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54 result/s found for Psychic plane

... or to the vital worlds, so that it may pass quickly to its rest in the psychic peace. The movement of the psychic being dropping its outer, its vital and mental sheaths on its way to the psychic plane, is its normal movement after death. But there can be any number of variations; one can return directly from the vital plane without passing on to farther and higher states, and there are cases... is also possible a higher manifestation, in the Knowledge and not in the Ignorance. Your question therefore does not arise. It is not the naked spirit, but the psychic being that goes to the psychic plane to rest till it is called again to another life. There is therefore no need of a Force to compel it to take birth anew. It is in its nature something that is put forth from the Divine to support... Vibhutis of these Devatas. 4) These [ guardians of the psychic world ] are not human souls nor is this an office to which they are appointed nor are they functionaries—these are beings of the psychic plane pursuing their own natural activity in that plane. My word "guardians" [ in the preceding letter ] was simply a phrase meant to indicate by an image or metaphor the nature of their action. The ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... whatever aspect the soul shows. “And the soul itself too is not bound to one place; its opening to the Mother gives it the ability to be everywhere. And both the facts bring great joy. “The psychic plane is not static. There are lessons to be learned from the Divine all the while and at every stage of the soul's experience after its entry there during its sadhana. The Prasad Bhavan stands for the... appears like a dome. This evocation would mean the Overhead Consciousness with which the psychic has to link up. Within this dome-shaped building is what I have called the central point of the psychic plane, the Prasad Bhavan where there is, as it were, the quintessence of the Divine. It is a deep core surrounded by a wall (with no door or window) where one may have the experience which an Aurobindonian... shining sleep. “Here within a golden circle an opening is made to the overhead Sun of the planes beyond the mind, the planes which rise ultimately into the Supramental. In its own manner the psychic plane represents the Transcendent, for it is a projection directly from the Highest to stand behind the universal manifestation. And it is from this inmost fusion of the soul-plane with the supreme station ...


... then, dissolves in its turn, and the soul lives on in the mental sheath, manomaya koṣa, till that too is dissolved. When all the three sheaths are dissolved, the soul goes to its own plane, the psychic plane, for rest, for assimilation of its past experiences—the quintessence of which it carries with it—and for preparation for the next incarnation. "In the psychic world there is a kind of blissful repose... but a marvellous artist; it was the hands of the other person which made use of him.”¹ To take up our thread. When the time is ripe for another incarnation, the psychic comes out of the psychic plane and begins again the downward journey. The Mother gives a very interesting description of how the soul chooses in advance the form it will take, the place where it will be born, and the line of... the semblance of a constant personality. Death breaks up all this shifting formation. With the dissolution of the different parts, the memory is also dissolved. The psychic then goes to the psychic plane, carrying with it the essence of its experiences. When it returns to human birth again, it puts on a new mind, a new vital or prana, and a new body in accordance with its past experiences and ...


... humanity, that a conscious soul incarnates voluntarily. It is something very unusual. I have already told you that when a soul is conscious, fully formed, and wants to incarnate, usually from its psychic plane it looks for a corresponding psychic light at a certain place upon earth. Besides, during its previous incarnation, before going away, before leaving the earth-atmosphere, usually as a result of... very well to say, "Ah! no, I don't like it", but where would it go to choose another it likes?... That may happen, I don't say it is impossible, but it cannot happen very often. For, when from the psychic plane the soul looks at the earth and chooses the place for its next birth, it chooses it with sufficient discernment not to be altogether grossly mistaken. It has also happened that souls have incarnated ...


... the lower being is not yet used to refer above and act in response to movement from there. It cannot come all at once. Slowly and with great care it is to act always from an intense intuitive and psychic plane and cannot get beyond that. Of course I am not belittling the psychic, that is also a movement—a higher mental of the soul. But there is the still higher Supramental into which the roots of all... just the opposite of it. Idealists are mostly narrow. Opinions anybody can have. People may be optimistic, pessimistic, idealistic and it does not mean that they think. 2) My faith is from the psychic plane. 3) All power is one, but in manifestation it takes different forms and aspects. 4) These are different aspects and expressions of Ananda, delight of the perception of all things on all planes ...


... its way to the psychic plane. I would like to know whether it is possible to come into direct touch with those who have departed from this world. Yes, so long as they are near enough to the earth (it is usually supposed by those who have occult experience that it is for three years only) or if they are earth-bound or if they are of those who do not proceed to the psychic plane but linger near ...


... humanity, that a conscious soul incarnates voluntarily. It is something very unusual. I have already told you that when a soul is conscious, fully formed, and wants to incarnate, usually from its psychic plane it looks for a corresponding psychic light at a certain place upon earth. Besides, during its previous incarnation, before going away, before leaving the earth-atmosphere, usually as a result of... very well to say, "Ah! No, I don't like it", but where would it go to choose another it likes?... That may happen, I don't say it is impossible, but it cannot happen very often. For, when from the psychic plane the soul looks at the earth and chooses the place for its next birth, it chooses it with sufficient discernment not to be altogether grossly mistaken. It has also happened that souls have incarnated ...


... slowness of material things, and when we have to take so many steps only to go from here to the door. In the vital with a leap one can be there; mentally there is no need even of a leap. On the psychic plane is there a past, present and future? Page 217 In the psychic? Yes, you have even the consciousness of all the lives you have lived. When you enter into contact with the psychic you ...


... coincide in certain points. But the country is not yet ready to understand its principle or to execute its programme. Because I know this very well, I am content to work still on the spiritual and psychic plane, preparing there the ideas and forces which may afterwards at the right moment and under the right conditions precipitate themselves into the vital and material field. And I have been careful not ...


... Psychic Being The Psychic and the Spiritual Is there a difference between the "spiritual" and the "psychic"? Are they different planes? Yes, the psychic plane belongs to the personal manifestation; the psychic is that which is divine in you put out to be dynamic in the play. But when we speak of the spiritual we are thinking of something that is concentrated ...


... and Answers (1950 - 1951): 24 March 1951 On the physical plane the Divine expresses himself through beauty, on the mental plane through knowledge, on the vital plane through power and on the psychic plane through love. When we rise high enough, we discover that these four aspects unite with each other in a single consciousness, full of love, luminous, powerful, beautiful, containing all, pervading ...


... in certain points. But the country is not yet ready to understand its principle or to execute its programme. Because I know this very well, I am content to work still on the spiritual and psychic plane, preparing there the ideas and forces, which may afterwards at the right moment and under the right conditions precipitate themselves into the vital and material field____ 87 ________________ ...


... that sharpens the duality is seen to be an illusion, an appearance and nothing more. Is there a difference between the "spiritual" and the "psychic"? Are they different planes? Yes, the psychic plane belongs to the personal manifestation; the psychic is that which is divine in you put out to be dynamic in the play. But when we speak of the spiritual we are thinking of something that is concentrated ...


... rests until it is ready for a new birth. After death one passes through various vital and mental planes till the psychic being drops its vital and mental sheaths and enters into rest on the psychic plane till the time comes for rebirth. Page 530 At the time of death the being goes out of the body through the head; it goes out in the subtle body and goes to different planes of existence ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... unfolds itself in the Many—endlessly. On the physical plane the Divine expresses himself through beauty, on the mental plane through knowledge, on the vital plane through power and on the psychic plane through love. When we rise high enough, we discover that these four aspects unite with each other in a single consciousness, full of love, luminous, powerful, beautiful, containing all, pervading ...


... so beautiful, as though sculptured!) I tried to pass through it, but to do so (this is what I found interesting), instead of Page 138 passing through at this level ( the chest ), the psychic plane—the level of the soul's vibration—I had to climb up above and then descend; and finally, without even realizing it, I found myself inside—I had entered through sheer force of concentration. There ...


... coincide in certain points. But the country is not yet ready to understand its principles or to execute its programme. Because I know this very well, I am content to work still on the spiritual and psychic plane, preparing there the ideas and forces which may afterwards at the right moment and under the right conditions precipitate themselves into the vital and material field, and I have been careful not ...


... the lower being is not yet used to refer above and act in response to movement from there. It Cannot come all at once. Slowly and with great care it is to act always from an intense intuitive and psychic plane and cannot get beyond that. Of course I am not belittling the psychic, that is also a movement — a higher mental of the soul. But there is the still higher Supramental into which the roots of all ...

... happens usually but there are some beings who are more developed and do not follow this course.'Ibid., p. 435 'The movement of the psychic being dropping the outer sheaths on its way to the psychic plane is the normal movement. But there can be any number of variations; one can return from the vital plane and there are many cases of an almost immediate birth,some times even attended with a complete ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... and experiences are incessantly repeated." (Ibid.) (Q. 18): What compels the soul to take birth in a body upon earth ? (A. 18): "[It is the] psychic being that goes to the psychic plane to rest till it is called again to another life. There is, therefore, no need of a Force to compel it to take birth anew. It [the psychic being] is in its nature something that is put forth from ...

... mean, on the physical plane a transcendence of the law of causation, on the vital plane a cracking of the ego-shell, on the mental plane a rise into the overhead gnostic consciousness, and on the psychic plane to the realisation of Poise and Power and Peace and Ananda. Page 841 X But of course Sri Aurobindo's and the Mother's distinctive Avatar-role was to bring down the Supermind ...


... amplitudes of a sublime and mystic poetry". 40 The constant feeling of the presence of the Infinite, the sixth sense to see and render this Presence through multifoliate imagery drawn from the psychic plane, and the leap of intuition that repeatedly achieves the transcendence of the terrestrial into vaster spiritual realms: these three distinguishing marks of the best Vedic poetry provide also the ...

... vision, set in or against the amplitude of the one and infinite; its second peculiarity is a tendency to see and render its spiritual experience in a great richness of images taken from the inner psychic plane or in physical images transmuted by the stress of a psychic significance and impression and line and idea colour; and its third tendency is to image the terrestrial life often magnified, as in the ...


... note of fulfilment steals into Robert Nichols's picture of "the Secret Garden" when the unseen gardener goes through it: Humbled and hushed and happy falls each bird. Vaughan hints the psychic plane in his image of the paradise felt by him in childhood: That shady city of palm trees. The spiritual inspiration, as distinguished from the occult and the psychic, has a wide-winging power: ...

... tic of the planes that rise towards the vast universality of the Overmind."   (What distinguishes in manner and quality a pure inspiration of the Illumined Mind from that which has the psychic plane for its origin?)   "Your question reads like a poser in an examination paper. Even if I could give a satisfactory definition Euclideanly rigid, I don't know that it would be of much use ...


... of the vital being seems to be going on. Then a power from the higher world comes and takes up the individuals in a protective sheath of the inner self and absorbs their consciousness into the psychic plane. His hands with their various colours are imbuing each person with various phases of the beautiful inner consciousness. Being tied in the same bundle would suggest that a deep unity and harmony ...


... just the opposite of it. Idealists are mostly narrow. Opinions anybody can have. People may be optimistic, pessimistic, idealistic and it does not mean that they think. My faith is from the psychic plane. All power is one, but in manifestation it takes different forms and aspects. These are different aspects and expressions of Ananda, delight of the perception of all things on all planes. ...

... coincide in certain points. But the country is not yet ready to understand its principles or to execute its programme. Because I know this very well, I am content to work still on the spiritual and psychic plane, preparing there the ideas and forces which may afterwards at the right moment and under the right conditions precipitate themselves into the vital and material field, and I have been careful not ...

... and becomes ready for another birth. What you describe [ lying calmly in a realm of peace, joy and oneness ] is what we mean by the psychic being in its own plane of existence, for the psychic plane is like that. The psychic stands behind the rest of the being supporting it with its own purity, truth and joy. Page 124 × ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... speak of are planes of consciousness—the physical is the lowest, above it the ordinary vital, above it the emotional (heart), above it the mental, above the mental are other planes. There is a psychic plane behind the emotional which influences all the others. The physical is not the only world; there are others that we become aware of through dream records, through the subtle senses, through ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... the direct line of descent; that concerns others. Therefore I leave you to put your own questions. Yes. My work of mentality is different. It is not concerned with the actualities of the psychic plane. Await the coming of the other for that question. I can only tell you certain possibilities of his nature, not his actual psychic condition. But it is better to know his actual condition and then ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... for a few minutes take a concentrated attitude calling the Mother's presence for the day. Page 451 Hearing Music after Waking The expression [ of sweet melodious music ] was of the psychic plane—and the music was of that domain. Very often coming out of a conscious sleep like that the inner consciousness (which heard the music) lasts for a few seconds even after waking, before it goes back ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... This happens spontaneously when these same elements of the psychic become active again. Any deliberate mental effort is liable to produce misleading imaginations. 68 * On the psychic plane is there a past, present and future? In the psychic? Yes, you have even the consciousness of all the lives you have lived. When you enter into contact with the psychic you become conscious ...


... there is a spiritual life independent of the psychic. 24 — The Mother Is there a difference between the "spiritual" and the "psychic"? Are they different planes? Yes, the psychic plane belongs to the personal manifestation; the psychic is that which is divine in you put out to be dynamic in the play. But when we speak of the spiritual we are thinking of something that is concentrated ...


... person and just satisfies it. Lastly, lest he should think that the psychic being is something weak and inert, let him understand that the presiding Deity — the adhiṣṭhātṛ devatā — of the psychic plane is Agni. It is the Divine Fire of aspiration. When the psychic being is awakened the God of the plane is also awakened. And even if the whole being is impure it is this Agni which intervenes, removes ...


... Psychic Being and Agni of the Veda Lastly, lest he should think that the psychic being is something weak and inert, let him understand that the presiding Deity — the adhiṣṭhātṛ devatā — of the psychic plane is Agni. It is the Divine Fire of aspiration. When the psychic being is awakened the God of the plane is also awakened. And even if the whole being is impure it is this Agni which intervenes, removes ...


... tic of the planes that rise towards the vast universality of the Overmind." (What distinguishes in manner and quality a pure inspiration of the Illumined Mind from that which has the psychic plane for its origin?) "Your question reads like a poser in an examination paper. Even if I could give a satisfactory definition Euclideanly rigid, I don't know that it would be of much use ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overhead Poetry

... principle and programme.... But the country is not yet ready to understand its principle or to execute its programme. Because I know this very well, I am content to work still on the spiritual and psychic plane, preparing there the ideas and forces, which may afterwards at the right moment and under the right conditions precipitate themselves into the vital and material field, and I have been careful not ...


... on the road, then everything seems to conspire to help you to advance.       Is there a difference between the "spiritual"and the "psychic"? Are they different planes"? Yes, the psychic plane belongs to the personal manifestation; the psychic is that which is divine in you put out to be dynamic in the play. But when we speak of the spiritual we are thinking of something that is concentrated ...

... subsequent ages even as we see it in architecture, painting and sculpture. And as in the Veda, even so here, there is a tendency to see and render spiritual experience in images taken from the inner psychic plane or in physical images transmitted by the stress of a psychic significance and impression. The tendency to image the terrestrial life often magnified, as Page 22 in the Mahabharata and ...


...         THE PSYCHIC BEING AFTER DEATH         After death, what happens to the adhar — I mean mind, vital and subtle physical— when the psychic being returns to the psychic plane for rest?       It is dropped off—unless the being has become strongly individualised on the mental plane or both on the mental and vital. Then it keeps its mental and vital sheaths — otherwise ...

... subsequent ages even as we see it in architecture, painting and sculpture. As in the Veda, even so here, there is a tendency to see and render spiritual experience in images taken from the inner psychic plane or in physical images transmitted by the stress of a psychic significance and impression. The tendency to image the terrestrial life often magnified, as in the Mahabharata and in the Ramayana, reflects ...


... non-existence. Chit is conscious-force which is the aspect of knowledge and conscious power. When manifested here it is life. The third principle, Ananda, is manifested here as the psychic being, psychic plane of consciousness, the true individuality in man. It is the delight aspect that is the cause of the universe, cause of its continuation, cause of its manifestation and it is the driving force for ...


... thing. It is said that a man has five sheaths or vehicles. The physical sheath falls away at the time of death. The vital and the mental get dissolved when the soul arrives at last at the psychic plane of rest where, in a trance sleep, it assimilates its experiences of past lives for a future birth. Now what happens with regard to the causal body—the supramental and bliss vehicles? Perhaps they ...

... Lastly, lest he should think that the psychic being is something weak and inert. Let him understand that Page 150 the presiding Deity – the adhisthātā devatā – of the psychic plane is Agni, Fire. It is the Divine Fire of aspi­ration. When the psychic being is awakened the God of the plane is also awakened. And even if the whole being is impure it is this Agni – Fire – which ...

... vital Karma in the vital world, and then passes on into the mental. When the mental formations are dissolved, like those of the vital, the soul goes to its own plane, called by Sri Aurobindo the psychic plane, for rest and assimilation of all its past experiences, acquired both on earth and on the planes of Us post-mortal journey. When the period of rest is over, Page 183 and the work ...

... and She used them as a means to transmit to us the needed help, communicating with our psychic by giving us particular flowers with the spiritual qualities required.   We too offered Her flowers that expressed our aspiration. This exchange of flowers was a means of communication on the psychical plane and one of the ways in which She worked on our subtle being. Page 111 ...

Mona Sarkar   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sweet Mother

... "breathed" on paper: what a striking expression to describe the art of the Indian painter. As Sri Aurobindo says, "In reality the shapes he paints are the form of things as he has seen them in the psychical plane of experience: these are the soul figures of which physical things are a gross representation and their purity and subtlety reveals at once what the physical masks by the thickness of its caring... n of an inner state? Here we are touching upon the unique character of Indian painting and the peculiar appeal of this art, which springs from the remarkably inward, spiritual and psychic turn which was and psychic turn which was given to it by the pervading genius of Indian culture. As Sri Aurobindo says, "In the treatment of the human figure all corporeal filling in of the out line by insistence... whole essential human being is there, the divinity that has taken this garb of the spirit to the eye, but not the superfluous physicality which he carries with him as his burden. It is the ideal psychical figure and body of man and woman that is before us in its charm and beauty. The filling in of the line is done m another way; it is effected by a disposition of pure masses, a design and coloured ...


... strangeness or formidable aspect of certain unhuman figures or the conception of demons or Rakshasas, it must be remembered that the Indian aesthetic mind deals not only with the earth but with psychic planes in which these things exist and ranges freely among them without being overpowered because it carries everywhere the stamp of a large confidence in the strength and the omnipresence of the Self... this architecture. The wealth of ornament, detail, circumstance in Indian temples represents the infinite variety and Page 278 repetition of the worlds,—not our world only, but all the planes,—suggests the infinite multiplicity in the infinite oneness. It is a matter of our own experience and fullness of vision how much we leave out or bring in, whether we express so much or so little or... happy in dealing with Indian things: this Moslem architecture suggests not only unbridled luxury, but effeminacy and decadence! But in that case, whatever its beauty, it belongs entirely to a secondary plane of artistic creation and cannot rank with the great spiritual aspirations in stone of the Hindu builders. I do not demand "moral suggestions" from architecture, but is it true that there is nothing ...


... us a psychical transmutation of the natural figure. In reality the shapes he paints are the forms of things as he has seen them in the psychical plane of experience: these are the soul-figures of which physical things are a gross representation and their purity and subtlety reveals at once what the physical masks by the thickness of its casings. The lines and colours sought here are the psychic lines... some more strongly psychical rendering, but he does not work altogether from within outward in the freer manner of the oriental artist. His emotion and artistic feeling move in this form and are limited by this artistic convention and are not a pure spiritual or psychic emotion but usually an imaginative exaltation derived from the suggestions of life and outward things with a psychic element or an evocation... oriental art is akin in this respect that the psychic enters into Page 312 and for the most part lays its subtler law on the physical vision and the psychic line and significance give the characteristic turn, are the secret of the decorative skill, direct the higher art in its principal motive. But there is a difference between the Persian psychicality which is redolent of the magic of the middle ...


... from the psychic realm.         Here is a dream I had during my noon sleep. I came across a lake. In its centre there was an island with a small but very beautiful garden. There stood a fountain in the middle from which water was springing out. I watched it from the brink of the lake.       It is probably a rendering in physical terms of some experience on the psychic-vital plane.  ... can't ask what it signifies—it was a thing that happened, just as on the physical plane Mother might put something on you.         In today's dream I went to the Ashram Dining Room ( Aroume). Casually I paid a visit to Y. As I was approaching him I felt as if stepping towards a psychic being!       His psychic is very prominent.         A dream: I went to the seashore where I heard... many of your vital dreams and was probably an actual fact of experience in the vital plane.         In last night's dream I saw a monkey. What does a monkey stand for?       The monkey may have been of the Hanuman type. Hanuman is a symbol of Bhakti and devotion.       THE MENTAL AND PSYCHIC DREAMS         In mental dreams can things, men and movements figure ...

... we can well believe it. But there was also another person, and that was Mrs. Theon. Another personality altogether. Actually, she was the one who had amazing powers— a vast knowledge of the psychic planes, 11 Sri Aurobindo would later say—and it was on her experiences that Theon based his teaching. She was Theon’s foundation, and regardless of what can be thought of him, it was certainly to... her being was exteriorized, her body kept a life of its own and she could walk about and even attend to small material chores. 14 She could also speak and narrate everything she saw on the other planes, while she was exploring them, which is how Theon gathered all the material for his Revue Cosmique. "Her eyes have the purity of a child's, but they look tired of having seen so many things,” 15 ...

... is true pn the psychic and spiritual plane it is all that matters. As long as you find Krishna as a divine Power on the psychic, or on the spiritual plane nothing else matters. He is true for us. The physical is merely the shadow of the psychic. Disciple : To-day our friend asked me again about the Christian and Hindu visions. He was at a loss to understand why, if Truth is one, men should get... facts, tradition and psychic experience as well as history. Disciple : How did the poet get them ? Did he get them by psychic intuition or from the physical life only ? Sri Aurobindo : You can't take these things so literally and scientifically. The poet was not writing history, he was only writing poetry. He may have got his mate­rials from the psychic intuitive plane, and from his own... psycho-mental or any other plane. Disciple : I have a question. The poet describes the form of Sri Krishna. Now, is it the description of his psychic body or his physical body – because we see that form of his in our own psychic vision even to-day. T Sri Aurobindo : What on earth does it matter whether he Page 146 lived on the physical plane or not ? If the thing is ...

... just as reality comes home to us most in the third term of the positive Trinity, because Bliss and its negative blisslessness appeal to us on the material plane vividly and sensibly; the others touch us more indirectly, on the psychic & causal planes. Yet the Nothingness of nothingness is taught us by Science, and the unreality of non-sentience will become clear when the nature of sentience is better... investigated or not, the phenomena persist in occurring! Hauntings, for example, for which there are only scattered indications in Europe, are in India, owing to the more strenuous psychical force and more subtle psychical sensitiveness of our physical organisation, fairly common. In these hauntings we have a signal Page 389 instance of the triumph of imagination. In the majority of cases... material plane except in a random, fortuitous and totally unpurposed manner. In the manner of its working, then, Imagination is a carefully executed replica of Avidya; and if other marks of her essential identity with Avidya are needed, they can be found. Both are, for instance, preponderatingly purposeless. The workings of imagination are often totally dissociated, on the material plane at least ...
