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Ramprasad : Rāma Prasād Sen (1718/23-75), Bengali poet-saint, a devotee of Mother Kali. He rendered the romantic story of Vidyā & Sundar.
... appeal to the Vaishnava-Tantric traditions, to Chaitanya, Ramprasad, Ramakrishna. I know something about them and, if I did not try to repeat them, it is because I do not find in them the solution, the reconciliation I am seeking. Your quotation from Ramprasad 1 does not assist me in the least—and it does not support your thesis either. Ramprasad is not speaking of an embodied, but of a bodiless and... ______ l. " Māye poye mokaddamā dhum habe Rāmprasād bale, āmi khānto habo Jskhan āmāy shanto kore labe kole" ["There will be a sensational legal battle between the Mother and the son, says Ramprasad, I shall relent only when you take me on your lap."] Page 151 because without that nothing sound or lasting can be done but also there must be a realisation of the Divine in the outer ...
... high-pitched turn in the poetry of Kabir. In Bengal again at the end of the Mahomedan period there is the same blending of fervent devotion with many depths and turns of religious thought in the songs of Ramprasad to the divine Mother, combined here with a vivid play of imagination turning all familiar things into apt and pregnant images and an intense spontaneity of feeling. In the South a profounder philosophic... and devotional lyrics are not the creation or meant for the appreciation of a cultivated class, but with few exceptions the expression of a popular culture. The Ramayana of Tulsidas, the songs of Ramprasad and of the Bauls, the wandering Vaishnava devotees, the poetry of Ramdas and Tukaram, the sentences of Tiruvalluvar and the poetess Avvai and the inspired lyrics of the southern saints and Alwars ...
... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 SUPPLEMENTARY I SWEET MOTHER (New Series) The Golden Harvest The poet-saint Ramprasad says: “O my man, you do not know how to till! If you knew! Oh, you have such a piece of land – This human life of yours! You could have reaped gold from it.” Indeed this human... adage: "The proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof." This capacity of eating is the privilege of the body alone: only the body can supply this proof that makes a thing concretely real. Why did Ramprasad utter these words somewhat rough and uncouth to a civilised Page 251 hearing? - "Oh Mother, I will eat you up, devour you, even as I do a plate of vegetable!" There is delight ...
... appeal to the Vaishnava-Tantric traditions, to Chaitanya, Ramprasad, Ramakrishna. I know something about them and, if I did not try to repeat them, it is because I do not find in them the solution, the reconciliation I am seeking. Your quotation from Ramprasad does not assist me in the least—and it does not support your thesis either. Ramprasad is not speaking of an embodied, but of a bodiless and invisible ...
... and Bhartrihari and Jayadeva and the other rich creations of classical Indian drama and poetry and romance, the Dhammapada and the Jatakas, the Panchatantra, Tulsidas, Vidyapati and Chandidas and Ramprasad, Ramdas and Tukaram, Tiruvalluvar and Kamban and the songs of Nanak and Kabir and Mirabai and the southern Shaiva saints and the Alwars,—to name only the best-known writers and most characteristic ...
... contemplation of Chapter XI of the Bhagavad Gita. Vow of the Buddha Selected Psalms Islamic prayers Selected portions from Tulsidas Songs ofMirabai, Surdas, Tukaram, Ramprasad, and ofher saints Prayer of Swami Vivekananda Page 234 Class X I. Sciences and Values: 1. Our knowledge regarding man: (a) Man in evolution (b) Has ...
... Plato, 247-8, 275n., 279 Poetry, 196n., 207n Pondicherry, 228 Pope, 85 Pound, Ezra, 88 Pravahan, 22 Pythagoras, 30 RAKsHASAS, 159 Rama, 187 Ramayana, the, 235 Ramprasad, 218 Reformation, the, 273 Renaissance, the, 71, 239 Renard, Jean-Claude, 209 -"Et Les lIes Feront Silence", 208-9n Rochefoucau1d, 108 Roerich, Nicholas, 150-3 Romains ...
... Gandhi. Rabindranath is the model of a Bengali. The Deccan has produced Shankara; Nanak and Surdas appeared in the North; but in the fertile soil of Bengal were born Sri Chaitanya, Chandidas and Ramprasad. The cult of devotion exists, no doubt, in other parts of India; but the cult of looking upon God as the Lover of the beloved devotee has blossomed only in Bengal. The worship of Kartikeya prevails ...
... else!” Nirod-da has written: “Sri Aurobindo told his attendants: ‘I have come down so close to you and yet you cannot understand me, cannot know me, cannot reach me.’ ” A line from sadhak Ramprasad comes to mind: “Who can know you if you do not let yourself be known?” Nolini-da has written: “How effortlessly we got a touch of Their body—there was no effort or striving of any kind on ...
... assimilating capacity is bound to increase until at the end we may dare exclaim with Ramprasad the famous saint of Bengal: "This time I shall devour Thee utterly, Mother Kali: Thou must devour me first, or I myself shall eat Thee up; One or the other it must be. To show to the world that Ramprasad is Kali's rightful son, Come what may, I shall eat Thee up—Thee and Thy retinue— Or lose ...
... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 Ramprasad (1) This time I have found the secret.¹ One who has the secret has taught me the secret. ² I have found a man who comes from a land where there is no night. Day or evening, both are equal to me now. Lo! Evening is a barren lady... lightning gleam And tears flow ceaselessly like ceaseless rains. The rainbird, my heart, is now eased of all fear. Not in this life nor in the next nor in lives hereafter, Ramprasad says, no more shall he take birth in a human womb. (3) O my mind! Are you in quest of That ? O insane that you are dwelling in a dark dungeon! That is the ...
... even the cultured elite anywhere else. Where else could the lofty, austere and difficult teaching of a Buddha have seized so rapidly on the popular mind? Where else could the songs of a Tukaram, a Ramprasad, a Kabir, the Sikh gurus and the chants of the Tamil saints with their fervid devotion but also their profound spiritual thinking have found so speedy an echo and formed a popular religious literature ...
... 198 Puranas , 69 , 96, loolln), IOS, 110 R Rajagopalachari, Chakravarti, 166, 237-238(fn) Rama, 238 Ramakrishna, 76 , 102 Ramakrishna Mission, 112 Ramayana, 98(fn) Ramdas. 46 Ramprasad, 146 Rao, S. R. , 101(fn) rationalism , 55 , 85, 140 reason, 1,85,201 -202 reform sure formers, 89-90 religion, 49 , 101 , 129 -130, 169 , 182 , 190, 20 1, 207 aggressive religions, 183 ...
... even the cultured elite anywhere else. Where else could the lofty, austere and difficult teaching of a Buddha have seized so rapidly on the popular mind? Where else could the songs of a Tukaram, a Ramprasad, a Kabir, the Sikh Gurus and the chants of the Tamil saints with their fervid devotion but also their profound spiritual thinking have found so speedy an echo and formed a popular religious literature ...
... smiling, soft spoken but ready to meet and interact with people, Abhay Singh always came forward to help the poor and downtrodden people. He was very fond of music. Songs of Rabindranath Tagore, Ramprasad, Rajanikanta and Nazrul were his favourites. After the Mother left her physical body in 1973, he had to face a lot of opposition and obstacles in the Ashram, but always maintained calmness and ...
... as for X and Co. he should remember the other saying, '''prakrtim yāntibhūtāni” [all existences follow their nature]— bhutas and politicians also... What happened was that your song on Ramprasad put Mother into connection with something of the past and she got transferred there and saw a scene in connection with it... January 1937 ? There are people who start at once, others ...
... contemplation of Chapter XI of the Bhagavad Gita Vow of the Buddha Selected Psalms Islamic prayers Selected portions from Tulsidas Songs of Mirabai, Surdas, Tukaram, Ramprasad, and other saints Prayer of Swami Vivekananda Class X Science and Values Our knowledge regarding man: Man in evolution Has man made progress? Limitations of ...
... contemplation of Chapter XI of the Bhagavad Gita -Vow of the Buddha -Selected Psalms -Islamic prayers -Selected portions from Tulsidas -Songs of Mirabai, Surdas, Tukaram, Ramprasad, and other saints -Prayer of Swami Vivekananda Class X I. Sciences and Values 1. Our knowledge regarding man: (a) Man in evolution (b) Has man made progress? ...
... dark, hers is the blackness of the earthly night. The Vaishnava poet and saint sang: Oh, I love black, For black is the tamal tree, black is Krishna, Oh , how I love black. Ramprasad the Bhakta thus speaks of Kali, his dark Mother: the poem itself is very dark, that is to say, the meaning is dark, and the style, the phrasing is darker still. A literal translation is out of question ...
... Lost 9 Parasara 8 Polacks 25 Pondicherry 92 Prabhat Mukberji 97 Proteus 17 Purushottama 14 Q Queen Eleanor 49 R Rakshasas 5 Ramayana 103 Ramprasad 78 Rex Warner 47 Rishi 12 Rishi, Vedic 8, 16, 33, 34, 37, 72, 79, 82, 93 Rishi Kushika 50 Romeo 25 Rousseau 39 S Sacrifice, Vedic I Sadhu 97 ...
... hers is the blackness of the earthly night. The Vaishnava poet and saint sang: Oh, I love black, For black is the tamal tree, black is Krishna, Oh, how I love black. Ramprasad the Bhakta thus speaks of Kali, his dark Mother: the poem itself is very dark, that is to say, the meaning is dark, and the style, the phrasing is darker still. A literal translation is out of question ...
... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 Songs of Ramprasad ( I ) SAY what does it mean: the eyes drip with tears (when one takes the name of Kali) ? You have seen much, your. wisdom is great, say for certain what it is. One sense I make out: the body is but a sunken log! The name Kali is a fire burning ...
... Paraclete, 23 Parasurama, 148 Parvati, 152, 154 Pondicherry , 11n., 12 Pulastya, 149 RADHA, 307 Ramakrishna, 106 Ramprasad, 159-61 Raoutu,283 Ravana, 148 Reminiscences, 11 Richard, King, 59 Roy, Dilip, 189 Rudras, the, 144-5 SAGAR, 56 ...
... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 Ramprasad Page 110 Page 111 Page 112 ...
... spiritual truth, but he never accepted the Nirvikalpa Samadhi as the sole self-sufficing goal for all or even for the many. He did not want, personally, to melt away as a salt-doll in the ocean. Like Ramprasad he would rather not become a lump of sugar but taste it instead. The aim of his dynamic personality Page 228 was to purify and transform the egoistic 'I' into the real ‘I’, and ...
... hers is the blackness ofthe earthly night. The Vaishnava poet and saint sang: Oh, I love black, For black is the tamal tree, black is Krishna, Oh, how I love black. Ramprasad the Bhakta thus speaks of Kali, his dark Mother: the poem itself is very dark, that is to say, the meaning is dark, and the style, the phrasing is darker still. A literal translation is out of question ...
... devotion (Bhakti) and love. But the ego remains—it is the saint ego, the Bhakta ego, the ego of the Sadhu or the virtuous man: as Ramakrishna says, "Bhakta ami, das ami" ("Bhakta I, servant I") and Ramprasad says, "I want to eat sugar, not be sugar." The psychic of course opens the way to the realisation of the spiritual Self by which the ego can go. By the realisation of the Spirit, you feel one with ...
... commands of my inner voice, but I obeyed the indications that I received from above. I did not sit down to meditate because I was in a state of constant meditation, very much like the poet-saint Ramprasad who was so continuously conscious of Kali's presence that he did not feel the need to worship Her at any of the times indicated for puja. "Lele was so bewildered by what was happening to me that ...
... spiritual development of the consciousness upon earth the great past ought to be followed by a greater future. ¹ 14-1.1932 You appeal to the Vaishnava-Tantric traditions; to Chaitanya, Ramprasad, Ramakrishna. I know something about them and, if I did not try to repeat them, it is because I do not find in them the solution, the reconciliation I am seeking. ² 14-1-1932 In the beginning ...
... passion for music, I was able to bring back with me When I came to settle in the Ashram quite a collection of raga-raginis and various types of Bengali songs like songs of Tagore, Nazrul, Atulprasad, Ramprasad, Kirtans and many folk-style songs, and these proved to be of great help in my later life. I used to learn Kathak in Calcutta from Gopal-da, a student of the renowned dancer Shambhu ...
... the fulfillment of their aspiration as the psychic way. SRI AUROBINDO: In that case all people here are psychic! PURANI: I remember Dilip writing a long letter to you in which he refers to Ramprasad's song claiming that the Divine1 should satisfy his demands because he has sacrificed everything for the Divine. SRI AUROBINDO: Claim!—claim by what rights? His argument seemed to be, "You must ...
... people regard quarrelling with the Divine as the psychic way. Sri Aurobindo : In that case, many people are psychic in the Ashram. Disciple : I remember X’s letter referring to Ramprasad’s Song claiming that the Divine must satisfy his demand, because he had sacrificed everything for the Divine. Disciple : “Claim” based on what? This argument seems to be “you must give ...
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