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Tapas Tapoloka : world of infinite Will or conscious Force; second of the three supreme worlds of the Puranas.
... of the dyuloka , but it came to be regarded as identical with it. Tapoloka and the Worlds of Tapas That is the original Tapoloka in which the principle is Chit and its power of Tapas, but there are other worlds of Tapas on the other planes below. There is one in the mental, another in the vital range. It is one of these Tapas worlds from which the being you saw must have come. Page 39 ... Seven Worlds 1) Bhu—Physical 1 2) Bhuvah—Vital 3) Swar—Mental Page 38 4) Mahat—Vijnana (supramental) 5) Jana—Ananda world—Sachchidananda worlds 6) Tapah—World of Chit-tapas—Sachchidananda worlds 7) Satya—World of Sat—Sachchidananda worlds The Worlds of the Lower Hemisphere The bhuvarloka is not part of the material universe—it is the vital world that goes by ...
... self-conscience and one also in bliss. When Tapas dwells upon active power of Chit as its basis, the result is Tapoloka or world of energy of self-conscience. The soul in Tapoloka is one with all manifestations in this Energy and therefore enjoys oneness also in the totality of their bliss and possesses equally their unity of essence. Page 69 When Tapas dwells upon active Delight of being as... itself in the result of its work. By this Will, Tapas or Chit-Shakti, the worlds are created. THE HIGHER WORLDS All organisation of self-conscient being which takes as its basis the unity of pure existence belongs to the world of the highest creation, parārdha ,—the worlds of the Spirit. We can conceive three principal formations. When Tapas or energy of self-conscience dwells upon Sat or... condition of their activities. These three appear not as triune, owing to their domination by the dividing principle of Avidya, but as triple. In the organisation of consciousness to which we belong, Tapas dwells upon Matter as its basis. Our consciousness is determined by the divisibility of extended substance in its apparent forms. This is Bhurloka, the material world, the world of formal becoming. ...
... all-supporting ethereal atmosphere of the divine Bliss around it?"—yad esha ákásha ánando na syát. Therefore as Tapas or Will is the working principle of cosmic Consciousness, (therefore the divine world in which infinite Consciousness is the basic factor is called by the Puranic writers, Tapoloka), so Jana, Birth or Joy of Procreation is the working principle of cosmic Bliss, Page 721 (therefore... Conscious Force; it is Shakti or, more precisely, Chit-shakti, & its nature in action is Tapas or the concentration of consciousness on action & its object or its results. Now the nature of Agni, kratu or active power is precisely this Tapas or Chit-shakti, Conscious Being in concentration of action. It is then by Tapas or Will that Agni creates in us Knowledge. But how can Action be said to transform itself... principle, realising throughout our consciousness the divine Beatitude, rises into the free play of the infinite Tapas of the divine Existence. In that Tapas the sacrificial activity of Agni in man, the kratu, becoming Godward will finds its manhaná, its absolute fullness & fulfilment. Sat, Tapas, Ananda, Vijnana, Manas—this is the Indian ladder of Jacob by which one descends & ascends again to heaven. ...
... s, Force, Ananda upholding all the universes—Para Shakti, Para Prakriti, Mahamaya (yayedam dhâryate jagat). Third Absolute— The Eternal Manifestation (The supreme Satya Loka, Chaitanyaloka, Tapoloka, Ananda-loka-not those of the mental series.) Page 1350 II The Manifestation in Eternal Time Page 1351 ...
... the subjective region of Vijnana, so Jana, Tapas & Satya are the divine half of existence, & answer to the Ananda with its two companion principles Sat andChit, the three constituting the Trinity of those psychological states which are, to & in our consciousness, Sacchidananda,God sustaining from above His worlds. But why is the world of Chit called Tapoloka? According to our conceptions this universe... phraseology Tapas. Therefore, it is told us that when Brahma the Creator lay uncreative on the great Ocean, he listened & heard a voice crying over the waters OM Tapas! OM Tapas! and he became full of the energy of the mantra & arose & began creation. Tapas & Tu or Tuvi are equivalent terms. We can see at once the meaning. Varuna, existing no doubt in Sat, appears or is born to us in Tapas, in the sea... is Maharloka or Mahi Dyaus, the great heavens (pure Buddhi or Vijnana, the ideal world). The Pranava in its three essentialities rules over the three supreme worlds, the Satyaloka (divine being), Tapoloka (divine Awareness & Force), Anandaloka (divine Bliss) of the Puranas, which constitute Amritam, immortality or the true kingdom of heaven of the Vedic religion. These are the Vedic sapta dhamani & ...
... with their denizens and seven kinds of bodies. These seven states are Annam, Prana, Manas, Vijnanam, Ananda, Chit and Sat; these seven worlds are Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka, Swarloka, Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka and Satyaloka; these seven conditions of the Atman are the Visva Atma, Prana Atma, Buddha Atma, Mahan Atma,Mahajana Atma, Chaitanya Atma and Satya Atma; these seven bodies are the Annakosha, Pranakosha... Veda is based; because he is the warrior who wars down and removes all the crooked attractions of ignorance and desire, juhuranam enas , which stand in the way of the Yogin, because as the vehicle of Tapas, the pure divine energy which flows from the higher concealed hemisphere of existence, he more than any develops and disposes Ananda, the divine delight. In order to look into the words of the inspired ...
... fragrant with आज्यादि. But रभ् either force or ecstasy. मध्य between Heaven & Earth, in the Pranic worlds. (7) In the Madhya he is वाजी the steed. (8) This is the result of the illumining—in the Tapoloka or Uloka. तदोजाः. तत् refers to Para, the highest. S. makes it = प्रसिद्धः (10) क्षितयो may well here be the worlds, near & far from his own home स्वे दमूनाः (11) समन्तं. S. समीचीनप्रांतोपेतं ...
... World 1. Pure Existence — Sat World of the highest truth of being (Satyaloka) 2. Pure Consciousness — Chit World of infinite Will or conscious force (Tapoloka) 3. Pure Bliss — Ananda World of creative delight of existence (Janaloka) 4. Knowledge or Truth — Vijnana World of the Vastness (Maharioka) 5. Mind ... it has a beginning, and its end can be achieved by the pursuit of the path of Truth, the path of Immortality. The Aghamarshana mantra 61 points out: "Out of the force of concentration of being (tapas), the Right and the Truth were born; then was the night born, and thence the dark inconscient ocean was born." It is when the light gets concealed that darkness is born, but concealment does not annul ...
... satyam remains as an unillumined perception. The movement towards ritam (T²) is being resumed. The stress on forces = mental tapas. This tapas has begun to be idealised and is already of the nature of a half-illumined balance of force-action. The satyam of the mental tapas is not so sure or not so illumined ordinarily as the satyam of the mental perception. Samadhi. Strong play of rich and perfect... suggestions of the old type; out of it emerge three elements, (1) the ineffectual suggestion which falls away, (2) effective telepathy, ie telepathy tapas sometimes dropping into pure tapas without foresight sometimes into foresight with an involved tapas, (3) trikaldrishti proper, but insufficient[ly] illumined and uncertain of itself. Only when there is illumination, is the trikaldrishti sure of itself... ideality. The force of tapas increases but as this works as telepathy tapas and increases only the effective telepathy, it makes the distinction of telepathy, ie mental perception of present fact, force and tendency, from trikaldrishti , as perception of present and future (the past has so far been mostly left alone), more difficult; for a constantly effective telepathy tapas easily masks as trikaldrishti ...
... passivity & sraddha are being established, first, without any demand, but always with the udasina lipsa. The tapas is not yet pure of the temperamental stress left by desire & preference. There is still a preference, but of tapas purely, not of Ananda. The full Mahakali Mahasaraswati Tapas cannot manifest without a greater power of vijnana. There must now emerge the determinative knowledge & the d... prakasha and tapas. The freedom of the mind from intellectual speculation is being restored. The asiddhi that has come is assisting the reestablishment of the second chatusthaya on the basis of a perfected nati and samata. The positive ananda, sraddha and Mahakali tapas have now to be restored. There was a slight disturbance, but it has righted itself; only the result is the tapas without the sraddha... forms or flashes, but no more decisively advanced than yesterday. 11 December 1913 The Mahakali tapas persists in spite of attack & pressure, but feels the pressure & tends to relapse more in personality than tapas Page 340 towards the Mahasaraswati form. The ugrata of the faith & tapas has abated in obedience to ill-result aided by the quieting effects of relief from the immediate amangala ...
... extended to the movements of tapas & tejas, which like the prakasha, must be made entirely satyam & ritam in the brihat. In the prakasha it is the perceptions of actuality & especially of determinative event in the actuality which are the remaining centre of deficiency and their imperfection is intimately connected with the common action of asatya tejas & asatya tapas in the Will powers & Will-states... the siddhis of power are being allowed to manifest through the Bhuvar tapas or the Swar-tapas on the objectivity. Manifesting through the Bhuvar tapas the Will tends to produce powerfully immediate results & more intermittently, often by indirect means & after much tergiversation, final results; manifesting through the Swar tapas it fastens more often on general than on particular effectualities or... finality of perfect samata & Mahakali tapas has failed once more. The sraddha established is once more interrupted and only fitfully recurrent. The combination of the ananda, samata & knowledge with the effective Mahakali tapas in the Mahakali-Mahasaraswati personality was again effected, but the Mahasaraswati element predominates & the stronger movements of the tapas are only occasionally active. Sraddha ...
... ugrata of the tapas. It was formerly the mind's habit to take failure Page 380 as a sign of God's adverse will & cease from effort, & as ugra tapas usually failed of its immediate purpose, unless very persistent & furious, it was thought ugra tapas was forbidden. The failure, however, was due to the immixture of effort & desire & anishata generally & the mental nature of the tapas and these... both active knowledge & active ananda. The tapas has also temporarily drawn back into the old successfully resisted mental tapas. The indeterminate position continued through the rest of the day, prolonged by the jada tendency in the Manas to attempt its own fulfilment without referring always or being lifted up into the Vijnana. 31 December 1913 Tapas now fulfils itself with great frequency... to be allowed to rise in order that they might be refuted & destroyed. Subsequently, the manasa element in the tapas had to be rejected. As a result the action of the Mahakali tapas has been cleared of its besetting difficulty and a coordination of vijnanamaya knowledge and vijnanamaya tapas is being prepared. The manasaketu remains as an otiose but habitually recurring survival which cannot yet be entirely ...
... Chapter XII The Origin of the Ignorance By energism of consciousness(Tapas.) Brahman is massed; from that Matter is born and from Matter Life and Mind and the worlds. Mundaka Upanishad. (I. 1. 8.) He desired, "May I be Many". He concentrated in Tapas, by Tapas he created the world; creating, he entered into it; entering, he became the existent and the b... an energy throwing up knowledge and activity out of itself and of which therefore Tapas is the character, and a passive consciousness in which consciousness does not act as an energy, but only exists as a status and of which therefore absence of Tapas or force in action is the character. Is the apparent absence of Tapas in this state Page 592 real, or is there such an effective distinction... opening, there is power and play of knowledge and action, and that is Tapas; but in the former also, in the static consciousness, there is evidently a power for knowledge and a concentration of knowledge or at least a concentration of consciousness in immobility and a self-realisation, and that too is Tapas. Therefore it would seem that Tapas, concentration of power of consciousness, is the character of both ...
... scenes, but distinct in an indistinctness. Tapas is now trying to come up to trikaldrishti. At first strain of tapas ordinarily fulfilling itself against fluctuations, but afterwards the fluctuations or opposite forces often prevailed, definitely or for a time, but all tapas is now being put in its place, as has already been done with trikaldrishti. Tapas decisively indicative of ideal certitude has... exposure, because then owing to sleep the tapas is not active and the prana is more vulnerable. This night owing partly to previous tapas the attack was neither so successful nor so forcible. Eye disease is now operating in the sukshma showing there its symptoms and trying to impress them on the physical body by the sraddha in the disease; it is combated by tapas and by sraddha in arogya and is not so... being, rather than detached observer and actor on being. Page 1109 The removal of the remaining stress of tapas is now the key; but this cannot be done without a normalised self-effective ideal tapas; at present it exists only in type, usually of a mixed and imperfect kind. Tapas used by itself still tends to bring back confusion. Samadhi at first ineffective owing to nidra. Afterwards strong ...
... Anandamaya Ishwara. Tapas in Arogya has increased, the fragmentary rogas have a less insistence, but the two chronic rogas have acquired a new lease of continuance; nevertheless the digestive functionings are more under conscious control of the will. There is for the moment a Page 1147 great incertitude as to the immediate future of the development of the sadhana. Lipi. Tapas siddhi to increase... not received by vyapti. The vijnana darshana is now being made by tapas to replace more firmly and fully the mental seeing. The more perfect Ananda darshana then supervenes more easily and with a greater completeness, density and amplitude. The struggle with the remnants of the relapse continued for a time. Strong pragmatic ideal tapas worked in and on the resistance, till the intuitive ideality in... decision; then all is actual possibility relieved by relative certainties. But the attempt at decisive trikaldrishti tapas brings in the hasty and wrong overstresses which mix with, interfere with, replace the true decisions. Decision is often of the inspired gnostic kind which is a strong tapas of perception often fulfilled, but liable to be overborne by a greater power. At the same time the absolute revelatory ...
... the Kshatram which then governs humanity. Mankind is maintained no longer by viryam or tapas easily sustained by inherent Brahmajnanam, but by viryam or tapas sustaining the Brahmajnanam with some difficulty and preventing its collapse. Vishnu incarnates as the Kshatriya, the incarnate centre of viryam and tapas. In the Dwapara, the Brahmanyam farther fails and turns into mere knowledge or intellectuality... kind is possible. When Brahma turned his mind to creation, it was the cry of "tapas, tapas" that was heard on the waters of the karan samudra (Mahakaranam or Sad Brahma). The immense importance of Agni as the Ritwij to the Yogin, therefore, becomes manifest; and it is also clear why he is पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य for it is the tapas which stands before the Satyam, which we reach before we can get the Sat. It... because he is full of the ahaituka tapas, against which, if properly used and supported by the Yajamana, the Yogin, no evil force can prevail. The Ahaituka Tapas destroys them all. It is the mighty effective and fighting force which once called in prepares perfect siddhi and an almost omnipotent control over our nature and our surroundings. Even when ashuddha, impure, tapas fights the enemy tamas; when shuddha ...
... became conscious of Himself, that created the world. In the Upanishads, they say "tapas" 3 created the world. Yes, tapas is Power. It's fire, too. No, tapas is Power. Chit-Tapas is heat. They say, Sat, Chit-Tapas, Ananda . They put Chit-Tapas together. And it's Chit first, then Tapas . It's the creative power of consciousness. But Sri Aurobindo always said "Co... × Sat-Chit-Ananda : existence-consciousness-bliss. × Tapas : energy or heat, or also the concentration of the power of consciousness. ...
... indicated, in order that the dasatya & tapatya buddhi might be combined, taking the place of the old alternation between passive and udasina dasya-buddhi and active egoistic tapas; the combination represents the right Mahakali tapas. As a result the Maheshwari pratistha is more covered than before, & the relapse from rajasic excitement to udasina shanti is no longer entirely permitted. Faith in the rapidity... stress of speculation, mental knowledge tapas, (manasasmriti, judgment, imagination, memory working on observation & by inference) or Page 325 as stress of mental will-tapas to select the event or the decisive force out of the Sat & the Tapas. Henceforth the tapas must act on the basis of the vijnanabuddhi eliminating the remnants of mental tapas of will & knowledge. The full asamata... denied; conflicting assertions are once more proceeding from the vani. Afternoon.. The old form of samata with dhairyam & persistency in the tapas, but with no faith or pure ananda in the upper layer of the mentality, has been established; the Mahakali tapas is in abeyance. The present occasion therefore presents all the features of the old relapses into asiddhi. The only things that have hitherto ...
... one obstacle to their action. But there must also be prakasha & effectivity of the tapas. Both ideas are conveyed in the expression suvirah ; it is not only delight that is intended, but also light & power. But delight first, since Sat & Tapas have to be realised through Ananda. Vijnana. With a more energetic tapas the action of the ritam in trikaldrishti has revived, but it is still at the same... this mighty universe. Aishwarya There are still three movements in the effectivity of Tapas 1) The Tapas is successfully resisted by strong powers of obstruction that are either in possession or take possession of the field of activity. The successes are then fragmentary & partial. 2) The Tapas acts resisted, but irresistible, in the power 60, sweeping away the resistance & realising an... Dharma the same necessity enforces itself. Karma Life Divine—Chapter I recopied & corrected. Page 518 The obstacle to free & joyous Tapas & Prakasha is the disparity between the Tapas of aspiration & the effective Tapas. It resides therefore in a defective Prakasha of eventual actuality or a defective force of that Prakasha in its dealings with immediate actuality. Strong ...
... logistis. Telepathies are now idealised and of a great but not always perfect correctness. Telepathic tapas is now vijnanamaya. The decisive T² at present emerges from the idealised telepathies (mental perceptions of event, force, tendency and possibility) and the idealised telepathic (old mental) tapas. At times there is the independent T² of the supreme logistis. Telepathies are now a part of trikaldrishti... secondary. Ananda recovered intensity and pervasion with a strong cerebral action. 11 June 1920 Progress on the same lines. Tapas and Trik. are now being organised so as not to be in conflict. Tapas is taking its right place as telepathies have done; the union of decisive Tapas and trik. certitude is not yet effected. 12 June 1920 Trikaldrishti pursues its organisation, but while the actualities... is not yet ready to commence. 16 June 1920 The Tapas which was held back in favour of the trikaldrishti is now being definitely taken up for perfection. At first there was the increased but uncertain effectivity of tapas and a renewal of the difficulty of discord between the telepathic form of the two siddhis, then the same difficulty in tapas as in trikaldrishti between the telepathic and the ...
... tejas ; this is mostly when things are getting on well or when the samata in shama gets the better of the samata in tapas. This however is rare. Ordinarily samata in tapas is the temperament. (2) The samata having lost its old base is disturbed from time to time. The excessive mental tapas and its reactions which used to come with the Kali bhava recur, though with less and less hold on the system; they... time to reestablish itself rather than by a right of its own in the environment. This is even when the tapas is without knowledge of trikaldrishti. The movement has now begun which will turn Time from an obstacle with which the personal Tapas had to struggle into an instrument which the personal Tapas, become that of the transcendent will working upon the universal to modify it as well as through the... being destroyed along with the intellectual element; but there is tapata. All trikaldrishti now contains its own effective tapas, and separate tapas apart from trikaldrishti is rarely employed. It is being eliminated, except to some extent in the action of will on the body. Tapas comes in the trikaldrishti only as if a sort of subordinate accessory, although really in the ideality both are necessary ...
... the gradual manifestation of pure Chitshakti in the mind. Lipi 1) Suffer relaxation of the tapas —fulfilled in the afternoon 2) Something still resists in the intellectuality —relaxation of the tapas 3) Sobriety 4) Selfless activity of the tapas 5) Abolish the obstacles of the tapas 6) There is still the opposition to the equipment .. it has to be abolished 7) Silhouettes... mental tapas to replace nervous tapas & to guide even such nervous tapas as persists. There is a steady movement towards the expulsion of the oppressive tamas from the brain & the body. The old ananda in mere passivity regarding a progress determined almost independently by the forces of the trailokyamayi Prakriti, is now definitely rejected. The assertion of the luminous mastering Tapas is made... faith which, eager to believe, tries to ignore or explain away disappointments & difficulties) 9) tapas faith battle converse of 5—By effective tapas faith must be increased so that the battle may be fought out to a victory; but faith must not be eager to outrun the effectiveness of the tapas. 10) firstly, the faith in the ideality, then in the actuality —This lipi is intended to correct ...
... telepathy & tapas-siddhi, but have not yet been converted into the full ritam. Ritam is being organised, but is self-constructive rather than transcendently decisive. Therefore it lacks mastery & self-confidence and fullness. The defect is in tapas-siddhi. There is the play of forces, the acceptance of all forces, the effectivity of tapas in the end. But the balance wavers continually; the tapas effects... is yet defective owing to defect of tapas siddhi and prakamya vyapti is not yet normally brihat, although it has all the necessary capacities. For the rest T³ is moving forward in the mass towards inevitable fulfilment. Lipi 1) Tapas-siddhi entirety of tapas-siddhi (Tapas has to become one with knowledge in order that there may be entire tapas-siddhi). Utthapana Arms.... development of the ritam. The attempt at direct sadhana results in a return of old conditions and old defects. T³ [trikaldrishti, telepathy and tapas-siddhi] is now proceeding normally. The main movement is towards the substitution of Ishwarabhava in the tapas-siddhi for the attitude of effort and aim of the Devi. In Rupa also the old tendency to compel by tratak imperfect figures to become perfect ...
... confirmed & universalised is the path to the conversion of Prana into the universal Chit-Tapas and that the path to the conversion of Body into Sat— It is this Chit Tapas which is the base of Aishwarya-IshitaVashita; so long as it is not entirely realised there can be only a partial efficacy of the individual Tapas. The way to it is self-association with all energies in the universe. The Dwayavins are... the same deliberate depression of the effective Tapas Lipi— 1) It is still the rapidity that is held in doubt 2) Defective Tapas. 3) It is still the figure of Asiddhi, not the reality. 4) Faith. That is to say, the call just now is for faith Swashaktyam bhagavati cha ,—especially the faith in the details of knowledge & Tapas & that a truth is carried in every suggestion, a... morning; the growth of Agni as master of Tapas fulfilling the desires (anandamaya ishita) by self-effectivity of the Tapas; taking up all the inspirations based upon the Ananda and becoming no longer a mechanist of doubtful results but an entire friend. The last line suggests the result intended for the movement, the full establishment of complete manifested Tapas in the revelatory Vijnana (ilaspade). ...
... night a lapse to incoherent and fantastic continuity. Tapas is filling the physical mentality. 20 August 1919 Ideality of the seer gnosis in the logistis is now successfully occupying the whole range of the T² siddhi; the element of recurrent lower ideality or idealised mentality is approaching the minimum. The extension of Tapas in the physical being proceeds with the working of getting... and occasional; rupa is trying to advance under difficulty. K.A has been much oppressed but is now reviving though not yet in full occupation. On the other hand the new dynamic seer tapas aided by a lower logistic tapas is working strongly for the arogya especially in the two central rogas with some initial effectuality. It is trying also to take hold of the other two members of the physical siddhi... chhaya, tejas, jyoti, varna, of the lipi. All but the chhaya are more facile and stable at night than in the daytime Page 1175 25 August 1919 The tapas is becoming constantly stronger in the physical field; the ideal tapas produces results which were impossible to the mental or intuitive power. But there is an obstinate retarding resistance. Lipi 13 3 6 These are the siddhis which ...
... raised to the next superior strength—four lines representing consummation. Shariránanda still needs the aid of the sankalpa, but not of the aishwarya. Arogya still needs the aid of the tapas; utthápana not only of tapas, but also of some tapasyá. Saundarya is still imprisoned in the Adri. This is the physical sadhana. The samatá-chatusthaya is established, but allowed to be disturbed superficially... Maheshwari patience is still needed to support these tyrannies,—samata, dhairyam. Mahakali tapas begins to break through the habitual restrictions of the Mahasaraswati bhava. 18 November 1913 The second chatusthaya is still capable of check and thin cloudings, owing to the non-fulfilment of tapas and prakasha. But this defect does not belong to itself; it is a reflex action from the violently... The authority of the trikaldrishti and of the tapas are about to be finally established. Ananda begun in all the vishayas, really deficient only in the sravana & in some sensations, but this difficulty will be removed this evening. The nirananda will only remain for a while in the swabhava environment. 19-20 November 1913 The intellectual tapas in the trikaldrishti has still to be eliminated; ...
... action shall be obstructed, secondly, whatever action is enforced by tapas shall be imperfect and marred by the old asiddhi, thirdly, as a result things which seemed to have been eliminated shall be revived, thus discouraging the faith and the tapas. The first object has not been gained, because in spite of periods of cessation, the tapas has insisted and the action of the ideality has been enforced even... recurrence remains. 24 May 1918 T² advances steadily. Tapas (telepathic) is becoming normally effective and more clearsighted and therefore more accurate. Strong tapas which was hitherto discouraged, because it brought the tapatya, is now being encouraged and the remnants of tapatya are being transformed into forcible prolongation of right tapas. Accordingly the brihat satyam of T² is becoming as complete... prevents and conditions the play of the knowledge. Especially it is now acting on the level of the intellect and its revelations are on that level pursued by the uncertainties of the intellect, by its tapas or ineffectual straining after certainty and effectivity, by its smallness of periphery in the conscious being and scope of knowledge and power. The object seems to be to meet these difficulties in ...
... 15 February - 31 March 1917 15 February 1917 Programme laid down in script on 14ṭḥ. (1) Today T² combination of knowledge-tapas From 15ᵗʰ to 28ṭḥ perfectioning of knowledge-tapas (2) Today. Spontaneity of rupa-drishya with tendency to precision + variety + stability. From 15ᵗʰ to 28ᵗʰ perfectioning of spontaneous precision-variety-stability.... The mental tapas tries to turn it into fact without knowing whether, how, when, to what extent it is destined. The telepathy must simply observe without willing; but it must observe the force for fulfilment as well as the fact of intention etc. (2) That which mental tapas wills, mental intelligence hopes, believes, is certain will happen—when it does not unduly negate. Mental tapas, awaiting its... the perception, Agni behind the will. Mental images of the four Shaktis on the lower & middle planes of the ideality. Traigunyasiddhi in type; shama full of prakasha and tapas, prakasha full of shama and tapas, tapas full of shama and prakasha. Page 975 Devibhava complete and strong, in type, not yet in action. Reemergence of one of the talents,—chitra. 7 March 1917 An ...
... wrongly. Affirm and correct. This being done, knowledge with Tapas proved to be invariably right in main issue; telepathy (knowledge without tapas) of details sometimes certain and correct, sometimes uncertain. Violent tapas, long forbidden because rajasic or mental, is now being applied with success. The ideal Tapas-knowledge is being more widely applied but the incertainty of the ... fact. Tapas has still an effect perturbing to the ritam by its mental overstress.. Page 947 Telepathy = trikaldrishti steadily increases, but tapasic overstress of will in the suggested thought prevents as yet entire amalgamation of tapas = trikaldrishti, which is meant by T². The illumination of Tapas is, however, progressing, though with a more hampered movement. Tapas is now... Devibhava has triumphed over the resistance. Sukshmabodha of sparsha continues to develop. The mental-pranic tejas (rajasic) has been absorbed into tapas; the intellectual tapas is being now excluded & its action transformed into ideal tapas. This can only be completed by identification of the three members of t³. Varna in the lipi,—blue, green and red as well as the usual black, blue black ...
... persistent. Ananda (sharira) is less active & vishaya depressed or obstructed. Karma is obstructed, but the Tapas maintains itself & produces slight positive & much negative result. A great advance in the combination of knowledge and tapas Lipi .. " figurative fashioning tapas " Pr utt. 7½ hours. Sleep 5 hours—swapnasamadhi 1½ 18 June 1915 The Krishnadarshan fluctuates... trikaldrishti turn into Tapas = Chit-Tapas. Already the perfect examples of telepathy turned trikaldrishti are being given, long, continuous, many movemented, exact in each detail. Dream is once more attempting to turn itself into swapna samadhi Telepathic trikaldrishti is now acting with almost entire perfection, only slightly marred by tapasic stress. Tapas is increasing in effectuality... latter case Maheshwari pratistha tends to be hidden, as is intended, in Mahakali intensity of the prana, but the intensity ceases in the general Tapas. In the latter there is intensity of tapas, but the pratistha appears & emphasises itself so as to support the tapas & prevent a relapse into the rajasic Kali. In the former there is a harmony and the intended harmony, but with insufficient sense of power ...
... it is to become the Tapas of things―the Tapas of the universe. It is always said that at the beginning of the Manifestation there is Sachchidananda, and it is put in this order: first, Sat, that is to say, pure Existence; then Chit, the self-awareness of this Existence; and Ananda, the delight of Existence which makes it continue. But between this Chit and Ananda, there is Tapas, that is to say, the... the self-realising Chit. And when one becomes this Tapas, the Tapas of things, one has the knowledge which gives the power to change. The Tapas of things is what governs their existence in the Manifestation. When one is there, one has the feeling of so tremendous a power!―It is the universal power. One has the feeling of a total mastery over the universe. Page 101 ...
... supremacy of tapas, but not the perfect arogya. [The battle continues. Tapas is already in a way supreme, except in the two rogas; in one of them it is frequently effective more as ishita than as aishwarya or vashita; in the other it is for the time sometimes effective, sometimes ineffective. There are also some fragments of former rogas which very occasionally recur and resist tapas.] Page 1131... the mental world of possibility, is then the rule. When the sadhana tapas is active, inspired ideality begins to resume its work of taking up the whole consciousness; sometimes an inspired intuitional, sometimes an inspirational logistis works on the thought and to a less degree on the tapas. It is only at a high pitch that tapas and trikaldrishti join in an assured ideal equality or oneness. The... continuity and represent itself as the sign of some organic ailment, but immediately disappeared every time ideal tapas was applied. Pain in response to pressure in this part of the body persisted, but has also disappeared suddenly. Throughout there is evidence of increasing force of arogya tapas, but it is not yet able to eliminate the roga with a decisive beginning of finality 16 July 1919 Today ...
... the peace. As rajas, kinetic passion, has to be replaced by tapas , the spiritual force, so tamas, Page 48 the obscure inertia, has to be replaced by śama , the luminous quietude and peace. The peace ( śama ) is the pure form, tamas is its degraded or perverted form—just as rajas is the degraded or perverse form of Tapas. When there is the transformation, tamas can be got rid of—but... the peace or stillness so long as that is not perfect and all-pervading. A dynamic descent brings tapas not śama . It is a greater and greater descent of peace that brings śama —the dynamic de scent helps it by dispersing the element of rajasic disturbance and changing rajas into tapas . Transformation of Tamas into Śama The tamas is part of the general physical Nature and so long as... śama still mixed with tamas—a quietude that has no force of action ( tapas ) in it, no positive principle of happy ease, no positive light of knowledge—but is still calm, repose, release from all disturbance. It [ tamas ] has to be transformed into śama , the peace and rest of the higher Prakriti, and then filled with tapas and jyotiḥ . But this can only be done completely in the physical ...
... objectivity. Agni is theMaster of the vehicle of Tapas.What is this vehicle of Tapas of which Agni is the master? It is fiery light. Its Master is known by the name of his kingdom. Strength, heat, brilliance, purity, mastery of knowledge and impartiality are his attributes. He is Yajna manifest as the Master of the light of Tapas, through whom all kinetic energy of consciousness, thought, feeling or action... understood not as the Power of Chit, but as Chit that is Power. All awareness is power and all power conceals awareness. When Chit that is Power begins to work, then She manifests Herself as kinetic force, Tapas, and makes it the basis of all activity. For because all power is Chit subjectively, therefore all power is objectively attended with light; but there are different kinds of light, because there are... the play of good & evil and leads, raises or forces the evil towards goodness. He burns in order to purify. He destroys in order to save. When the body of the sadhak is burned up with the heat of the tapas, it is Agni that is roaring and devouring and burning up in him the impurity and the obstructions. He is a dreadful, mighty, blissful, merciless and loving God, the kind and fierce helper of all who ...
... Substance is now everywhere vyakta, Tapas is in activity, Ananda emergent, Vijnana in process of organisation. The first day of February has been outwardly a day of retardation, almost of relapse; for the trikaldrishti once more lapsed into a state of murky obscurity shot with light and halflit with erring illuminations, misplaced energy worked more than satya tapas, the body was overtaken by exhaustion... in Europe. The morning began with an effective reorganisation of the trikaldrishti, but an unsuccessful attempt to bring in the strong and effective tejas & tapas disturbed the system, and brought back the unavailing struggle of false tapas to harmonise itself with knowledge & peace; the result was a return of the contradiction of samata, shanti, sukha & prasada, which although unable to possess the... has been to establish the satya tapas in knowledge; formerly, perfect trikaldrishti was only possible on condition of entire passivity, of a purely inert reception of true suggestions confirmed by the event or sanctioned by the illumination. The movement to introduce an active knowledge has hitherto had a chequered success and, if pushed too far, led always to false tapas and disturbance of truth and ...
... hota, for Tapas is the chief agent both of action and of surrender to the divine power. He is adhwaryu, because he is dravinoda, it is Tapas which supplies all forms in the Universe & all forces and maintains them. He is prashasta; tapas controls & directs the actions of all creatures. He is pota, is pavaka; tapas of Chit supplies the knowledge & moral force which purify. He is purohita; Tapas is the... & must have meant also fighting, etc, but "ecstasy, delight" and "chariot" are its common Vedic senses. This ratha or strong vibrating ananda is the chariot of Agni, the vehicle of the divine Tapas. For Tapas in the Vedic system descends through Ananda and it is in Ananda that it pours itself through the world. Therefore there is no action which has not as its basis some kind of pleasure, the stronger... idea of strength, energy or heroism. दधते means here to hold firmly. सुवीर्य, the thing held firmly by this sadhaka, is usually in the Veda the fullness of force, knowledge & being-manifestation, sat-tapas, on any plane of the being, although sometimes the idea of knowledge is almost suppressed in the more general and radical idea of manifestation, sometimes it predominates & almost conceals the idea ...
... static realization in which no vision of a universe sprouting from that Reality was inevitable. As you know, Sri Aurobindo has introduced a basic change in the formula. He speaks of Chit-Tapas, not Chit. Tapas means "energetic heat". To Sri Aurobindo Consciousness is always Force, and to leave this truth inexplicit is to open the door to misunderstanding of the original summing-up. This key-statement... is the reality behind Plotinus's notion of the intimate conjoinment of the Sun and its rays. It is involved in Chit-Tapas, just as Tapas is involved in Chit, but unless one is poised in the Supermind itself the involvement is likely in the long run to be overlooked. But, whereas Tapas and Chit stand together, Vijnana is a special mode of them and is best conceived as an extra term. Hence it is not enough... synthesis had been done by a seerhood stationed in the Supermind instead of in a middle vastness between what is Super and what is Over, a clear expression would have been given and we would have had Chit-Tapas rather than Chit. The compound is most vital to spiritual meta- Page 22 physics, for without it the cosmic movement is left shorn of an indubitable ground in the Supreme. Nor is ...
... the sarvasaundarya darshana is deficient or withheld. Vishaya and rupa are again obstructed. Certain and decisive trikaldrishti is enlarging itself rapidly; tapas-siddhi is coalescing with the ideal knowledge and pure tele-pathic tapas is being rapidly abandoned. It is in fact no longer admitted. T³ has received its dismissal. It only continues to exist in chaotic fragments in the external suggestions... submerged Maheshwari basis. This is full of shama ananda, but insufficient in tapas. It is the Mahakali element that carries the full tapas, ishwarabhava and attahasya of the lila; but when the Mahakali element is there, the Mahaluxmi colouring and ananda intensity diminishes; this defect is the cause of the unsteadiness. Tapas ananda has to take possession of shama ananda; Mahakali has to mould itself ...
... it is the passive activity which must also go. It is only in the tapas that the active activity still makes any noteworthy attempt to persist. Lipi is now entirely idealised. It is attempting to stabilise perfectly its spontaneous legibilities. This stability is becoming more and more frequent, pronounced and ample; but when the tapas is not applied, the old confusion, indistinctness and evanescence... now inspirational and revelatory as well as intuitional, but chiefly in the intuitional form. The rule is established that there shall be first knowledge, then tapas in accordance with the will, reversing the former order in which tapas came first and then it was questioned whether it should be fulfilled. 18 February 1918 Confusion is being got rid of in the lipi; indistinctness remains. It... place or circumstance of intermediate event. Tapas siddhi is still manasic, but has greatly increased in force for general, and even though much less, for particular result. The power varies from 10° or 20° to 60°. A higher force is rare, except in moving objects, where it sometimes reaches 80° Unity of Trikaldrishti (telepathic and intuitional) and tapas has been roughly accomplished. The siddhi is ...
... becoming the tapas [energy] of things—the tapas of the universe. The Manifestation is always said to begin with Sachchidananda : first Sat , pure Existence; then Chit , the awareness of this Existence; and then Ananda , the Delight of Existence which makes it go on. But between Chit and Ananda there is Tapas —that is, Chit realizing itself. And when you become this tapas, this tapas of things... Tapas : literally, heat. It is the concentrated energy constituting everything—not generated by some mechanism, but by the very concentration of the power of Consciousness ( chit ). In Indian tradition, the world was created by Tapas in the form of an egg—the primordial egg—which broke open from the incubating heat of consciousness-force and gave birth to the world. To "become the tapas of things"... things, you have the knowledge that gives the power to change. 9 The tapas of things is what governs their existence in the Manifestation. You see, I am expressing this for the first time, but I began to live it a while back. When you are THERE, you have a feeling of (what shall I say?) of such formidable power! The universal power, really. You have the sense of total mastery over the universe ...
... vijnana. It takes possession of all but the head. The obstruction still reigns in the rupa siddhi, vishaya, sharira, and the Tapas as yet can only diminish, but not overcome the obstruction. In Samadhi the basis has been laid, but sleep and dream continue. Tapas is working for Arogya and physical Ananda, the latter well-prepared and only forcibly held away by the obstruction. The Page 1239... rupa siddhi. Sudden introduction of the highest representative ideality (logos vijnana), first into the physical system, then in the afternoon into the lipi, thought-speech, thought-perception, tapas, telepathy, trikaldrishti. This is the beginning of a definitive, decisive and rapid conversion that is still in process. The change brought at first a resuscitation of old imperfections belonging ...
... them, and can as yet only be rejected by second thought or effort of Tapas. An attempt to accept and transform inspirational-interpretative overstress led to the outside mind breaking through and getting in some of its movements. It cannot hold, but brought the recurrent Asamata which is accustomed to attend failure of Satya and Tapas. There is some beginning of the same changes in the thought telepathy... manasa, but spontaneity is rare, continuity brief and dependent on smarana. Roga has resumed something of its hold, though always removable or in the standing elements diminuable by tapas. One roga only still resists the tapas. The other siddhis in this field make no progress. Page 1221 Darshana is now fixed in the vijnana and usually in a vijnana Ananda of secondary power. 1 April 1920... place in lax moments. Ananda is recovering intensity and continuity, but still needs the smarana. It varies between the mental and the ideal forms, mental in laxity, ideal when supported by the tapas, but now contrary to what had been the rule hitherto the ideal are the more intense. In Samadhi lipi is almost entirely coherent, though not in any great mass, still in longer continuities than before ...
... out exactly to the second, but there was some doubt about 11.35 as the exact time was not noticed. At 11.35¾ M had left the tap and was drying himself. Usually tapas is eventually successful in the immediate environment—but the tapas is no longer personally used; it comes of itself. Since yesterday script and vangmaya are constantly in the type of vijnana with prakasha, asu and ananda , and... first after 11, then at 11.20, (the intellect tried to fix 11); actually at 11.19. The exact time was fixed about half an hour before fulfilment, the approximate time about an hour before. The tapas-siddhi has been steadily increasing in general force. The rule of resistance is no longer so absolute. Very often the exact movement is fulfilled again and again without resistance or with a minimum... position A, on the ledge, then frightened by a crow on the other side, fled to B exact and mounted in accordance with the original suggestion. This example and many others show that trikaldrishti and tapas, so long enemies, are beginning to unite and coalesce. S's [Saurin's] return seen at either 9.15 or 9.30. The intellect first leaned to the latter, but after willing for the former, the ideality ...
... image of this triplicity of Energy at work in the universal loom of Nature – the warp, the woof and the resultant weft stretching endlessly – to the Beyond.] (I) IN which limb of That does Tapas ¹ lie? In which limb is Ritam² deposited? Wherein lies the Work? Wherein the Faith? In which limb is the Truth established? (2) From which limb does Agni ³ blaze forth? And from which... the worlds are and there cells and the waters and Brahman, so the people have known: Where there is the Non-Being and also the Being, of that Pillar speak - which one indeed is That? (11) Tapas is there in its overwhelming force upholding the Higher Law, Truth-in-action is there and Faith and the Waters and the Brahman firmly established. Of that Pillar speak – which one indeed is That? ... ² as the Supreme, the Insuperable³ but the Pillar was there existent before and sprayed the gold into the bosom of the creation. (29) In the Pillar lie the worlds, in the Pillar lies Tapas, in the Pillar lies Ritam firmly held; the Pillar thou knowest directly. In Indra all is firmly established. (30) In Indra lie the worlds, in Indra the Divine Energy, in Indra lies the Tr ...
... assures a free course to the siddhi; in order that it may be rapid the defect in the subjective objectivity of the Bhuvar has to be removed, the attempt to hamper, obstruct, limit or even deny the tejas, tapas & prakasha. The trikaldrishti is now firm & acts with comparative ease, but not sufficiently swift & spontaneous and it is besieged and limited in its range, perfect only in the completeness of its... inevitably fulfil themselves. The barrier to the rupadrishti has also at last been broken & the remaining difficulties in that & in the swapna-samadhi will now follow suit. The concentration of the tapas is now in the physical siddhi and in the physical siddhi it must be on the saundarya especially, for all else is prepared for progress, even the secondary utthapana is now again under way. Only in the... allowed. With samata dasya, tejas, sraddha have attained a more perfect security. All that is now needed is the expulsion of the physical memory of adasya & nistejas and the perfection of effective tapas in the knowledge & the power to establish the sraddha of the Ishwari in the Prakriti; the mere human sraddha is now well founded except in the adeshasiddhi. The faith in rapidity is really part of the ...
... except in the attacks of asiddhi, dominant; the separate activities of the ananda of bhuvar are being expelled or discouraged. Today the anandamay Tapas of the Swar is being revealed; hitherto the Tapas of mind has always been of Bhuvar & not the anandamay Tapas of bhuvar, but the pranamaya rajasic, unquiet, full of desire or effort, nibhrishta-tavishi. This now afflicts from outside the system only. Vani... on the lower rather than on the higher levels of their respective planes. The difficulty now felt by the intellect with regard to the tapas, is why there should be insistence by the tapas on a movement not willed by God. So long as there is ignorance, the tapas may be exercised in the confidence that it is a means of God's workings even when the event is to be the opposite of the result attempted;... action. It is evident that there is a movement towards the renunciation of preferential Tapas not in accordance with knowledge. It is not likely however that this movement will be seriously effective for some time to come. Still, from henceforth, intellectual tapas in action must be renounced, like intellectual tapas in knowledge. The vangmaya is now re-ascending to the inspirational form & it appears ...
... and the world around him are the determinants of his work. The present actor, poet or soldier in him is only a separative determination of his Tapas; it is his force of being organised for a particular kind of action of its energy, a separative movement of Tapas which is able—and this ability is not a weakness, a deficiency, but a great power of the consciousness—to absorb itself in that particular working... exclusive concentration on or in a single subject or object or domain of being or movement is not a denial or departure from the Spirit's awareness, it is one form of the self-gathering of the power of Tapas. But when the concentration is exclusive, it brings about a holding back behind it of the rest of self-knowledge. It may be aware of the rest all the time, yet act as if it were not aware of it; that... t, the subconscient, the intraconscient and circumconscient being, and holding it all together the soul, the psychic entity. The stream is the natural, the superficial man. In this superficial man Tapas, the being's dynamic force of consciousness, is concentrated on the surface in a certain mass of superficial workings; all the rest of itself it has put behind and may be vaguely aware of it there in ...
... Supracosmic Consciousness. As for "turiya" — the term on the strength of which you have argued differently from me — I should say that Supermind is "turiya" or "fourth" when we descend from Sat, Chit-Tapas and Ananda as well as the same when we ascend from Matter, Life and Mind. It is known by that term in the Rigveda as Sri Aurobindo interprets that scripture. It is not the "turiya" of the Mandukya... plane is the archetypal cosmos, the Truth-world, Supermind is not cosmic in the sense that would apply to Overmind, etc. The fact that it is part of a transcendent quaternary — Sat (Existence), Chit-Tapas (Consciousness-Force), Ananda (Bliss), Page 178 Vijnana (Knowledge) — renders it "Supracosmic": it is the Supracosmic turned towards cosmicisation, or the Transcendent Cosmified ...
... mind is wandering about : then one has to make an effort to concentrate it. This is difficult. Sri Aurobindo : That Tapas means something difficult is the popular idea. It means most often sitting on nails, standing on the head etc., But that is not correct. Tapas can be for something one likes or wants. You gather the energy for the object. Disciple : When one sits in meditation... comparatively because the man finds interest in it. Disciple : Another man may find that effort difficult. Sri Aurobindo : It is said in the Upanishads that God created the world by Tapas. It was not that he found it difficult to create the world, but he had to make the effort. Disciple : There is an instance given of concentration as when a lady goes about doing all sorts of ...
... undefective powers." Agni, the divine Tapas, growing to fullness of body, extends himself in that body of bright purity through this kingdom of our mortal being and in doing so purifies our human strength by the illuminations of ideality which are pure of the disorder & errors of the mortal mind. He wears brilliance like a robe,—the various brilliance of Tapas poured into many kinds of workings, and... विदथ is Vidya, the higher knowledge; the sacrifice is the offering of the realised Ananda to the gods of the higher life. Every other word, also, bears its plain & natural sense. Agni, the pure tapas, has made the sacrificer, Viswamitra, by establishing him in the higher knowledge, a fit vessel for the divine Ananda which is to be offered up in Yogic action & enjoyment to the gods. He calls upon... the gods and he attains that pure stillness of the mind & life-energies which is the foundation of the higher life. He prays to Agni to cleave to his body, that is, to dwell constantly as pure divine tapas in his corporeal & mortal being so as to sustain permanently that higher life. Page 611 2) प्रांचं यज्ञं चकृम वर्धतां गीः समिद्भिरग्निं नमसा दुवस्यन् । दिवः शशासुर्विदथा कवीनां गृत्साय ...
... Brihajjabala. Agni is the Tapas (Chit-tattwa in energy) & the activity of the tapas is the most important siddhi now in progress—an activity born of a fire purified from rajas. The disappearance of rajasic tendency is now being finally [effected] 1 (the tamasic still lasts), even the last dust of it in the annamaya environment is being swept up and out. This purified tapas is that to be contained... prakasha & tapas first in trikaldrishti, then in action. It was found that the sole error (of final result) in a particular drishti was owing to haste of mental tapas taking the main tendency or intention as the thing that was bound to happen. The right details were given by vyapti-prakamya of the immediate future, but were not accepted by the mind till they were fulfilled. The tapas is not yet chanda... to rest and the hour of intense (chanda) activity in the Prakriti with perfect anarambha in the Purusha is drawing nearer. The third power of action, Prakasha, which is as a light on the path to the tapas, showing it its own works, is more & more active, but not perfect, although rounding towards perfection. This prakasha has been for the most part vijnanamaya, of the nature of discriminative & selective ...
... generalise itself. Intellectual infallibility, now acting in an irresistible stream, will increase enormously. First the vijnanamay progress & infallibility then the kamananda, then the physical tapas & siddhi. The tapas must now be directed purely to the physical siddhi & the karmasiddhi & first to the kamananda. Necessarily they will resist. Action must enter into it, but only temporarily as an end to i... advance. The advance has begun; it will gather momentum during the day. The powers of knowledge & tapas are stronger, but they are all acting in the intellect without the action of the intellectual judgment, therefore there is no light. The mental realm is being purified of the pranas. The force of the tapas is yet insufficient. Life has to be brought into line with the siddhis acquired, or in other words... pressure, through assistant circumstance in direct pressure & although it is not apparent by indirect action through Prakriti assisting these or by itself or using these. That is definite your—steady tapas is the instrument—faith will come with truth & success. Impure still, all three of them, but the Asura is broken—only in him, it rises occasionally. सं परीति प्सरणा ककलयति कव्यमनग्नन् सं जवनं पुरु ...
... 1 - 29 February 1920 1 February 1920 Thought to be set entirely free T² to be thoroughly idealised and given certitude. Tapas siddhi to be made luminously effective. Physicality to be brought under control of Tapas. Rupasiddhi and samadhi. First get rid of the physical lapse. The ҫraddha has to be firm and absolute First week of February ... (5) The Tapas is now acting vigorously on the physical asiddhi in the different remnant rogas and has begun on the most persistent central incapacity, in the latter as yet without dominant effect. The remnants still recur with a temporary show of force but cannot resist the dissipating action (6) In the morning a remarkable solitary instance of the complete and rapid effectivity of the Tapas on inanimate... raised to the second vijnana, the logistis only a lower form. (3) Ideal Shakti to possess the body. (4) Ananda to fix itself and be no longer dependent on smarana. (5) Insistence on ideal Tapas control in arogya, utthapana, saundarya. (6) Completeness of Brahmachatusthaya. (7) Rupa and samadhi. All these will not be complete, but all will advance. The rule of rapidity has to be ...
... its own Tapas. All that has to be done is for the Jiva, the knowledge centre of this existence, to sit fast in his city, navadware pure, & allow the infinite Tapas to manifest through him, accepting it, sanctioning it, (anumati), giving the command to fulfil it to his helping devatas, (ishwara), holding up the whole system & its working, (bharta), and watching & enjoying the results. The Tapas may be... collapsed. Kamananda, although its activity has not disappeared, has at present no hold on the body. The physical siddhi persists in its retrograde motion. The external tapas is now falling away again from the system and is giving place to tapas under control of the dasyabuddhi .. The samadhi has suddenly & without farther difficulty acquired siddhi in the vijnana & saviveka samadhi, corresponding to the... when received without previous sanyama or suggested to the intellect. The exceptions resolve themselves (1) to exaggerated tapas & stress on true perceptions, & (2) unfulfilled volitions. For example, a kite flying, a particular line of change of flight was suggested & the tapas laid upon it, another occurred to the intellect, but received scant attention; the kite followed, first, the second line & ...
... doesn't mean that because she inhabits them in the form of benevolence she is not a goddess. As a psychological image she is described in the form of benevolence. Similarly, Agni can take the form of Tapas. He can also say that Sri Aurobindo hasn't criticised Sayana's polytheistic interpretation of the Vedas but rather his predominantly ritualistic interpretation. And he can point out that Sri Aurobindo... According to the inner esoteric interpretation, one may speak of the gods as well as of principles. If I speak of Agni as Tapas1 it is as a psychological principle. It doesn't mean that by being a god of Tapas he is no more a god of the fire of sacrifice. Agni is taken as a psychological principle as well as a god. (After a while) And he can also quote the Chandi where it says the goddess inhabits all ...
... what supports this instrumental desire is a will of the spirit. There is a will, tapas, śakti , by which the secret spirit imposes on its outer members all their action and draws from it an active delight of its being, an ananda, in which they very obscurely and imperfectly, if at all consciously, partake. This tapas is the will of the transcendent spirit who creates the universal movement, of the... emotional, dynamic, sensational or vital will of desire, wish, craving. Even when the instruments per se are purified of their own apparent initiative and particular kind of desire, this imperfect tapas may still remain, and so long as it conceals the source or deforms the type of the inner action, the soul has not the bliss of liberty, or can only have it by refraining from all action; even, if allowed... be expelled, renounced, cast away: the sadhaka must either choose an active peace and complete inner silence or lose individual initiation, saṅkalpārambha , in a unity with the universal will, the tapas of the divine Shakti. The passive way is to be inwardly immobile, without effort, wish, expectation or any turn to action, niśceṣṭa, anīha, nirapekṣa, nivṛtta ; the active way is to be thus immobile ...
... Translations: Hymn to the Mother About the symbolism Sri Aurobindo wrote: "The Bird of Fire is the living vehicle of the gold fire of the Divine Light and the white fire of the Divine Tapas and the crimson fire of the Divine Love — and everything else of the Divine Consciousness." Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems: Six Poems - Notes ============= ...
... different personalities in him—he can very well accept them all and harmonise them in the One Divine and the One Adya Shakti of whom all are the manifestations. Shiva is the Lord of Tapas. The power is the power of Tapas. Krishna as a godhead is the Lord of Ananda, Love and Bhakti; as an incarnation, he manifests the union of wisdom (Jnana) and works and leads the earth-evolution through this towards ...
... belong to the Super-nature, God's own pure nature. The principal Gods mentioned here are Varuna which means Infinite Consciousness, Mitra, Supreme Harmony and Love, Agni, the Fiery Force of ascension or Tapas, Soma, the supreme Delight and Vayu, the Lord of the vital who breaks down all barriers and difficulties and forges on. Now the process of redemption is a sacrificial journey, the image of the progressive... Brahman”, they said: "She was not meant for the missioned messenger; ever she is protected even like the kingdom of a king." (4) Of this the ancients spoke, the seven seers engaged in tapas. Page 22 The mighty bride stood by the side of the Brahmana, He who has the divine Word: she takes up and places the densest material into the highest heaven. (5) One ...
... gunas are there and not quiescent—for they are the instrumentation. If the force and the inner consciousness are very strong then there is a tendency for the rajas to become like some inferior form of tapas and the tamas to become more like a kind of inert shama. That is how the transformation begins, but usually it is very slow in its process. 29 January 1936 Page 226 ...
... Miscellaneous Notations c. February - April 1927 [1] No power will descend tonight. Knowledge first, power afterwards. Telepathy perfects itself first, then tapas, then the supreme T². Till then nothing else can be finally perfect. Tonight Ananda, Drishya, Knowledge, Telepathic and Tapasic T². [2] There can be no doubt of the result. Only ...
... Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, SABCL, 1971, Vol. 18, pp.560-1. Tapas and Ignorance: An important concept that is centrally related to the phenomenon of the Ignorance is that of Tapas. Again, this concept is to be found as far back as Veda. (Vide, for instance, the Rigvedic 'aghamarśana mantra' RV X.190.) Tapas means literally heat, but in due course of time, it came to mean every... as it were, by Tapas, the heat of its incubation, the seed and development of all that is within it or of all Page 95 its truths and potentialities. Chit-Shakti by the means of Tapas has created or rather manifested the universe. Tapas is the nature of action of consciousness, and in the indivisible Existence, the power of integral consciousness is the integral Tapas. It may, therefore... therefore, be said that it is by energy of Tapas that the dispensing of Force of being in the world-action is accomplished; but the force of Tapas can be of various degrees, and it is by the energy of Tapas that the drawing back of that force of being is accomplished. In the integrality of the Chit-Shakti, Tapas manifests as power of concentration, and this concentration can be varied and the supreme integrality ...
... * (Now I pick up the overhead theme at its culmination, the supreme plane whose forefront is the Supermind and which bears behind the Supermind the Ananda or Delight-plenitude, the Chit-Tapas or fullness of Consciousness-Force, the Sat or status of immeasurable Existence—yes, I take the supreme manifesting plane and regard it as still less than the very being of the Absolute, the utter ...
... speech joining together in one fulfilled expression. He offers such a Song of Adoration to the Preceptor and rests in him fully assured, without any fear. He has done Vak-Tapas in previous births and it is as the fruit of this Tapas’ Truth-Word that he is now ready to do Gita-recitation in a new language. His yogic preparation and yogic mission under the guidance of the Guru have arrived at this point;... Bhakta surrenders entirely to the deity of his worship even as he practises devotion in the ninefold manner; the Jnani is ever absorbed in contemplation of the omnipresent Reality, while the Rishi does Tapas on the Truth-existent and takes a new birth in its spiritual fire; the Yogi gathers himself into the Divine Being, the Giver of Siddhis, Siddheshwar, and remains in its perfection. The One in the mode ...
... Vedas and the Upanishads—there are seven basic principles sustaining the seven principal worlds: bhuh, bhuvah, swah, mahas, janah, tapas and satya. In the material world, the sat of the satya world has become annam or Matter, cit of the world of tapas has become Life, and mahas has become Mind. Matter, which is derived from sat or the luminous substance of the transcendent existence... counterparts and be converted into their substance, force and light. Matter or annam can be converted into the luminous, immortal substance of sat. Life or prāna into the effulgent force of cit-tapas, and Mind into the boundless glory of the Supermind or vijñāna. Their eventual transformation is foreshadowed in the very trend of their evolution, and seems to be the secret sense of their creation ...
... Movement 98 T Tagore83, 85, 89, 91, 92, 97 Tantras12 Tantricdiscipline 71 Tannicexperience 71 Page 105 Tantric Sadhakas 33, 34 Tapas 27, 77 Titans 4 Trinity 13 Triton 14, 17, 103 Turya 14 Tyrrhenian 35 U Uchathya 9 Uma 18 Upanishad 37 Upanishadic Assurance 53 Upanishadic... Vedic 8, 16, 33, 34, 37, 72, 79, 82, 93 Rishi Kushika 50 Romeo 25 Rousseau 39 S Sacrifice, Vedic I Sadhu 97 Sanskrit 32 Sat-chit-Ananda — (Satya-Tapas-Jnana) 14 Satan 16 Semele 34 Shakespeare 16, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 101, 103 Shakuntala 8 Shelley 104 Shitala 31 Shyama 80 Shyama 80 Siddhas 82 Si ...
... still successful, still obstinate. For this body the evidence is tomorrow; for hers it is veiled and will only appear day after tomorrow. Today the gnosis in T² (tapas). Also the gnosis above the supermind in T² tapas. 15 January 1927 The development of health and Ananda promised yesterday is not at all clear in result. There is evidence of power to control and minimise attacks on... movements of the thought-siddhi and its instruments in a rapid and almost instantaneous development. This is the first free and large movement of the involved method. At present Tapas movements and telepathy-Tapas movements Page 1256 are being handled. A relative T² in them with a great mixture of ineffective knowledge and will movements is taking place. T³ and T² to be made... physical sensation. Shakti, Virya, Daivi Prakriti are returning and moving towards perfection. Sraddha is there again, though not yet assured in all that concerns the final effectuality of the Tapas. T³, T² are developing much more clearly and consciously than before. T is beginning to manifest. Stable organisation and organised stability are rapidly preparing in the Drishya, but are ...
... Re-reading the old bardic tale from a fresh angle, Sri Aurobindo invests Aswapati's tapas with a vaster significance; it is a growth in self-knowledge and world-knowledge, it brings him face to face with earth's fetters and the prison-house of man's ignorance; and, at last, the fruit he seeks from his tapas is the solution of no personal problem or the answering of no personal need, but the sundering... elders. These are the objective hints regarding Savitri's austerities, even as the reference to the eighteen-year duration of Aswapati's austerities was an indication of their temporal extension. But tapas, yoga, prayer have their true measure in subjective, rather than objective terms; one has to look within, enter the "inner countries", lose (and find) oneself in the infinitudes of the Spirit. Faced ...
... been, at any time, a mental plan, a fixed programme or an organization decided beforehand. The whole thing has taken birth, grown and developed as a living being by a movement of consciousness (Chit-tapas) constantly maintained, increased and fortified. As the conscious force descends in matter and radiates, it seeks for fit instruments to express and manifest it. It goes without saying that the more ...
... सौधन्वना ॠभवो माप भूत । अस्मिन्हि वः सवने रत्नधेयं गमन्तविन्द्रमनु वो मदासः ।। An exact application to the circumstances of the Yoga. The Ribhus are the gods of formation who proceed from the divine Tapas (शवसो नपातः) and use it to form thought, action & condition. This formative process is now the course of the Yoga (अस्मिन्हि वः सवने) and the delight of the ananda in the formative action is becoming ...
... Mind - Supermind Emotional being (heart) - Ananda Vital - Tapas Matter - Sat These are correspondences — but the Supermind is Page 48 a sufficient instrument for divinising the vital. I do not understand the meaning of Tapas. Chit Tapas — the second plane of the Divine Consciousness. My vital is very ...
... possession must be the mould of the consciousness, to comprehend & not to acquire. In place of reflection there must be for a time brooding chit-tapas, as free as possible from limited concentration & tending rather to wider & wider extension. Limited tapas fixes on one circumstance & ignores the rest; it is therefore a parent of much error. Mental tejas is impatient of the wideness of the mahat; it... & besieged by the imperfection. The right movement in the subjective siddhi has now been assured; but in action also there must be the right movement dependent entirely on dasya to the guidance, tapas & supreme pravritti. There must be no questioning or resistance. The free & seated action, ordinarily effective even in detailed circumstance, of the trikaldrishti and aishwarya is now a thing permanent... amounts not yet the great amount, but that is on its way). 5) Loss of friends cancelled & compensated. These are general movements which will be effected by the more effective working of the tapas & ishita, A complete denial of the apprehension suggested, nor are the facts stated correctly . The event suggested will take place in the space of a few days. The other in the space of a week. ...
... specialized functioning and yet all working together with subtle links of unifying powers of the One, who is declared to be expressed variously by the Rishis. In brief, the unifying method is that of Tapas, power of concentration and meditation and contemplation and of progressive sacrifice of energies and increasing self surrender to the highest Object of knowledge. That object is described as at once... simple and complex, at once One and Many, and at once the universal and the individual and the transcendental. The methods of the Vedic yoga were progressively synthesized by the unifying method of tapas applied to the pursuit of the highest flights and widest rangings of divine knowledge, power, joy, life and glory with the aid of the cosmic gods, who are invoked and invited behind the symbols of the... where the process of the yoga of Bhrigu is described to have been guided and conducted by Varuna. Under successive instructions, Bhrigu concentrates himself successively in thought and by the askesis (tapas) of his brooding, on universal matter (anna), on universal life-force (prāna), on universal Mind (manas), on universal principle of Knowledge (yijnāna), and on universal Bliss (ānanda). The ...
... is jala or water, full of light and heat and electricity, in one word, of tejas. The excess of the retas turns first into heat or tapas which stimulates the whole system, and it is for this reason that all forms of self-control and austerity are called tapas or tapasya be- cause they generate the heat, or stimulus which is a source of powerful action and success; secondly, it turns to tejas... all forceful action whether intellectual or physical. In the vidyut again is involved the ojas, or pranasakti, the primal energy which proceeds from ether. The retas refining from jala to tapas, tejas and vidyut and from vidyut to ojas, fills the system with physical strength, energy and brain-power and in its last form of ojas rises to the brain Page 85 and informs... creates a spiritual force or virya, by which a man attains to spiritual knowledge, spiritual love and faith, spiritual strength. It follows that the more we can by Brahmacharya increase the store of tapas, tejas, vidyut and ojas, the more we shall fill ourselves with utter energy for the works of the body, heart, mind and spirit. This view of the human soul was not the whole of the knowledge on ...
... Vallalar sat on the white cloth spread on a low wooden plank and began to concentrate. In that poise he was seen as a Mountain of Truth-Knowledge with the Truth -Light of Grace and Peace and Fire of Tapas. He was verily a supreme form of the Divine. Flood of Light was radiating from his pure and luminous body into all the directions. Supreme Grace, Supreme Compassion and the Light of Grace are expressive... Vallalar (Swami Ramalingam) , the Great Munificent, was seen entering the house. His face was calm and peaceful. He was seen as the very embodiment of Compassion and his body was filled with the Fire of Tapas of Truth-Consciousness as of the Purity of the Supreme Divine (Suddha Sivam). His whole body was radiating the Light of Grace. Besides, his body was of silken or light golden shining colour. He entered ...
... completeness and hence its character, power and beauty. In other words, in case of Sri Aurobindo, shutting out some of the 'suns' which he would have released through his 'means of ascension', poetic-tapas. This character of poetry is essential to keep as a context whenever subjecting it to any superficial analysis. By ignoring and not counting changes of punctuation as alterations the Archives Team ...
... becomes a world. There are seven worlds, Satya, of pure being, Tapas, of pure will or force, Jana, of pure delight, Mahas, of pure idea, Swar, of pure mentality, Bhuvah, of pure vitality, Bhuh, of pure matter. The soul in Sat is pure truth of being and perceives itself as one in the world's multiplicity. The soul in Tapas is pure force of divine will & knowledge and possesses universe om... containing latent, expressed or half-apparent in itself its six sisters or companions. Nature is composed of Being, Will or Force, Creative Bliss, Pure Idea, Mind, Life and Matter,—Sat, Chit or Tapas, Ananda, Vijnanam, Manas, Prana and Annam. The Soul, Purusha, can seat itself in any of these principles and, according to its situation, its outlook changes and it sees a different world; all world ...
... superconscious existence which has also three constituents, Sat, Chit-Tapas and Ananda. Sat is essence of our being, pure, infinite and undivided, as opposed to this divisible being which founds itself on the constant changeableness of physical substance. Sat is the divine counterpart of physical substance. Page 28 Chit-Tapas is pure energy of Consciousness, free in its rest or its action... action, sovereign in its will, as opposed to the hampered dynamic energies of Prana which, feeding upon physical substances, are dependent on and limited by their sustenance. 4 Tapas is the divine counterpart of this lower nervous or vital energy. Ananda is Beatitude, the bliss of pure conscious existence and energy, as opposed to the life of the sensations and emotions which are at the mercy of the ...
... aśanā , hunger; aś , to eat; aś , to enjoy; āśu , swift; aś , to move, attain, pervade, etc. × Tapas or Chit-Shakti. ... into the spirit's infinite immortality. Page 67 × The three are the reverse aspects of Chit, Sat and Chit-Tapas. × All these significances are intended by the Vedic Rishis in their use of the word Ashwa, Horse ...
... cosmic and the transcendent Reality. That is the real work and labour. Bodily suffering is nothing: it is neither a sign nor a test of the ardours of consciousness thus seeking to uplift itself. Indeed, Tapas, the word from which tapasya is derived, means energy of consciousness, and Tapasya is the exercise, the utilisation of that energy for the ascent and expansion of the consciousness. It is this inner ...
... full of light and heat and electricity, in one word, of Page 372 tejas . The excess of the retas turns first into heat or tapas which stimulates the whole system, and it is for this reason that all forms of self-control and austerity are called tapas or tapasyā , because they generate the heat or stimulus which is a source of powerful action and success; secondly, it turns to tejas... all forceful action whether intellectual or physical. In the vidyut again is involved the ojas , or prāṇaśakti , the primal energy which proceeds from ether. The retas refining from jala to tapas, tejas and vidyut and from vidyut to ojas , fills the system with physical strength, energy and brain-power and in its last form of ojas rises to the brain and informs it with that primal energy... creates a spiritual force or vīrya , by which a man attains to spiritual knowledge, spiritual love and faith, spiritual strength. It follows that the more we can by Brahmacharya increase the store of tapas, tejas, vidyut and ojas , the more we shall fill ourselves with utter energy for the works of the body, heart, mind and spirit. This view of the human soul was not the whole of the knowledge on ...
... power of individual & multiple existence in the universe. Consciousness in Chit is luminous, free, illimitable & effective; that which it is aware of as Chit (Jnanashakti) it fulfils infallibly as Tapas (Kriyashakti); for Jnanashakti is only the stable & comprehensive, Kriyashakti only the motional and intensive form of one self-luminous Conscious Being. They are one power of conscious force of God... world-existence. Pure idea (vijnana) stands as the link between the two. These seven principles or terms of existence Page 99 are the basis of the sevenfold world of the Puranas (Satyaloka, Tapas, Jana, Mahar, Swar, Bhuvar & Bhur). The lower hemisphere in this arrangement of consciousness consists of the three vyahritis of the Veda, "Bhur, Bhuvah, Swar"; they are states of consciousness in ...
... bathing. The exercise was pursued in spite of an insufficient tapas in the physical Page 63 aura. It was followed at its close by a stronger denial of anima than usual, but this disappeared directly the exercise was resumed from 3.30 to 6.30 and during these three hours there was no failure of utthapana, no depression, no defect of tapas in the aura. The denial of anima became inoperative for... i with precision, of the ananda, the visvagati and the siddhis of power, not only in their general action, but in particular movement— The siege will be over in ten minutes. Lipi. "Efficient tapas". Interpretation.—"commences from today." Lipi. "European civilisation in extremis". Lipi. 21 years 4 of strife before Indian civilisation is willingly accepted in its flawless perfection.... than ever formerly. The satyadarshanam with regard to surrounding incidents, suspended for a time, has returned more powerful than when it was suspended but is still hampered by movements of buddha tapas, the one powerful obstacle now to the jnanam, but the power is that of soulless matter, inert and obstructive. A similar suspension of the clear rupadrishti & to some extent of the lipi has been also ...
... go as they couldn't get hold of a chauffeur. I was tempted to write to her that the Divine Grace (here the Mother spoke in French; the sense seemed to be that the Divine Grace had saved her.) 1 Tapas: concentrated energy. 2 Old man's young wife. ...
... weariness of physical tapasya. The element of tapasya is now much reduced, but still persists in the physical siddhi. For the most part all action is now a passivity supporting more or less effective tapas, not tapasya. In Samadhi coherent sentences of lipi are now common, but in the mass the lipi is incoherent. Isolated figures or momentary groups still prevail. Antardrishta jagrat is confined to the... all thought proceeds from the vijnana which is satyam & not asatyam. (2) The acceptance of every act of will, effort, impulsion, effectuating movement as a step in some process of God's effective tapas, the perception of the final object of the process & of the immediate object effected, and the rejection of the idea of failure, sterility & inutility as attached to anything that happens in God's world;... shishum [dhápayete]. 2 There are also other instances, but these are slighter and less definite. Owing to the rush of the old inferior movements which used to rise whenever the avegamaya sraddha & tapas manifested, the trikaldrishti was clouded & disturbed, & the old tejasic misinterpretations abounded. But there was no disturbance, revolt or nirananda in the system & only the shadow of the old tamasic ...
... article, "The Veda and Sri Aurobindo", in which he says that like Westerners you have not accepted the reality of the gods. You have interpreted Agni as representing Tapa Shakti, etc. SRI AUROBINDO: If I have spoken of Agni as representing Tapa Shakti, it doesn't mean that he is not a god. If Saraswati is represented as a symbol of learning, does it mean she is not a goddess? Where have I said that the ...
... only light and delight, it is also power, force, energy - tapas . Agni dwells not only on the three cosmic planes, the god has his own home in the supreme status. Sat, Being or Reality is Consciousness or Light; Consciousness is Delight; it is also Power, not only potential but dynamic Power, Energy. Sri Aurobindo therefore speaks of Chit-tapas. The omission, at least in the present context, could ...
... light and delight, it is also power, force, energy — tapas. Agni dwells not only on the three cosmic planes, the god has his own home in the supreme status. Sat, Being or Reality is Consciousness or Light; Consciousness is Delight; it is also Power, not only potential but dynamic Power, Energy. Sri Aurobindo therefore speaks of Chit-tapas. The omission, at least in the present context ...
... the transcendent Reality. That is the real work and labour. Bodily suffering is nothing: it is neither a sign nor a test of the ardours of consciousness thus seeking to uplift itself. Indeed, Tapas, the word from which tapasya is derived, means energy of consciousness, and Tapasya is the exercise, the utilisation of that energy for the ascent and expansion of the consciousness. It is this ...
... Dilip Patel 8. Dipali 2. Gurudas B 9. Nalini 3. Pratik 10. Tripti 4. Tapas B 11. Karuna Mukherji 5. Alo B 12. Lauren D 6. Sumitra Dhandhania 13. Upendra 7 ...
... omnipotent Self-existence, have the surety of their own fulfilment and contain in themselves the nature and law of their own becoming in the terms of mind, life and matter. The eventual omnipotence of Tapas and the infallible fulfilment of the Idea are the very foundation of all Yoga. In man we render these terms by Will and Faith,—a will that is eventually self-effective because it is of the substance... sadhana 1 as well as the Master of the Yoga by whom the lower personality is used as the centre of a divine transfiguration and the instrument of its own perfection. In effect, the pressure of the Tapas, the force of consciousness in us dwelling in the Idea of the divine Nature upon that which we are in our entirety, produces Page 45 its own realisation. The divine and all-knowing and ... the Purusha pours itself out in the action of its Energy, there is action, creation and the enjoyment or Ananda of becoming. But if Ananda is the creator and begetter of all becoming, its method is Tapas or force of the Purusha's consciousness dwelling upon its own infinite potentiality in existence and producing from it truths of conception or real Ideas, vijñāna , which, proceeding from an omniscient ...
... true creation must have at its origin the true consciousness, and a true consciousness has always the power to create invincibly; for consciousness is identified with essential energy. Chit and Tapas are one and the same. The seed of consciousness has to be sown in the field of our being, whether it is the individual or the collective being. How is it to be done? And who is to find ...
... true creation must have at its origin the true consciousness, and a true consciousness has always the power to create invincibly; for consciousness is identified with essential energy. Chit and Tapas are one and the same. The seed of consciousness has to be sown in the field of our being, whether it is the individual or the collective being. How is it to be done? And who is to find the seed ...
... has been said, is only a preparation for war. That vicious circle can be and has to be cut by the razor-blade consciousness of the aspirant to life divine who by the clear and tranquil energy of his tapas can call down a divine interference in mortal affairs. The right attitude, then, for a sadhak who has to live dangerously in the world of today is to rise above the turmoils that surge around ...
... the golden shield of our various thought from the face of Truth, to rescue the concealed Purusha, future Man, out of those waters in which he lies concealed and give him form by the intensity of our tapas, let no man think that it is a brief or an easy task in which we can dispense with the help that the wisdom of the past still offers us. We must link our hands to the sages of the past in order that ...
... 6 January 1927 What has been promised has been achieved. There remains the perfection of the supreme supermind taking up the supreme supramental supermind, the development of the Trikalsiddhi Tapas and the manifestation of the Gnosis. This from today to the 12ṭḥ. The fullness achieved has come on the 6ṭḥ one day earlier than anticipated, but on the day promised. What was promised for the 7ᵗʰ ...
... Aurobindo 13 JANUARY 1941 EVENING DR. MANILAL: There are four principles of jainism, Sir. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, what are they? DR. MANILAL: Dana, Sila, Tapa and Bhavana. Bhavana is aspiration. This concerns our Yoga, Sir. SRI AUROBINDO: Only this one? DR. MANILAL: Why only one, Sir? Dana also. SRI AUROBINDO: Dana is charity. We don't insist on... AUROBINDO: What is Sila? Virtue? We don't insist on virtue. Virtue is a moral principle, not spiritual. DR. MANILAL: Morality is a consequence of spirituality. SRI AUROBINDO: Not necessarily. Tapa is asceticism. We have nothing to do with asceticism. DR. MANILAL: No, Sir. SRI AUROBINDO: So aspiration is the only common factor. DR. MANILAL: Yes, Sir. Shastri has recently been showing ...
... called "becoming". We may remember that Sri Aurobindo posits not merely Consciousness (chit) along with Existence (sat) and Bliss (ananda) as the ultimate. He posits Consciousness-Force (chit-tapas). His Absolute is not impotent to act: it is omnipotent and, where there is the power to do things, there is bound to be a change as a result. Changelessness is not the sole character of the supreme ...
... himself, he cannot abdicate, let Nature go her own way, the inferior path of ease and escape. The Page 74 godhead must exercise its full authority, exert all its pressure upon itself— tapas taptva— and by this heat of incubation release the energy that leads towards the light and the high fulfilment. In the meanwhile, the task is not easy. The divine sweetness and solicitude lights upon ...
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