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English [78]

Smart : Christopher (1722-71), English poet of “A Song to David”.

78 result/s found for Smart

... years, how difficult it must be! Because the body's cells obey that material mind, which, in its natural state, is a mass of stupid ignorance that thinks it's so smart, oh!... An almost foul mass of stupidity, and it thinks it's so smart! It thinks it knows everything. ( silence ) Because NOTHING in the consciousness budged during those changeovers [back and forth from the true to the false ...


... thought and given to running down Indian cultural values. He has a smart, slangy style which attracts many modern Page 37 readers. His light hearted depreciation of Indian culture and way of life is an important factor in his easy appeal to Western readers. To me he appears shallow and perverse in his vision, and smart and frivolous in his mode of expression. Pierre Teillard ...

... critical ineptitude. For example. Archer's opinion of Sita that she is so excessive in her virtue "as to verge on immorality" elicits Sri Aurobindo's comment that "meaningless   Page 493 smart extravagance has reached its highest point when it can thus verge on the idiotic". 7 Paced with exhibitions of such monumental obtuseness, Sri Aurobindo can hardly hide his exasperation, but he is... with a continual race against time, cumulatively and in their total effect the canon can successfully * Message to Sri Aurobindo birthday meeting in New York on 15 August 1949. See also Ninian Smart on Sri Aurobindo's style (The Integral Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, edited by Spiegelberg and Chaudhuri, 1960, p. 167). Page 515 claim for Sri Aurobindo a place among the supreme ...

... such a crowd I found a clever, smart boy who became my un-asked-for guide. He began showing me round. For instance he showed me a carving in the temple which when covered on one side becomes a bull whereas when covered on the other represents an elephant. We went round the temple taking photos. Naturally the youngsters also wanted to be photographed. That smart boy stayed with us all the time... projectionist in a local cinema. They were not rich. Four years later we went to Darasuram again. No sooner had we arrived than the village boys came crowding round me but I did not find that smart boy among them. I brought out his photo and asked the villagers: " Do you know this boy?" They said: "Yes, yes, we know him well." They went and fetched the boy. I was sorry to see that... It seemed that while playing Alain's companion he cheated a little, so in his excitement Alain started speaking Bengali: "Shalaki pusha" - intending to say: "Chalaki peyechho?" (Trying to be smart, eh?) Page 68 (59) A Frenchman once came to the Ashram wishing to stay here. He was told that to stay in the Ashram he would have to work eight hours a day. The gentleman ...


... the above in April 1960, and I am glad to find corroboration in a recent study by Ninian Smart and also in a biography of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Writing about 'Sri Aurobindo and History' in the current (1961) number of Arts and Letters (issued by the Royal India, Pakistan and Ceylon Society), Ninian Smart finds like me "some sttriking likenesses to Sri Aurobindo's position" in Fr. de Chardin's ...


... singing. They dance a couple of rounds of a simple country dance. Cyane (standing off) . Well? Imp Well!... I was spying, girl. A good smart job For a clever imp like me. But many more, Hundreds of us are very busy now. Our gloomy Titan masters drive us hard - Ay, not a moment's rest. The times are bad, Most critical and strained. A... falling flat, one of them half-faint. The other picks himself up, breathing heavily, and looks round. It is Spry. The captain and the goblin go over to meet him. Hylon Ah! two of our smart spying squad! Well, well, What's brought you to this state? Hiding in there Page 64 And spying on us, eh? Been at it long? Goblin (interrupting) But, no! A while ...


... shall I paint the idea of Love? The Greeks have described a child with a warlike bow of horn and bitter arrows tipped with steel, and modern poets inspired by this rude conception have fabled of the smart which is the herald of Love's shaft. But these ideas however happy in themselves are by no means suitable to Love; for they are without two of his most essential elements, the subtle and the impalpable ...


... It is a favourable sign that when some leading moderate politicians are trying fresh and big doses of poppy on our people for the offence of giving a slight indication of self-consciousness, these smart shocks for regaining self-possession are coming of themselves. The spurious politics that has so long lived only on the delusion of the people has very nearly been found out and thus elaborate preparations ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... answer it? How defend my faith in him _ and in You? Because it’s now or never with Eddie _ God give me the grace to say the right thing. Father Flanagan cleared his throat. “Eddie, you’re smart enough to know when a thing is really proved. What is a good boy? A good boy is an obedient boy. Right?” “Yeah!” “Always does what teachers tell him to do?” “Yeah!” “Well, that’s ...


... verse-builder with a delicate talent and some outbreaks of genius and she wrote things that were attractive and sometimes something that had a strong energy of language and a rhythmic force. Romesh was a smart imitator of English poetry of the second or third rank. What he wrote, if written by an Englishman, might not have had even a temporary success. Sarojini is different. Her work has a real beauty, but ...


... infinite of bliss, And in that one touch lost by sun sublime And moon intense are all the tears of time! Dream after mystic dream my painter heart Mixes to erase the tiny shadow and smart Spoiling earth's mightiest mood of loveliness. Vain are all dreams—for O the little less That kills perfection, blinds eternity, Is the puny spot of self I grasp as me! If I could ...

... "Shadowy Female, The", 168,172, 180-81 Shakespeare, 40 Shelley, 14 "shoulder", 10,119,122 shoulder-art, 10,120 Signatura Rerum, 182 "skies", 12,13,14,16,77,88,92 Smart, Christopher, 42,43,256 Smith, A.J.M., 22,33-35,41 snakes, 5 Sola Pinto, Vivian de, 53 fn. 2 Son and Father, 43 Songs of Experience, The, 57,131,137, 163,206,231 Songs ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... opposite camp. Jonathan Wells, embryologist and author of Icons of Evolution , has said recently: “I predict that within twenty years people will look back on the present and wonder how so many seemingly smart people could have believed in Darwinian evolution.” 47 In Darwin’s Black Box , Lynn Margulis, at present one of the most famous biologists in the world, is quoted as saying that history will ultimately ...

... if we are still there... ( On the choice of a motor-car ) Do you want to go from one place to another without getting tired and without spending much time on the way, or do you want to be smart and look like an important man? Shrinking is as bad as desire—so have the fan and let the Divine's will be done, for—after all—it is always His will that prevails! One must be without ...


... matter.... How long will it take? How long did it take to change the stone into the plant, the plant into the animal, the animal...? We don't know, but the way things are going ... Now that they are so smart in calculating, when do they reckon the earth was formed? How many billions of years ago? 1 All that time just to be where we are. Naturally, the farther we go, the faster things move, that's ...


... an apprentice in supermanhood. On the choice of a motor-car: Do you want to go from one place to another without getting tired and without spending much time on the way, or do you want to be smart and look like an important man? And the body says to the Supreme Lord: “What You want me to be, I shall be, what You want me to know, I shall know, what You want me to do, I shall do.” And you ...


... obey his elders. It is more important that he disobeys his elders and have the courage to launch out in a new direction. We need leaders, winners, iconoclasts, innovators. They have to be intelligent, smart, specialized and hard-nosed practical men, who can compete in today's cutthroat world. It is no use teaching them to be good, patient, submissive, cooperative, loving, non-violent and compassionate ...

... rainbow danced across the sky. It was a good sign. Boy. And I named the little wet foal... Rainbow! Page 477 You have trained her well. Boy. Rainbow is smart. Grandfather. Like you. She is good at remembering. Rainbow is my eyes, Grandfather. She takes me to the sheep, wherever they are, and when I am ready, she ...

... Antonio how to woo a young girl. Antonio challenges Basil to show the efficacy of his teaching by actual demonstration and Basil picks up the gauntlet. At that very moment enters on the scene Brigida, a smart and witty girl, with a love-letter written by Ismenia and addressed to Antonio. Now Antonio invites his cousin Basil to try his wooing skill on Brigida, the cousin of Ismenia, and win her love. Basil ...

... the brahmins are generally fair. The boy said: "Sir, give me some stamps." I stopped and told him: "I am out on a journey, little brother, I have no stamps with me now." He was very smart. He pushed a chit of paper in my pocket. "Here is my address and name. When you get back send me some stamps." The youngster's spontaneous simplicity and smartness delighted me very much. ...


... Come quick, come quick, Picnic we shall go; I go, you go, He goes, she goes, All would like to go. Come Ho ! Come Ho ! At five we start, All dressed and smart, Never we be late; With helping hand, Our merry band, All in a happy state. Come Ho ! Come Ho ! We climb the mountain, Bathe in fountain, See many wonder-things ...

... do not grieve). When harried by some impetuous desire, or blinded by some passion or delusion, we revolt against the Will of the Divine, Grace smites us with disgrace and calamity, and makes us smart with sharp pain, so that the desire or delusion may be burnt out in the fire of suffering, and we may turn again towards the out- stretched arms of the Divine. If the pressure of Grace upon the crooked ...


... second, when he tried, in the interests of British capital, to crush the resurgent life of India. As a political-cum-reasoning animal who Was also a pre-eminently literary animal, Mr. Morley had made smart use of the phrase: Page 259 "The anchor holds." On this Sri Aurobindo comments: "It is true, gentlemen," says Mr. Morley, "that I am doing things which are neither liberal nor ...

... poets of whom Ferguson and Burns are the head. (7) William Blake standing by himself as a romantic, mystical& lyric poet. Besides these there are two writers who cannot Page 134 be classed, Smart & Beattie. Last come the first nineteenth century poets, who published their earliest work in 1798-1800, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey, Landor & Campbell. School of Natural Description ...


... Let me be earth beneath thy tread at least. VASAVADUTTA O, take him from me; I have enough of him. Thou, Umba, see he bribes thee not or worse. UMBA I will be bribed to make thee smart for that. Where shall we put him? In the turret rooms Beside the terrace where thou walkst when moonlight Page 681 Sleeps on the sward? VASAVADUTTA There; it is nearest. UMBA ...


... organ of their own, without giving the Moderates and Loyalists a chance of misrepresenting and vilifying them. The experience of the Midnapore Conference shows that the delegates young and old all smart under the autocracy of the old workers, which is leading many to think a separatist movement preferable to a perpetual friction. But for the present we must put all such thoughts from us. It has been ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... —"sufficient to place them beyond the pale of civilisation." For he tells us that Sita, the type of conjugal fidelity and chastity, is so excessive in her virtue "as to verge on immorality." Meaningless smart extravagance has reached its highest point when it can thus verge on the idiotic. I am as sorry to use the epithet as Mr. Archer to harp on Indian "barbarism", but there is really no help for it; "it ...


... infinite of bliss, And in that one touch lost by sun sublime And moon intense are all the tears of time!   Dream after mystic dream my painter heart Mixes to erase the tiny shadow and smart Spoiling earth's mightiest mood of loveliness. Vain are all dreams—for O the little less That kills perfection, blinds eternity, Is the puny spot of self I grasp as me! If I could ...


... earth-barred, The chin that rounds off all my broken dreams, The delicate ears to which my moon-struck woes Are music's nectar-streams— O that small long-lost face, through many a smart  Now reached again—from shadows won Back to my heart— O smiling silence of all journeys done! Page 721 ...


... Through darkness of shut eyes?   The blossoms there are music  On stems of silences And from the tune-effulgences  A-tremble in that world apart Whose petals bear no searing smart You give one flower of music  To treasure in my heart!   Again through shut-eyed darkness I reach the world of death,  But there's a flame upon my breath  Inhaling ever more ...


... conformed to a picture-book idea of a grandfather with a large pinch of aristocracy added on. Dadoo was not a very large man — may be a bit heavy due to old age. When young he must have been quite smart, energetic, bright and handsome (purely my guesswork and extrapolation backwards). He was always neatly attired in short trousers (above ankles), bush shirt and a waist-coat, steel-rimmed spectacles ...


... an apprentice in supermanhood. On the choice of a motor-car: Do you want to go from one place to another without getting tired and without spending much time on the way, or do you want to be smart and look like an important man? And the body says to the Supreme Lord: "What you want me to be, I shall be, what You want me to do, I shall do." And you want to make me speak and mentalise the ...

... s. Compare the consequences to experience. If it disagrees with experience, the guess is wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science. It doesn’t matter how beautiful your guess is or how smart you are or what your name is: if it disagrees with experience, it’s wrong. That’s all there is to it.” 14 Experimentation became the norm during the birth period of the modern sciences. William ...

... reality, however unpalatable, is almost the first requisite. This knowledge often enough is best brought home to us through blows and bleedings. True, idealistic people, sensitive people, refined natures smart under such disillusionments more than do others who are somewhat thick-skinned, but that is no reason why fine feelings should be deprecated and the keen edge of fine susceptibilities be blunted. The ...

... Page 117 unpleasantness may come about will be directed at me. Will you kindly do this job on my behalf? It surely does need doing." He consented and the deed was, as Christopher Smart would have phrased it "determined, dared, and done". Nolini brought no verbal or written reply. I thought the Mother might require some time to frame an answer and I might have to wait for ...


... regarded as being off their chump: Blake was to most of his contemporaries a mad man. And two or three were actually inmates or at least temporary residents of Lunatic Asylums: Cowper, Christopher Smart and the Frenchman Gerard de Nerval. But in defence of the Poetic Art I may declare that in the case of these it was not poetry which drove them mad nor is it that they wrote poetry only in a state of ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... Poetic words are not like a shirt which has some value for your social life but is not essential to your very existence. It can be pulled off and you will still be yourself, though perhaps not so smart to some eyes. Poetic words are not even like your trousers which are a somewhat more necessary part of civilised living. Poetic words, with their strong charge of beautiful emotion, can make you pant ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... comers can't do much harm, provided one's heart remains clean of egoistic desires and one's mind holds first things first - namely, remembrance of the Divine. Further, if one is not physically very smart in arranging things, one should have in mental Page 35 sight the spot where one has dumped one's papers, etc. I remember the Mother once telling us of Sri Aurobindo's habits. Unlike ...


... and rhythm of the words, separate as well as combined, must not be thin or cheap or crude; neither must it be affected. The metrical workmanship must not be rough and loose on the one hand, nor too smart and regimented on the other. Everywhere there must be splendour and smoothness — and yet a certain simplicity and strength. No exotic exclusiveness in the splendid language-texture, no over-artistry ...

... reality, however unpalatable, is almost the first requisite. This knowledge often enough is best brought home to us through blows and bleedings. True, idealistic people, sensitive people, refined natures smart under such disillusionments more than do others who are somewhat thick-skinned, but that is no reason why fine feelings should be deprecated and the keen edge of fine susceptibilities be blunted. The ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... someone very kindly... people who spend their time frequenting the town, you see, bring it along here, and then here people are like Panurge's sheep, when there's one who has caught it, it is considered smart, it is an elegance, everybody catches it. ( Silence ) What did you want to ask? I wanted to ask why it is... Why? There! I have answered you. Spirit of imitation! Panurge's sheep! ...


... of "caste," you know, or of "society" or "social position"). "The workers have simple hearts," I said, "they are efficient in their work and have more goodwill than the people who think they're so smart!" It was funny. So this made two interesting experiences yesterday, one after the other. The afternoon experience was very intriguing; I was busy working (organizing things for one of the departments ...


... opposition we have discerned in Blake between the Tyger and the night in whose forests he burns bright. This opposition gets indirectly illuminated by some lines of Christian nomenclature from Christopher Smart who wrote apocalyptically about his cat Jeffrey nearly a quarter century before Blake rhapsodized about the Tyger: For he keeps the Lord's watch in the night against the adversary. For ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... contrary and complementary to a supernatural Lamb-shape - all these details are supported with elements of Christian religious tradition. After picking out some lines from T. S. Eliot and Christopher Smart, the former of whom has actually the phrase "Christ the tiger", we looked mainly at the Old and the New Testaments, cast a glance at some early theologians and referred in passing to a few phrases from ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... special effort, a special CHARGE, a special concern, a special care—this minuscule fragment, minuscule—and there's the whole earth, the whole earth.... And they all think themselves so wonderful, so smart!... I could keep talking for hours. Later. Even now I have to proceed very, very slowly—not to go off at a gallop. I am surrounded by people who say, "Oh, she's seriously ill! What's going ...


... stories, which probably isn't necessary, so I am not told. But, you know, people are so fond of putting labels on things: "This is what it is, that is what it is...." We don't want that! It sounds so "smart," you know, like newspapers headlines: "The latest development." ( Mother sketches big, sensational headlines ) We don't want that. You may have an experience for an hour, two hours sometimes, ...


... his face and eyes beaming with a smile, and the body glowing with an angelic radiance. The radiologist arrived with his X-ray machine at about 11 p.m. and stirred us into action. He was quite a smart young man carrying a confident air and went about his business in a formal manner. He took a few films and developed them at once which was a great relief to us. But the diagnosis came like a stunning ...

... concerned cannot 'logically' Page 149 take offence and protest; but the last two forms covertly signify something which is not at all palatable and as a result 'you' and 'he' cannot but smart and yet have to digest in silence their anger and irritation. And this blatant incongruity makes the onlookers laugh! Here are three more examples of the same type"; readers may try their hand ...

... with.... We have all been informed, doctors and public alike, about the body's wondrous intricacy. Yet we persist in thinking of the body in an obsolete mould, as basically matter, but with a smart technician inside who moves the matter around. This technician was once called a soul; now it tends to be demoted to a ghost inside the machine, but the same emphasis remains. Because we see and touch ...

... 'Okay, go then.' 'Then Chandranath teased Jyoti-di by saying: 'Jyoti-di, do one thing. Wear a pair of trousers and a shirt with a cap on the head. You'll look very young and smart. Your grandchildren will be stunned to see you.' 'Let me tell you a story, then,' Dada said. 'A boy found a very good job in America. He had to go to America for two years for special training ...

... healthy and strong. He seemed to enjoy the good things of life and flaunted an air of dignity. His name was Mr. Maitra but he was a Christian. At one time he had worked in the Army. He was extremely smart about everything. His wife too had an impressive figure. They had four daughters. The eldest one was a teacher in some college. The youngest daughter was four. One day I was going up to the terrace ...


... there was now this shocking murder of Shams-ul-Alam under the very nose of the Government as it were! Of course, there would be no use trying to connect Sri Aurobindo with the murder. That sort of smart linking-up had ignominiously failed in the Alipur case, and would fail again if attempted. Sri Aurobindo was not the sort of man to get directly implicated in such acts of terrorism, much less to leave ...

... I wrote to you." It was sometime in December that suddenly one day Biren was seen with his head completely shaved. That took Moni's fancy. Although he liked being well turned out and present a smart appearance, he now was adamant on a clean-shaven head! Biren tried his utmost to dissuade him, but to no avail. After this Biren seemed rather depressed, as though an anxiety hung like a dark cloud ...

... lightly turned up and pointed, with a slight bump below the bridge. He dressed himself up smartly, always in white shorts, a white T-shirt or shirt with collar turned up to lend to the smartness. He changed to white trousers for cricket — a legacy of the Empire. There never was a hint of dandyism, only smartness. I spoke of ‘first and last impressions being the same’, for he was ever young physically ...

... getting chaotic. But if such a thing happens, the British Government will grab Pondy at once. NIRODBARAN: The British Government has thanked the Nizam for his contribution. But the Nizam must be smarting and cursing within for the loss of his money. SRI AUROBINDO (laughing): They specially thanked Sir Akbar for it. NIRODBARAN: The rumour about the naval bases being ceded to America seems to ...

... like this. Undoubtedly the teachers will cram up the subjects learning by rote as is the habit in this country and a percentage of them will pass, but there it will end; a few of the brighter and smarter young men may understand and make the attempt to apply the principles they learn, but that will be all. If the University with its new constitution succeeds in giving a better basis for culture, then ...

... He would stand near by to watch and correct us when necessary. Around 1947, when we were all pursuing physical education activities very enthusiastically, Pranab Da wanted us to learn to march smartly. The Mother contacted the governor of Pondicherry who then sent us a French Military officer to teach us marching. Naturally all the orders were in French since we were in French India. The Mother ...

... looked gentle and young, like Batcha's sister. — E ké ?... Who is it? I asked, pointing to the statue. —Kali. She raised her hand to her forehead, emptied the water jug on to my hand. It smarted. —He went out in a great hurry, she said... She looked at me questioningly, then went away with her water jug. There was not a sound. Bhaskar-Nath was stubbornly silent, bent over his rough cast:... —I don't know. I don't understand, I don't want any more tragedy, I don't want any more... She came back with a handful of marigold leaves, crushed them and pasted them on my finger. Even that smarting was reassuring. She offered me a copper tray of fruit: — Khāo, khāo , eat, she said softly, it is good. Exactly the same fruits as in my dream with Batcha. She smiled at me. For a moment ...

... forest without knowing where I was going, my temples throbbed, my heart pounded, I was like a shadow carried by a pain; oh! it was not Björn nor his hate—he needed to hate me as well as to love—nor the smarting of my hand; it was that sudden abyss before that black girl, her cry, that frightened look, that flight; a whole world surging up again from I knew not where with an odour of panic; all at once I... of the blind—in that, they cease and are freed one from the other. Then I turned to the left, and I did not even know that I had touched the Secret. There were only my throbbing temples, that smarting hand, and Balu's lone little voice in the distance, which cried out in the forest: Björn! Björn!... I went half drunk to Bhaskar-Nath's. ...

... A Friend In documentary films of the Nuremberg NSDAP congresses, one can still see the Führer’s deputy standing at attention on the rostrum high above the smartly lined up blocks of uniformed Germans, then suddenly turn to his left, raise his arm stiffly in salute to the arriving Hitler, and announce, as chairman of the National Socialist Party: “The Party is ...

... This included all the practical details for their journey and stay too I The experience of the Midnapore Conference had shown Arabindo Babu how the delegates, young or old, were smarting under the 'autocracy' of the old leaders. He was quick to seize on that chance and at once used it to give an organized shape and form to Nationalism. The Bande Mataram gave a call to all Nationalists ...

... experience, of the thing you touch. To use that without being governed by it, to base yourself on that without being influenced by it, is very difficult. Maybe someone much more intelligent, much smarter than me would find the work easier; but he would probably have more difficulties inside—no such difficulties here! But outside... For example, the chemical discovery of the structure of Matter would ...

... could not be too soft-minded if Mass Exercises was to be perfected. Both Bhola-da and the students knew this, so bore each others’ shortcomings — the end was a rich enough reward. We the younger, smarter lot, with even one tenth of a similar attitude and fortitude, would have achieved great things. Pratibha-di of Laboratoire approached Bhola-da for ‘diksha’ (initiation) in Mass Exercises. Bhola-da ...

... frame had the strength to carry it up was surprising. (The kettle should have been a museum piece even then. It must be lost now — junked off.) Rajangam, though a medical man (we would expect a smartly dressed, scientific minded man) was simple — to the point of being naïve, and innocent. Going by present standards of thought, living and dressing, there would be no gauging him. Consider first his ...

... Be it noted that the initial Central Governmental notification authorised the employment of SAICE students only in jobs under the Government of India. But the intrinsic worth and competence, smartness and all-round development of these students drew the attention of other institutions and organisations as well very soon and in course of time the initial trickle of employment turned into a voluminous ...

... siddhi = perfection, accomplishment. 5 Smarta Shruti; Smarta: derived from smriti = memory. Slmili: spiritual hearing. Among several main spiritual paths—Saivism, Vaishnavism, etc.— Smartism also is another traditional yogic path followed by many Hindus. A Smarta, a traditionalist, takes the line of Knowledge— jfiana yoga —to achieve liberation, moksha. Page 338 years ...

... makes you sweat and sweat until every superfluous ounce is melted off your middle and off any other place where superfluous ounces have the habit of collecting. You emerge from the melting pot very smartly slimmed but rather weak and wan: it is an oozy and groggyfying luxury, just what indulgence in senti-mentalism would be. The English people are to be imitated in the matter of senti-ment. I am ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... Blake's Tyger 3 The Internal Pattern and Christian Tradition Now - in addition to the two passages already noted, Eliot's and Smart's - we may attempt a survey of Christian tradition and set forth correspondences to the "Minute Particulars" of The Tyger's symbolism as well as to the lyric's "Vision" as "a perfect Whole" into which they are "Organized" ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... hurts a little; I am warning you, you see, because the thing is clinging somewhere, and in order to pull it out you must have courage; and when you put the light of truth, well, it burns, sometimes it smarts, you see; you must know how to bear it. The sincerity must be sufficient to... instead of shutting yourself up again and saying, "Oh! It hurts", you must open very wide and receive fully. Some people ...

... He pointed a finger at me: —What have you got there? You're hurt?... Eh, Gopal, bring some water. I rubbed my forehead: there was a streak of blood running down to the end, of my nose. It was smarting. I must have looked pretty. My clothes needed wringing out, my shirt was torn. For one moment Mohini's image floated before my eyes: —You are going to explain what you said to me yesterday. Here ...

... valuable only if one wants to take up an academical career." At this time Sri Aurobindo began to take interest in Indian politics. His father, though an anglophile, was at heart a patriot who smarted under the predatory and repressive rule of the British Government in India. He began "sending The Bengali newspaper with passages marked relating cases of maltreatment of Indians by Englishmen ...

... a delusive free will, in each individual unit. Hunger or desire is the distinctive stamp of this first stage. At the second stage the stress shifts on to unity. The full- fledged ego in man, smarting under the slavery of desires, yearns to transcend itself and attain to freedom and mastery. This new yearning does not originate in the ego, though the ego seems to be its immediate medium of expression ...

... connections with politics, the Government of India had no intention of leaving him alone. They were obsessed with the idea that he was engaged in secret revolutionary action and no doubt they also smarted under the ignominy of successive 'defeats' Sri Aurobindo had inflicted on them. So the CID decided to strengthen their forces at Pondicherry and set up a permanent station there with a fairly large ...

... Darshan (in the Darshan Room). Our elderly members wanted to have some training before the actual March Past. So I had to give special marching training to our elderly members, so that they could walk smartly before Sri Aurobindo. The March Past on 24th April 1948 was very successful so Mother fixed up 24th April every year for the March Past in front of Sri Aurobindo. We had this privilege up to 1950 when ...

... the size and shape of the brain has remained the same since the Stone Age, man has been able to change the very face of the earth using his mental ability. This is because we are making our brains smarter by establishing new links and allowing the neurons to chat in a language that gives meaning to our actions.” Richard Dawkins, the leading proponent of sociobiology and author of some best-selling ...

... everything. They had robbed me of myself on the way. There was only a plump nymph winking, and this fellow hacking away at my beard as though on a sugar-plantation, sprinkling it from time to time. It was smarting. It was even that which held everything together: the burning. If there were not that pain, perhaps the world would go off in fireworks like a flock of sea-gulls leaving behind a bare rock under a ...

... this organisation called J.S.A.S.A. 7 were given the privilege of a march past in their group uniforms before the Master and the Mother. Sri Aurobindo seemed to have been much impressed by the smartness of the young boys' group. The Mother became so preoccupied with the various activities in the Playground that she would return at about 8 or 9 p.m. with a garland around her neck (put by Pranab) ...

... thoughts, feelings and impulses. If this mental circle, this very dismaying hydra, has closed in upon our species, it is certainly not a useless trap, over which we could have jumped had we been smarter. So why make it in the first place if it were only to get out of it? If the visionary shepherd of Upanishadic times could have jumped directly to supermandhood, then what is the Page 11 ... subtract; and our machinery is not fundamentally more advanced than theirs, even though it sends firecrackers to the moon. In short, we are some perfected protoplasm with greater swallowing capacity and smarter (?) tropisms, and soon we shall be able to calculate all that is required to produce biological Napoleons and test-tube Einsteins. All the same, our earth would hardly be a happier place with legions ...