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Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
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Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [7]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [11]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Essays on the Gita [3]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [5]
Gods and the World [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [22]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [1]
Landmarks of Hinduism [5]
Letters on Poetry and Art [1]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - IV [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Listen with your Heart - Welcome the Mother [2]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
On The Mother [2]
Parables from the Upanishads [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [3]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Prayers and Meditations [1]
Problems of Early Christianity [1]
Record of Yoga [10]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [1]
Seer Poets [4]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [4]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Sri Rama [2]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [5]
Taittiriya Upanishad [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks on Poetry [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Destiny of the Body [7]
The Future Poetry [1]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [2]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Life Divine [2]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [9]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Secret of the Veda [41]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Veda and Human Destiny [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [23]
Wager of Ambrosia [1]
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English [243]
A Centenary Tribute [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Among the Not So Great [1]
Ancient India in a New Light [2]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Collected Poems [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [7]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [11]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Essays on the Gita [3]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [5]
Gods and the World [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [22]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [1]
Landmarks of Hinduism [5]
Letters on Poetry and Art [1]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - IV [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Listen with your Heart - Welcome the Mother [2]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
On The Mother [2]
Parables from the Upanishads [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [3]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Prayers and Meditations [1]
Problems of Early Christianity [1]
Record of Yoga [10]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [1]
Seer Poets [4]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [4]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Sri Rama [2]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [5]
Taittiriya Upanishad [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks on Poetry [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Destiny of the Body [7]
The Future Poetry [1]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [2]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Life Divine [2]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [9]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Secret of the Veda [41]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Veda and Human Destiny [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [23]
Wager of Ambrosia [1]

Soma : in Veda, husband of Indu & Vena (Delight & Immortality), he represented & animated the Sōma-juice. In Puranas he is the god Chandra, son of Atri & Anasūya.

243 result/s found for Soma

... thunder and war and the king of the Devas, is by far the most popular deity.... Another recurrent theme is the relatively simple Soma cult. At its centre was Soma, Indra's favourite drink.... The Soma juices came from stalks of the deified Soma plant.... After mixing Soma with water and milk, it was partly drunk by the worshippers, partly offered into the mouth of the gods, the sacrificial fire. ... confined and have to be released or extracted." Hence "the mystic Soma-plant symbolises that element behind all sense-activities and their enjoyments which yields the divine essence." By getting into touch with this essence by an inner process of spiritual aspiration and realisation, the Soma-sacrifice bears fruit. As 9,83,2 envisions it, the Soma-sacrifice has to rise to Dyau or Heaven, "the pure mental... After describing his bright and wide domain he adds: "Let us two kill Vrtra. Come forth, 0 Soma... " (hánāva vrtrám niréhi soma... ). Thus we have a picture of not only Varuna being invited to cross over from one state to another. The suggestion of the hymn is, as Hale421 puts it, "of Agni, Varuna, and Soma defecting from the camp of the asuras to that of Indra". Hale goes on to sum up: "If the ...


... spaces of heaven,—the Maruts to the Soma-drinking,— (10) I call for you from heaven those pure-discerning Maruts for the drinking of this Soma wine. (11) They, the Maruts, who have made firm the two firmaments, them I call to the drinking of this Soma wine. (12) Yea, that Marut host who are lords and seated on the hill, I call to the drinking of this Soma wine. SUKTA 95 (1) The Words... who aspire and do the works of sacrifice declare ever in themselves the Maruts for the drinking of the Soma wine. (4) This is the Soma that has been distilled; of this the Maruts drink and they who are the self-ruling lords and the two Aswins. (5) Mitra and Aryaman drink and Varuna of this Soma that is purified by the extension in matter and established in the three seats of our being and has with... the Coverer, he who has the Soma carrieth thee hence to thy home with the heavenward motion, O Indra, by his maned Words. (5) Yea, whether thou art in the luminous space of Heaven or in the established world of the great Ocean or in an earthly dwelling, O strongest of the slayers of the Coverer, or in the mid-world, arrive. (6) So do thou the Soma-drinker in our Soma-juices poured, O master of ...


... and render the line “The Soma distillings are replete with energy and brought to their highest fullness.” But to what kind of distillings can such terms be applied? The meaning of Soma & the Vedic ideas about this symbolic wine must be examined by themselves & with a greater amplitude. All we need ask here [is], is there any indication in this hymn itself, that the Soma like everything else in the... with such a governance, such circumstances & such a crowning experience is the material offering of the Soma wine into a material fire on a material altar? Every expression in the text cries out against such an impossibility. This sacrifice must be a mental, moral subjective activity of which the Soma-offering is only a material symbol. We see at once that the Gita was not reading a later gloss into the... world as God enjoys it, with unstinted joy, with unbridled power, with undarkened knowledge. Therefore the prayer to the Aswins concludes: “The Soma is outpoured; come with your full bounty, dasrá & your fierce intensity, rudravartaní.” But what Soma? Is it the material juice of a material plant, the bitter Homa which the Parsi priests use today in the ceremonies enjoined by the Zendavesta? Does ...


... truth from our eyes. Yás te prajá amritasya, parasmin dhámann ritasya, Múrdhá nábhá Soma venah, ábhúshantíh Soma vedah. “They who are thy children of immortality, in the most high seat of the truth, them, O Soma, head & navel, enjoy, thou, O Soma, know when they grow to thee in their being.” Soma is the lord of the immortalising nectar, he is the god of Ananda, the divine bliss which... season of the year; the ritwik is the priest who sacrifices in the right season; the gods are invited to drink the soma according to the season! It may be so, but the rendering seems to me to make all the phrases of this hymn strangely awkward & improbable. Medhatithi invites Indra to drink Soma by the season, Mitra & Varuna are to taste the sacrifice, this single sacrifice offered by this son of Kanwa,... a direct reference to that goddess Dakshina whom I suppose to be the female energy of Daksha, the divine master of the viveka— Twam tam Brahmanaspate Soma Indrascha martyam    Dakshiná pátu anhasah “Do thou, O Brahmanaspati, & may Soma & Indra and Dakshina protect that mortal from evil.” If we suppose evil in this rik to connote or include moral evil we find Dakshina to have a share ...


... the Soma-wine; it breaks and spills the precious liquid. If the physical system of the yogin who drinks this strong wine of Ananda has not been prepared by enduring all the torturing heats of life, it will not be able to hold the secret and fiery heats of the Soma; without a long tapasya, Soma, if received or administered, will break down the yogin mentally and physically under its touch. Soma is not... yātave tam īmahe. It is by the power of the Soma that the hill in which herds of treasures of light are concealed is broken open, and sons of darkness, Vala and Dasyus, are overthrown. But along with the Soma wine, it is the Word that the Angirasas possess. The Angirasa rishis are brāhmanāsa pitrarah somyāsah, 34 the fathers who are full of the Soma and have the word and are therefore increasers... decisive role. In Rig Veda, 33 we find a prayer which prays to Indra: "That rapture of the Soma we desire by which thou, O Indra, didst make to thrive the Might of Swar, that rapture ten-rayed and making a light of knowledge or shaking the whole being with its force by which thou didst foster the ocean; that Soma- intoxication by which thou didst drive forward the great waters like chariots to that sea ...

... connects these two words, but सोमस्य सोमपा, वसूनां वसुपतिः is common. वसो । यज्ञनिवासकेन्द्र । Lean downward to the lower world, accept in us the utter intoxication of Earth’s food,OIndra, Soma-drinker of the Soma-wine. 15) मतीनां । स्तोतृणाम् । May the fixity of our thoughts govern thee in us, O Indra; downward turn thy steeds. स्तोमः 16) योषणाम् । स्त्रीणां गिरः । Thou hast eaten... hawk came with (or attained strength by) the honey wine of the Soma and he attained in this world the revealed knowledge. तूयं 6) परावतो । दूराद् । अंशु ददमानो । सोमं धारयन् । देवावान् । देवैः सहितः । The hawk of strength straight-flying took the brightness from on high in his force, the intoxicating wine; he brought the Soma, growing firm in his strength, full of the godhead, taking it... Page 424 उत्तराद् दिवो परावतो 7) पुरंधिः । बहुकर्मा । अमुरो । अमूढः प्राज्ञ इन्द्रः । The hawk seized & brought the Soma, a thousand pourings and ten thousand thereto; here the holder of the city slew the hostile energies in the rapture of the Soma-wine, unlimited he destroyed their limitations. सोमः पुरंधिः 27 1) अन्ववेदं । आनुपूर्व्येणाज्ञासिषं । परमात्मनः सकाशात्सर्वे ...


... and it is effected by the force of the Soma-wine and the sacred Word. The drinking of the Soma-wine as the means of strength, victory and attainment is one of the pervading figures of the Veda. Indra and the Ashwins are the great Soma-drinkers, but all the gods have their share of the immortalising draught. The Angirases also conquer in the strength of the Soma. Sarama threatens the Panis with the... which thou didst foster the ocean; that Soma intoxication by which thou didst drive forward the great waters (the seven rivers) like chariots to their sea,—that we desire that we may travel on the path of the truth," panthām ṛtasya yātave tam īmahe (VIII.12.2-3). It is in the power of the Soma that the hill is broken open, the sons of darkness overthrown. This Soma wine is the sweetness that comes flowing... the coming of Ayasya and the Navagwa Angirases in the keen intensity of their Soma rapture, eha gamann ṛṣayaḥ somaśitā ayāsyo aṅgiraso navagvāḥ (X.108.8). It is the great force by which men have the power to follow the path of the Truth. "That rapture of the Soma we desire by which thou, O Indra, didst make to thrive the Might of Swar (or the Swar soul, svarṇaram ), that rapture ten-rayed and making ...


... he cleaves not to him who gives not the Soma even though he grow and increase; he overcomes him or else he slays in his impetuous movement; he gives to the god-seeker for his enjoyment the pen full of the Cows. Cleaver (of the foe) in the battle-shock, firm holder of the discus (or the wheel), averse from him who gives not the Soma but increaser of the Soma-giver, terrible is Indra and the tamer of... Light. That the cows are the thoughts of the Truth we are told clearly enough in IX.111, a hymn to Soma. "By this brilliant light he, purifying himself, breaks through all hostile powers by his self-yoked horses, as if by the self-yoked horses of the Sun. He shines, a stream of the outpressed Soma, purifying himself, luminous, the brilliant One, when he encompasses all forms (of things) with the speakers... holds the wide manifestation." We see that these cows of the Panis by whom Soma becomes clear and bright in his own home, the home of Agni and the other gods, which we know to be the vast Truth of Swar, ṛtaṁ bṛhat , these shining cows who have in them the triple nature of the supreme world, tridhātubhir aruṣibhīr , and by whom Soma holds the birth or wide manifestation of that Truth, 2 are the thoughts ...


... seems to me that the peculiar language of the Veda has never been properly studied or appreciated in this connection. What are we to say of the Vedic anxiety to increase Indra by the Soma wine? Of the description of Soma as the amritam, the wine of immortality, & of its forces as the indavah or moon powers? Of the constant sense of the attacks delivered by the powers of evil on the sacrifice? Of the... “O Vayu, O beautiful one, lo these Soma-powers in their array (is it not a battle-array?), protect them, hear their call! O Vayu, strongly thy lovers woo thee with prayers (or, desires), they have distilled the nectar, they have found their strength (or, they know the day?). O Vayu, thy abounding stream moves for the giver, it is wide for the drinking of the Soma-juice. O Indra & Vayu, here are the... the first Mandala, he speaks expressly of the patnir devanam, the brides of the Strong Ones, who are to be called to extend protection, to breathe a mighty peace, to have their share the joy of the Soma wine. Indrani, Varunani, Agnayi,—we can recognise these goddesses and their mastering gods; but there are three—in addition to Mother Earth—who seem to stand on a different level and are mentioned without ...


... —drink ye of the Soma violently; give to us that impulsion, O Ashwins which, luminous, carries us through beyond the darkness. Travel for us in your ship to reach the other shore beyond the thoughts of the mind. Yoke, O Ashwins, your car,—your car that becomes the vast oared ship in Heaven, in the crossing of its rivers. By the thought the powers of Delight have been yoked. The Soma-powers of delight... the joy of the Soma;—the Sun that was dark has shot out its tongue towards the Gold. The path of the Truth has come into being by which we shall travel to that other shore; seen is all the wide way through Heaven. The seeker grows in his being towards increasing manifestation after manifestation Page 129 of the Ashwins when they find satisfaction in the ecstasy of the Soma. Do ye, dwelling... "cows" without any reference to any hostile interception. For instance in I.4.2 it is said of Indra, the maker of perfect forms who is as a good milker in the milking of the cows, that his ecstasy of the Soma wine is verily "cow-giving", godā id revato madaḥ . It is the height of absurdity and irrationality to understand by this phrase that Indra is a very wealthy god and, when he gets drunk, exceedingly ...


... ess and it is liberated by the liberation of the Cow: Soma is the delight, beatitude, Ananda inseparable from the illumined state of the being; and as there are, according to the Veda, three planes of mentality in us, so there are three portions of the ghṛta dependent on the Page 193 three gods Surya, Indra and Soma, and the Soma also is offered in three parts, on the three levels of... of the Angiras Rishis in the sacrifice is the human part, to find the word, to sing the hymn of the soul to the gods, to sustain and increase the divine Powers by the praise, the sacred food and the Soma-wine, to bring to birth by their aid the divine Dawn, to win the luminous forms of the all-radiating Truth and to ascend to its secret, far and high-seated home. In this work of the sacrifice they... that travels or is a travel to the home of the godheads and at the same time a battle: for thus it is sung, "Easy of travelling for thee is the path, O Agni, and known to thee from of old. Yoke in the Soma-offering thy ruddy (or, actively-moving) mares which bear the hero. Seated, I call the births divine" (verse 2). What path is this? It is the path between the home of the gods and our earthly mortality ...


... the physical Soma offering, but अद्रि occurs in a host of passages where it cannot mean the stone of the Soma-distilling. The final phrase अग्ने तन्वं जुषस्व points clearly to a moral sense for the sacrifice, since only as the god of pure tapas can Agni cleave to the body of the sacrificer and not as the god of physical fire. I render:— "Sustain me, O Agni, with strength for the Soma; thou hast... अद्रिं शमाये अग्ने तन्वं जुषस्व ॥१॥ Sayana renders the sloka—O Agni, since thou for sacrificing in the sacrifice hast made me the bearer of the Soma, therefore desire me who am powerful. O Agni, I shining towards the gods apply the stone (for pressing the Soma) and become calm (or praise). O Agni, cleave to my body (for protection) or cleave to me who am carrying out works. A confused & incoherent... Rishis, or सत्यदृष्टि, which belongs to the vijnana & is referred to in the Isha Upanishad, सत्यधर्माय दृष्टये सूनवे. सूनुः means son, "that which is produced or begotten"; it means "producer of Soma", "Soma-sacrificer" & "sacrificer" generally. But it may also bear another sense, [ incomplete ] ...


... translate “Come to us, O bringer out of the nectar (savana), thou the Soma-drinker; drink of the ecstatic Soma wine, a giver of illumination, enraptured” or in better English bringing out the sense & association of the words, “Come to us, O thou who art a distiller of the nectar, thou, the Soma-drinker, drink of the impetuously ecstatic Soma wine & be in the rapture of its intoxication our giver of illuminating... There is only one passage in which Medhatithi uses the word go and that passage is characteristic. There are only three main ideas in the hymn, the drinking of the Soma by Indra, the increase of his rapture & force by the drinking of the Soma, & the result of that increase, Semam nah kamam a prina gobhir aswaih shatakrato, Then do thou fill full this desire of ours with horses & with kine, O Shatakratu... Page 99 the purpose for which Indra is to drink. Revato and madah give the conditions under which Indra becomes a giver of illumination, the rushing & impetuous ecstasy produced by the Soma wine. It is then that men know the ultimate perceptions of mind, the highest realisations that can be given by the intellect when Indra, lord of mental force & power, is full of the ecstasy of the ...


... Vayu, come in thy car of happy light to the drinking of the Soma wine. निर्युवाणो अशस्तीर्नियुत्वाँ इन्द्रसारथिः । वायवा चन्द्रेण रथेन याहि सुतस्य पीतये ॥२॥ 2) Put away from thee all denials of expression and with thy steeds of the yoking, with Indra for thy charioteer come, O Vayu, in thy car of happy light to the drinking of the Soma wine. अनु कृष्णे वसुधिती यमाते विश्वपेशसा । वायवा... forms. O Vayu, come in thy car of happy light to the drinking of the Soma wine. वहन्तु त्वा मनोयुजो युक्तासो नवतिर्नव । वायवा चन्द्रेण रथेन याहि सुतस्य पीतये ॥४॥ Page 306 4) Yoked let the ninety and nine bear thee, they who are yoked by the mind. O Vayu, come in thy car of happy light to the drinking of the Soma wine. वायो शतं हरीणां युवस्व पोष्याणाम् । उत वा ते सहस्त्रिणो... burden of unrealised delight climbing full of the "Ghrita" and the "Soma", the clarified mental consciousness and the illumined Ananda that descends from above, to the heaven of Immortality. The "secret Name" of the mental consciousness, the tongue with which the gods taste the world, the nexus of Immortality, is the Ananda which the Soma symbolises. For all this creation has been, as it were, ejected ...


... in the events that occurred between our two meetings. Let me consult my notes for all that has happened both on the home front and on the soma front. Perhaps some of you will be puzzled by the word 'soma' because you are children of the modern age. Soma, by the way, in our Indian mythology, stands for the Moon God. So you can understand which front I am meaning. 97 And it is said that if... if you drink the Somarasa, you become immortal like the gods; and that the poets, by drinking it, experience ecstasy. Here is a passage from Future Poetry about this soma: "Soma is the Vedic Moon-God, whose plant of intoxication has to be gathered on lovely mountain heights in the moonlight and whose purified juice and essence is the sacred wine and nectar of sweetness, rasa, madhu, amrita... themselves could not be immortal." 98 97The first manned spacecraft landed on the moon on 20 July 1969. 98 SABCL, 9:331-32. Page 63 This is what Sri Aurobindo says about Soma. Now our astronauts have invaded this Moon God. Some people say that there is nectar over there, so if they can bottle some nectar, then our human race will be conquering death and stealing ...


... him the monarch of a million hills. He bears The honey Soma plant upon his heights, Of Godward symbols the exalted source. He by the Master of sacrifice was crowned Page 92 The ancient monarch of a million hills. ...moonlit he bears, Of godward symbols the exalted source, The mystic Soma-plant upon his heights. He by the Father of sacrifice climbs... climbs crowned, Headman and dynast of earth's soaring hills. 66 Is the word 'Soma', which has profound associations for us but which may not carry the same spiral of suggestion for the English reader, to be retained in translation or not? In the second draft it becomes "the plant of honeyed wine", but 'Soma' is restored in the third and fourth versions. "All the mountains" becomes "a million... "earth's soaring hills". It is a continuing effort to fuse fidelity to the text with poetic viability in a foreign language, and when (for example) we reach "the mystic Soma-plant" we know that the right phrase has at last been found, for "Soma" is retained and the substitution of "mystic" for "honey" brings out the fact that this plant is like no other. Here is another passage in the two later versions ...

... somapáh piba     godá id revato madah. “Thou, the Soma-drinker,” cries Madhuchchhandas, “come to our outpourings and drink of the Soma, for verily light-giving is the intoxication of thee in thy impetuosity.” Savana is the Soma-offering, but the word often retains something of its basic meaning,—the outpressing or outpouring of the Soma, & the insistence here, savaná.. somasya somapáh, justifies... already pressed the Soma and won the light of the solar day for the yajna . ३. वायो तव प्रपृंचती धेना जिगाति दाशुषे । उरूची सोमपीतये ।। O Vayu, thy stream goes brimming (or, filling, lit. touching to the full) for the sacrificer, wide for the drinking of the Soma. धेना. S. takes धेना = वाक् and gives an extraordinary interpretation.The speech of Vayu goes for Soma drinking to the man... clear-set is the seat of sacrifice, strong-energied are the Soma-distillings; do ye arrive. (4) Come thou too, O Indra of the varied lustres, thee these Soma-juices desire,—purified they in their subtleties & in their extension. (5) Come, O Indra, impelled by the thought, guided by the enlightened knower to the soul-thinkings of the Soma giver who aspires in the hymn . (6) Come hastening , O Indra ...


... to be revived - once more the idea of perverted Soma. But, if the Vena of the Purānas reveals the sense of the Rigvedic . Soma becoming perverted, then Prithu the saviour who is churned out of him grows the same Soma set right again: he is Soma once more delight and immortality, Soma restored to divinity. Thus, Prithu subsumes all that Soma brings of equivalence to Dionysus. Not only does... this world of bliss is the Soma-wine, the heavenly effluence of the god Soma. "The drinking of the Soma-wine as the means of strength, victory and attainment is one of the pervading figures in the Veda... The Ahgirasas also conquer in the strength of the Soma." 7 "They are brāhmanāso pitarah somyāsah... ritāvridhah (VI. 75.10), the fathers who are full of the Soma and have the word and are ... without a king so far. In the Śatapatha Brahmana (V.3.3.12; 4.2.3; XIII.6.2.18; 7.1.13) the Brāhmīns speak of Soma as their king while common folk acknowledge an earthly monarch. The same book (XI.4.3.9) applies to Soma the epithet Rāja-pati, "lord of kings". All this goes to suggest that Soma in ancient Indian tradition was the primeval as well as the supreme king from the religious standpoint. ...


... and profound, O Soma, is thy seat; pure art thou and delightful like Mitra; thou art powerful like Aryaman, O Soma. (4) The seats that are thine in our heaven and on our earth and on the hills of being and in its growths and in its waters, in those, even all of them, do thou, well-minded and free from wrath, receive to thyself, O Soma, O King, our offerings. (5) Thou, O Soma, art master of Being;... (9) O Soma, with those thy increasings that are creative of the Bliss for the giver, become the preserver of our being. Page 230 (10) Come to us taking pleasure in this sacrifice, in thisWord; be in us, O Soma, for our increase. (11) We, O Soma, know how to find expression and we increase thee by our Words; then with a gentle kindness enter into us. (12) Become in us, O Soma, a distender... action of the sacrifice; 15 distending the movement, pushing ever onward, perfect in energy, slaying all weakness travel forward to the gates of the mansions, O Soma. (20) Soma giveth the fostering Cow, Soma giveth the swift Steed, Soma giveth the active Hero within who holdeth the seat, who winneth the knowledge, who is fit for the Wisdom, Page 231 who hath the inspiration of the Father ...


... For Soma It is legitimate for scholars to seek the identity of the marvellous Soma of the Rigveda. Their efforts claim justification from the fact that an actual plant was used in rituals of the times succeeding those of the ancient scripture which had made Soma famous. But, as the reviewer in the Times Literary Supplement 1 of R. Gordon Wasson's monumental study, Soma, the... nobody could tell, even in antiquity, what plant the original Soma had been. Surely, therefore, it is legitimate for one to counter the scholars by asking: "Was the Rigvedic Soma ever a plant at all?" This question is supported by the reviewer's words: "... the Vedic Indians and the pre-Zoroastrian Iranians worshipped a plant called soma (Avestan haoma) which was at the same time a god." There... the jar is neglected and Soma is simply described as flowing in a river of delight to the seat of the Gods, to the home of Immortality. That these things are Page 64 symbols is very clear in most of the hymns of the ninth Mandala which are all devoted to the God Soma. Here, for instance, the physical system of the human being is imaged as the jar of the Soma-wine...." 9 Sri Aurobindo ...


... of universal processes of Nature, physical and psychological. Here, the child is said to be the final fruit of the sacrifice, the different stages in the process being: (i) Soma, (ii) Rain, (iii) Food, (iv) Semen, (v) Child. Soma means Rasa—physically the principle of water, psychologically the principle of delight—and symbolises and constitutes the very soul and substance of life. Now it is said that... of the sacrifice, through the oblation or offering to the five Agnis. The first Agni is Heaven or the Sky-God, and by offering to it one's faith and one's ardent desire, one calls into manifestation Soma or Rasa or Water, the basic principle of life. This water is next offered to the second Agni, the Rain-God, who sends down Rain. Rain, again, is offered to the third Agni, the Earth, who brings forth... popular notion about the matter, but the esoteric sense goes beyond the outer symbols. The sky seems to be the far and tenuous region where the soul rests and awaits its next birth—it is the region of Soma, the own Home of Bliss and Immortality. Now when the time or call comes, the soul stirs and journeys down—that is the Rain. Next, it enters the earth atmosphere and clothes itself with the earth ...

... puissances, enjoyment and its highest spiritual ecstasies. The Soma-wine symbolises the replacing of our ordinary sense-enjoyment by the divine Ananda. That substitution is brought about by divinising our thought-action, and as it progresses it helps in its turn the consummation of the movement which has brought it about. The Cow, the Horse, the Soma-wine are the figures of this triple sacrifice. The offering... .canasyatam. These impelling forces are born evidently of the drinking of the Soma-wine, that is to say, of the inflow of the divine Ananda. For the expressive words, giraḥ , that are to make new formations in the consciousness are already rising, the seat of the sacrifice has been piled, the vigorous juices of the Soma-wine are pressed out. 1 The Ashwins are to come as effective powers of action... bride of the Ashwins. In the first hymn of the ninth Mandala this same Rishi Madhuchchhandas expands the idea which here he passes over so succinctly. He says, addressing the deity Soma, "The daughter of the Sun purifies thy Soma as it flows abroad in her straining-vessel by a continuous extension", vāreṇa śaśvatā tanā . And immediately he adds, "The subtle ones seize it in their labour (or, in the great ...


... hymned by Vamadeva and in this eighty-third Sukta of the ninth Mandala, as in several others, Soma too emerges from his special functions as the supreme Deity. Soma is the Lord of the wine of delight, the wine of immortality. Like Agni he is found in the plants, the growths of earth, and in the waters. The Soma-wine used in the external sacrifice is the symbol of this wine of delight. It is pressed out... weapon. Once pressed out as the delight of existence Soma has to be purified through a strainer ( pavitra ) and through the strainer he streams in his purity into the wine bowl ( camū ) in which he is brought to the sacrifice, or he is kept in jars ( kalaśa ) for Indra's drinking. Or, sometimes, the symbol of the bowl or the jar is neglected and Soma is simply described as flowing in a river of delight... Gods, to the home of Immortality. That these things are symbols is very clear in most of the hymns of the ninth Mandala which are all devoted to the God Soma. Here, for instance, the physical system of the human being is imaged as the jar of the Soma-wine and the strainer through which it is purified is said to be spread out in the seat of Heaven, divas pade . Page 354 The hymn begins with ...


... opposite of the soul-body. The latter's "flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God". Obviously, the soul-body, soma psychikon, ceases and the spirit-body, soma pneumatikon, stands in its stead. Yet Paul wants us to believe that the dead who are soma psychikon become soma pneumatikon: otherwise there would be no meaning in speaking of the resurrection of the dead. In spite of the acknowledged... annotation on the difference between what Paul dubs soma psychikon and what he calls soma pneumatikon. The former, the physical body, is one whose psyche or "soul" is not to be understood as in the Greek or the later Christian philosophy but simply as that body's life, the principle of animation common to animals and men, so that the soma psychikon is the living natural or physical body, the... that elsewhere 1 Thessalonians itself testifies in a most explicit manner to man's being something other and more than the reality which is implied by psyche and soma and which 1 Corinthians 15 presents in a form merging them as soma psychikon, the natural living physical body. For, in 1 Page 265 Thessalonians 5:23 Paul prays for his flock: "... may you all be kept safe and ...

... 12, of Indra, "O hero, thou didst conquer the cow, thou didst conquer the Soma; thou didst loose forth to their flowing the seven rivers." In the last passage we see Soma coupled with the cows among the conquests of Indra. Usually the Soma intoxication is the strength in which Indra conquers the cows; e.g. III.43.7, the Soma "in the intoxication of which thou didst open up the cowpens"; II.15.8, "He... these things Indra did in the intoxication of the Soma." Sometimes, however, the working is reversed and it is the Light that brings the bliss of the Soma wine or they come together as in I.62.5, "Hymned by the Angirases, O achiever of works, thou didst open the dawns with (or by) the Sun and with (or by) the cows the Soma." Agni is also, like the Soma, an indispensable element of the sacrifice and... wars by himself as we have already seen, sometimes along with Indra—"Ye two warred over the cows, O Indra, O Agni" (VI.60.2)—or, again, with Soma,—"O Agni and Soma, that heroic might of yours was made conscient when ye robbed the Pani of the cows" (I.93.4). Soma in another passage is associated in this victory with Indra; "This god born by force stayed, with Page 142 Indra as his comrade ...


... . The gods lavish wealth on the Aryan, the Aryan gives his wealth to the gods; the Dasyu withholds his wealth from the Aryan until it is taken from him by force, and does not press out the immortal Soma wine for the deities who seek its rapture in man; although he is revān , although his cave is packed with cows and horses and treasures, gobhir aśvebhir vasubhir nyṛṣṭam , still he is arādhas , because... side of the mid-world ( rajasaḥ pāre , i.e. on the borders of heaven); thou didst burn down the Dasyu out of heaven from on high, thou didst foster the expression of him who affirms thee and gives the Soma. Making the circle of the earth, they shone in the light of the golden gem (an image for the Sun); but for all their rushing they could not pass beyond Indra, for he set spies all around by the Sun... protected me so that I came; depart hence, O Panis, to a better place. Depart hence, O Panis, to a better place, let the Cows ye confine go upward by the Truth, the hidden Cows whom Brihaspati finds and Soma and the pressing-stones and the illumined seers." We have the idea also of a voluntary yielding up of their store by the Panis in VI.53, a hymn addressed to the Sun as the Increaser Pushan. "O Pushan ...


... human mentality. The Soma is the immortal delight of existence secret in the waters and the plant and pressed out for drinking by gods and men. The word is the inspired speech expressing the thought-illumination of the Truth which rises out of the soul, formed in the heart, shaped by the mind. Agni growing by the ghṛta , Indra forceful with the luminous strength and joy of the Soma and increased by the... conflict of Indra and the Angirases with the Panis is a principal episode. Page 242 The principal features of sacrifice are the kindling of the divine flame, the offering of the ghṛta and the Soma wine and the chanting of the sacred word. By the hymn and the offering the gods are increased; they are said to be born, created or manifested in man and by their increase and greatness here they increase... complete thought of the Truth, the seven-headed, which wins the fourth or divine world for man by winning for him the complete spiritual wealth, object of the sacrifice. Therefore Agni, Indra, Brihaspati, Soma are all described as winners of the herds of the Sun and destroyers of the Dasyus who conceal and withhold them from man. Saraswati, who is the stream of the Word or inspiration of the Truth, is also ...


... cleaving Vritra asunder, loosing the waters. Hundred-limbed Vajra समुद्रिया अपः Waters of the Ocean. 4 Winning of Swar by Indra & Maruts for Soma-drinking. 5 Indra Rijishin, Ojaswin, Marutwan. 6 The Ancient Thought 8 हृदा हुयंत उक्थिनः 9 Soma drunk दिविष्टिषु while sharpening the Vajra 11 The Rodasi lighten in response to Indra 12 The eight footed word ऋतस्पृशं Creation of... ন দেন না Indra is not hurt by men, does not get angry; it is before Page 505 blaming that he does not get angry. 7 उदरं. Indra’s stomach is full of the work of his servant 8 सोम. Soma drinker?! सुदातु . সুদান সর্ব্বদাই কুটিলতারহিত 9 एषते goes 10 आशसा—আশায় दात्रं scythe ? दिनस्य পুর্ব্বছিন্ন অথবা পূর্ব্ব সংগৃহিত काशिना—মুষ্ঠি Eighth Book: Ideas 76 1 Indra the... of body & word Rodasi and Rita 77 2 ҫavasî as name of Aditi—Indra son of Çavas Aurnavabha Ahiҫuva 4 Three hundred lakes of Soma. 5 Gandharva. अबुध्नेषु रजःसु 6 Food taken out from the Mountains 7 Arrow of Indra & 11 Bow 8 Indra Ribhusthira 9 Mountains held with all encompassing hearts Page 506 10 Vishnu & Indra. A hundred Buffalos. Kshira & Food The Boar ...


... are Havir Yajna and 7 are Soma Yajna. Of the Havir Yajna the important sacrifices are those of Page 97 Darshapoomamāsya and Chaturmāsya. In Soma Yajna the important ritual is that of Agnishtoma. Soma Yajnas are of the three kinds, those which are for one day (ekāha), those of 12 days (dwādashāha), and those of many days (anekāha). Agnichayana connected with Soma Yajna continues for one complete... together, followed by those of which Indra is the deity; the invocations of other Gods, Brihaspati, Sūrya, the Ribhus, Ushā, etc., close the Mandalas. The whole book, the ninth, is given to a single God, Soma. The first, eighth and tenth Mandalas are collections of Sūtra by various Rishis, but. the hymns of each seer are ordinarily placed together in the order of their deities, Agni leading, Indra following ...


... I bear both Mitra and Varuna, both Indra and Agni and the twin Aswins. [1]   I bear the Soma that is to be pressed, I bear the Fashioner and the Fosterer and the Enjoyer. I give the Treasure to the sacrificer who carries the offering and delivers it, one who has brought out the perfect Soma drink. [2]   I am the Imperial Power, all wealth I gather together. Being conscious of all... vision to tell us where does the Divine Mind take birth? [18]   They that turn downward are said to turn upward and they that turn upward are said to turn downward. Indra and thou, O Soma, both together have done deeds that upbear the luminous worlds as though joined to the yoke. [19]   Page 134 The birds with wings of beauty united together and as comrades... is called Jagat, is set upon Jagat; they who know this attain immortality. [23]   The luminous verse is fashioned after the rhythm of Gayatra and with the verse is fashioned the chant of Soma and the Word with the rhythm of Tristubha. The Word is fashioned with the Word, the Word has a two-fold and a four-fold stepping and the seven vocables are fashioned with the syllable. [24] ...

... 5 अपो विगाहते 3.6 Soma and Surya सं सूर्येण रोचते 2.6 Soma and Mitra मित्रो न दर्शतः 2.6 Cry of Soma 2.6 .. 3.7 .. Soma and गिरः 2.7 Soma and Rain 2.9 Phrases about Soma विष्टंभो धरुणो दिवः 2.5 आत्मा यज्ञस्य पूर्व्यः 2.10 The Bird Like the bird. 3.1 द्रोण 3.1 Soma, Truth and Knowledge विपा कृतः etc 3.2, 3 .. ऋतायुभिः मृज्यते 3.3 .. Soma and the worlds 2.8 .... त्रिधातु मधु 1.8 श्रीणंति 1.9 Cows and Soma 1.9 श्रीणंति 1.9 गोभिर्वासयिष्यसे 2.4 गोषा 2.10 Journey of Soma 1.4, 5 .. 2.4 अति हूरांसि 3.2 Journey a battle 3.4, 5 पवस्य 1.1; 2.1, 9 Indra and Soma 1.1, 9, 10 .. 2.1, 9 पवित्र 2.1 .. 3.9 .. Purifying of Soma 1.6 Enjoyment महि प्सरः 2.2 Sweetness स्वादु 1.1 .. अधुक्षत प्रियं मधु 2.3 Soma and Waters अपो वसिष्ट 2.3 अर्षंति महीरापः... perhaps = of the goat or sheep. 9 श्रिणंति—brighten? enter in? Here we reach the streams of the Infinite Consciousness. अन्ध्या धेनवः । Page 510 Soma मदः 1.1. sweetness and intoxication—1.10 .. 2.7, 8 The stream of Soma धारा 1.1 .. 2.3, 9 .. 3.7, 10 .. योनि 1.2 (अयोहतं) .. 2.2 द्रु 1.2 Epithets रक्षोहा 1.2 विश्वचर्षणिः 1.2 वरिवोधा 1.3 मंहिष्ठः 1.3 वृत्रहा 1.3 ...


... forms, like a good yielder for the milker of the Herds, we call for increase from day to day. उप नः सवना गहि सोमस्य सोमपाः पिब । गोदा इद्रेवतो मदः ॥२॥ 2) Come to our Soma-offerings. O Soma-drinker, drink of the Soma-wine; the intoxication of thy rapture gives indeed the Light. अथा ते अन्तमानां विद्याम सुमतीनाम् । मा नो अति ख्य आ गहि ॥३॥ 3) Then may we know somewhat of thy uttermost... vastness is a continent of bliss,—the friend of the Soma-giver and he carries him safely through,—to that Indra raise the chant. Sayana's Interpretation 1) "The doer of (works that have) a good shape, Indra, we call daily for protection as (one calls) for the cow-milker a good milch-cow. 2) "Come to our (three) libations, drink of the Soma, O Soma-drinker; the intoxication of thee, the wealthy... having good wealth,—men (i.e. our friends will say it of course); may we be in the peace (bestowed) by Indra. 7) "Bring this Soma, that wealth of the sacrifice, the cause of exhilaration to men, (the Soma) that pervades (the three oblations) for Indra who pervades (the Soma-offering), that attains the rites and is friendly to (Indra) who gives joy (to the sacrificer). Page 259 8) "Drinking ...


... means of intensities of purification, symbolised in the Veda as the pressing of the soma-plant and straining its juice through the strainer of the human system in its activities of purification. Let us refer, as a brief illustration, to RV IX. 83, which is addressed to Soma. In this hymn we have an explicit statement of Soma as the divine delight and immortality. The human body is visualised as the strainer... [where mind capable of intuition, inspiration and revelation is bathed in the splendours of the Truth (ritam)]. In the concluding verse, Soma is described as the offering, havih, the divine food, as the vast, mahi, and as the divine home sadma daivyam. Soma is then addressed as a victorious king, sun like in force and glory, sahasra bhrishtih, endowed with thousand burning brilliances. His... fighter, and the battle is waged against certain powers, the Dasyus and the Panis and Vala. Sarama, the heavenly hound runs forward and finds out the cows in the cave of the Panis. Indra strong with the soma-wine and the Angirasas, the Rishis, who are his companions, follow the track. The battle with the adversaries continues for nine Page 4 months but there is no deliverance from the attacks ...


... कुक्षी । उदरस्योभौ पार्श्वौ ।। पौर । उदरपूरकः ।। आव । तर्पयतु । अवतेस्तर्पणार्थस्य लिटि रूपं ।। Sy. O strong Indra, drink indeed this Soma; let the intoxicating Soma juices intoxicate thee; filling the two sides of thy belly increase thee; thus let the filling Soma satisfy Indra. Drink, O drink indeed the wine of delight, O hero, O God- Mind; may the enrapturing juices fill thee with their ecstasy;... मानस्मत्पालनेन च दिवमवर्धयः ।। Sy. Let those (Maruts) by whose help thou becomest Page 402 intoxicated, swiftly eat the Soma (or, let the Somas with which you get intoxicated quickly go to you); O Indra, making yourself firm drink the satisfying Soma. Thou with the big worshippable Maruts, O hurter of enemies, increasedst us & heaven in the battles. येषु seems to refer to the Vayus... Elsewhere Indra is represented as drinking the human being’s three lakes of Soma (V.29.[7]). The symbol is changed, but the sense is the same. प्रदोधुवत् । Sayana’s interpretation is attractive, but the difficulty is that here Indra is represented as going to the drinking & not coming from it. When then should there be Soma on his beard? O hero, O God-in-mind, rejoicing in the full energy of these ...


... vigorous Soma-juices; fulfillers of action, powers of the movement, come to them with your fierce speed on the path." "Come, O Indra, with thy rich lustres, these Soma-juices desire thee; they are purified by the subtle powers and by extension in body. "Come, O Indra, impelled by the mind, driven forward by the illumined thinker, to my soul-thoughts, I who have poured out the Soma-juice and... forceful speed to my soul-thoughts, O lord of the bright horses; hold firm the delight in the Soma-juice." " O fosterers who uphold the doer in his work, O all-gods, come and divide the Soma-wine that I distribute. Page 12 " O all-gods, who bring over to us the Waters, come passing through to my Soma-offerings as illumined powers to your places of bliss. " O all-gods, you who are... horse to those of will and action, and the symbol of soma- wine stands for the powers of joy. These are common figures of the Vedic triple sacrifice, yajna, — which, in the esoteric sense stands for yoga. (i) The offering of ghrita, the clarified butter, is the yield of the cow, (ii) the offering of the horse, and (iii) the offering of the soma are its three principal forms or elements. The synthesis ...

... gods. When the Rishis speak of Indra or Agni or Soma in men, they are speaking of the god in his cosmic presence, power or function. This is evident from the very language when they speak of Agni as the immortal in mortals, the immortal Light in man, the inner Warrior, the Page 420 Guest in human beings. It is the same with Indra or Soma. The building of the gods in man means a creation... Persephone represented the earth consciousness buried in the Ignorance and emerging into the Divine Light. The Eleusinian mysteries were instituted as an outward symbol of this secret knowledge. The Soma wine was the symbol of the divine or spiritual Ananda. This wine was however symbolic and cannot be exactly equated with the nectar or ambrosia of the Greeks which were the food and drink of the gods... creation of the divine Powers, Indra the Power of the Light, Soma the Power of the Ananda in the human nature. No doubt, the Rishis felt the actual presence of the gods above, near, around or in them, but this was a common experience of all, not special and personal, not an emanation or incarnation. One may see or feel the presence of the Divine or a divine Power above the head or in the heart or in any ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... constitutes the normal mentality of man. These two gods are invited in the hymn to come and partake together of the Soma-wine. This wine of Soma represents, as we have abundant proof in the Veda and especially in the ninth book, a collection of more than a hundred hymns addressed to the deity Soma, the intoxication of the Ananda, the divine delight of being, inflowing upon the mind from the supramental c... ṛtam or Truth. If we accept these interpretations we can easily translate the hymn into its psychological significance. Indra and Vayu awaken in consciousness ( cetathaḥ ) to the flowings of the Soma-wine; that is to say, the mind-power and life-power working together in human mentality are to awaken to the inflowings of this Ananda, this Amrita, this delight and immortality from above. They receive ...


... ripe for organised action. Veda II. 23, 24, 25, 26—completed today. This shows a great advance in sustained energy. Sortilege En Préparation. Les Dieux . ie the Devas of the Ritam, Agni, Soma, Brihaspati, Varuna are being settled & manifested at last in the system (griha; sadanam). 30 March 1914 Mahadbhava of the trikaldrishti is asserting itself, but being often still confused with... itself to the trikaldrishti). 7) Exhaustion of the difficulty .. the fulfilment of the glory of the ideality .. the glory of the lipi. Owing to the efflorescence of the revelatory faculty, Agni & Soma, the Ananda & the Tapas are now taking united & harmonious possession of the mind; obstacles are taking their right place in the knowledge as means and managements for the accomplishment of the decreed... defeat as a step towards victory & the ananda on that basis, not on the basis of tamasic submission (nati) in the idea that defeat is the will of God. The sortilege of March 30 is now fulfilled. Agni & Soma together have become dásushe mayas . This involves the fulfilment of the sortilege of the 29ᵗʰ. Ni karma manyum durevasya shardhatah . That of the 1ṣṭ April & today's must follow. Only Tuesday's still ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... to the gods, then the yajamana, the sacrificer, is the doer of the action. The offerings of yajna are principally ghrita and soma. Ghrita, which means clarified butter, indicates in its esoteric sense rich or warm brightness representing clarity of thought. Soma is the delight that is born from the purification of all the members of the being, widely spread out of the sieve of purification... fighter beyond earth of body, and heaven of mind and ascends on the path of the Truth. When the soul discovers the Truth, it attains to the ambrosial wine of divine delight. By drinking that delight, Soma, which is drawn from the sevenfold waters of existence, or pressed out from the luminous plant of the hill of being and uplifted by its raptures, it attains to immortality. The path to the... illuminations we seek are the herds of this Sun, who come to us in the track of Usha, who symbolises the divine dawn. These illuminations lead us up to the highest beatitude, which is symbolised by Soma. But if the truth of Surya is to be established firmly in our mortal nature, there are four conditions that are indispensable: First, we have to establish Varuna who symbolises vast purity ...


... The strainer in which the Soma is purified is made of the fleece of the Ewe. Indra is the Ram; the Ewe must therefore be an energy of Indra, probably the divinised sense-mind, indriyam . × The Soma was mixed with water, milk and other ingredients: Soma is said to clothe himself with the Waters... flow for his winning of the plenty the Soma-juices with their thousand strengths. दुहानः प्रत्नमित्पयः पवित्रे परि विच्यते । कन्दन्देवाँ अजीजनत् ॥४॥ 4) Milked out, the ancient food, he is poured into the strainer that purifies and shouting he brings to birth the gods. अभि विश्वानि वार्याऽभि देवाँ ऋतावृधः । सोमः पुनानो अर्षति ॥५॥ 5) Soma, purifying himself, travels to all desirable... सोम वीरवदश्वावद्वाजवत्सुतः । पवस्व बृहतीरिषः ॥६॥ 6) Stream on us, O Soma, when thou art pressed out, that in which are the Cows, the Heroes, the Steeds, the Plenty; stream impulsions vast. 10 Page 567 × The sweet wine of the Soma. × ...


... the last hymn of the fourth Mandala speaks of these two oceans. He says that a honeyed wave climbs up from the ocean and by means of this mounting wave which is the Soma ( aṁśu ) one attains entirely to immortality; that wave or that Soma is the secret name of the clarity ( ghṛtasya , the symbol of the clarified butter); it is the tongue of the gods; it is the nodus ( nābhi ) of immortality. Samudrād... Samudrād ūrmir madhumān udārad,     upāṁśunā sam amṛtatvam ānaṭ; Ghṛtasya nāma guhyaṁ yad asti,     jihvā devānām amṛtasya nābhiḥ. I presume there can be no doubt that the sea, the honey, the Soma, the clarified butter are in this passage at least psychological symbols. Certainly, Vamadeva does not mean that a wave or flood of wine came mounting up out of the salt water of the Indian Ocean or... or pure delight of existence, that it is by this Ananda that we can arrive at immortality; this Ananda is the secret being, the secret reality behind the action of the mind in its shining clarities. Soma, the god of the Ananda, the Vedanta also tells us, is that which has become mind or sensational perception; in other words, all mental sensation carries in it a hidden delight of existence and strives ...


... Here we have Vamadeva's madhumān ūrmiḥ ̣, the sweet intoxicating wave, and it is plainly said that this honey, this sweetness is the Soma, the drink of Indra. That is farther made clear by the epithet ̣śatapavitrāḥ ̣ which can only refer in the Vedic language to the Soma; and let us note that it is an epithet of the rivers themselves and that the honeyed wave is brought flowing from them by Indra, its... whom King Varuna moves looking down on the truth and the falsehood of creatures, they that stream honey and are pure and purifying,—may those divine waters foster me. In whom Varuna the king, in whom Soma, in whom all the Gods have the intoxication of the energy, into whom Agni Vaishwanara has entered, may those divine waters foster me." It is evident that Vasishtha is speaking here of the same waters... , Page 111 madhuścutaḥ and speaks of the Gods enjoying in them the intoxication of the energy, ūrjaṁ madanti ; from this we can gather that the honey or sweetness is the madhu , the Soma, the wine of the Ananda, of which the Gods have the ecstasy. But in the forty-seventh hymn he makes his meaning unmistakably clear. "O Waters, that supreme wave of yours, the drink of Indra, which ...


... mean “obstructors” or simply “hostile”—those who cast their thoughts against 8 जागृविं सोमं पाहि S. says because it keeps people awake! Indication of psychological sense of Soma. Indra is to protect Soma in a battle, a Soma that itself fights. 9 जनेषु पंचसु इंद्रियाणि या ते. The five worlds: according to Sayana Gandharvas, Fathers, Gods, Asuras, Rakshasas or the five castes. 10 अगत्. गच्छतु... शिक्षाः are obviously old forms for करोषि & शिक्षसि Page 484 जनस्य गोपां either जन = मयोलोक or = world. वस्वो अमृतस्य substance of immortal being. म. P.P. मा ऋषिं पपिवांसं सुतस्य Soma drinking & divine knowledge राजानं. In the same sense as Varuna etc are Kings. सम्राट् शिक्षाः not therefore teach— 6 हरयः Plur. Many horses of Indra—in the same hymn as the two. But they come द्विता... वर्पस् body or energy—opposed to धायस् ? or rather each takes on the quality of the other. Page 485 5 हयँतं वज्रं cf 4. Here again we have opposition of हरि & शुक्र अपावृणोत् Revealing of Soma—cf I.23.14 III. 45. 1 मंद्रैः .. मयूररोमभिः Horses of Indra. धन्वेव P.P. धन्व इव—as over a desert. विं न पाशिनः विं = manifestation पाश = παχύς, पाषाण — material powers—so धन्व. ...


... of universal processes of Nature, physical and psychological. Here, the child IS said to be the final fruit of the sacrifice, the different stages in the process being: (i) Soma, (ii) Rain, (iii) Food, (iv) Semen, (v) Child. Soma means Rasa – physically the principle of water, psychologically the 'principle of delight – and symbolises and constitutes the very soul and substance of life. Now it is said... of the sacrifice, through the oblation or offering to the five Agnis. The first Agni is Heaven or the Sky-God, and by offering to it one's faith and one's ardent desire, one calls into manifestation Soma or Rasa or Water, the basic principle of life. This water is next offered to the second Agni, the Rain-God, who sends down Rain. Rain, again, is offered to the third Agni, the Earth, who brings forth... popular notion about the matter, but the esoteric sense goes beyond the outer symbols. The sky seems to be the far and tenuous region where the soul rests and awaits its next birth – it is the region of Soma, the own Home of Bliss and Immortality. Now when the time or call comes, the soul stirs and journeys down – that is the Rain. Next, it enters the earth atmosphere and clothes itself with the earth ...

... symbolic. The offerings— ghrita, soma, purodash - are also symbolic.4 _____________________________ 4 .32. Yajna is symbolic. In 1.163 Ashwa is symbolic - the whole Sukta being dedicate to Ashwa e. g. "The Horse has the horns of gold and feet of steel; it has the speed of mind - he was like another inferior Indra. " Soma is symbolic in 1X.113. ... strength of that, 0 Fire, thou precedest in puissance all others ". In VIII. 9.4 the Rishi says that the Ashwins became conscious of Vritra-the Coverer-by the sweet (or honeyed) Soma drink ! thus Vritra and Soma must bear symbolic significance. III.39. 5 says "Indra with the ten Dashgwa Rishis found out the Sun living in darkness—That Truth ". Here the finding of the Sun is the finding... truth, by faith and by Tapas. O Indu - flow for Indra's sake. Where the light is unfailing, in the plane wherein the Heaven ( of mind ) is established, where the peoples are full of light - there, O Soma, make me immortal. 'go' is symbolic in III. 30. 10; cows here arc identical with light, and light is one with 'rivers' and with vani, speech : gives the seed, the Bull of Immortality ...

... praises pressing out Soma as the stone presses it out". Applied to the Yajaman the image is wholly needless & becomes a stupid & inappropriate ornament; for what is meant by the Yajamana producing Soma with the stone just as the stone produces it by itself? The simile has force & propriety only if applied to Agni who produces the Ananda as the stone of the grinding produces the Soma wine. 4) त्वं ...


... of the gods concealed in our subconscient being; they release his radiances, they create the divine Dawn. Indra the divine Mind-power, Agni the Seer-Will, Brihaspati the Master of the inspired word, Soma the immortal Delight born in man aid them to shatter the strong places of the Page 478 mountain, the artificial obstructions of the Titans are broken and this Sun soars up radiant into our... of all the gods, the children of Aditi, the All-Gods ( Viśve Devāḥ ) and especially of the four great luminous Kings, Varuna, Mitra, Bhaga, Aryaman. Indra and the Maruts and the Ribhus, Vayu, Agni, Soma and the Ashwins are indeed the principal agents; Vishnu, Rudra, Brahmanaspati, the future mighty Triad, preside over the indispensable conditions,—for the one paces out the vast framework of the inner... the word. In this sense Agni is said to be born from the heart of man; all the gods are thus born by the sacrifice, Page 493 grow and out of their human action assume their divine bodies. Soma, the wine of the world-delight, rushing through the mind which is its "luminous wide-extended" strainer of purification, cleansed there by the ten sisters, pours forth giving birth to the gods. ...


... ons we seek are the herds of this Sun who comes to us in the track of the divine Dawn and releases and reveals in us night-hidden world after world up to the highest Beatitude. Of that beatitude Soma is the representative deity. The wine of his ecstasy is concealed in the growths of earth, in the waters of existence; even here in our physical being are his immortalising juices and they have to be... happy spontaneity of the right enjoyment of all things dispelling the evil dream of sin and error and suffering,—this is Bhaga. These four are powers of the Truth of Surya. For the whole bliss of Soma to be established perfectly in our nature a happy and enlightened and unmaimed condition of mind, vitality and body are necessary. This condition is given to us by the twin Ashwins; wedded to the daughter... are wide-winging birds; this mental being or this soul is the upsoaring Swan or the Falcon that breaks out from a hundred iron walls and wrests from the jealous guardians of felicity the wine of the Soma. Every shining godward Thought that arises from the secret abysses of the heart is a priest and a creator and chants a divine hymn of luminous realisation and puissant fulfilment. We seek for the shining ...


... bubhuk ṣā , this colossal hunger and cosmic enjoyment of the divine Inhabitant who as 'Agni the Devourer' (agni ḥ ann ā da ḥ , Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, I.4.6.) tastes and consumes the world as soma 8 ? All 1 "Viśvo'si vaiśvānaro'si viśvaṁ tvayā dhāryate jāyamānam. Viśantu tvām-āhutayaśca sarvāḥ prajāḥ." (Maitri Upanishad, VI.9) 2 "Tvayaiva dhāryate viśvaṁ tvayaitat sṛjyate... 7 Cf. 'Vyaktamannamavyaktamannam' meaning "The manifest is food and the unmanifest is food". (Maitri Upanishad, VI. 10). 8Cf. "The cosmos is at the same time Agni the Consumer and Soma the Food" (annānddāsvarupam agniṣomātmakaṁ jagat). Page 241 formations including ourselves are willy-nilly the Great Mother's food; but what high goal has She set Her act of... Upanishad, VI. 12) And the supreme assurance that the Rishis solemnly offer is this that "he who recognises the double aspect of the world, the world as Agni the divine Devourer and the world as Soma the divine Food," "will himself become a cosmic devourer" and "never again be caught in the devouring that is death." (Maitri Upanishad, VI. 10,13,9) But it goes without saying that ...

... Aurobindo, the Rishis of the Rigveda named amritam, the nectar of immortality.   His explanation sheds light on the fact that the Rishis, who personified the Divine Ananda as the godhead Soma, spoke of Soma as if it were an actual material drink. Ordinarily, commentators equate it to a hallucinogenic decoction in the ritual: researchers now hold it to be a preparation from the plant Ephedra. The... epithet "material" for the sweet secretion, but truly speaking the tongue reflects, as it were, a sensation in the subtle-physical body which is ours behind the gross-physical. Were the saliva with the Soma-taste to be chemically analysed, I don't think a special sugary element would be detected. All the same, "the honey of paradise" remains a fact of bodily consciousness even if not of bodily substance ...


... the swan which wants to fly, which cannot fly and has to battle — goes beyond Indra into swah, and goes beyond swah to Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga, enters into Surya. And then comes soma. The highest is soma, the great delight. When that delight can be held in the body, that is Immortality. This was the greatest achievement of the Vedic Rishis. Sri Aurobindo has written about this in a chapter... small joy is enough to make us dance and flutter and throw away all the energies. You should be able to contain the highest joy in yourself without shaking. In the Veda it is said that when the great soma, the great nectar, falls into the unbaked jar, this jar breaks down. It is only when you are purified, thoroughly purified that your jar becomes baked, and if the joy falls into it, you can hold it ...

... directly, the path of the Truth, ritasya panthah, the great path, mahas panthah, which leads to the realms of the Truth. The drinking of the soma wine as the means of strength, victory and attainment is one of the pervading figures of the Veda. The soma wine is the sweetness that comes flowing from the streams of the hidden upper world, it is that which flows in the seven waters, it is that with... activities and is the force that finally immortalizes the mortal, the amritam, ambrosia of the gods.' The Angirasas are distinguished by their seerhood, Rishihood. They are the fathers who are full of the soma, they have the word and are increasers of the Truth. The Angirasas have been described as those who speak rightly, masters of the Rik who place perfectly their thought; they are heroes who speak the ...


... Wind-God Matarishvan, Vayu, who blows away even a stronghold, The violent God, Agni, the Goddess Water (Apah), mother of Delight: these are the first-born by their power of Truth. (2) King Soma was the first to lead out Brahman's bride once again, – he had no hesitation. Varuna and Mitra followed suit. And Agni as the su­preme priest took her hand and led on. (3) “You can seize... One who lives and moves in Brahman enters into all the domains and becomes one limbed with all the Gods. The Master of the Word followed in that way and found the Supreme bride led by the God Soma, even as the Gods found and possessed the oblation. (6) Once again the Gods gave away and men also And royal beings also who create the Truth gave back to Brahman his bride. (7) ... the Super-nature, God's own pure nature. The principal Gods mentioned here are Varuna which means Infinite Consciousness, Mitra, Supreme Harmony and Love, Agni, the Fiery Force of ascension or Tapas, Soma, the supreme Delight and Vayu, the Lord of the vital who breaks down all barriers and difficulties and forges on. Now the pro­cess of redemption is a sacrificial journey, the image of the progressive ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 VEDIC HYMNS Hymn to Indra RIGVEDA Mandala I: Sukta 84 (I) O INDRA, the delightful wine (Soma) has been pressed out for thee, most powerful art thou and the smiter of foes. May this Indra-Power fill thee even as the sun fills the firmament with its rays. (2) The twin bright carriers... steeds have been yoked by the Supreme Word; may the stones, pressing out the wine of Delight by their perfect utterances, turn thy happy mind downward here. (4) O lndra, drink of this pressed Soma, the ecstasy supreme and immortal. Towards thee flow the streams of pure light in the Home of Truth. Page 3 (5) For Indra now raise the luminous chant, utter the expres­sive Word;... the sweet wine that has been. pressed out, they in the company of the Male Indra rejoice, they dwell gloriously as in their own domain. (11) Desiring his touch, the dappled cows distill the Soma drink. Page 4 The herd of cows dear to Indra hurl arrows of thunder; they full of riches, move as to their own domain. (12) They, the enlightened ones, by their obeisance ...

... purification and use awaken in us the sleeping divine will, give a clear vision, guide us through the secret worlds and ultimately to the home of Immortality. The Vedic Rishis sang to the Soma creeper or god Soma, Tatra mām. amrtam krdhi, O Somadeva, carry us where thou flowest down and there make us immortal. For there abound all delight, all ecstasy, all enjoyment, all lure and the supreme Desire... Aldous Huxley has taken up the cue, in the most modern fashion indeed, and prescribed mescalin in the process of Yoga and spiritual practice. Did the Vedic Rishis see in the same way a usefulness of Soma, the proverbial creeper secreting the immortal drink of delight? However, the Tantrik sadhaks hold that particular soporifics possess the virtue of quieting the external senses and dulling and deadening ...

... realisation may be hastened. Indra is with us for the perfection of the illumination in our knowledge; and the divine Soma has transformed us in his infinite, sovereign, marvellous love, bringer of the supreme beatitudes. 1 Nay more: beyond these too - beyond Agni, Indra, Soma - to the still unknown Power, the visioned splendour of the Supermind: And Thou, OLord, who art all this made one... realisation has appeared in all its amplitude," and Mirra can see that the Divine inhabits us from the depths to the surfaces in the divers aspects of Agni (Life, works), Indra (Mind, knowledge) and Soma(Soul, love). But the call is for an integral union of all these powers for effecting the desired change: And in all these domains Agni assures us of the help of his purifying flame, destroying ...


... Brihaspati the priest of the word. In this sense Agni is said to be born from the heart of man; all the gods are thus born by the sacrifice, grow, and out of their human action assume their divine bodies. Soma, the wine of the world-delight, ________________________ 11.On the VedaTp. 111-12 12 This is the real secret of the external sense of Veda which is all that the modern scholars have been... the infinite Truth? The Rishis sought to conceal their knowledge from the unfit, believing perhaps that the corruption of the best might lead to the worst and fearing to give the potent wine of the Soma to the child and the weakling. But whether their spirits still move among us looking for the rare Aryan soul in a mortality that is content to leave the radiant herds of the Sun for ever imprisoned... are wide-winging birds; this mental being or this soul is the upsoaring Swan or the Falcon that breaks out from a hundred iron walls and wrests from the jealous guardians of felicity the wine of the Soma. Every shining godward Thought that arises from the secret abysses of the heart is a priest and a creator and chants a divine hymn of luminous realisation and puissant fulfilment. . We seek for the ...

... which the waters of the Truth and the Bliss can flow. From the supreme ocean flow the sevenfold Waters and pour out on our life the honeyed wave. The seekers of Bliss and Immortality can now drink the Soma-wine from the uncovered well of honey, for they are now able to see Swar. But hidden in the waters, released by Indra from the hold of Vritra, the gods find visible the divine Power, Agni. Agni... brothers, closed ranks with him. The Ash wins, the Riders of the Steed, were not late in coming; they are physicians, they bring back youth to the old, health to the sick, wholeness to the maimed. Soma, the God of Bliss, could not be left behind! Many were Usha's kingods, and now they came in battle array to combat the 1. This legend is an old one and widespread. We find it not only among... she is with her brothers, her vision of all-round seeing restored by now. The Angirasa Rishis, led by their eldest Brihaspati, are very much the companions-in-arms of the gods. And with them all is Soma, to keep up their spirits. The advance resumes under the cover of darkness. All night, stumbling and groping through wide defiles and rugged valleys, they follow the guidance of Sarama. Sarama ...

... their Son and ours: for he is the Divine Child born into the Worlds who manifests himself in the growth of the creature. He is Rudra and Vishnu, Prajapati and Hiranyagarbha, Surya, Agni, Indra, Vayu, Soma, Brihaspati,—Varuna and Mitra and Bhaga and Aryaman, all the gods. He is the wise, mighty and liberating Son born from our works and our sacrifice, the Hero in our warfare and Seer of our knowledge... earth because the coils of the obscuring Python, the all enfolding and all-withholding Vritra, have been cloven asunder Page 376 by the God-Mind's flashing lightnings; in the sacrifice the Soma wine is distilled and uplifts us on the stream of its immortalising ecstasy to the highest heavens. Our sacrifice is the offering of all our gains and works to the powers of the higher existence... ons we seek are the herds of this Sun who comes to us in the track of the divine Dawn and releases and reveals in us night-hidden world after world up to the highest Beatitude. Of that beatitude Soma is the representative deity. The wine of his ecstasy is concealed in the growths of earth, in the waters of existence; even here in our physical being are his immortalising juices and they have to be ...


... golden-winged, waking with the Dawn, and they come not to hurt; they rain forth the waters, they are full of rapture and touch that which holds the Rapture. Like bees to pourings of honey you come to the Soma-offerings. स्वध्वरासो मधुमन्तो अग्नय उस्त्रा जरन्ते प्रति वस्तोरश्विना । यन्निक्तहस्तस्तरणिर्विचक्षणः सोमं सुषाव मधुमन्तमद्रिभिः ॥५॥ 5) Full of the honey the fires lead well the sacrifice... sacrifice and they woo your brightness, O Ashwins, day by day, when one with purified hands, with a perfect vision, with power to go through to the goal has pressed out with the pressing-stones the honeyed Soma-wine. आकेनिपासो अहभिर्वविध्वतः स्वर्ण शुकं तन्वन्त आ रजः । सूरश्चिदशवान्युयुजान ईयते विश्वाँ अनु स्वधया चेतथस्पथः ॥६॥ 6) Drinking the wine near them, the fires ride and run and extend the... tanvanta ā rajaḥ . This verse closes the general description of the perfect and final movement of the Ashwins. In the third the Rishi Vamadeva turns to his own ascension, his own offering of the Soma, his voyage and sacrifice; he claims for it their beatific and glorifying action. The mouths of the Ashwins are made to drink of the sweetness; in his sacrifice, then, let them drink of it. Madhvaḥ ...


... struggle is the working of mental force (Indra) possessed by the Vijnana and filled with mental ananda (Soma). Whenever Indra is thus infused with Soma, opposition seems to disappear; it is only when Indra works without Soma, that the opposition has strength to prevail or at least to resist. Once more Soma is being felt physically in the sensation as of wine flowing through the system, but in the sukshma... record. त्वा युजा तव तत्सोम सख्य इन्द्रो अपो मनवे सस्रुतस्कः । अहन्नहिमरिणात्सप्त सिंधूनपावृणोदपिहितानि खानि ।। त्वा युजा नि खिदत्सूर्यस्य इन्द्रश्चक्रं सहसा इन्दो । "By thee yoked to him, O Soma, in thy comradeship, Indra poured out that stream on the mind (or on the human being, the thinker); crushing the oppressor (Vritra) he set flowing the seven oceans 7 and opened the doors that were ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... envisioned. This would require the most powerful form of Soma. It would be, as it were, a body naturally made of pure Soma, matter with the capacity of perpetually rejuvenating itself. Yet there is no reason to think that they were not aware of the possibility, given their pursuit of Soma on all levels. We could also describe this as bringing the Soma of Mahar Loka into the genetic matrix of physical matter... Asuric forces in the material world that are very difficult to overcome." Vamadeva further adds: "The Rishis' pursuit of physical and spiritual rejuvenation is reflected in the Vedic knowledge of Soma. There were many types of Somas both external (prepared with herbs) and internal (produced through yogic practices like pranayama) for rejuvenating body and mind and for gaining immorality on various ...

... that the finding and recovery of the Cows is usually described as the work of Indra, often with the aid of the Angiras Rishis and by the instrumentality of the mantra and the sacrifice, of Agni and Soma, so also the finding and recovery of the sun is attributed to the same agencies. Moreover the two actions are continually associated together. We have, it seems to me, overwhelming evidence in the Veda... conclusion. First of all, we see that Swar and Surya are different conceptions in the minds of the Vedic Rishis, but always closely connected. We have for instance the verse in Bharadwaja's hymn to Soma and Indra, VI.72.1, "Ye found the Sun, ye found Swar, ye slew all darkness and limitations" and in a hymn of Vamadeva to Indra, IV.16, which celebrates this achievement of Indra and the Angirases, "When... When it is said of him that he finds the light Page 153 even in the blind darkness, so andhe cit tamasi jyotir vidat , it is evident that the reference is to the same light which Agni and Soma found, one light for all these many creatures, avindataṁ jyotir ekaṁ bahubhyaḥ , when they stole the cows from the Panis (I.93.4), "the wakeful light which they who increase truth brought into birth ...


... सधस्तुती । इन्द्राग्नी आ गतं नरा ॥४॥ 4) Take pleasure in the sacrifice, for the sacrifice come to the Soma-wine pressed out, gods to whom rises the common laud, O Indra, O Fire. इमा जुषेथां सवना येभिर्हव्यान्यूहथुः । इन्द्राग्नी आ गतं नरा ॥५॥ 5) May you take pleasure in these Soma-pressings by them who have the offering,—O gods come to us, O Indra, O Fire. इमां गायत्रवर्तनिं जुषेथां... इन्द्राग्नी सोमपीतये ॥७॥ 7) Come for the drink of the Soma-wine with the gods who arrive at dawn, you who have the victor-riches, 1 O Indra, O Fire. Page 344 श्यावाश्वस्य सुन्वतोऽत्रीणां शृणुतं हवम् । इन्द्राग्नी सोमपीतये ॥८॥ 8) Hear the call of the Atris, of Shyavashwa 2 pressing the wine, come for the drinking of the Soma, O Indra, O Fire. एवा वामह्व ऊतये यथाहुवन्त... यथाहुवन्त मेधिराः । इन्द्राग्नी सोमपीतये ॥९॥ 9) Thus have I called you for protection as the wise have ever called you, for the drinking of the Soma (wine), O Indra, O Fire. आहं सरस्वतीवतोरिन्द्राग्न्योरवो वृणे । याभ्यां गायत्रमृच्यते ॥१०॥ 10) I choose the protection of Indra and the Fire with Saraswati at their side, for whom the sacred song breaks into light. 3 Page 345 ...


... principle of fire, but inwardly the god of the psychic godward flame, force, will, Tapas; Surya outwardly the solar light, inwardly the god of the illuminating revelatory knowledge; Soma outwardly the moon and the Soma-wine or nectarous moon plant, inwardly the god of the spiritual ecstasy, Ananda. The principal psychical conception of this inner Vedic cult was the idea of the Satyam Ritam Brihat,... opposed by the Dasyus, thieves, robbers, tearers, besiegers (vritras), was itself a battle. The giving was an inner giving. All the offerings of the outer sacrifice, the cow and its yield, the horse, the Soma were symbols of the dedication of inner powers and experiences to the Lords of Truth. The divine gifts, result of the outer sacrifice, were also symbols of inner divine gifts, the cows of the divine... are the rays of the Sungod, Lord of Revelation, even as in Greek mythology Apollo the Sungod is also the Master of poetry and of prophecy. Ghrita means clarified butter, but also the bright thing; soma means the wine of the moon plant, but also delight, honey, sweetness, madhu . This is the conception, all other features are subsidiary to this central idea. The suggestion seems to me a perfectly ...


... lord of the Somas as he is of the गिरः, not in the sense that Soma is of the wine or Brihaspati is master of the ब्रह्माणि, because to him all speech and all outpourings of the intoxicating wine go as rivers to their sea, as herds to the bull, as women to their lord, अजोषा वृषभं पतिं. चकृम. Possibly = we have prepared; ie the Soma is ready for the divine guest. Utterly burn before thee all... वहासि ताँ इह देवाँ उप प्रशस्तये । हव्या सुश्चंद्र वीतये ॥ सुश्चंद्र. S. शोभनाळ्हादन. चंद्र has two senses, "shining" and Page 565 "delightful", both present in all the names of the Soma, चंद्र, सोम, इंदु; but it is the sense "delight" which it usually carries in the Veda. वहासि. In the early Aryan tongue the long and short syllable were entirely interchangeable and traces of this... all the Rakshasas, O Flame; become the protector of our sacrifices against the destroyer; then bring to us the master of our Soma-pourings with his two shining steeds; for him we have prepared guest-honour, for the perfect giver. 4) प्रजावता वचसा वन्हिरासा आ च हुवे नि च सत्सीह देवैः । वेषि होत्रमुत पोत्रं यजत्र बोधि प्रयंतर्जनितर्वसूनां ॥ प्रजावता. प्रजा here seems not to be अपत्य in the ...


... the Mother's prayers (30 September 1914), there is a reference to the gods Agni, Indra and Soma, followed by an invocation to a still higher power: ...Agni assures us of the help of his purifying flame.... Indra is with us for the perfection of the illumination in our knowledge; and the divine Soma has transformed us in his infinite, sovereign, marvellous love, bringer of the supreme beatitudes... no time was left to proceed with such a considerable undertaking". 22 Although many of the hymns are addressed to gods other than Agni - that is to say, Indra, Surya, Mitra, Varuna, Savitri, Soma, Brihaspati, the Ribhus, Usha, the Aswins, the Maruts, the Vishvedevas, Ila, Saraswati, Mahi, and so on - yet Agni is somehow the dominant deity in the Rig Veda. In the various Mandalas, the Suktas... the Night upon either side; and thou becomes the lord of Love (Mitra) by the law of thy actions, O God. The Ribhus are the "artisans of Immortality", Vishnu is the all-pervading godhead, Soma is Lord of delight and also the divine food. As for the conquest of the Panis or the Dasyus by the Aryans, "it is clear that these Pani dasyus are crooked powers of the falsehood and ignorance who set ...

... predominates, neither jnanam nor ananda can be fully developed, though essentially superior to mind; not even Soma, the rational buddhi, can really govern; but it is Indra full of Soma, the understanding based on the senses and strengthened by the buddhi, who is supreme and for whose satisfaction Soma, Surya, Agni and even the supreme Vishnu work. The reason on which man prides himself, is merely a link... sacrificers and ritualists he was great only as the god of fire indispensable in all their ritual, but to the Yogin he has a much greater importance, as great as that of Surya, the lord of illumination, and Soma, the lord of Amrita. He was one of the most indispensable helpers in the processes which the Veda illumines and assists. होतारम् । Hota is another word of great importance in the Veda. In all ...


... the Truth and her pouring of the Ananda, the Amrita, the Soma Wine, the bliss of the immortal being into the mental and bodily existence. In the world of the pure mind, divi , she rises into the full force and mass of the Light, ūrdhvaṁ pājo aśret , and from those pure and high levels she establishes the sweetness, madhu , the honey of Soma. She makes to shine out the three luminous worlds, rocanā... at once both the true and the pleasant); for is not the chariot of her movement a car at once of light and of happiness? For again, the word candra in candrarathā ,—signifying also the lunar deity Soma, lord of the delight of immortality pouring into man, ānanda and amṛta ,—means both luminous and blissful. And the horses that bring her, figure of the nervous forces that support and carry forward... which man's action moves. It is from her, as she comes thus richly laden, vājena vājini , that Agni, the divine Force labouring here in body and mind to uplift the mortal, prays for and attains to the Soma, the wine of the Beatitude, the delightful substance. The supramental world in us, foundation of the Truth, is the foundation of the Dawns. They are the descent upon mortal nature of the light of ...


... (madhu) which is packed in the chariot of the Ashwins. The Ashwins, the divine twins, are the physicians of the gods who heal by the pourings of this nectar. It is this honey, soma, that is drunk by the gods and it is this soma drunk by the human seekers that gives to them immortality (amritam). This, in brief, is the basic human journey of the Aryan described in the Veda. But there is still... have been described as having joined together in the battle over the Cows. 'You two warred over the Cows, O Indra, O Agni.' (VI.60.2) Sometimes it is Agni and Soma who are referred to as having joined together in the battle. 'O Agni and Soma, that heroic might of yours was made conscient when you robbed Panis of the Cows.' (1.93.4). Sometimes the Ashwins also are credited with the same achievement ...


... and regain his own identity." So the first of the Gods who approached her was the God Soma. Soma means the Moon or Delight, that is Ananda. The Gods said: It was Ananda, Delight, that joined them together, the Lord and the Shakti; so, for their union, their reunion, it is natural and in the fitness of things that Soma should lead the way and approach her. So all the Gods went together to her and explained... remains always the same, for human beings also for their liberation from inferior nature and regaining the spiritual nature. The Veda says the Gods came one by one and led the Shakti up the way. First Soma came, that is to .say, Delight touched the inner core of the fallen Nature and impelled her to awake and rise. As Ananda was the source of their first union, so for the reunion Ananda is the inspirer ...

... not sanvrita but vivrita, that long connected dream is being slowly established. Even symbolic dream must become symbolic vision. 3) স্বত্বাধিকারী শ্রীঅখিলচন্দ্র দত্ত ie Swarat—cosmic sarvananda(soma) given Lipi. 1) Fidelity to the ideality . (an often repeated lipi) Necessary for advance, intellectual doubt leads to nothing 2) philology. 3) fortnightly result ideality. The fever... s and to hold the divine felicity firmly. 22 May 1914 Sortileges—recorded in the last khata & their indications (1) Mar 28. Penetration of the mental being by the mental delight, Indra by Soma, fulfilled gradually in two months & now approaching perfection. (2) Mar 29. Destruction of the tapasic rajas impulses disturbing the system—Fulfilled. (3) do.    Rejection of control by the ... activity of the vijnanamaya knowledge & power. There is much development yet to be done. The cloud of tamas began to be rent & drift apart after a sortilege from the Veda. त्वं ज्योतिषा वि तमो ववर्थ—ie Soma, the mental Ananda. During the rest of the day there was a struggle in which the Tamas receded without much difficulty. The vibrations of the mental Ananda are becoming more powerful & are being ...

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... of the cows, as if the pure & wide-poured liquid of the Soma-creeper. Sy. takes na = not, & explains, "he did not milk the cows, the Soma was not purified nor sprinkled; the yajaman only offered praise." I see no sense or appropriateness to the context in this rendering. Na simply conveys, as in other passages, that the cows & the Soma are symbolic figures not material cows or the intoxicating ...


... the opening at the top of the skull. 104. Cloison : partition-wall. 105. tapo-bhanga: interruption in austere ascetic meditation or austere devotion to God. 106. soma-rasa: the juice of the soma plant. Soma represents the divine delight of being. 107. (Dilip's note:) I had referred in my blasphemous letter to Sri Aurobindo to Voltaire's reply to the question of the credulous f ...

... supraphysical realities and became convinced that the visible and tangible of earth's time and space were not all. Even in the days of the Rigveda there was the sacred wine of delight and immortality: Soma. Soma, to the spiritual seer, is the Godhead of transcendental and world-creative Bliss, whose being flows into him as a result of Yoga and suffuses his consciousness with the direct sense of Eternal Life... Beatitude. But as a material analogue to this God-intoxication there appears to have been for ceremonial use the juice of some rare herb gathered on Himalayan heights. Sir Aurel Stein has suggested that Soma (Persian Haoma) was extracted from the plant Ephaedra pechyclada (intermedia) growing in the Western Himalayas and Western Tibet and known in the present Trans-Indus vernacular as Hum. When mixed ...

... distinguish .. or पिष् to crush, mould, shape. (2) सनवित्त चिरलब्ध. This establishes the sense of सानः in ऋषि - सानः etc. Easy of going & securely known to thee is the path, O Agni; yoke in the Soma-offering thy bright steeds & thy fierce-red or those who in their seat are ruddy-active & bearers of energy. I sit & I invoke the births of the gods. सनवित्त सुते (?) युक्ष्वा अरुषाः वीरवाहः अरुषाः... that which has the supreme good. And do ye protect us always with states of happy being. Page 438 Hymn 48 (1) Ye of the plenty who hold the shaping knowledge, take joy in us of the Soma distilled, O Purushas great in your fullnesses; may your downward powers come as force of action to us & set in motion the human car. (2) Informed by your powers of knowledge, wide-pervading by your... looking down on the truth & falsehood in creatures, they who stream sweetness & are pure & are purifying, may those divine waters keep me here in my being. (4) They in whom Varuna the King, in whom Soma, in whom Page 439 all the gods have ecstasy of the fullness of force, in whom Agni, the universal Power, has entered in, may those divine waters keep me here in my being. Hymn 50 ...


... verse there is a covert play of the kind; for bhojanam means both enjoyment and food and it is intended to be conveyed that the "enjoyment of Savitri" is Soma, from the same root su , to produce, press Page 302 out, distil, Soma, the food of divine beings, the supreme distilling, highest production of the great Producer. What the Rishi seeks is the enjoyment in all created things of... in the creation of Bhaga Savitri, in his perfect and fault less sacrifice,—there is a double sense in the word sava , "loosing forth", used of the creation, and the sacrifice, the libation of the Soma,—men stand absolved from sin and blame by the Ananda, anāgaso , blameless in the sight of Aditi, fit for the undivided and infinite consciousness of the liberated soul. The Ananda owing to that freedom ...


... of the Truth, ritasya panthah, the great path, mahas panthah, which leads to the realms of the Truth. The drinking of the soma wine as the means of strength, victory and attainment is one of the Page 54 pervading figures of the Veda. The soma wine is the sweetness that comes flowing from the streams of the hidden upper world, it is that which flows in the seven waters, it... activities and is the force that finally immortalizes the mortal, the amritam, ambrosia of the gods." The Angirasas are distinguished by their seerhood, Rishihood. They are the fathers who are full of the soma, they have the word and are increasers of the Truth. The Angirasas have been described as those who speak rightly, masters of the Rik who place perfectly their thought; they are heroes who speak the ...

... Deva can be realized through any of his names and aspects, through Indra, through Agni, through Soma; for each of them is in himself that Supreme Deva, and only in its frontal aspect differs from the other frontal aspects; each god contains all the gods in himself. In the ninth Mandala of Rig Veda, 59 Soma is described as the Supreme Deva in the image of his multisided splendour and complexity as follows:... Vedic yoga of Divine Love or Divine Delight, the method is that of transmutation of sense activities effected by means of intensities of purification, symbolized in the Veda as the pressings of the soma-plant and straining its juice through the widely spread strainer ( pavitram vitatam ) of the human system in the activities of purification. The climax is reached when the delight in our members is ...

... arrange on an altar some dried sticks of holy trees in a particular formation and kindle a fire in which to pour oblations of clarified butter and many other good things. They offered wine (the juice of soma) to the gods and partook of it themselves. It seems, fire was to them a new discovery. That is why they appreciated Page 66 its value so much. Moreover, they lived in a frigid snowy... endows men with power, and men too on their part propitiate the gods through their sacrifices offered to them. The gods are satisfied with and nourished by men's humble obeisance and their offering of Soma Rasa, while men in their turn attain to prosperity in this world and secure a better status in the other world. Indians, who have received modern education, have been trying to synthesise the ... attributed to Vamadeva, while the fifth, the sixth, the seventh are res­pectively attributed to Atri, Bharadwaja and Vasishtha. The whole of the ninth Mandala has been exclusively devoted to the god Soma. The first and the tenth have been the contributions of many Rishis. Each sukta of these two Page 93 books contains mantras offered to a particular god or several gods related to ...

... purification and use awaken in us the sleeping divine will, give a clear vision, guide us through the secret worlds and ultimately to the home of Immortality. The Vedic Rishis sang to the Soma creeper or god Soma, Tatra mām amṛtam kṛdhi, O Somadeva, carry us where thou flowest down and there make us immortal. For there abound all delight, all ecstasy, all enjoyment, all lure and the supreme Desire... Aldous Huxley has taken up the cue, in the most modem fashion indeed, and prescribed mescalin in the process of Yoga and spiritual practice. Did the Vedic Rishis see in the same way a usefulness of Soma, the proverbial creeper secreting the immortal drink of delight? However, the Tantrik sadhaks hold that particular soporofics possess the virtue of quieting the external senses and dulling and deadening ...


... The Sun has invaded all our dwellings, he has taken possession of all our acts and movements ; divine Bliss has come down to our very cells, like a wine, Soma : "O Agni and Soma, that heroic might of yours was made conscient" (I.93.4). Soma , the wine of immortality flowing in our veins, the ambrosia which is perhaps not the immortality of a body but the possession of our divine consciousness on ...


... shining pure, the priest of the offering greatest in sacrifice who brings to us the all; may he press out both the pure udder of the Cows of Light and the purified food of the plant of delight (the Soma) poured out everywhere. He is the infinite being of all the lords of sacrifice (the gods) and the guest of all human beings; may Agni, accepting into himself the increasing manifestation of the gods... paśyer adbhutān arya evaiḥ . This is again the journey to the vision of the God head. "Thou, O Agni, youngest power, art the perfect guide (on that journey) to him who sings the word and offers the Soma and orders the sacrifice; bring to the illumined who accomplishes the Page 207 work the bliss with its vast delight for his increasing, satisfying the doer of the work (or, the man, carṣaṇiprāḥ ...


... and faith he experienceth the greatness of the spirit. Now if by the double letter he is accomplished in the mind, then is he led up by the Yajus to the middle world, to the moon-world of Soma. He in the world of Soma experienceth the majesty of the spirit and returneth again. And he who by the triple letter again, even this syllable OM, shall meditate on the highest Purusha, is perfected in the light ...


... together and followed by those of which Indra is the deity; the invocations of other gods, Brihaspati, Surya, the Ribhus, Usha etc. close the Mandala. A whole book, the ninth, is given to a single god, Soma. The first, eighth and tenth Mandalas are collections of Suktas by various Rishis, but the hymns of each seer are ordinarily placed together in the order of their deities, Agni leading, Indra following... Suktas invoking Indra in company with other gods. In the remaining eight hymns with Indra as the sole deity, except for one which he shares with the Maruts, Page 60 we find the symbols of the Soma and the Cow, the obstructor Vritra and the great role played by Indra in leading man to the Light and overthrowing the barriers to his progress. These hymns are therefore of crucial importance to the ...


... 25 (1) Who today in his inner strength desires the godhead, who longs and cleaves in heart to the friendship of the Lord of Mind? Who seeks him with adoration casting in the Flame high-kindled the Soma-wine for the great Presence that shall carry him over to that other shore? (2) Who bows down with the Word of submission to the delightful One? Who becomes full in his mentality and wears the bright... Indra who perfects his works, dear who fulfils mind, dear who stands forward in his increasing soul, dear who is full of the wine of joy. (6) For him who goes forward increasing, who expresses the Soma-wine, Indra in his strength works absolute perfection. But of him who offers it not he is neither helper nor friend nor brother, rather he smites down those who increase not in soul nor express it in ...


... nectar-drinker who bears on his beak the Soma wine, to the ordainer of things, I beget a thinking full of beauty from my heart. अहाव्यग्ने हविरास्ये ते स्त्रुचीव घृतं चम्वीव सोमः । वाजसनिं रयिमस्मे सुवीरं प्रशस्तं धेहि यशसं बृहन्तम् ॥१५॥ 15) An oblation has been offered into thy mouth, O Fire, as if Page 434 clarified butter in a ladle, as if Soma wine in a bowl. Found in us the treasure ...


... machinery of the world? Wherefore did they yoke the bright flaming coursers to their chariots of bliss and hasten down so swiftly to rejoice in the fires of the Aryan altar and drain the outpourings of the Soma-wine? The Europeans believe that these Vedic gods were personifications of the material powers of Nature; Sky, Rain, Sun, Moon, Wind, Fire, Dawn and the Ocean are the gods of the Aryans. The names... meat and wine,—because primitive men were naturally anthropomorphic in their conceptions of deity,—and imagined their gods to resemble their own chiefs & rulers. And if so much stress was laid on the Soma wine, was it not because Page 8 the Vedic Rishis loved to get frequently drunk and naturally thought their gods would have the same robust inclination? For, it seems, heaven is only a magnified ...


... have set their array. घृतपृष्ठा मनोयुजो ये त्वा वहन्ति वह्नयः । आ देवान्त्सोमपीतये ॥६॥ 6) Shining of flank, yoked to the mind, the bearers that bear thee and bear to us the gods to drink the Soma-wine. Page 122 तान् यजत्राँ ऋतावृधोऽग्ने पत्नीवतस्कृधि । मध्वः सुजिह्व पायय ॥७॥ 7) Make them active to the Yajna, O Agni, they increase by truth, they have with them their female... of the offering bringeth the gods that wake to the dawn. विश्वेभिः सोम्यं मध्वग्न इन्द्रेण वायुना । पिबा मित्रस्य धामभिः ॥१०॥ 10) With all of them, O Agni, drink thou the sweetness of the Soma-wine, with Indra and Vayu and Mitra's lustres. त्वं होता मनुर्हितोऽग्ने यज्ञेषु सीदसि । सेमं नो अध्वरं यज ॥११॥ 11) Thou, the priest of the oblation, thinker and friend, sittest, O Agni, at ...


... Samadhi, symbolic figure of a dark (blue-black) moon with a shapeless reproduction of it below; above-round the small sphere a blaze of sunlight on one side. This Page 1102 meant the dark Soma (intuitive mind-orb, ananda consciousness, with the jyoti involved in it), emitting the jyoti, the other the intellectual reflection. The suryamandala is the symbol of the vijnana. The ideality was... comes from an illegitimate attempt from outside to bring the action of the chandramandala to replace the surya action. The blaze of the surya action is now taking possession, forcing aside the minor soma action. The attack of the asamata falls away from the surya blaze; it subsists only by a reflex of the ineffective chandra action which is easily attackable by the old deficiencies. The blaze brings ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... fact of biological experience that germ cells are indeed equally immortal. "Reduced to a formula," as Prof. R. Pearl has observed, "the fertilized ovum (united germ cells) produces a soma and more germ cells. The soma eventually dies. But some of the germ cells prior to that event produce so-mata and germ cells, and so on in a continuous cycle which has never yet ended since the appearance of mu ...

... Page 305 flew, with rapid speed a Falcon" (IV.27.1) 1 - "The Falcon took and brought the Soma" (IV.26.7) 2 - "Agni, Falcon of the sky" (VII.15.4). 3 Either an Eagle or a Hawk or a Falcon is conjured up in general terms in X.91.14: "Fire the nectar-drinker who bears on his beak the Soma-wine.". 4 There is no doubt that one-half of the griffin-image is perfectly amenable. What about ...


... the gods took the next step. They deputed Soma, the Moon-god of Delight, to awaken the inconscient Power. She was to be made aware of the sad state in which she was lying; she was also to be informed about the plight of her Lord, with his lustre getting faded. When told so, she felt concerned and agreed to join him. The two gods, Varuna and Soma, accomplished the difficult mission, of uniting ...

... Śivas, 355 smoking outfit, 317 Sogdiana/Sogdians, 228, 321 Soma, 187, 208, 210, 233, 256, 258, 285-6, 292-3, 306, 308, 309-10, 313-16, 318, 327, 329, 332, 336, 337, 343-6, 356, 359, 360, 363, 365, 372-3, 382, 383, 390, 391, 412, 418 Somarudra, 405 Soma, the Divine Mushroom of Immortality, by G. Wasson, 344 Son valley, 220 ...


... Orphic myth, man was represented as a compound of the ashes of Dionysus and the titans. The soul (Dionysus factor) was divine, but the body (titan factor) held it in bondage. The watchword therefore was "Soma, Sema" -the body, a tomb. Hence incarnate existence was more like a death, and the death of the body the beginning of true life. However this "true life" was not obtained automatically. The soul was... until its final deliverance. 10. Dionysus: Etymologically Dionysus means "The Zeus of Nisa." And he seems by several similarities of legend and function to be the Greek form of the Vedic god Soma. It is normally accepted that the cradle of his cult was Thrace. The exuberance of the legends of Dionysus is explained not only by his great popularity but because he absorbed within himself many other ...


... lake merely to ripple and do nothing else or the swan simply to swim and eat and do nothing else. It is as much a symbol as the Bird of Fire or the Bird of the Vedic poet who faced the guardians of the Soma and brought the Sonia to Indra (or was it to a Rishi, I have forgotten) perhaps carrying a pot or several pots in his claws and beak!! for I don't know how else he could have done it. How is he to use... movement. I admit that the swan is a symbol, but don't you think that behind the expressions there should be a meaning? Yes, of course. The Vedic bird can be imagined to be bringing pots of Soma, but what would you understand by: তব নৃত্যের একটি শিহরে জন্ম লভিল উর্ব্বশী ? 176 Take this line বাসনামত্ত মাতঙ্গে তুমি শান্ত করিলে 177 — one can find some meaning, but what about the line ...

... truthforms. The union of Earth and Heaven is the source of the Joy, the Ananda, that the Poet unseals and distributes. Heaven and Earth join and meet in the world of Delight; between them they press out Soma, the drink of the gods. The Mind and the Body are held together by means of the Life, the mid-world. The Divine Mind by raising the body- 1 Ibid., III. 38. 2. 2 Ibid., VIII. 8.... conception of the work or achievement. Mitra and Varuna are the large harmony, the vast cadence and sweep of movement. The Aswins, the Divine Riders, represent the intense zest of well-yoked Life-Energy. Soma is Rasa, Ananda, the Supreme Bliss and Delight. The Vedic Poet is doubtless the poet of Life, the architect of Divinity in man, of Heaven upon earth. But what is true of Life is fundamentally true ...

... pure vital fluid. Physiologically the enzymes and endocrine secretions are the physical formations or outer formulations of the hidden vital fluid. This indeed is the function of the deity, Soma, Pawamana Soma, the flowing stream of Delight, who in effect is the true presiding godhead here. For it is this section of the body that is the stage for our whole world of enjoyment—for the play of all our ...

... he himself gives, I am afraid, abstruse answers: This sacrificial altar is the extreme end of the earth, this sacrifice is the nodus of the universe, and this nectar of immortality (Soma) is the energy-flow of the steed and this Brahman is the Word in the supreme heaven.² As are the questions so are the answers, equally enigmatic and obscure. About the Word, the mystery... consciousness in its evolutionary re-course upward towards the radiant fullness in the solar Supra-Consciousness at the summit. He is however not only energy, he is also delight (vāma). For he is the Soma, the nectarous flow, occult in the Earth's body. For Earth is the storehouse of the sap of Life, the source of the delightful growths of Life here below. Page 167 ...

... forms. The union of Earth and Heaven is the source of the Joy, the Ananda, that the Poet unseals and distributes. Heaven and Earth join and meet in the world of Delight; between them they press out Soma, the drink of the gods. The Mind and the Body are held together by means of the Life, the mid-world. The Divine Mind by raising the body- 1 Ibid., III. 38. 2. 2 Ibid., VIII. 8. 23... conception of the work or achievement. Mitra and Varuna are the large harmony, the vast cadence and sweep of movement. The Aswins, the Divine Riders, represent the intense zest of well-yoked Life-Energy. Soma is Rasa, Ananda, the Supreme Bliss and Delight. The Vedic Poet is doubtless the poet of Life, the architect of Divinity in man, of Heaven upon earth. But what is true of Life is fundamentally true ...

... 253-7, 260, 263, 269, 281-2, 293, 317, 333, 339, 341, 343, 360 – Prayers and Meditations, 224, 227-9, 231, 236, 247 NACHIKETAS, 340, 400 PARIS, 171, 173 Pashupati, 179 Pawamana Soma, 330 Pharaohs, the, 264 Pindar, 278n - Olympian Odes, 278n Plato, 201, 297 Poseidon, 383 Prahlad, 183 Pururavas, 390-1 RADHA, 134-5, 183, 297 Rakshasa, 250 ... , 228, 386, 391 – Hamlet, 386n – Julius Caesar, 386n – King Lear, 391n Shankara, 104-5, 309, 344 Sindhus, 330 Shiva, 106, 182, 184, 207, 297 Socrates, 196,297, 379 Soma, 330 Sri Aurobindo, 3, 8,9, 29n., 42,46,51, 90, 101n., 105, 120, 135, 151, 163, 168,212,236-7,248, 254-5, 270n., 274, 276, 284, 285n., 286n., 287, 293, 300, 318n., 323, 341, 343, 351,353 ...

... the Vedic word which means at once light or ray and cow, I have given according to the circumstances "Light", "the radiances", "the shining herds", "the radiant kine", "Light, mother of the herds". Soma, the ambrosial wine of the Veda, has been rendered "wine of delight" or "wine of immortality". The Vedic language as a whole is a powerful and remarkable instrument, terse, knotted, virile, packed... the infinite Truth? The Rishis sought to conceal their knowledge from the unfit, believing perhaps that the corruption of the best might lead to the worst and fearing to give the potent wine of the Soma to the child and the weakling. But whether their spirits still move among us looking for the rare Aryan soul in a mortality that is content to leave the radiant herds of the Sun for ever imprisoned ...


... हवं । प्रति सूक्तानि हर्यतं भवतं दाशुषे मयः ।। O Agni (lord of divine Tapas) and Soma (lord of Ananda), hear perfectly my call, take joy in the things perfectly expressed in me, become Ananda to the giver (of the sacrifice of action). This expresses the next necessity of the siddhi. Hitherto the full Anandamay state (Soma) has been associated with shama; tapas has always brought either partial Ananda ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... supreme resting-place of this All; thou art the knower and that which is to be known and the highest status; O infinite in form, by thee was extended the universe. Thou art Yama and Vayu and Agni and Soma and Varuna and Prajapati, father of creatures, and the great-grandsire. Salutation to thee a thousand times over and again Page 26 and yet again salutation, in front and behind and from... unbounded and eternal, you are Vayu the All-Pervasive Page 28 and you are Yama the Ordainer and, living in creature-kind, you are Agni. Varuna the Ruler over the Waters you are, and Soma the Moon-God. You are the Creator as Brahma and even beyond him, that Supreme, you are; you are yourself the begetter of the great Grandsire. O Master of the Universe, besides this existence, all that ...


... frequent reference to the god Agni who symbolises the divine Will or Force in humanity that takes up the action in all consecration of works. The offerings were more difficult to understand. Even if the Soma-wine by the context in which it occurred, its use and effect and the philological indication of its synonyms, suggested its own interpretation, what could possibly be indicated by the "ghritam", the... surrounding context was psychological Page 43 and only the image of the cow interfered with its obtrusive material suggestion. Indra is invoked as the maker of perfect forms to drink the wine of Soma; drinking he becomes full of ecstasy and a "giver of cows"; then we can attain to his most intimate or his most ultimate right thinkings, then we question him and his clear discernment brings us our ...


... that we have to understand the peculiar figures of Vedic symbolism as handled by the Rishis, even to the most apparently common and concrete. It is so that words like "ghritam", the clarified butter, "soma", the sacred wine, and a host of others are used. Moreover, the partitions made by the thought between different senses of the same word were much less separative than in modern speech. In English... food given at the sacrifice to the gods, but for the initiated it meant the Ananda, the joy of the divine bliss entering into the physical consciousness and at the same time suggested the image of the Soma-wine, at once the food of the gods and the Vedic symbol of the Ananda. We see everywhere this use of language dominating the Word of the Vedic hymns. It was the great device by which the ancient ...


... drizzles into the place of the purifying; shouting aloud Soma gives being to the gods. (5) Towards all supreme boons, towards all the gods who increase in the Truth, purifying himself into streams moves the Lord of delight. (6) Stream out on us the luminous and the mighty, stream out on us all that has vital speed and copious plenty, O Soma, as they press thee out; stream out on us impulsions vast ...


... Indra—not altogether conclusive. 5 “अर्धं” गोनां = wealth. 6 क्रतुं—either force xράτoς (will-power) or sacrifice—यजमा - नस्य ‘रध्रस्य’ यजमानस्य चोदौ —“wealthy” or “rapturous” in connection with Soma. ‘अस्मिन्भयस्थे कृणुतमु लोकं’ in connection with, अर्धं कृणुतादिंद्र गोनां 7 ‘The Patron—यो मा सुन्वंतमुप गोभिरायत् = the god or inner power—of the Sacrifice’ ‘तमन्’ to be darkness or inertia cf... श्रुति or divine hearing, inspiration, knowledge”. II.30. 1 Savitri—Indra Ahighna, the Waters 2 Vritra, Aditi, the Waters. 3 Indra, Vritra. 4 Brihaspati, Indra, Vritra. 5 Indra 6 Indra, Soma 7 Indra 8 Saraswati Marutvati, Indra 9 Brihaspati or Indra & Brihaspati. 10 Brihaspati. 11 Maruts. Page 473 II.31. 1 Image of the birds around the nest with double meaning वयः—“birds” ...


... cherished by the gods. इन्द्रश्च सोमं पिब्रतं बृहस्पतेऽस्मिन्यज्ञे मन्दसाना वृषण्वसू । आ वां विशन्त्विन्दः स्वाभुवोऽस्मे रयिं सर्ववीरं नि यच्छतम् ॥१०॥ 10) Thou, O Brihaspati, and Indra, drink the Soma-wine rejoicing in this sacrifice, lavishing substance. Let the powers of its delight enter into you and take perfect form, control in us a felicity full of every energy. बृहस्पत इन्द्र वर्धतं... Rishis meditated; meditating, they became illumined in mind; illumined, they set him in front as the god of the ecstatic tongue, mandrajihvam , the tongue that takes joy of the intoxicating wine of Soma, mada, madhu , of that which is the wave of sweetness, madhumān ūrmiḥ , hidden in the conscient existence and out of it progressively delivered. 2 But of whom is there question? The seven divine ...


... यज्ञमिहोप यातम् । अमर्धन्ता सोमपेयाय देवा ॥४॥ 4) O Fire, and O Indra, here in the gated house of the giver who offers the wine, come to the sacrifice, gods unforgetting, for the drinking of the Soma-wine. अग्ने अपां समिध्यसे दुरोणे नित्यः सूनो सहसो जातवेदः । सधस्थानि महयमान ऊती ॥५॥ 5) O Fire, thou shinest high, eternal in the house of the waters, O son of force, O knower of all things... chosen thee, O Priest of the call, O thou who wakest to knowledge, thou hast moved to the Permanent, thou hast achieved by thy toil the Permanent; knowing, come as one possessed of knowledge to the Soma-wine. Page 212 × Or, dragging all with them, ...


... to the Lords of Light The Secret of the Veda The Tenth Hymn to Mitra-Varuna An Invocation to the Sacrifice [The Rishi invokes Mitra and Varuna to the Soma-offering as destroyers of the enemy and greateners of our being and as helpers of our thoughts by their mastery and wisdom.] आ नो गन्तं रिशादसा वरुण मित्र बर्हणा । उपेमं चारुमध्वरम् ॥१॥ 1)... Mitra, you govern every man and are the wise thinkers; you are the rulers, nourish our thoughts. उप नः सुतमा गतं वरुण मित्र दाशुषः । अस्य सोमस्य पीतये ॥३॥ 3) Come, O Varuna, O Mitra, to our Soma-offering, to the sacrifice of the giver, that you may drink of this wine. Page 542 × By destroying the enemy ...


... Veda. But the Brahmanas are in their nature rubrics of directions to the priests for the right performance of the outward Vedic sacrifice,—that system of symbolic & effective offerings to the gods of Soma-wine, clarified butter or consecrated animals in which the complex religion of the Veda embodied itself for material worship,—rubrics accompanied by speculative explanations of old ill-understood details... an airy conjecture depending on the proof of the identity of the Aswins not itself proving it; madhu in the passage about the Bees need not mean honey and much more probably means the honeyed wine of Soma, the rendering “bees” is one of the novel, conjectural & highly doubtful suggestions of European scholarship. All the other proofs that are heaped on us are of a like nature & brilliantly flimsy ingenuity ...


... ripple and do nothing else or the swan simply to swim and eat and do nothing else. It is as much a symbol as the Bird of Fire or the Bird of the Vedic poet who faced the guardians of the Soma and brought the Soma to Indra (or was it to a Rishi? I have forgotten)—perhaps carrying a pot or several pots in his claws and beak!! for I don't know how else he could have done it. How is he to use his symbol ...


... right and the vast (satyaṃ, ṛtaṃ, bṛhat). The cosmic being that symbolises the bliss of the Reality is named in the Veda, Soma, which is compared to the intoxicating wine of the realisation of the Supreme. The Vedic knowledge points out that when one reaches ;Soma or bliss, then one is able to manifest sweetness. One's tongue becomes sweet, one's relations become sweet, one's speech becomes ...


... remember the union achieved in between Ganga and Yamuna spoken of in the Tantras; vide also poem No. XIV.   Page 286 3. Moon = Soma; immortality. Waters = streams of immortality. 4. Northern pole: the summit of being or consciousness, the sou­thern pole being the lower end corresponding to sahasrara at the top... and the mind. There is a double set of this structure – one, is dark, made of ignorance, alongside there is another, luminous, made of moonlight, that is to say, made of pure delight and immortality (Soma). 2. Shabara = the original, unregenerate, unclean, impure man, the man of ordinary, ignorant consciousness.   Page 288 ...

... pure vital fluid. Physiologically the enzymes and endocrine secretions are the physical formations or outer formulations of the hidden vital fluid. This indeed is the function of the deity, Soma, Pawamana Soma, the flowing stream of Delight, who in effect is the true presiding godhead here. For it is this section of the body that is the stage for our whole world of enjoyment – for the play of all our ...

... delight of existence, celebrated as the elixir of immortality, the wine of soma, the drink which Indra, god of the divine mind, needs in order to nourish himself with strength and for emission of his shafts of lightning, flashes of illuminations. Ashwins, the physicians of the gods, are the special repositories of Soma and they carry with them bags of honey in their chariot so that they can heal ...


... ng comrade and what is that Supreme Flaming Lustre which surrounds thee? Page 44 (5) What is that Mightiest of Drinks, full of truth which gives you the ecstasy of the divine Soma-juice and breaks open even a stronghold? (6) All around us with thy vastnesses thou becomest hundred­fold, the protector of thy comrades and adorers. (7) Oh, the Mighty, what is... may Indra and Agni with their protection be Peace to us, may Indra and Varuna pour their oblations and give Peace to us, may Indra and Pushan who conquer the plenitudes be Peace to us, may Indra and Soma be Peace to us for our perfect journey. May Peace and Power be there for us. (12) May the Goddesses, the Waters, bring to us the Peace and the Grace so that we may have the right impulsions ...

... branches spreading out, i.e. all the multiple aspects of the creation. Even the gods, all of them, find shelter here in one form or other. All gods it is: Agni the Divine Force, Indra the Divine Mind, Soma the Divine Delight. It is Tapas, the upward urge in the Universe, it is Satyam the Truth and Ritam the Truth-action, Vak the Truth-word. Day and Night also are its dual aspects, Light and Dark­ness... creation. (36) That is born from Labour, That is born from the Supreme Energy. All the worlds it has encompassed. It created 1 Beyond. 2 Fire-adept Rishis. Page 35 Soma,¹ the sole reality.. To That the most Ancient, Brahman I bow. ­ (37) How is it that the wind does not move? How is it that the mind does not take delight? How is it that the waters impelled ...

... himself gives, I am afraid, abstruse answers: "This sacrificial altar is the extreme end of the earth, this sacrifice is the nodus of the universe, and this nectar of immortality (Soma) is the energy-flow of the the steed and this Brahman is the Word in the supreme heaven." (Rik 35.) As are the questions so are the answers, equally enigmatic and obscure. ... re-course upward towards the radiant fullness in the solar Supra Consciousness at the ·summit. He is .however not only Page 14 energy, he is also delight (vāma). For he is the Soma, the nectarous flow, occult in the Earth's body. For Earth is the storehouse of the sap of Life, the source of the delightful growths of Life here below. Page 15 ...


... canst not save One bloom from fading? A sole thing the Gods Demand from all men living, sacrifice: Nor without this shall any crown be grasped. Yet many sacrifices are there, oxen, And prayers, and Soma wine, and pious flowers, Blood and the fierce expense of mind, and pure Incense of perfect actions, perfect thoughts, Or liberality wide as the sun's, Or ruthless labour or disastrous tears, Exile ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... of the Truth. The rest of the hymn speaks of the rising of the seven horsed Sun towards his "field which spreads wide for him at the end of the long journey", the attainment of the swift Bird to the Soma and of the young Seer to that field of the luminous cows, the Sun's ascent to the "luminous Ocean", its crossing over it "like a ship guided by the thinkers" and the descent upon man of the waters of ...


... becomes quite evident in I.113.18, yā gomatīr uṣasaḥ sarvavīrāḥ ... tā aśvadā aśnavat somasutvā . It does not mean "the Dawns that have cows and all men or all servants, those a man, having offered the Soma, enjoys as horse-givers." The Dawn is the inner dawn which brings to man all the varied fullnesses of his widest being, force, consciousness, joy; it is radiant with its illuminations, it is accompanied ...


... supreme resting-place of this All; thou art the knower and that which is to be known and the highest status; O infinite in form, by thee was extended the universe. Thou art Yama and Vayu and Agni and Soma and Varuna and Prajapati, father of creatures, and the great-grandsire. Salutation to thee a thousand times over and again and yet again salutation, in front and behind and from every side, for thou ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... leavings of the sacrifice is, it is explained, the nectar Page 119 of immortality, amṛta , left over from the offering; and here we have still something of the old Vedic symbolism in which the Soma-wine was the physical symbol of the amṛta , the immortalising delight of the divine ecstasy won by the sacrifice, offered to the gods and drunk by men. The offering itself is whatever working of his ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... a compelling and attracting oneness. For the poet the moon of beauty and delight is a greater godhead even than the sun of truth or the breath of life, as in the symbolic image of the Vedic moon-god Soma, whose plant of intoxication has to be gathered on lonely mountain heights in the moonlight and whose purified juice and essence is the sacred wine and nectar of sweetness, rasa, madhu, amṛta , without ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... sutasomáya vidhate yavishṭha; Ratnam bhara sh a sh amánáya ghṛishve, pṛithu sh chandram avase charshaṇipráh. Thou, O vigorous Agni, art a perfect guide to the sacrificer who has pressed out the soma & disposes the rites,Ovigorous god;O bright god, bring to his self-expression a delight wide-extended in its pleasurableness, filling his action with thyself. सुप्रणीतिः. Sy. सुष्ठूत्तरवेद्यां ...


... S. रूपं—rather force—cf अनीकिनी (2) पेषी .. महिषी—cut, ie confined or shaped, defined, & large. (3) मिमानं. S. निर्मिमाणं विपृक्कत् S. सर्वतो व्याप्तं ददानो —दातास्मि अमृतं in sense of Soma. (5) मर्यकं अरणः—fighter—effective aspirer. (6) वसां. S. वसतां प्राणिनाम् निंदितारो Confiners—cf next verse निंदितं. अरातयो. Enemies or powers of undelight. [ Incomplete] Page ...


... reasserts itself swiftly.. The lower nature still resists the new devibhava and attempts to go back to the old sense of limitation and essential incapacity. The devibhava is taking into itself Surya, Soma, Agni, Indra and seeking to unify them. As a result, partly, of the unsuccessful attack sama ananda is greatly strengthened & is increasing rapidly in force. It is finally overcoming the dwaita ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... effort in you make what comes of them something neutral or desert, while they should be a restful quietude and an emptiness giving the sense of peace, purity or release, the cup made empty so that the soma-rasa of the spirit may be poured in it. That is why I would like you to desist from these too strenuous efforts and go on quietly, praying and meditating if you like but tranquilly without strain and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... शश्वदग्निर्वध्रयश्वस्य शत्रून् नृभिर्जिगाय सुतसोमवद्भिः । समनं चिददहश्चित्रभानोऽव व्राधन्तमभिनद् वृधश्चित् ॥११॥ 11) Fire has ever conquered the enemies of the gelded Horse by men who have pressed the Soma wine; O thou of the bright diverse lights, thou hast broken and cast down the foe that was equal and the foe that was mighty and thou hast given him increase. अयमग्निर्वघ्रयश्वस्य वृत्रहा सनकात् ...


... running, but in the Veda the community of significance has not yet been lost. दोधवीति = runs & takes up the idea in हियानस्य which already suggests the figure of the horse so constantly applied to Agni & Soma. वार will then = वारं, supreme boons, blessings, the desirable things of the Vedic discipline. In the Veda the fluid variation between masculine & neuter is sufficiently common. Sayana's rendering ...


... × Or, pure without cleansing. × The honeyed Soma-wine, outflowing of the principle of Delight in things. × The seven rivers or movements which descend ...


... and intoxicating joys. × The delight extracted from existence is typified by the honey-wine of the Soma; it is mixed with the milk, the curds and the grain, the milk being that of the luminous cows, the curds the fixation of their yield in the intellectual mind and the grain the formulation of the light ...


... Hymns of the Atris was running, but did not form part of that series. The God of the Mystic Wine (Rig Veda IX.75, 42). Published in the Arya in September 1916. These two hymns to Soma were "rendered as literally as possible", in contrast to the method of interpretative translation usually employed in the Arya . The Sanskrit text in transliteration was printed at the bottom of ...


... the physical body,—the conquest of death, an earthly immortality. For from the divine Bliss, the original Delight of existence, the Lord of Immortality comes pouring the wine of that Bliss, the mystic Soma, into these jars of mentalised living matter; eternal and beautiful, he enters into these sheaths of substance for the integral transformation of the being and nature. Page 275 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... force, puissance harmonised with sweetness of heart and Page 736 clarity, capable of being one with it in action, the lightning of Indra starting from the orb of the nectarous moon-rays of Soma is the double perfection. And these two things saumyatva, tejas , must base their presence and action on a firm equality of the temperament and of the psychical soul delivered from all crudity and ...


... American Milk Bar — the pleasure of having a lot of horses, especially a horse called Dadhikravan which had the peculiarity of being a marcher always towards the dawn — the pleasure of a drink known as Soma with which the semi-barbarian priests got so intoxicated that they thought they were partners of heaven with Indra and Agni and Surya — the pleasure of all kinds of wealth including a strange kind which ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... strong to support & hold all the activities of mental knowledge & of the temperament in their fullness. "Be rapturous in us and a dwelling for the sacrifice, enter with mastery into Indra, O Soma; thou art powerful, moving forward, and thou meetest no hostile forces on thy way. In him give to dwell our self-expressions, who is alone of the lords of action, and according to his movement is self-state ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... body. The vital spirit enjoys the fruit or rewards of actions while the Supreme Spirit is merely a passive spectator. The fine Birds are perhaps the priests, and the Keeper of the Universe may be Soma. Sayana explains suparnā , well-winged, in this and the preceding stanza as smooth-gliding (rays). Their offspring is, he says, the light, and the Father is the cherishing and protecting ...


... these are only myths and legends expressing perhaps the wish-fulfilment of the human race but bringing no definite succour or message of hope to death-stricken man. Where can be found the Indian soma or the Iranian haoma or the Greek nectar that would confer the boon of immortality on man? Paracelsus, the great alchemist, claimed to have discovered the elixir of life that would indefinitely ...

... frame but an exceeding of the law of the physical body." 2 For, "from the divine Bliss, the original Delight of existence, the Lord of Immortality comes pouring the wine of that Bliss, the mystic Soma, into these jars of mentalised living matter;, eternal and beautiful, he enters into these sheaths of substance for the integral transformation of the being and nature". 3 And thus will be ...

... be a guide to a similar grasping of the inner significance of what is plainly a similar religion, both the Vedic cult and Zoroastrianism being based on the symbolism of Fire and Sun, the sacred drink Soma or Haoma, the importance of the Cow as a sign of Rita or Arta (Asa), the fight between Truth and Falsehood, the Gods and the Demons. Even the shift of sense in the Vedic word Asura came, as ...


... some depth. And by a coincidence which yet seemed most natural, the voice identified itself as "Aditi"! The grandest conception in the Rigveda - greater than that of Mitra-Varuna or Indra-Agni or Surya-Soma - is the one in which the Rishis bring close to our souls from a rapturous all-ruling remoteness the Mother of the Gods: Aditi, the personification of the Illimitable, the Ultimate. Appropriate here ...


... pent-up springs, the udder of the mountain (v. 32.1-2)" - "He releases the streams which are imprisoned cows (i.61.10), or which, like lowing cows, flow to the ocean (i.32.2)" - "He won the cows and Soma and made the seven rivers flow (i.32.12; ii.12.12)". It should be clear that Indra is winning for his worshippers some boon for their own lives, some boon of light and happiness obstructed by the demonic ...


... culture in ancient India, the 'Aryan' occupying the Punjāb and Northern and Central India, Afghānistān, and perhaps Persia and distinguished in its cult by the symbols of the Sun, the Fire and the Soma sacrifice and the un-Aryan occupying the East, South and West, the nature of which it is quite impossible to restore from the scattered hints which are all we possess." 34 In the above, Sri Aurobindo ...


... effort in you make what comes of them something neutral or desert, while they should be a restful quietude and an emptiness giving the sense of peace, purity or silence, the cup made empty so that the soma-rasa106 of the spirit may be poured in it. That is why I would like you to desist from these too strenuous efforts and go on quietly, praying and meditating if you like but tranquilly without strain ...

... Supreme Light. The Supreme Light is symbolised by the Sun, which is the very home of the Truth, the Right and the Vast (satyam, ritam, brihat). In that Supreme Light is contained the nectar, Soma. It is this nectar which is ________________ 5.Rigveda, 1.164.46 6 Rigveda, 3.62.10 Page 143 brought to the seeker by the twin physicians, Ashwins. Enjoyment of ...


... are repeatedly mentioned in Rig Veda: The attainment of the Divine mind represented by Indra, attainment of shining Thought-forces, represented by Maruts, attainment of purity resulting in the flow of Soma. divine delight, and synthesis of four powers of the great Kings or sons of Aditi, namely, the powers of Varuna (purity and Page 54 vastness of Truth-Consciousness), Mitra (law of love and ...

... is full of. untruth and attain to truth and immortality. In a symbolic and poetic chant, Vamadeva says that a honeyed wave climbs up from the ocean and by means of this mounting wave, which is the Soma (amshu), one attains entirely to immortality; he further says that that wave or that elixir is a secret name of the clarity (ghrita) he further says that it is the tongue of the Gods and it is the ...


... this All; Thou art the knower and that which is to be known and Page 107 the highest status; O infinite in form, by Thee was extended the universe. Thou art Yama and Vayu and Agni and Soma and Varuna and Prajapati, father of creatures, and the great grandsire. Salutations to Thee a thousand times over and again and yet again salutation, in front and behind and from every side for Thou ...

... 1996. Balasubramanian, R. (ed.), The Enworlded Subjectivity: Its Three Worlds and Beyond, PHISPC, Centre For Studies in Civilizations, New Delhi, 2006. Bhave, Shrikrishna Sakharam, The Soma hymns of the Rig Veda: A fresh interpretation. Oriental Institute, 1957-62, Baroda, 3 Vols, Bloomfield, M., The Religion of the Veda, New York, 1908. Brunton Paul and Venkataramaiah, Conscious ...

... Brahmins, omitting the practice of those qualities which really make a man a Brahmin and adopting the practice of those qualities which really make men not Brahmins — say thus: Indra, we call upon thee, Soma, we call upon thee, Varuna, we call upon thee, Isana, we call upon thee, Prajapati, we call upon thee, Yama, we call upon thee! Truly, Vasettha, just by their invoking and praying and hoping and praising ...

... frame but an exceeding of the law of the physical body." 5 For "from the divine Bliss, the original Delight of existence, the Lord of Immortality comes pouring the wine of that Bliss, the mystic Soma, into these jars of mentalised living matter; eternal and beautiful, he enters into these sheaths of substance for the integral transformation of the being and nature." 6 1 The Life ...

... of the Right, dasinagni has for its dwelling the waters, which imply movement. Its form is spread out in every direction; its field is the region of the starry sky; its goal the moon of Delight, soma. Likewise, the Fire of the Call, ahavaniyagni , has for its seat the life-breath, which gives the power to work. Its form is of the nature of extension; its field the heavenly regions of mind, the ...

... After the third sense we come to the fourth, the tongue. The mouth gives you the taste of the truth and you find that the Truth is sweetness, the delicious nectar of the gods: for the truth is also soma, the surpreme rasa, amrta, Page 226 immortality itself. Here is Aswapathy's experience of the thing in Savitri: In the nostrils quivered celestial fragrances, On the ...

... ultimate reality. Sometimes these two are named as the solar and the lunar aspect. The solar aspect refers obviously to the Light, that is to say, to the Truth; the lunar aspect refers to the rasa (Soma), to Immortality, to Beauty proper,— yatte susamam hrdayam adhi candramasi sritam tenamrtatvasyesena 0 Lord of Immortality! Thy heart of beauty that is sheltered in the moon— ...

... Semele 34 Shakespeare 16, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 101, 103 Shakuntala 8 Shelley 104 Shitala 31 Shyama 80 Shyama 80 Siddhas 82 Siddhacharyas 11, 82, 83, 87 Soma 2, 12 Somadevata 37 Sophocles 40, 43 South America 55 Spain 61 Sri Aurobindo 8, 27, 30, 36, 86, 89, 90, 91, 92. 93. I03 Sri Rama 41 Sutra 13 Svarga 34 ...


... the Right, dakṣiṇāgni has for its dwelling the waters, which imply movement. Its form is spread out in every direction; its field is the region of the starry sky; its goal the moon of Delight, soma. Likewise, the Fire of the Call, āhavanīyā gni , has for its seat the life-breath, which gives the power to work. Its form is of the nature of extension; its field the heavenly regions of mind ...

... The woodland dances in the Feast of Light: Veiled behind the festive illumination The hymn of delight I listened in the core of my heart That vedic Rishis chanted drunk with the heavenly Soma I realized the deep rapture that has bloomed Into the Lotus-universe in the flow of the Infinte. Mid-day was asleep laying his head upon the blue sky Alone in the world's chamber: ...

... other-worldly and unfamiliar. Thus, horse was to them life-force, cow the radiance of truth, the wind thought-energies, the sun consciousness or Truth, night as ignorance, light as knowledge, wine ( soma means both wine and moon) as delight and ecstasy, the sky as infinity or transcendence. And so on. Indeed, that is the hiatus, the inadequacy that still cripples and stultifies the mind, the ...

... After the third sense we come to the fourth, the tongue. The mouth gives you the taste of the truth and you find that the Truth is sweetness, the delicious nectar of the gods: for the truth is also soma, the supreme rasa, am ṛ ta, immortality itself. Here is Aswapathy's experience of the thing in Savitri: In the nostrils quivered celestial fragrances, On the tongue lingered the honey ...

... Shiva, 13, 41, 150-5 Shobhanaka,77-9,81 Shyam, Ruhira, 167 Page 312 Shyama, 159 Siddhacharya, 254 Sindh, 239 Soma, 134-6, 144,288 Sri Aurobindo, 3-14,22-3, 26-31, 35, 38-9, 52n., 57, 60 – 1, 66-7, 70-1, 88-9,93,95-6,98-9, 103-5, 107, 147, 149-50, 155, 266 –Bande Mataram, 57n. –Collected ...

... fail, fail with impunity. But if you undertake the spiritual life and fail, then you lose both here and hereafter. That is why the Vedic Rishis used to say that the earthen vessel meant to hold the Soma must be properly Page 15 baked and made perfectly sound. It was for this reason again that among the ancients, in all climes and in all disciplines definite rules and regulations were ...

... ess, as and when a lower element is offered and submitted to a higher reality and this higher reality impinges upon the lower one (which is what the rubbing of the ara ņi or the pressing of the soma symbolises); the limitation is broken, the small enters into and becomes the vast, the crooked is straightened and lengthened out, what was hidden becomes manifest. This is described as the progression ...

... infinite Mother. His associate, Mitra, is the lord of love and harmony, evidently an emanation of Pradyumna (or Mahalakshmi). Page 207 Other gods of the same category are Bhaga and Soma. The Balarama or Mahakali aspect is manifested in Aryaman: Rudra being another form of the same. And Mahasaraswati (or Aniruddha) must have given birth to and inspired the Ribhus, who are artisans of ...

... ultimate reality. Sometimes these two are named as the 'solar and the lunar aspect. The solar aspect refers obviously to the Light, that is to say, to the Truth; the lunar aspect refers to the rasa (Soma), to Immortality, to Beauty proper – yatte susamam hrdayam adhi candramasi śritam tenāmrtatvasyeśena O Lord of Immortality! Thy' heart of beauty that is sheltered in the moon – ...

... 455-57; language of the Veda, 456; who is Agni, 456; a god elect, eclectic, unique, 457; 'Apri' hymns, 457; Varuna, Mitra, Indra, Vayu, 457; Usha, Aswins, 458; Savitri, Ribhus, Vishnu, Soma, 458; Veda Unveiled, 459,473,490 Seetaraman, M. V, 672 Sen, Indra, 760 Sen, Keshub Chunder, 16, 185 Sen, Kshitish Chandra, 244 Sen, Sushil, 305, 307 Sethna ...

... down and dashed upon the ground of the practical inane. Incredulous, the Mother could only whisper in reply: "Do you think so?" Such a mystery as the Soup symbolising the 'élan vital' or the soma juice or the elixir of spiritual rebirth could succeed for long only if everybody brought to it the right attitude of reverence and faith, and if there was a real exchange between the divine giver ...


... almost, Sri Aurobindo's collaborator was also setting down similar thoughts in her Diary. Humanity had to advance, from the average human to the pure Arhat ideal. Works, knowledge, love -Agni, Indra, Soma - were important, yet "some new splendour, some possibility of a loftier and more integral realisation" was needed if "one step farther" was to be taken towards the Divine manifestation on the earth ...

... may Indra and Agni with their protection be Peace to us, may Indra and Varuna pour their oblations and give Peace to us, may Indra and Pushan who conquer the plenitudes be Peace to us, may Indra and Soma be Peace to us for our perfect journey. May Peace and Power be there for us. ( 11 ) May the Goddesses, the waters, bring to us the Peace and the Grace so that we may have the right impulsions and ...

... alled and the forehead centre." Those then are the seven main chakras. Tantra however recognizes several other sub-chakras. Such as, LALANĀ at the base of the tongue, just above Vishuddha; or SOMA chakra located above Ajiia. But more important, and better known are the seven sub-Muladhara chakras. They are, in descending order, ATAlA, VITAlA, SUTAlA, TALATAlA, RASATAlA, MAHATAlA, and PATAlA ...

... of culture in ancient India, the "Aryan" occupying the Punjab and Northern and Central India, Afghanistan and perhaps Persia and distinguished in its cult by the symbols of the Sun, the Fire and the Soma sacrifice, and the un-Aryan occupying the East, South and West, the nature of which it is quite impossible to restore from the scattered hints which are all we possess. Again we are astonished to ...


... beautiful That made thy soul all colour. For I strive Towards the insufferable heights and flash With haloes of that sacred light intense. But lo! the spring and all its flowers, and lo! How bright the Soma juice. What golden joys, What living passions, what immortal tears! I lift the veil that hides the Immortal—Ah! My lids faint. Ah! the veil was lovelier. My flowers wither in that height, my swan ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... As the Purohita who leads and conducts the work of the sacrifice. × Soma, the wine of immortality, is given to the gods in three parts, on three levels of our being, the mind, life and body. × ...


... The whole mental consciousness is now beginning to be pervaded by a sense of substantial light (jyotih) and the body with a sense of the flowing of a wine, an ecstatic subtle liquor of delight, Soma. The sense of will as a fire, Agni, is sometimes present. There is a strong movement in jagrat rupadrishya towards the development of the dense & developed on the former large scale, but with ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... A new circumstance is the pervasion of the pranic body by the ananda as well as, with a less forcefulness of sensation, the manasic body. In the latter, at the highest, it is pure madhu of the Soma. All the anandas show signs of an increasing tendency to the orgiastic 10 September 1917 A strong attempt by the artificial obstruction to renew its power of strongly suspending the Ananda; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Fire [20] RV III.1.1-12 Viswamitra's hymn to Agni. 1) O divine Strength, bear me up, thou who hast made me strong to bear in the knowledge the Soma for life's sacrifice; brightening towards the gods I yoke to them my settled being and tranquillise it; cleave, O Agni, to my body. वक्षि Sayana. कामयस्व- but elsewhere [वह] अद्रिं    Sayana    ग्रावाणं ...


... सूर्यः सोमात्पर्जन्य ओषधयः पृथिव्याम् । पुमान् रेतः सिञ्चति योषितायां बह्वीः प्रजाः पुरुषात्संप्रसूताः ॥५॥ 5) From Him is fire, of which the Sun is the fuel, then rain Page 137 from the Soma, herbs upon the earth, and the male casts his seed into woman: thus are these many peoples born from the Spirit. तस्मादृचः साम यजूंषि दीक्षा यज्ञाश्च सर्वे कतवो दक्षिणाश्च । संवत्सरश्च यजमानश्च ...


... विं न द्रुषदं देवमन्धस इन्दुं प्रोथन्तं प्रवपन्तमर्णवम् । आसा वह्निं न शोचिषा विरप्शिनं महिव्रतं न सरजन्तमध्वनः ॥३॥ 3) He is to you like a bird settled on a tree, like the divine moon-flow of the Soma plant, like a clamorous spreading ocean; he is as one who carries in his mouth of flame, exuberant in strength, mighty in the way of his works, rushing on his paths. वि यस्य ते ज्रयसानस्याजर ...


... would be fruitful — but just to sparkle up the versifying intelligence and quicken it to call out the hiding poetic intuition. That intuition itself comes with its own bubbling store of the Vedic Soma and borrows no singing strength from the wine-cup. When its power is active in the forefront and has not receded into the background, draughts of water are enough to keep the life of song going. The ...


... — I thought that would be the natural sequence of events. Now I learn that the Mother, with Her all-encompassing mind, had sent Biren-da to Calcutta to learn Book Binding! It was from Biren-da that Soma-di, Niharika-di, Kusum-ben, etc. learnt the art and worked in the Imprimerie! Biren-da was at first (or long ago) lodged on the 1st floor of our Guest House. The window in his room had glass panes ...


... India , Harmondsworth: A Pelican Book, 1960, p. 283. 14. Parpola, Asko, "The Coming of the Aryans to Iran and India and Page 162 the implements needed in the preparation of Soma and the sacrificial fire, the sacrificial place contained little beyond a shallow bed dug out and covered with grass for the gods to sit on." .. .he informs us that "the brick-built fire altar... is ...


... However, the preceding and the following lines reveal that their knowledge is still indispensable today, because their wisdom is still unsurpassed. The motif of the Vedic Rishis and their Soma-Rasa, the elixir that sustained them, is expressed is the following line: And the mysteried vineyards of the gold moon-wine. 33 The moon is the symbol of spirituality and wine here ...

... overflooding of that miraculous ecstasy life and mind and body draw their nourishment; in that enjoyment they increase in deathlessness. That is why hymn after cheerful hymn is raised by the Rishis to Soma, the Lord of Delight and Immortality: "O Thou in whom is the food, thou art that divine food, thou art the vast, the divine home; wearing heaven as a robe thou encompassest the march of the sacrifice ...

... Satyavan and Savitri tended the flames, Flames whose tongues can bear expression of the true, Hold in their leaping zest newborn greatnesses. Moon-lotuses bloomed for the crimson bright And Soma and Indra and Agni and Vayu Came in their auspicious forms to celebrate The birth of Savitr ̣in this creation. 5 June 2002 savitr ̣ : The Sun-God. Sri Aurobindo's ...


... supramentalise the body. Of course, by mantra-power one may subtilise the physical being but to supramentalise it is a different cup of tea - or, to hark back to Rigvedic terminology, a different goblet of Soma, the nectar of Immortality. Your friend appears to make his followers believe that by merely quieting the mind and the vital nature one can have the power to supramentalise the physical instrument by ...


... Paul, "The 'Aryan' Gods of the Mitanni Treaties", in Journal of the American Oriental Society Vol. 80, no. 4 (Oct.-Dec. 1960). Times Literary Supplement (London) (May 5, 1969): review of Soma, the Divine Mushroom of Immortality by Gordon Wasson. Tilak, B.G., The Arctic Home in the Vedas (Tilak Bros., Poona, 1925) [reference by Sri Aurobindo]. Vats, M.S., Excavations ...


... the verses in Sri Aurobindo's translation: 22 "O lord of the thunderbolt [Indra], thou didst uncover the hole of Vala of the cows [valasya gomatah]" (I.11.5). "So in thy ecstasy of the Soma thou didst break open, O hero (Indra), the pen of the Cow and the Horse, like a city" (VIII.32.5). "That is the work to be done for the most divine of the gods; the firm places were cast down ...


... Shelley, i Shimalia, 67 Shiva, Śiva, 41, 43-5 Shubiluliuma, 31 Sialk, 4, 68, 69, 71, 76 Sigrus, 127 Sind, 65, 62, 97 Sistan, 5 Snoy, Peter, 87fn. Soma, 86, 104, 118 Page 149 Some Aspects of Ancient Indian Culture, 87 Southern India, 1, 24 South Indian Bronzes, 118 . Southerners, ...


... down to the Aitāreya Brāhmaṇa (VII.3). R.K. Mookerji informs us that among the deities mentioned by Kautilya's Artha ś āstra (XIV. 3) as popularly worshipped were: Aditī, Saraswatī, Savitā, Agnī, Soma and vājayanta (Indra), 3 Rigvedic godheads all these - and the Arthaśāstra at its earliest is considered to be Mauryan and hence very much post-Rigvedic. Strabo (born c. 63 B.C.), in his Geography ...


... The "Great-holed-place" belonged to Vala, and obviously he hid cows in it. Such an inference is confirmed by another verse from the Rigveda which also we have cited before: "So in the ecstasy of the Soma thou didst break open, O hero, the pen of the Cow and the Horse, like a city" (VIII. 32, 5). Here again Indra is apostrophised. And here we have not only a clear index to the Rigvedic content of an ...


... down of the higher Forces, their contact may be too strong for the flawed and impure material of Nature and its immediate fate may be that of the unbaked jar of the Veda which could not hold the divine Soma Wine; or the descending influence may withdraw or be spilt because the nature cannot contain or keep it. Again, if it is Power that descends, the egoistic mind or vital may try to seize on it for its ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

...      smallness अणुक      very small, atomic..      subtle .. acute आणवीन      fit to bear अणु      (Panicum Miliaceum) अण्वी      Vd finger (Say.)? (Apte query) अण्वं      fine hole in Soma strainer (?) (do) [4] Notes अहम् from OS [Old Sanskrit] अह् to breathe. Proof—from derivatives अहः      = originally life (cf प्राणः), then day अहिः      = वायुभक्षः, that which ...


... symbol of formal existence and especially of the physical nature and it is out of this hill or rock that the herds of the Sun are released and the waters flow. The streams of the madhu , the honey, the Soma, are said also to be milked out of this Hill or Rock. The stroke of the Horse's hoof on the rock releasing the waters of inspiration would thus become a very obvious psychological image. Nor is there ...


... path to the divine Bliss, and he seems to be identified with the power of the will and responsible for human actions. In other Upanishads the Gods are clearly the symbols of sense-functions in man. Soma, the plant which yielded the mystic wine for the Vedic sacrifice, has become not only the God of the moon, but manifests himself as mind in the human being. These evolutions suppose some period, posterior ...


... ज्ञानहेतुनात्मियेन प्रकाशेन चेतिष्ठः S. with विशां—अतिशयेन ज्ञापयिता—ie by the light he gives at night. क्रतु in sense of knowledge चेतिष्ठः Parallel passages. वेधाः S. विधाता स्रष्टा. Soma creates the plants which are eaten भोग्यजातं, Agni is the eater भोक्तृ, as सोमो वा ओषधीनां राजा and Taitt. अग्निरन्नादोऽन्नपतिः and in Vajasaneyaka एतावद्वा इदमन्नं चैवान्नदश्च सोम एवान्नमग्निरन्नादः ...


... and drove upward the herds of light that were in the Secrecy and cast downward Vala; the luminous planes of heaven were fixed and fortified, made firm so as never to be thrust away. [VIII.14.8,9] O Soma, ascending beyond the three luminous worlds thou blazest. [IX.17.5] In his flow he begets the vast and brilliant Truth-Light and smites away the darknesses. [IX.66.24] Thrice seven the Milch cows ...


... concluded with regard to the esoteric sense of the Veda, Indra must be the Power ( indra , the Puissant, 7 the powerful lord) of the divine Mind born in man and there increasing by the Word and the Soma to his full divinity. This growth continues by the winning and growth of the Light, till Indra reveals himself fully as the lord of all the luminous herds which he sees by the "eye of the sun", the ...


... इन्द्रमग्निं कविच्छदा यज्ञस्य जूत्या वृणे । ता सोमस्येह तृम्पताम् ॥३॥ 3) I choose by the swift impulse of the sacrifice Indra and the Fire whose pleasure is in the seer; take here your content of the Soma-wine. तोशा वृत्रहणा हुवे सजित्वानापराजिता । इन्द्राग्नी वाजसातमा ॥४॥ 4) The smiters, the slayers of the coverer I call, the unvanquished, the companions in victory, Indra and the Fire, most ...


... वशान्नाय सोमपृष्ठाय वेधसे । स्तोमैर्विधेमाग्नये ॥११॥ 11) May we ordain sacrifice with the lauds to Fire, the ordainer of things. Fire who makes the ox and the cow his food and he bears on his back the Soma-wine. उत त्वा नमसा वयं होतर्वरेण्यकतो । अग्ने समिद्भिरीमहे ॥१२॥ 12) O Fire, we come to thee with prostration and with the fuel, O Priest of the call, O supreme will! उत स्वा भृगुवच्छुचे ...


... विभूतरातिं विप्र चित्रशोचिषमग्निमीळिष्व यन्तुरम् । अस्य मेधस्य सोम्यस्य सोभरे प्रेमध्वराय पूर्व्यम् ॥२॥ 2) O illumined seer, pray the Fire opulent in his gifts, rich in his lustres; the guide of this Soma-sacrifice pray, O Sobhari, for the rite of the path, the Ancient One. यजिष्ठं त्वा ववृमहे देवं देवत्रा होतारममर्त्यम् । अस्य यज्ञस्य सुकतुम् ॥३॥ 3) We have chosen thee the mightiest for sacrifice ...


... × Vanaspatīn , in its double sense, the trees, the lords of the forest, growths of the earth, our material existence, and lords of delight. Soma, producer of the immortalising wine, is the typical vanaspati . × An equivoque on the double sense ...


... the former He is the indwelling Lord and Maker, by the latter He is the material of his own works. × Soma. × The Ananda, the state of divine Beatitude in which all the powers of our being are revealed in ...


... spread out the mid-air on the tree-tops, he put strength in Page 544 the battle-steeds and milk in the cows; in hearts he put will, the fire in the waters, 1 the sun in heaven and the Soma-plant on the mountain. नीचीनबारं वरुणः कवन्धं प्र ससर्ज रोदसी अन्तरिक्षम् । तेन विश्वस्य भुवनस्य राजा यवं न वृष्टिर्व्युनत्ति भूम ॥३॥ 3) Varuna poured forth over earth and heaven and the ...


... The field of the gleaming of the Dawns, the world of the Light. × Madhu, the Soma. × Aditi and Diti. ...


... for our passion. अच्छा नो याह्या वहाऽभि प्रयांसि वीतये । आ देवान्त्सोमपीतये ॥४४॥ 44) Come to us, bear towards us the Gods that they may eat of 21 our pleasant offerings and drink our Soma wine. Page 91 उदग्ने भारत द्युमदजस्त्रेण दविद्युतत् । शोचा वि भाह्यजर ॥४५॥ 45) O Fire of the Bringers luminously lightening with thy incessant flame upward burn; spread wide thy ...


... self-empire; he holds in himself all glory and beauty. अग्नेरिन्द्रस्य सोमस्य देवानामूतिभिर्वयम् । अरिष्यन्तः सचेमह्यभि व्याम पूतन्यतः ॥६॥ 6) May we cleave to the safeguardings of the Fire and Soma and Indra and of the Gods, meeting with no hurt overcome those that are embattled against us. SUKTA 9 नि होता होतृषदने विदानस्त्वेषो दीदिवाँ असदत् सुदक्षः । अदब्धव्रतप्रमतिर्वसिष्ठः सहस्त्रंभरः ...


... Page 386 आग्ने याहि मरुत्सखा रुद्रेभिः सोमपीतये । सोभर्या उप सुष्टुतिं मादयस्व स्वर्णरे ॥१४॥ 14) Come, O Fire, with the Rudras, comrade of the life-gods for the drinking of the Soma wine, to the laud of Sobhari and take thy rapture in the godhead of the Sun-world. Page 387 × Or, of themselves ...


... but not yet in the result. The passivity of the critical intelligence, its surrender in favour of the Viveka is equally accepted. These things are now sukha and have to be generally enforced by Agni & Soma in the terms of Ananda. It is at present being done in the interests of Indra, who is King of Swar, in the supreme heaven of the mind within the triple system. The siddhi of the Vijnana will now ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... give him the warmth of his beams or to drive away night from the sky? Does he entreat Agni to nourish the sacrificial fire or to receive for the gods on his flaming tongues the clarified butter and the Soma-juice? Not even for a moment, not even by allusion; but rather to Surya to remove—from the sight of his mind—the distracting brilliance which veils from mankind the highest truth and form of things ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... the light of the Divine. It is the Divine who has entered into this form of earth and is the spirit of its material force and sustains by his might these multitudes. The Divine is the godhead of Soma who by the rasa , the sap in the Earth-mother, nourishes the plants and trees that clothe her surface. The Divine and no other is the flame of life that sustains the physical body of living creatures ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... as in religion, the outer & systematised forms have done much to preserve the ancient truth, in its parts, if not in its fullness; they have served the purpose of flasks for keeping a little of the Soma wine of the Veda. But it is to those who have gone back most freely to the inner source that is due the perpetual reflooding of the Indian mind with Vedic truth and its immortal permanence and unfailing ...


... adversaries of Page 135 Aryan civilisation), and Bhrigou's wife, Puloma, was of the Titan blood. Chief of the Gods were Indra, King and Thunderer, who came down when men sacrificed and drank the Soma wine of the offering; Vaiou, the Wind; Agni, who is Hutaashon, devourer of the sacrifice, the spiritual energy of Fire; Varouna, the prince of the seas; Critanta, Death, the ender, who was called also ...


... destroying all obstacles, kindling the energies, stimulating the will, so that the realisation may be hastened. Indra is with us for the perfection of the illumination in our knowledge; and the divine Soma has transformed us in his infinite, sovereign, marvellous love, bringer of the supreme beatitudes... O divine and sweet Mother, I bow to Thee with a rapt, ineffable tenderness, and with infinite ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... 371, 373, 375, 443, 446, 449, 474, 547, 553-4, 572 Soderblom, 281 Sodroi, 426-7 Sogdiana (Suguda, Bukhara), 461 Solinus, 15, 61, 62, 63, 64, 67, 98, 119, 158, 164, 172 Soma, 78, 79, 85-8, 103, 104, 123 Somadhi, 69 Somavarman (of Chamba), 518 Somesvara III, 39 River Sonos (Son), 116, 185 Sopara.209, 273 Sophagasenus, 532 'Sopeithes', 'Sophites', 263 ...


... of culture in ancient India, the 'Aryan' occupying the Punjab and Northern and Central India, Afghanistan and perhaps Persia and distinguished in its cult by the symbols of the Sun, the Fire and the Soma sacrifice, and the un-Aryan occupying the East, South and West, the nature of which it is quite impossible to restore from the scattered hints which are all we possess." 4 Synthesising the three ...


... It has sought to formulate theories, and act effectively, on the underlying physico-chemical factors and processes that govern the phenomenon of progressive senescence of the body-locked soma-cells and have for their ultimate and inexorable consequence the somatic death of the individual organism. In our time much valuable work has been done in this specialized field of biology and the ...

... (24) And your Will forces appeared as the Vedas. The visible universe does not exist but for you. The entire Cosmos is your body and the earth constitutes your permanence. (25) Fire is your wrath and Soma, the Lord of Delight is your joy. You are Lord Visnu (who bears the mark of Śnīvatsa — a curl of white hair on His breast). The three worlds were covered by you in your three strides in the past. (26) ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... destruction), Skanda (son of Lord Śiva), Prajāpati (the lord of creation), the mighty Indra (the ruler of gods), Kubera (the bestower of riches), Kāla (the Time spirit), Yama (the god of retribution), Soma (the moon god), Varuna (the ruler of the waters), the Pitrs (manes), the (eight) Vasus, the (twelve) Sadhyas, the (two) Aśwīs (the physicians of gods), the (forty nine) Maruts (wind gods); Manu (a ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... shallow and they comply with his request. SRI AUROBINDO: They would be funny rivers if they were material ones. And remember what they carried in them—all sorts of things, the rays, the sun, the Soma-wine, wisdom, wealth. PURANI: Do you remember a Madrasi departmental commissioner of police trying to prove that Christ was a Tamilian? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, and also that the Tamilians were Jews ...


... unalterable, inscrutable, close, Locked in an embrace the ruthless Killer and the tenderest Lover, Intimate, inseparable, inaccessible, impenetrable, infinite. Sipping a glass of heady Soma offered by my dangerous Friend, Struck dumb in amazement, I watch His vast Cosmic Opera. 138 - 139 Supreme Benediction Remember, my child ...

... Through the demon hordes which deny the Will of the One. Ave Maria sends the soul soaring to the embrace of the Mother Divine. Bodies possessed by the divinities of beauty and harmony and the Soma wine Dance intoxicated as in a trance and oblige the psychic buds to blossom by their charm. The soul repeats the mantra; May I be Thy slave, May I be Thy slave: Yogis and saints, sculptors ...

... Orphic-Pythagorean-Platonic doctrine of the body: the soul, a divine element, uncreated and imperishable, has been immured within the body which acts accordingly as its prison-house or even the grave: soma (body) is indeed the sema (tomb) for the soul. Thus in Socratic thought, "the soul is a divine stranger inhabiting this world for a brief period, and yearning for death as the release by ...

... Winter's Tale, 233n Shankara, 246, 277, 282 Shelley, 68, 71, 98, 235 Shita1a, 180 Siddhacharyas, 164, 221-2, 225 Siddhas, 221 Siva, 31, 278 Socrates, 12, 58, 73, 98, 239, 281 Soma, 23, 28-9, 44-5, 165, 167, 184 Song if Solomon, 66-7 Sophocles, 73, 86, 187, 189 Spain, 205 Spengler, 297 Spenser, 68 Spinoza, 98 Sri Aurobindo, 49, 52, 54, 55n., 58-62, 64-5n ...

... effectiveness, as and when a lower element is offered and submitted to a higher reality and this higher reality impinges upon the lower one (which is what the rubbing of the arani or the pressing of the soma symbolises); the limitation is broken, the small enters into and becomes the vast, the crooked is straightened and lengthened out, what was hidden becomes manifest. This is described as the progression ...

... Second Empire, the, 418 Shakespeare, 79, 116n., 406 -Julius Caesar, 116n. -Hamlet, 72n. Shankara, 17, 21, 68, 71,403 Shelley, 209 Shiva, 129, 208, 339 Socrates, 116 Soma, 70, 208 Spanish Armada, the, 198 Sri Aurobindo, 3-4, 7-10, 17-19, 22, 25, 27, 29, 34, 36, 44, 59-60, 71, 84n., 85-6,89-91, 95, 109n., 117n., 125, 127, 129n., 148, 154, 163n., 225, 288-90 ...

... other-worldly and unfamiliar. Thus, horse was to them life-force, cow the radiance of truth, the wind thought energies, the sun consciousness or Truth, night as ignorance, light as knowledge, wine (soma means both wine and moon) as delight and ecstasy, the sky as infinity or transcendence. And so on. Indeed, that is the hiatus, the inadequacy that still cripples and stultifies the mind, the physical ...

... the third sense we come to the fourth, the tongue. The mouth gives you the taste of the truth and you find that the Truth is sweetness, the delicious nectar of the gods: for the truth is also soma, the surpreme rasa, amrta, Page 273 immortality itself. Here is Aswapathy's experience of the thing in Savitri: In the nostrils quivered celestial fragrances, ...

... But if you undertake the Page 69 spiritual life and fail, then you lose both here and hereafter. That is why the Vedic Rishis used to say that the earthen vessel meant to hold the Soma must be properly baked and made perfectly sound. It was for this reason again that among the ancients, in all climes and in all disciplines, definite rules and regulations were laid down to test the ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 Page 86 Agni WHEN Agni, the Flame awakes, all other gods awake – Vayu and Soma and Indra and Aditi – Aditi, the Mother, one and indivisible, and the Word inviolate. All is burnt, burnt, burnt to ashes! It is the same, the Fire and the offering and the offerer; It is the same ...

... human powers can be intertwined, purified and developed, and they are symbolised under specific and discernible symbols of Agni, Indra, Usha, Pushan, Surya, Savitri, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Soma, Brihaspati, and many others in a systematic manner. And in the hymns relating to the Rihbus, we have a summary of the entire process of perfection, which can be repeated in human beings. It is fortunate ...


... human powers can be intertwined, purified and developed, and they are symbolised under specific and discernible symbols of Agni, Indra, Usha, Pushan, Surya, Savitri, Varuna, Mxtra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Soma, Brihaspati, and many others in a systematic manner. And in the hymns relating to the Rihbus, we have a summary of the entire process of perfection, which can be repeated in human beings. It is fortunate ...

... coverer (derived from the root vr ) who keeps an aspirant in darkness. These blind forces of the lower plane do not allow the liglit of knowledge to dawn on the aspirant. Drinking the nectar of soma (delight) Indra kills Vritra, i.e., the forces of pure intelligence become fiery, as well as acute and sharp, with the pure and intense Ananda by which is expelled the darkness of ignorance. The ...

... way into the embrace of the infinite Mother. His associate, Mitra, is the lord of love and harmony, evidently an emanation of Pradyumna (or Mahalakshmi). Other gods of the same category are Bhaga and Soma. The Balarama or Mahakali aspect is manifested in Aryaman: Rudra being another form of the same. And Mahasaraswati (or Aniruddha) must have given birth to and inspired the Ribhus, who are artisans of ...

... Thus have you together created this lustrous hymn from heaven for the people. O Aswins, do you both bring to us the vital energy. (18) May the wakers in the Dawn bring here for drinking the soma-wine the twin-gods who create delight, who do the work and follow the golden path. Page 13 ...

... (4) That healing draught, creative of Delight, may the Wind blow over to us; may Earth the mother and Heaven the Page 7 father and also the Grinding Stones that press out soma-juice and create delight blow over the same to us. O Aswins, Masters of knowledge, listen to us, both of you. (5) Him, the Supreme Master, Lord of the moving and the unmoving, approachable through ...

... Immorta­lity. Let not our enemies stand in between. (2) That weft which fulfils the Sacrifice extends towards the Gods. That we call, to That we move. (3) The Mind we now call by the Soma (immortal) drink that voices the Godhead, and by the thought-powers of the Fathers. (4) May the Mind come back to you again for the right Will, for the right Knowledge, for the right living ...

... s, as" and when a lower element is offered and submitted to a higher reality and this higher reality impinges upon the lower one (which is what the rubbing of the araṇi or the pressing of the soma symbolises); the limitation is broken, Page 2 the small enters into and becomes the vast, the crooked is straightened and lengthened out, what was hidden becomes manifest. This ...


... here II ETYMOLOGICAL MEANING OF THE NAMES The word "Savitri" is derived from the word "Savitru" which in its turn is derived from the root "su"="to give birth to". The word "Soma" which indicates an "exhilarating drink", symbolising spiritual ecstasy or delight, is also derived from the same root "su". It links therefore the creation and the delight of creation. Savitru, therefore ...

... Yoga by Sri Aurobindo. , ² ibid. Page 455 sensation is a luminous, revealing sensation of the essential being and the phenomenal becoming of the Divine. It makes us drink the soma of the divine bliss, which is the eternal sap of everything in the universe. The sanjñān acts not only in itself, but it profoundly changes even the physical senses. "As soon as the sight, ...

... in the moon and in fire, that light know as from Me. I have entered into this form of earth (and am the spirit of its material force) and sustain by My might these multitudes. I am the godhead of Soma who by the rasa (the sap in the earth-mother) nourishes all plants and trees. Srimadbhagavadgita 15.12 , 15.13 Translation by Anilbaran Roy Message of the Gita, p. 227 शरणं शरणं देवेशो ...

... supreme resting-place of this All; Thou art the knower and that which is to be known and the highest status; O infinite in form, by Thee was extended the universe. Thou art Yama and Vayu and Agni and Soma and Varuna and Prajapati, father of creatures, and the great-grandsire. Salutation to Thee a thousand times over and again and yet again salutation. (Translation by Anil Baran Roy) Sri Aurobindo ...