. Mais quand je chantonne tout bas Une chanson douce, Il s’approche sur la mousse.* *13.10.1953 Isabelle Jaccard* 20. The ...