Find in Savitri Poems Flowers
... of the white ray in the heart—for that is a ray of the Mother's light, the white light, and the illumining of the heart by this light is a thing of great power for this sadhana. The intuitions she speaks of are a sign of the inner consciousness growing in her—the consciousness which is necessary for Yoga. 28 July 1937 It [ the Mother's light ] is always there in the inner Purusha. That... out, I saw a huge white light following behind her. At first I thought it was an illusion, but when I kept on looking at it I knew it was no illusion. I was full of joy. The white light is the Mother's light and it is always around her. 22 August 1933 Today at Pranam I saw a pale blue light around the Mother. Is pale blue the colour of her light? Page 264 The pale blue light is... am unable to express the peace and quietness I felt at that time. The peace was very pure. Now whenever I sit for meditation, I see a very white light coming around me. The white Light is the Mother's light. Wherever it descends or enters, it brings peace, purity, silence and the openness to the higher forces. If it comes below the navel, that means that it is working in the lower vital. 31 July ...
... different side, has always been a trick of the forces of Falsehood when they want to prevent a sadhaka from reaching the Truth. "Know that the Mother's Light and Force are the Light and Force of the Truth; remain always in contact with the Mother's Light and Force, then only can you grow into the divine Truth." 10.9.1931 Won't you tell me something to which I can always turn for... "The Mother's consciousness is the Divine Consciousness and the Light that comes from it is the Light of the Divine Truth. "One who receives and accepts and lives in the Mother's Light will begin to see the truth on all the planes, the mental, the vital, the physical. He will reject all that is undivine - the undivine is the falsehood, the ignorance, the error of the... with the Mother and Her Light and Force, because it is only so that you can come out of the confusion and obscurity and receive the Truth that comes from above. "When we speak of the Mother's Light or my Light in a special sense, we are speaking of a special occult action — we are speaking Page 25 of certain Lights which come from the Supermind. In this ...
... peace. The important experience is that of the white ray in the heart—for that is a ray of the Mother's light, the white light, and the Page 124 illumining of the heart by this light is a thing of great power for this sadhana. The white light is, as you know, the Mother's light—it is the light of the Force of the Divine Consciousness; the sun of white light is symbolic of that... consciousness and from there they work and prepare the transformation of the human consciousness and even the physical nature. The two first [ bright white and whitish blue ] are the Mother's Page 125 light and mine—the golden red is the touch of the Truth in the physical. Whitish Blue Light The pale whitish blue light is "Sri Aurobindo's light"—it is the blue light modified by the ...
... These nether domain of our being have to be made conscious and responsive to the higher Light. The first thing to do is to exert a central will for the opening of the physical nature to the Mother's Light and Force. It will mean, in practice, the projection of a part of our most developed consciousness, and an infusion of its will and aspiration into the physical nature. The result may not be... the physical nature may repel the advances of the higher consciousness and refuse to be disturbed in its complacent darkness. But a quiet persistence is sure to prevail in making it open to the Mother's Light. "The opening of the physical and the subconscient takes a long time as it is a thing of habits and constant repetition of the old movements, obscure and stiff and not plastic, yielding... plasticity are the most helpful during this period. At a further stage, one may find oneself in the subconscient itself, which is a most crucial state and a poignant experience. But armed with the Mother's Light and Force, and completely surrendered, one is always safe even there; and when one emerges from this experience, it is never without the laurels of a rare victory, and the joy of an exceptional ...
... never thinks of future difficulties, falls or dangers. Her concentration is always on help and uplift, not on difficulty and downfall. In the morning, I experience the effect of the Mother's light dynamically. It penetrates the inner as well as the outer being in an intense way. In the evening I feel nothing of the kind. There is only silence. Why so? In the evening the Mother... altogether the way — if the mind is active it is more difficult to become aware of what the Mother is bringing. It is not thoughts she brings, but the higher light, force etc. Does the Mother's Light always remain in the inner being even when due to engrossment in the external activities we do not feel it? It is always there in the inner Purusha consciousness — but identification ...
... n and palpable guidance of the Mother in him. There are many instances of this kind of extraordinary development of the capacities and faculties of the sâdhakas as a result of openness to the Mother's Light and Force. Instances are not wanting of mystics, both Eastern and Western, performing heroic deeds, infusing superhuman light and energy into their disciples, producing marvellous poems or ... intricate process of self-discipline and purification. Each part of his nature has to be tackled separately and in the mass, each of its movement to be scrutinised and sifted and exposed to the Mother's Light for transformation. Accepting life, he has accepted a tremendous burden and responsibility upon himself—his own and, in a sense, the world's; and it is only the sustained sincerity of his aspiration ...
... forces of the Falsehood when they want to prevent a sadhaka from reaching the Truth. Dismiss all such falsehoods from your mind. Know that the Mother's light and force are the light and force of the Truth; remain always in contact with the Mother's light and force, then only can you grow into the divine Truth. 10 September 1931 I want to ask whether the idea of the Mother is the same as that... the Mother One Path There is something undivine in the world, a part that seems obscure; I said to the Mother that its truth here is expressed by the Mother's Light. The other truth is expressed by Sri Aurobindo's Light. They are two different paths and seem to be poles apart, yet they meet some place above. If you allow such strange and wrong ideas... divine Consciousness and the Light that comes from it is the light of the divine Truth; the Force that she brings down is the force of the divine Truth. One who receives and accepts and lives in the Mother's light, will begin to see the truth on all the planes, the mental, the vital, the physical. He will reject all that is undivine; the undivine is the falsehood, the ignorance, the error of the dark forces; ...
... the sâdhaka is asked to do at this stage is to have a perfect faith in the infallible guidance of the Mother's Light, and a state of unreserved surrender to it. Later, in the course of progress, a stage may come when he has to go down in consciousness into these obscure depths, with the Mother's Light leading .him, for the final grapple with the subconscient and inconscient forces of darkness. For... of this essential craving. We have already dealt with the process by which we can rid our being of desire, but an important and indispensable part of this initial process is a directing of the Mother's light to the subconscient and its blind energies. A constant detection and uncompromising rejection of all conscious desires must proceed on the basis of the true psychic consciousness,. Page... of its hidden mechanism will become easier and more precise. But still there will be enough working going on below the surface and occult to our consciousness. It is, therefore, essential that the Mother's Light be called down and directed to these arcane regions. Her Light will illumine the subconscient obscurity and eliminate the impurities with which it abounds, either by a steady process of expulsion ...
... Diamond The diamond is the symbol of the Mother's light and energy—the diamond light is that of her consciousness at its most intense. Diamonds may indicate the Mother's Light at its intensest, for that is diamond white light. The diamond in your heart was a formation of the light of Mother's consciousness there,—for the Mother's light is of a white and at its most intense of a ...
... flame. It was always like that: a flame—white, white, so white that nothing could prevent it from being white. Sri Aurobindo has thrown more light on the subject: The white light is the Mother's Light. Wherever it descends or enters, it brings peace, purity, silence and openness to the higher forces. Sri Aurobindo says: The White Light is a manifestation of pure divine force descending... Aurorindo on the Mother The Mother's consciousness is the divine consciousness and the Light that comes from it is the light of the Divine Truth. One who receives and accepts and lives in the Mother's light, will begin to see the truth on all planes, the mental, the vital, the physical. He will reject all that is undivine,—the undivine is the falsehood, the ignorance, the error of the dark forces;... contact with the Mother and her Light and Force, because it is only so that you can come out of this confusion and obscurity and receive the Truth that comes from above. When we speak of the Mother's Light or my Light in a special sense, we are speaking of a special occult action—we are speaking of certain lights that come from the Supermind. In this action the Mother's is the White Light that ...
... Power to the movement in you. (d) The Mother's diamond light is a light of absolute purity and power. (e) The diamond light is the central consciousness and force of the Divine. The Mother's light is white—especially diamond white. The Mahakali form is usually golden, of a very bright and strong golden hue. 12 October 1935 The diamond is the symbol of the intensest light of the Mother's... the symbol of the Mother's consciousness; the colour depends on the particular force which her consciousness puts forth upon you at the moment. 14 April 1936 The diamond is the symbol of the Mother's light and energy—the diamond light is that of her consciousness at its most intense. 13 November 1936 ...
... said that the material being is ready for the Divine? If the material consciousness is open, feels the Mother's Force working in it and responds, then it is ready. 11 June 1933 I feel the Mother's light, peace, beauty, joy and love descending from above into each strand of my hair. The whole body, calm and still, becomes absorbed in deep peace. It can be there in all the atoms of the body... me keep her Light and by that Light mould me through Peace and Love. Page 231 Aspire and concentrate for the purification and illumination of the vital. The vital once clear with the Mother's Light and Force in it, it will be easier for the Force to work on the body. 11 October 1933 Today while I was sitting with others, slowly something came down and filled up all my body. The body ...
... each point was aspiring in a different light that was guided by the Mother. Nowadays I think that if there is one aspiration, there will be constant contact. Yes—one aspiration to live in the Mother's light and force which bring the true knowledge and the true power. If that aspiration is fulfilled, then all else needed can be fulfilled—all the other lights can be contained in the Divine Light.... Yes, that is the attitude you have to keep. If it is kept, then Page 285 there will be no disturbance or only a superficial unease. The experience itself was that of the descent of the Mother's light of Divine Consciousness into domains of being which are ignorant or inconscient and obscure. The Mother herself has descended into these domains and moved through them to bring light there. ...
... too the power of rejection that will throw away all mixture. Keep faith in your spiritual destiny, draw back from error and open more the psychic being to the direct guidance of the Page 501 Mother's light and power. If the central will is sincere, each recognition of a mistake can become a stepping stone to a truer movement and a higher progress. I have stated very briefly in... your nature (especially, the lower vital and the subconscient which is active in sleep) keeps the memory and attachment to these movements, and you do not open these parts and make them accept the Mother's Light and Force to purify them. If you did that and, instead of lamenting and getting troubled and clinging to the idea that you cannot get rid of these things, insisted quietly with a calm faith and ...
... in it. My mind has wandered very much trying to find the true way of doing sadhana. It is only by constantly aspiring to the Mother's light and force that you can make true and steady progress. It is only by the constant repetition and persistence of the Mother's light and force that the habit of disturbance and lack of organisation can diminish and finally disappear. Only so can the lower being ...
... coming out from their bodies. It is coming out from different centres (chakras) in different individuals. The colour of the fire coming out from each one indicates the consciousness; white (the Mother's Light), red (Divine Love), Green (Vital Energy), yellow (Mind Plane), blue (Illumined Mind), pink (Psychic Love), golden (Light of Divine Truth). The Asura represents the evil forces that are at... samadhi and the Symbolic Yajnavedi (sacrificial fire). Significantly, none of the persons in meditation is disturbed by the Asura. He is finally vanquished by the descent of brilliant, white light (The Mother's Light) followed by the descent of the “Two-in-one” figure radiating bright golden light of Divine Truth, indicating clearly the presence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. ...
... the needful regarding the matter. Ever thankful to you. In the Mother's Light and Love, Yours, Huta M André's answer was: Dear Huta, Narad brought to me your letter this morning and we had a very interest ing talk. There is no doubt that Mother's Vision will be fulfilled in due course Yours, in the Mother's Light and Love, André ...
... from considering me an exemplary "uncle" in this matter. Uncle in such matters is worse than carbuncle! I am really sorry you have hurt your left upper ribs. 1 shall surely try my best to invoke the Mother's Light, as I feel it, on their behalf, particularly when I face the Samadhi. In fact as soon as I knew of your pain I appealed to the Mother to relieve you. Nowadays my appeal has a double movement... you as "bluish-white, whitish-blue". It is interesting that you have employed two expressions for the same phenomenon. They touch off the dual joint presence of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. The Mother's light is white, Sri Aurobindo's blue and together the one becomes bluish and the other whitish - a single grace-light, so to speak, with two shades of emphasis: all-transcending purity, all-suffusing ...
... Our Light and Delight 16 Spiritual Life in the Mother's Light In the spiritual life, even more than in other fields since the possibilities and the pitfalls are greater here, a proper assessment of oneself is salutary and helpful. Two generations ago Tagore said that although India was lying in the dust the very dust in which she lay ...
... self-giving to the innocent guidance by one's soul (Rabbit) one can go along the right path and ultimately achieve the victory of spiritual forces (Peacock) and total transformation (body of white—the Mother's Light). ...
... Ignorance. Things like these last so obstinately because they have become habits or recurrent feelings in the external physical being; they will disappear when the external being becomes filled with the Mother's light. Sri Aurobindo A vital reaction means a response of the vital to the touch or pressure of an idea, action, event, person or thing, e.g. if someone speaks something you do not like and ...
... in ample evidence: the almost constant vision of all kinds of wonderful flowers the moment the eyes were shut. A harmonious happiness overflowed her being. After she had responded thus to the Mother's light and love I took her to an institute of nuns in Pondicherry where some embroidered materials she had wanted were on sale. Its contrast with the Mother's presence and with the Ashram's atmosphere ...
... and the felicity with which you frequently express your condition, I can Page 69 vouch that you have a fine intelligence indeed. You have only to quiet your being and invoke the Mother's light to get the ability to see your own mind properly. Neither undervaluing nor overvaluing it, stop bothering about it and place it at the Mother's disposal. You want to know "how to distinguish ...
... One thus advances further on the Aurobindonian path - especially as this path insists on a new mode of living, a new manner of activity, a creative expression of the inner being's surrender to the Mother's light and love. You have raised the issue of the Mother and her Grace: "Is the aspiration for the intervention of the Grace the same as aspiring to the Mother? If the two were inseparable ...
... hands are very good and that I derive energy from Sri Aurobindo's Jupiter which is extremely powerful. For Amethyst she has revealed that it has a power of protection. The Diamond represents the Mother's Light and Consciousness. Also there are Pearls, Corals, Emeralds, Rubies and other numerous attractive multicoloured stones. They have different cuts, qualities and symbols. The stones have their ...
... help from Panditji or anybody else? Nolini-da has sent two copies of the booklet Matrimandir—The Mother's Truth and Love to C.P.N. Singh, M.P. of Delhi. Thanking you once again, In the Mother's Light and Love, Yours, Huta ...
... That is why I am asking you whether I should go on the next February—1976. I also ask you for your guidance and for a clear line of action. Please let me know. Thanking you always, in the Mother's Light and Love. Yours, Huta His answer was: Huta, I do not see any objection. But all the same you may just consul Shyamsunder. Nolini-da ...
... He has generously offered to help to find the exact diameter needed for the sun-ray which has to hit the crystal globe. This is a very complex calculation. With love In Sri Aurobindo and the Mother's Light. Yours Gloria and Piero ...
... because of my father's recent death. On my side I have done everything that is to be done with sincerity and goodwill. I will come there on the 21st Saturday at 4.45. With kindest thoughts in the Mother's Light and Love. Yours, Huta Actually the sacred things were put by me and some children of Auroville in the foundation of the Mahakali pillar. ...
... the true thing. Several have been misled in this way because pride, vanity or desire was strong in them and robbed them of the finer psychic perception that is not mental and can at once turn the Mother's light on such misleadings or errors. It is the supramental Power that transforms mind, life and body—not the Sachchidananda consciousness which supports impartially everything. But it is by ...
... encourage them, your whole nature will become a field of confusion and incoherence. The only way to know them and get rid of them is to be always above, in your true consciousness, in contact with the Mother's light and force. The light and force will then descend upon them, at once showing what they are and dissolving and eliminating them and changing that part of the nature. But first you must learn to ...
... vigilance,—you will finally find that the control extends itself and can in the Page 86 long run always intervene. This must be done so long as that movement is not fully opened to the Mother's Light and Force, for if that happens the thing can be done more quickly and sometimes with a great rapidity. There is also the intervention of the psychic—if the psychic being is sufficiently awake ...
... These and other insistences are your own fancies you must learn to give up. As for the desires, the proper way is to have a sincere aspiration and call on the Mother's force to work in you. When the Mother's light and force are working in you they will show you all that has to be changed in you and will change it provided you give your sincere and full consent. Page 393 How can I live ...
... information confused me and brought wrong suggestions of all kinds. When things become confused outside, you must put on your mind at once the rule of not judging by appearances—refer all to the Mother's Light within with the confidence that all will be clear. 16 September 1933 In my ambition to serve the Mother, I asked for work, but now I find that I am losing the joy and cheerfulness I was ...
... Ignorance. Things like these last so obstinately because they have become habits or recurrent feelings in the external physical being; they will disappear when the external being becomes filled with the Mother's light. 30 May 1935 The Mother has been always specially careful in your case not to show displeasure or censure of any kind to you. To the others also she smiles always in the same way, for she ...
... to arrive at it. 12 July 1935 Yes, it is the thing to be attained—not to receive any other influences than the Divine, as human nature ordinarily does. Then under the sole influence of the Mother's Light and Force, all that has to be changed in the nature can be quietly and smoothly changed, all that has to be developed can be developed without disturbance or trouble. 3 June 1936 The direct ...
... One has only to be perfectly sincere, not to justify one's own desires and faults by the mind's reasonings, to look impartially and quietly at oneself and one's movements and to call on the Mother's Light—then gradually one will begin to discern everything in that light. Even if it cannot be done perfectly at once, the judgment and feeling will get clearer and surer and a right consciousness of ...
... This evening when the Mother came to give us darshan, I saw Sri Aurobindo's light around her like a cloud. Was this a formation of the mind or the vital? Was there a mistake in it? If seeing the Mother's Light is a mistake or a mental or vital formation, then the realisation of the Divine and all spiritual experience can be questioned as a mental or vital formation or mistake and all Yoga becomes ...
... from the Mother like the white Light. 17 September 1933 The line of golden light is a line of the light of the higher Divine Truth encircling the Akash of the heart and the diamond mass is the Mother's light pressing into that Akash. It is therefore a sign of these powers working on the psychic-emotional centre. 17 December 1936 One night I found a vast light, yellowish white, cool and peaceful ...
... food only after having your darshan. Mother, Lord, destroy all my wrong thoughts and feelings. That is quite wrong. Fasting will not in the least remove any bad things—it is by receiving the Mother's Light and Force in you that they will go. You must eat tomorrow. 23 November 1933 Page 569 I wonder if it is pleasant on Darshan days for the Mother to be touched by 300 people with ...
... approaching months. Everything seems frightfully hazy." A subtle fear crept on me. There were countless defects lying in the dark nooks and corners of my subconscient, which had to come under the Mother's Light and change. It was not easy to tackle the obscure, obstinate and rock-like subconscient. A cold tremor ran through my body. After all, human beings have a sprinkle of saint and sinner in them ...
... understand and feel fully what she really is. They can offer us only a partial revelation. The experiences are not a complete knowledge, but they lead towards it. The Mother's light flows in my forehead. I am surprised to see that it works with a tranquil intensity, while the whole head is completely filled with it. Good. As the Brahmic passage ...
... infinite Love, Grace and Compassion on Orissa and its people in response to their aspiration for the Life Divine. Steadily and gradually the people of Orissa started awakening and opening to the Mother's Light and their inner and outer activities turned towards an Integral progress and Integral transformation. A good progress was made and slowly the work started growing in various fields of ...
... In the Mother's Light Physical Transformation SRI Aurobindo insists so much on physical transformation, because without it the spiritual achievements of the human soul cannot be manifested in earthly life, individual and collective. It has been possible up to now to purify the mind and the heart to a certain extent and even to discipline and regulate (more by ...
... In the Mother's Light The Brazier of Love WHAT is the central truth and essence of the Mother's life and the secret of her spiritual achievement ? What is the key to the synthesis of her vast and complex personality, her irresistible magnetism and the unlimited sway she holds over the hearts of thousands of God-seekers ? What has created the divine beauty of ...
... In the Mother's Light CONQUEST OF THE SUBCONSCIENT AND THE INCONSCIENT NOWHERE is the identity between the Mother's views (as held by her before her meeting with Sri Aurobindo) and those of Sri Aurobindo so strikingly significant as on the subject of the Subconscient and the Inconscient. Even if all other subjects were passed over, this alone ...
... In the Mother's Light THE DIVINE MANIFESTATION AND THE DIVINE LIFE BEFORE we proceed to note the identity existing between Sri Aurobindo's views on the Divine Manifestation and the Divine Life and those of the Mother before her meeting with Sri Aurobindo, we had better be clear about what Sri Aurobindo understands by Manifestation and the Divine Life ...
... In the Mother's Light The Earth and Her Destiny "The material world in its darkness and ignorance had forgotten the Divine. Love came into the darkness; it awakened all that lay there asleep; it whispered, opening the ears that were sealed, 'There is something that is worth waking to, worth living for, and it is love !' And with the awakening to love, there ...
... In the Mother's Light YOGIC ACTION* THERE are four attitudes possible towards action in spiritual life, and all of them have important bearings on life. The first is an attitude of rejection; the second, of qualified rejection; the third of ethical acceptance, and the fourth, of divine utilization. These are the fundamental attitudes, which not only ...
... In the Mother's Light Divine Union THERE are as many kinds of divine union as there have been mystics to realise it. Any supra-sensible and decisive experience in the inner consciousness is called divine union. Some Yogins, descending into the deeps of their being, realise an ineffable peace and call it divine union, some find themselves engulfed in an illimitable ...
... In the Mother's Light THE SOUL OR THE PSYCHIC (I) IF we probe deep into our nature, we cannot fail to discover that behind the unceasing flux of its constituent elements there is a constant thirst for infinity and eternity. This thirst can be detected even in the very grain of the elements themselves. It is this secret thirst or yearning that is the source ...
... In the Mother's Light Morality, Religion and Spirituality A GREAT confusion seems to prevail today, not only in the popular mind, but also in the minds of thoughtful men, in regard to the distinctive nature and function of morality, religion and spirituality. They are either lumped together and flung into the limbo of past relics, or only morality is singled out ...
... In the Mother's Light Money and its Proper Use THE place and importance of money in the creative economy of life cannot be overestimated. Without it nothing can be achieved in the material field. Whether it is the formation and growth of a society, or the promotion of its culture and civilisation and commerce and industry, or the stimulation and progress of ...
... In the Mother's Light The Mind WHAT is the proper place and function of the mind in spiritual life ? Is it a help or a hindrance ? Can spiritual illumination come by mere intellectual development ? How should one deal with the mind in order to make it aid and subserve one's spiritual end? The mind is the pride, power and highest possession of man until he rises ...
... In the Mother's Light The Goal of Human life MANKIND can be divided into four categories from the standpoint of a goal of life. The first category comprises the preponderant bulk of men who never think of any goal of life, but are content to live from moment to moment with an un- questioning submission to the blind drive of fickle desires and the urgent demands ...
... In the Mother's Light Asceticism IN its simple and moderate form, asceticism is a self- imposed mortification or privation for the discipline and control of the lower nature. When the animal in man refuses to be tamed or quieted, but opposes his inner quest and living by an obstinate insistence on the satisfaction of its base appetites, a curb or brake is put ...
... In the Mother's Light THE SUBCONSCIENT AND THE INCONSCIENT THE Inconscient is the origin of the evolutionary creation. It is an apparent negation of the superconscient, an infinite abyss of absolute darkness in which the transcendent omnipresent Reality gets involved for playing at self-loss and self-finding, for the delight of a plunge and a subsequent ...
... on time. Nolini-da gifted me some of his books along with a sheet of paper, and blessed me. Two lines of a poem were written on the sheet: Hear, O hear, the divine voice intense, The Mother's Light shall Death's darkness end. (Nolini-da) What a matchless treasure was this blessing from Nolini-da ! We all sat down and talked about so many different things that we did not ...
... centenary celebrations. This New Year, 1973, was greeted with meditation and music as usual, and there was the New Year message to ponder in order to allow its meaning to sink into one's soul. The Mother's light, as always, was steady in her room on the second Page 814 floor. And devotees were sitting around Sri Aurobindo's Samadhi under the Service Tree in the Ashram courtyard. A rich peace ...
... Aurobindo Ashram (2d ed. 1968) Lotus Grove (1977) Stotra Samhita (1977) The Life of Sri Aurobindo (4th revised ed., 5th imp. 1988) Sapphires of Solitude (1960) In the Mother's Light 2 vols (1951) The Divine Collaborators (1955) Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo (3d ed. 1974) Sri Aurobindo: His Life Unique (1982) The Destiny of Man (1969) The Golden ...
... words: "Preserving and perfecting the physical, fulfilling the 1 Prayers and Meditations of the Mother —Nov. 19, 1912 2 For further details on the subject, refer to my book, "In the Mother's Light" in 2 Page 18 mental, it is Nature's aim and it should be ours to unveil in the perfected body and mind the transcendent activities of the Spirit. As the mental life does ...
... nature are, in fact, our friends in disguise, and have only to be won over and converted, and not to be stamped out of existence. They have not to be repressed or throttled, but held up before the Mother's Light, and transmuted and converted into their divine counterparts. The very obstacles of the spiritual life are thus turned into so many aids by the spirit of self-consecration in the attitude of ...
... put everything right. 15 September 1933 I am overcome with disappointment and depression. After reading your last letter, everything crumbled down in a wave. You said you would increase the Mother's light and consciousness in me, but I can't receive them correctly when I feel like this. I used to believe that the Mother was always there to help, but now you have uprooted that blind faith of mine ...
... and keep too the power of rejection that will throw away all mixture. Keep faith in your spiritual destiny, draw back from error and open more the psychic being to the direct guidance of the Mother's light and power. If the central will is sincere, each recognition of a mistake can become a stepping-stone to a truer movement and a higher progress. 24 May 1930 How to recognise that a particular ...
... confusion. I want to know which view is correct. Page 317 It is not possible to make a fixed rule covering all cases and circumstances; sometimes one has to remain quiet waiting for the Mother's light and force to act, sometimes it is necessary to use an active tapasya. But one thing is always necessary, to refuse to accept the adverse forces and suggestions that try to disorganise and disturb ...
... from which white light was coming out. What is the meaning? From what plane does it come? Mental. The mountain is the symbol of the ascent from the lower to the higher. The white light is the Mother's light, the light of Page 531 the Divine Consciousness descending from the heights. 7 August 1933 Today, looking at the Mother at the Pranam, there was a good receptivity. She stood ...
... you plainly once again that all your so-called experiences are worth nothing, mere vital ignorance and confusion. The only experience you need is the experience of the presence of the Mother, the Mother's light, the Mother's force, and the change they bring in you. You have to throw away all other influences and open yourself only to the Mother's influence. You have to think and talk no longer ...
... denial will after a time come no more. It is this idea that you are helpless because the vital consents to the wrong movement that comes in the way. You have to put your inner will and the Mother's light on the vital so that it shall change, not leave it to do what it likes. If one is to be "helpless" and ruled by any part of the instrumental being, how is change possible? The Mother's force ...
... consistency and become "stronger and stronger till it is dependable". A mere confused instability is not the right way. When the confusion comes, you should remain quiet, reject it and call in the Mother's light and force. Who does not feel the confusion or ignorance somewhere in himself so long as the full light and the true force have not come? Your mistake is to be always thinking about the ...
... confused and inferior consciousness. You have seen what the real Truth is and how great it is. (3) Concentrate on something else, as firmly as possible. (4) Aspire steadily for contact with the Mother's Light and Force. This is the right attitude, to have faith and not mind the difficulties. Difficulties—and serious ones—there cannot fail to be in the path of Yoga, because it is not easy to ...
... dreams also of the subconscient kind, incoherent and meaningless or if there is a meaning the dream symbols are so confused and obscure that it is not possible to follow it. It is by bringing the Mother's Light into the subconscient that this can be dispelled and the sleep becomes restful or luminous and conscious. A dream from the subconscious plane has no meaning; it is simply a khichudi ...
... supramental, but the whole earth consciousness will not be supramentalised—there will be first a new race representing the supermind, as man represents the mind. The more we open individually to the Mother's Light and Force, the more her power is established in the universal—is it not so? It is the transforming power that is established—the universal Power is always there. 13 August 1933 The ...
... eyes or does she actually do something? The Mother has not only one appearance, but many at different times. 14 May 1933 Today while seeing the Mother on the terrace, I clearly saw the Mother's light and that her height was a bit taller than normal. Was this true? Yes. Many see like that, as if the Mother were taller than her ordinary physical appearance. 29 September 1933 The Mother ...
... aspiration so frequently. Should I stick to one form of practice or should the form of practice be allowed to change naturally according to the Light that descends? To be in contact with the Mother's Light and Force is the one important thing (fundamental) to which you must aspire. For Page 136 this the psychic feeling is the indispensable condition; for it is through the psychic that ...
... which all the rest come" — the shining power productive and transformative which is often visioned by the disciples in the form of diamonds. "Diamonds," in Sri Aurobindo's symbology, "indicate the Mother's Light at its intensest, for that is diamond-white light." It is into "diamond lustres" that the Mother climbs in her deepest being for her children and, through them, for the world-nature they represent ...
... This is a personal crisis. I have no quarrels or complaints about people. I wish to keep my mouth closed and wait and learn to read the message of light that should appear before me. I pray for the Mother's light. It would be so good if you were not affected and continued the work just now that there is so much to do and the help of all is so badly needed. If you want to see me, I shall be glad ...
... inert relaxation." 1 But with the growth of an intense Sadhana in our waking state, when we develop our inner being, live from in without and our subconscient is enlightened and penetrated by the Mother's light, this disparity and this dislocation of consciousness disappears, and our "sadhana goes on in the dream or sleep state as well as in the waking." 2 The Lure of the Dream-Consciousness ...
... Dear Huta, Many thanks for your lines of this morning. Let us hope that something good for Auroville will come out of the visit of the resident representative of the Ford Foundation. In the Mother's Light André Later, the full details regarding the Ford Foundation will be given. ...
... pillars—of Maheshwari as well as Mahasaraswati. I am sure you will understand my feeling—as you always do. Thank you ever so much for your kind support and help. With deep regards in the Mother's Light. Yours, Huta Nolini-da replied: Huta, Bonjour It is all right. There is no objection Aurevoir Nolini-da ...
... Ashram and Auroville, but throughout the whole world. For the time being I plan coming back to the Ashram in May, but many things can occur which will change my plans. So à bientôt, In the Mother's Light, André ...
... our reply to William, so that at least with the few people with whom we are in touch, what we think will remain more clear. We hope that your health is good. With our best wishes, In the Mother's Light, Piero ...
... necessary things for the Matrimandir and its gardens? Will you please let me know whether it is all right. I am ever thankful to you for your goodwill, help and support. With warm regards in the Mother's Light and Love. Yours, Huta His answer was: Huta, Mother's blessings, Nolini-da. ...
... work, regularly. Perhaps Thursday evenings, 8 to 8.30 p.m., if it is convenient for you and according to your feeling about it. I do think it would help us in building of Matrimandir. In the Mother's Light and Love, At the service of Truth, Lovingly, Seyril. I replied: Dear Seyril, Thank you so much for your kind letter. I appreciate your good will and your suggestion regarding ...
... . We all are awaiting your visit on the 21st February. We will surely come to see you before that. With our best wishes and love and aspiration for the realization of the New World. In the Mother's light and love Yours, Gloria and Piero ...
... encouraging, with innumerable devotees using the opportunity to build themselves into this very special space, the Inner Room, which Mother will then make "into a strong centre" for the world. In the Mother's Light Mauna ...
... everyone will understand the meaning of her Supreme Vision and respect the Mother's wish, and Will to execute the mission given to everyone. Let us all work in perfect harmony and good-will in the Mother's Light and Love. Loving regards in Her Love Huta ...
... Volume One (1954-1955) The Story of a Soul Undated? Sometimes I missed the Balcony Darshan. But whenever I stood on the street below, the Mother's Light and Force pierced every obscure niche of my being. Nevertheless, soon after, the hostile forces would rear up and strike me as hard as they could. These invisible forces were so deceptive and obdurate—they ...
... have no quarrels or complaints about people. I wish to keep my mouth closed Page 318 and wait and learn to read the message of light that should appear before me. I pray for the Mother's light. It would be so good if you were not affected and continued the work just now that there is so much to do and the help of all is so badly needed. If you want to see me, I shall be glad ...
... blessings. 19 April 1960 "I know the path, but what can I do if the robbers rob me on the way?"—Maulana Azad. Call the Lord to Catch the robbers. 26 October 1963 I seek the Mother's light on the following question. The world being what it is, we have to work under the existing conditions. Why not use the available conditions, gather strength and then endeavour to manifest the ...
... reading them. If the zone of protection is there, the psychological aura of any letter which may affect you adversely will be kept out and you will remain safe. Of course, if a letter carries the Mother's light and peace it will automatically pass through the zone into you, for it will be in accord with the vibration there and serve to increase it. (4.6.1988) You speak of "depression". It is ...
... meditation is not to be ruled out. We don't have to regard it as inaction. There are occasions in the soul's life for rapt inwardness. But, by and large, to carry on, with the face turned to the Mother's light, whatever work falls to our lot is more creative in terms of the spirituality Sri Aurobindo has revealed, for this spirituality aims at a radical change of the outer being and at a new wakeful ...
... The sense of what Nirodbaran in a poem has termed with a felicity of revelatory expression Life that is deep and wonder-vast Page 23 is still with us as a legacy of the Mother's light and love from her physical past amongst us. Indeed that physical past is still with us in a subtle enveloping form, but the unrealised dimensions of the Divine which were not acutely felt when ...
... Ashram's magazines afford. Not that everything published must be directly Aurobindonian; but it should not emanate from a consciousness that has explicitly strayed away from the Master's and the Mother's light. I realised this issue in connection with my editorship of Mother India. A man in Bombay who had been once a devotee had become sceptical and sarcastic. He was contributing a series ...
... Aurobindo on Himself and on the Mother (1953), p. 476. ². Ibid., p. 272. ³ . Ibid. Page 30 glancing at two more letters: "The white light is the Mother's light and it is always around her."¹ "The white light is her own characteristic power, that of the Divine Consciousness in its essence."² Not only is a fusion of Sri Krishna and Sri Aurobindo ...
... God-touch is there. This is what Sri Aurobindo has written in Savitri, and how true it has proved! I am really happy to share this splendid gift with everybody, in Sri Aurobindo and the Mother's Light. My profound gratitude to Sri Aurobindo and the Divine Mother for their Grace and Love. Page 42 HUTA (Copyright: Huta D. Hindocha) Page 43 ...
... 1956) Evenings Talks with Sri Aurobindo, 2 Vols. (Ashram Press, 1959) Rishabhchand The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo, 2 Vols. (Ashram Press, 1953-55) In the Mother's Light (Ashram Press,1967) Roy, D.K. Sri Aurobindo Came to Me (Ashram Press, 1959) Sastri, T.V. Kapali Sri Aurobindo: Lights on the Teachings (Sri Aurobindo Library, Madras ...
... acts directly through the part needed for the action. This was how the subconscient disturbance of the last two days was dissolved and the consciousness again turned towards the Mother's light. It is because the subconscient being just below the physical, the enlightened physical can act on it directly and completely in a way in which mind and vital cannot and by this ...
... "Become like the Mother, and you too will do so." "I sometimes see a beautiful white light around the Mother," said Kriti. The girl blushed as all heads turned to look at her. "Yes, it is the Mother's light. You are fortunate indeed that from the very beginning you felt her and knew her for what she is, the Mother." "Why do you say that?" "Those who were with me during those early years, and ...
... Paul. The Dawn over Asia Roy, Anilbaran. Sri Aurobindo and the New Age (1965) Rishabchand, and Shyamsundar Jhunjhunwala. The Destiny of Man (1969) Rishabchand. In the Mother's Light (1967) Page 824 Ronaldshay, The Earl of. The Heart of Aryavarta (1925) Roy, Dilip Kumar. Among the Great (1946); Sri Aurobindo Came to Me (1964); Yogi Sri Krishnaprem ...
... Sometimes, Mother, the Light becomes physically visible. It is probable that this is a phenomenon that will take place more and more frequently. 31.7.1969 I am convinced that the Mother's Light is more powerful than my obscurity. Leaving personalities aside, we can say with certainty that the divine Light is definitely more powerful than human obscurity. 2.8.1969 Page ...
... possible instruments for the Divine purpose. The outer routine of the Ashram continued as before, and Sri Aurobindo's Samadhi attracted devotees at all hours of the day and most of the night. And the Mother's Light in her rooms on the second floor maintained an unceasing vigil. The Mother of course was still bombarded by the usual queries and requests for messages and SOS appeals, and she could hardly ...
... mind, vital and inner Physical." In other words, the Mother's force acts upon these segments of our being. and purifies and transforms them. By exposing oneself to the transforming radiations of the Mother's Light, one slowly experiences a change in one's whole life, one's varied play of consciousness, "till one feels one's mind close to the Mother's mind, one's vital in harmony with hers, one's physical ...
... divergent parts of the nature together and forge them into an organic unity round the psychic centre, fully respecting their autonomy and persuading, not forcing, them to consent to be transformed by the Mother's Light. It is an uphill work, but, uphill or easy, it is the only work appointed by our destiny. 9.05.65 * * * Very glad to receive your letter, and to learn that you are going to ...
... In the Mother's Light THE CONQUEST OF DESIRE PART I IT is said that when the light of knowledge (bodhi) descended on Buddha at the close of his long meditation, the very first words he uttered were: "I have caught thee at last, thy name is thirst (desire). No more shalt thou make me wheel from birth to birth, from suffering to suffering.” With ...
... In the Mother's Light REASON—ITS UTILITY AND LIMITATION The Utility of Reason REASON is our best guide and mentor so long as we live in the mind. It is the one faculty in us that distinguishes our mind from the mind of the animal. In the lower forms of animal life, it is the instinct that leads, instinct which has more of drive in it than light ...
... In the Mother's Light Grace IN almost all theistic religions, Eastern and Western, the intervention and action of Grace has been acknowledged to be the supreme force of effectuation in spiritual life. But this intervention is held to be mysterious and unpredictable. Grace blows like the wind, "where it listeth". No virtues can claim it, and no sin, however black ...
... In the Mother's Light Manifestation Contemplation and Action THE combination of Mary and Martha, of contemplation and devoted action, has been held to be the most progressive and catholic ideal of spiritual life. Contemplation by the exclusion of action is a creed narrow in its outlook, and, more often than not, results in a disastrous neglect of the ...
... In the Mother's Light Transformation IF a perfect manifestation of the Divine in material life is the end of evolution, transformation of human nature is the principal means of achieving it. Man in his unregenerate state manifests not the Divine but the animal from which he has emerged and upon which he stands in his endeavour to transcend himself. His inherent ...
... In the Mother's Light The Service of the Divine A SPECIAL sense attaches to the word "service" in the Mother's philosophy of Yogic action. She has given the word such a heightened connotation that it has become the key- word of human evolution and spiritual fulfilment. According to her, human birth has only one objective : the service of the Divine; and all ...
... In the Mother's Light Dreams DREAMS are an index to the mystery of life. "Movies" from the unknown caves and hinterlands of our being, they flit past us in our sleep, announcing, if we have ears to hear, that there are more things in life than meet the human eye, and realms and realities that elude the grasp of the rational mind. Though many of their patterns ...
... In the Mother's Light The Human Body No part of the psycho-physical organism of man has been more misunderstood and mishandled than the body. Either it has been unduly coddled and cossetted, and its coarse demands and pleasures inordinately indulged, or a severe asceticism has ridden rough-shod over it, denying even its elementary need and depressing or damaging ...
... In the Mother's Light Sincerity WE have seen what the Mother means by aspiration. Another basic element of the spiritual way taught by her is sincerity, which she regards not only as a basic element, but as the leaven of all basic and essential elements of spiritual life. If there is one thing that can open all closed doors and lead straight to the highest ...
... In the Mother's Light YOGIC ACTION alone, it becomes a luminous channel for the outpouring of His Grace and glory upon earth. III "What action should I do and what should I refrain from doing ?" "What work will best help my self-offering and deliver me from my desires and attachments ?" "What kind of service will be acceptable to the Divine ...
... In the Mother's Light The Life of Life Man's Eternal Quest—the Absolute WHAT do men seek in life ? In their desires and dreams, in their hopes and ambitions, as well as in their eagle flights of spiritual aspiration, what is it they have all been seeking since Time began ? Is it not an Absolute ? The scientist in his laboratory, the philosopher in ...
... In the Mother's Light THE MOTHER'S WORK* WHEN Sri Aurobindo left his body in the year 1950, most of his disciples and devotees, living in the world outside, made anxious enquiries as to what would now be the fate of the Ashram and the great work of the supramental transformation which he had laboured for during the forty long years of his strenuous seclusion ...
... In the Mother's Light The Divine Union WE have proposed to ourselves, first, a consideration of the essential identity between the Mother's conception of the divine Union as enunciated by her before tier meeting with Sri Aurobindo and that of Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo's conception, evolved out of the all-embracing integrality of his realisation, is a global ...
... In the Mother's Light The Rainbow Bridge EVEN those who have only a smattering of Sri Aurobindo's Yoga and philosophy know that they aim at these three signal achievements : (1) ascent of the consciousness of man from mind to Supermind, which is the Truth-consciousness, the Rita-chit, of the Veda, (2) descent of the Supermind into Matter and the conversion and ...
... of his missions was to write and express his experience in Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga and his appreciation of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. He has to his credit a number of books like, In the Mother's Light, The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo Part I & II, The Divine Collaborators etc. His book : Sri Aurobindo—His Life Unique was written as one inspired by the Mother and it was first serialised in ...
... elements. In the Integral Yoga, all such vamped up structures have to be pulled down, the accumulated cobwebs to be swept away, and the emptied mind, like an empty vessel, has to be held up for the Mother's Light to fill it. It is an extremely difficult work for the modern intellectual man to do: to cast away his cherished thoughts and ideas, his views and convictions, his predilections ¹ The Mother ...
... Grace in a life of ceaseless activity, she has undertaken, as the "Prayers and Meditations" proclaims from page to page, in response to the 1 For fuller details refer to my book, "In the Mother's Light" in 2 Page 54 express Will of the Divine, so that the fruits of her labours may be reproduced in humanity and there may be a perfect Manifestation of Spirit in transformed ...
... In the Mother's Light The Mother The Aspiration and the Work "When I was a child—about the age of thirteen and for about a year—every night as soon as I was in bed, it seemed to me that ,I came out of my body and rose straight up above the house, then above the town, very high. I saw myself then clad in a magnificent golden robe, longer than myself; ...
... In the Mother's Light The Odyssey of the Psychic THE Mother has many interesting and unconventional things to say about rebirth. She dispels the obscurity which surrounds this important subject, exposes the fraud or self-deception of those who retail entertaining stories of past lives, and gives a clear account of what happens to the soul after it has departed ...
... In the Mother's Light Self-Surrender THE Upanishadic dictum of enjoyment by renunciation-- tyaktena bhuñjīthā— is the basic motor principle of all evolutionary existence. Every step forward in evolution, from the primal outburst of life from the blind darkness of Matter to the luminous infinity and immortality of the superconscient Spirit, is taken, consciously ...
... In the Mother's Light Peace PEACE is the basis and pedestal of the cosmic movement. If the immutable peace of the Spirit were not there as the Infinite and eternal support, the whole universe would fly to atoms. In spite of the discords and disorders, clashes and collisions, the world holds together with its multitudinous elements and progresses forward ...
... In the Mother's Light Love THERE is nothing in the art and literature of the world so moving, so inspiring and so exalting as the expression of man's love for the Divine. The soul's beauty and sweetness are, as it were, distilled into the love-lyrics of the mystics, and no human relation has ever reached the depth, the amplitude, the consuming intensity of passion ...
... In the Mother's Light THE SOUL OR THE PSYCHIC (II) How to Realise the Psychic? IF it is true that the psychic is our true self, and that it is only when we identify ourselves with it that we can become real individuals, then it is obvious that nothing should be regarded as more pressingly important in life than the discovery and realisation of the ...
... In the Mother's Light PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION The book has been thoroughly revised and considerably enlarged by the addition of The Divine Collaborators, which appeared separately in its first edition. A few essays, written later, have also been incorporated. RISHABHCHAND PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION ...
... dress was not given by me?" As soon as the Mother said this, something resonated within me. As if a closed door had suddenly opened, and a new light shone on my mind and consciousness. This was the Mother's light, the divine Light. Instantly, I realised that whatever you get in life, the beautiful and the auspicious, everything is a gift from the Divine. This realisation was my greatest gift, my richest ...
... that would control the ray of sun, and checked it here with the computer; it works perfectly and he is very relieved that this is also done. He sends you all his affection. With Love In Mother's Light Gloria ...
... have now received. As you say the Matrimandir cannot be a target by itself, what is needed is to accomplish is the Mother's Will. All personal views are a deviation and can only boomerang on those concerned. With best wishes for all of us and with loving regards in the Mother Light. Yours, André ...
... and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Seeing Mother’s Light Bijoy Nag's wife, Rani, had been asked to shift from her room in Delafon as it was the School's primary section and the School needed it. When I heard this, I told Mother: “Mother, there are many who look at the light in your room before retiring to bed. Sure Rani too must be doing that. So if she... she is shifted to another room she will no longer be able to do this.” Then I went to Delafon and talked with Rani; she confirmed what I had told Mother. I came back and informed Mother and she gave permission for Rani to continue to live in that room. ...
... slide-shows on Auroville and Matrimandir in different places. We have travelled so much and seen so many beautiful things. We will be back to Auroville by the end of July. With much love in Mother's Light, Gloria Piero ... Piero and Gloria worte to me on 26.6.81: New York Dearest Huta, How do you do. We remember you often during our travel through this immense country. The presence of the Mother is really everywhere. In each place where we have gone, somebody connected with Her and Sri Aurobindo was awaiting us and receiving us with much love. Yesterday we met for the second time George ...
... dynamics in form and how far we are able to consciously manipulate its movements and enjoy the native delight of the Divine and give body to Savitri's lines quoted by you in this context. In Mother's Light Sincerely yours, M.J. Patel ... with the book on Matrimandir containing originals of Mother's letters to you in connection with your role in it. All know very well that you are a fondled child of Mother and are closely following Her footsteps and I can see you busy with your brush and typewriter enjoying work always to manifest the Truth Consciousness under the guiding force of Mother. I immediately went through it whole with enthusiasm ...
... spirit of a laboratory as the Mother wished. Gloria wrote to me in November 1980: Dear Huta, On the 10th Nov. during the sunset in the sky appeared two wonderful rainbows one over the other, perfect in their half-circle, with such vivid colours of beauty never seen before, all the landscape was in a clear golden light. For many of us it was like the sign of Mother to announce that the bad times... we will do concreting again in Matrimandir. Is your work in Bombay going on well? Your encouragement to have an unshakable faith in Mother's Victory has helped us very much to bear many difficulties. Now her Victory is becoming a reality. In Mother's Light. Gloria. Piero ... in the invisible, a seed of Truth. And Sri Aurobindo told Mother that when the governments will come under the Supramental influence they will become more wise (Agenda, May '67). Dear Huta, we hope now Auroville will become " At last a place where one will be able to think only of the future ." The Mother, Words of the Mother - I: Aims and Principles " The city at the service of ...
... reminder of the one thing that all of us here must become—this wonderful little picture with Mother's blessings and all the pertinent and powerful quotations. Your New Year's packets were received with such love and delight. Truly, one feels them as real help now, as everything is so touched by Mother's Light, in these times of challenge. If ever I become a bit discouraged at the face that Auroville... Patricia Bhaga from Auroville took many copies of Matrimandir— The Mother's Truth and Love from me. Some years later she wanted to get a book published in Auro Press, entitled The Spirit of Auroville . Bhaga and Bill Sullivan gave me the following typescript: The Spirit of Auroville—550 pages. All Mother's messages and conversations about Auroville, arranged chronologically, with some... 605104 Auroville, Tamil Nadu. They took blocks of the Mother's facsimiles from me to put in the book. Unfortunately, the book never came out because of controversies, clashes and oppositions. On top of everything they lost many of the precious blocks. Eventually, they made xeroxed bound copies and named this book: Auroville—in Mother's Words . They gave me a copy of the book. During that period ...
... usual gift.... All the time (here would be joking among us or with the Mother.” ( Light and Laughter by K.D. Sethna 1974, pp. 65-67). Through the Soup, says Amal, Mother gave to all participants, “her own luminous subtle-physical substance and energy—a most concrete transference of spirituality into physical stuff.” The Mother had to stop the games and the soup, along with several other activities... readings and sometimes what appeared to us light-hearted games. After these sessions she would go downstairs for the Soup ceremony for which the sadhaks and sadhikas assembled in the present Reception hall. 1 “According to Amal (K.D. Sethna), who was allowed to join them in 1928, the Stores, group gradually came to consist of 24 disciples. “The Mother answered all sorts of questions and gave many... The Mother was very pleased. In the flower-sentences below I have underlined the significances of the flowers put before us each evening. 2 Among the other games, there was one in which each had to write what he wanted. We wrote on a piece of paper and gave it to Mother. I have those chits even now. Except the paper of Amal on which he has written his name, you will find that the Mother herself ...
... of Champaklal The Mother in Golden Lotus (A Vision at Paris) 1985 The grace of the Mother (white light) and Sri Aurobindo pour over Paris and the Supramental Light with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is seen. What started in Paris, became a Universal phenomenon and the sun of Supramental Light is at its full. A vision covering the past, the present ...
... came across a number of intricate by-lanes which confused me. I could not find my path despite many attempts. Finally, I looked up. I saw the Mother very high up. From there, she sent a rope down for me. After a while, I found that it was not a rope, but white light—a luminous, straight road going up. I then realized that instead of struggling here and there, I should have looked up, as there is a road... What does it mean? It is a symbol of the difficult seeking in the mind, vital and physical which one goes through until one looks up to the higher consciousness and follows the way of the Mother's white light—then the road becomes straight and luminous. 19.3.1935 Sri Aurobindo ...
... A Rope of Light 1935-03-19 The path that I was to follow was very long and arduous, I came across a number of intricate by-lanes which confused me a lot. I could not find my path despite many struggles. Finally, I looked up. I saw the Mother very high up. From there, she sent a rope down for me. After a while, I found that it was not a rope, but white light—it was a luminous, straight... What does it mean? It is a symbol of the difficult seeking in the mind, vital and physical which one goes through until one looks up to the higher consciousness and follows the way of the Mother's white light; then the road becomes straight and luminous. Sri Aurobindo ...
... only for my Divine Mother. Ma — if my inner being is not wishing for Thee, I pray Thee to make it wish. 9.3.33 Mother, Light the fire in my heart for Thy service and to be faithful to the Divine Mother. 11.3.33 Mother, Make me more and more fit for Thy service and use me for Thy service. At Thy Lotus feet. 12.3.33 Page 2 Mother, Keep me faithful... 15.6.35 The Mother Mother, Come Mother, Mother come in all the parts of my being. Your happy child Kamala I am always with you, ready to enter all corners of your being. With love and blessings 26.6.35 The Mother Mother, Pranam from my depth of my heart to my loving Mother. Your happy child ... express her love and surrender to the Mother everyday by preparing a beautiful design on a sheet of paper. She had offered four hundred and twelve such paper sheets to the Mother.) Mother, Pranam to my gracious Mother. Your happy child Kamala Love and blessings to my dear child. The Mother Page 3 Mother, Keep me always faithful to you ...
... renegade by his old co-disciples. Finally he did procure one.) The Mother saw with interest the photograph of your Gurudev. She had seen Loknath Brahmachari very often, but your Gurudev has always been near her for many years, long before you came, probably before his death even. When she saw the photograph a wonderful light appeared through it. And through his face is expressed a remarkable soul... Empires have come and gone — but Bharat Brahmachari lives on. He did not care as to who cared for him, knew of him, or who followed him. He lived in the Mother’s Light and Love. He did what She willed him to do. That was all he cared for. That was his mission — THAT goes on. As Sri Aurobindo assured Yogananda in this context on 19.6.1935: “Nothing true in a mission can fail, either it persists or... Aurobindo Have you a photograph of your former guru? If there is one, the Mother would like to see it. Yogananda, What you wanted to know was about your Guru being here or not or being one of those in contact with the Mother. For that the photo was necessary as it is by the appearance, not the name, that the Mother identifies those who came here to her — as she did from the photo of his Guru ...
... close to Him. “In the fourth (16.4.1979)—the Mother has come nearer to us and the world. By the vibrations in the center of the forehead and the fire, the work of transformation of the physical proceeds. “By the blow of the golden hammer the part of the inner physical which resists is thrown out. The way is opened for the Mother's golden light to descend in our inner being and stay, illumine... illumine and spread there. “In addition to the cosmic form of the Mother, Her eternal luminous golden form is also seen. We have the vision of both, the form of Light and the formless Light. “The criticism by the intellect is utterly vain. How can it have even a glimpse of the vision and the experience? As Sanjay says at the end of the Gita, “I cherish again and again the memories of this.” The memory... Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Mother in Golden Body 1979-04-16 The interpretation by Amal Kiran is given after the Preface. “It is more than a vision. “It is a concrete experience. The reality of it communicates itself to the reader. It confirms our faith that Mother is very active and working through her chosen instruments. “As I feel ...
... the desire to dominate is in everybody, but there is no field here because of the Mother. CHAMPAKLAL: Yes, that is what I meant. Anilbaran couldn't understand one quotation in The Life Divine taken from the Rig Veda: "By the Names of the Lord and hers they shaped and measured the force of the Mother of Light; wearing might after might of that Force as a robe the lords of Maya shaped out ...
... given by the grace of Mitra admits us to the wideness. × Go , the Light or the Cow, meaning here the "milk" or yield of the Mother of Light. ... him. Set not your hedge around our lords of plenitude and our seers of the truth. Guard us in our drinking of the light. 4 Page 530 × They have the divine sight and the divine hearing, the Light and the Word. × ... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to the Lords of Light The Secret of the Veda The Fourth Hymn to Mitra-Varuna The Lords of the Journey [The Rishi invokes the two great increasers of the truth in our being to lead us in our journey to the plenitudes, to the vastness of our true existence which they conquer for us out of the narrow limits of ...
... admirable the way Light marched upright with steady steps holding the enormous flag of the Mother. Light exuded beauty and power. I felt the Mother was pouring power into her. Abhay Singh was the standard bearer of the men’s group. Light and Abhay Singh would gently lower the flag in front of the Mother in a gesture of obeisance. An aura of strength and beauty enveloped both Light and Abhay Singh. And... erect.” The Mother’s eyes and face were glowing with a marvellous tenderness. Probably it was from this divine Mother that human mothers had learnt to praise their own children. While She was saying this, the Mother looked exceedingly beautiful. It was after a long time that I had heard something like this from the Mother. After the descent of the Supramental Light in 1956, the Mother started becoming... sarees given by the Mother and went to Her for blessings. Gauri and I were both astonished beyond words. We had never imagined that what I had said in jest would become a reality. So the Mother definitely understands all our thoughts and desires! Let me tell you about another incident. It was 1956 after the descent of the Supramental Light when everyone was asking the Mother all sorts of questions ...
... Working against the Mother of Light, this Mother of Evil "with a grey distorted silhouette in the Night" strove to thwart the steady Page 102 climb of the soul and pull it to the depths if she could. This primal struggle goes on, in changing climes with changing vicissitudes; and still the Mother of Darkness "prowls around each light" and tries to slay in the cradle... "the divine Child". She is verily "a cowled fifth-columnist" who converts the climber of the worlds to defeatism and death! Like the Mother, so her sons: "terrible agencies", they are "offspring of the gulfs" and "haters of light" who "load the dice of Doom with wizard lies". They have usurped all holy places, all cells of life, all nerves of joy: Armoured, protected... Savitri VIII 'THE WORLD OF FALSEHOOD, THE MOTHER OF EVIL, AND THE SONS OF DARKNESS' The nether-most circle in Hell; the hidden heart of Night. Aswapati has gravitated to the bottom, and sees revealed there "the endless terrible Inane", the zero begetter of the worlds. All is dark, hideous, false ...
... Logically, there has to be a Mother of Ignorance. (Satprem to Sujata:) What did the Mother of Ignorance do? (Sujata:) In my dream?... I had a long dream, and towards the end, I met her. I had to go through a place, and I told her, "I must go to the Light, to the Mother of Light." (Satprem:) And then? (Sujata:) Then the dream vanished. ( Mother did not hear ) You met her,... and solemn... Oh!... ( Mother laughs ) ...for the offer of the Serpent to be resisted. Truly admirable! ( silence ) ( Turning to Sujata ) So next time, if you see her, just tell her, "Your time will soon be past." (Sujata:) I simply told her, "O Mother of Ignorance, it is to the Mother of Light that I want to go." And it was enough! ( Mother laughs ) ... she spoke to you? Yes, Mother, she spoke to me. So what did you tell her? (Satprem:) She told her she wanted to go to the Mother of Light. Oh, ( laughing ) and then she left! (Sujata:) But she was there as if ... She were governing. Yes, Mother, as if she were governing. That's right. Page 157 What are those regions?... There are any number of regions. There ...
... what you said, Mother!! ( Mother laughs, unconvinced ) This way it's turned out very good. But it's exactly what you said! I just added a few commas and colons, that's all (laughter), and the paragraphs. But that's all! And that's what I experience more and more clearly and precisely. Page 212 ( silence Satprem offers a flower to Mother, "Supramental Light in the Subconscient... in proportion to his wrong belief. It's hard to explain. But what did you want to ask? (With a little mischievous smile:) I wanted to know, Mother, if I, for example, pray to Sri Aurobindo that "Mother be well," does it help you? But Mother IS well! Yesterday afternoon, for instance, I vomited—I wasn't sick. I don't know how to explain it.... The way to take food had to change. I mean... 1972 1972 June Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 June 24, 1972 ( Mother has not been well lately. She listens to Satprem read the conversation of May 6, 1972 for the next Bulletin: "A golden force pressing down on the earth.... An absolutely material Power, but with no need for any material means.... A world is trying to be born ...
... Poets HYMN TO THE MOTHER Goddess Supreme, Mira! Creator of the Worlds, Nourisher of the Worlds, Benefactor of the Worlds! Mother! Goddess Supreme, Mira! The infinite mother of the Gods, the universal Goddess! The Home of the Worlds, thy gracious feet! Rays of the immeasurable light, descending from the ... ONWARD You must tear off the bonds of the finite: Mother Infinity has sent you the call. How long would you remain a prisoner? She is waiting for you, the Mother. The endless path of Her Grace She has laid That welcomes you in your journey to Her . The Mother Light signals you the way Lifting Her finger, a beacon sun – Arise and onward... They fashion the New Word of triumph. Light sings in every heart, the demon flees at the angel voice! Onward! Onward! A new race awakes to life Agleam with a new love! DILIP ROY Page 189 MY MARVELLOUS MOTHER Marvellous. . . My Mother marvellous. That is what matters about me ...
... ss, Knowledge etc. Light is a general term. Light is not knowledge but the illumination that comes from above and liberates the being from obscurity and darkness. But this Light also assumes different forms such as the white light of the Mother, the pale blue light of Sri Aurobindo, the golden light of Truth, the psychic light (pink and rose) etc. The light, colours, flowers are always... flashes of light [ seen around the Mother ], but a flow or sea of Light entering into the body and surrounding it and illumining the whole field of consciousness. There can also be a vivid sense of Light and illumination without the vision. It can be seen or felt usually as an intense white or diamond or golden Light or something like sunlight or, for many, a blue or bluish white light. What... things, such as the feeling of the presence of the Mother etc. Light between the eyebrows indicates some opening of the Ajna-chakra, Page 117 which is there—it is the centre of the inner mind, inner will and occult vision. The light outside means a touch or influence of the Force indicated by the light (golden is truth-light, blue is some spiritual force from the upper planes) ...
... understanding. As madame Théon told the Mother, building the bridges across the afterlife was part of what the Mother had come to do on Earth, and the light mentioned in all NDE experiences is the Mother’s Light. In the words of madame Théon: “All those whose psychic being is a little bit awake, and who are able to perceive your Light, will go to your Light at the moment of death, wherever they may... awake, and who are able to perceive your Light, will go to your Light at the moment of death, wherever they may die, and you will help them cross beyond.’ And that is a constant work. Constant.” 2 Madame Théon was an even greater occultist than her husband. The Mother went two times to Tlemcen, in Algeria, in 1906 and 1907. The “pathways” the Mother built are what is described by many persons... bridge, or a narrow mountain pass. Still carried by his vital and mental body sheaths, the transiting person perceives the Light of the higher, spiritual hemisphere (in fact the Mother’s Light). The more he comes nearer to it, the more intense it becomes. As Kübler-Ross writes, that light “radiates intense warmth, energy, spirit and love – love most of all, unconditional love; they feel peace, tranquillity ...
... and is either dormant or quiescent while the inner reigns supreme. In work, although the exterior self is predominant, the inner is there just behind it, if not with it supporting it with the Mother's Force, Light and Peace. Thus the whole being is dynamised in the work, and whatever change comes is made permanent. On the other hand, all that Page 191 is achieved in meditation has... movement lurk disguised in the Mother's work? If you think that all your actions come from the Mother, then of course it will have that effect — the actions come from Prakriti. Work is a different matter, for it is the Mother's work you are doing. Someone says, "In the beginning one cannot remember to offer one's work throughout to the Mother. It is very difficult to do it;... offered to the Mother. All work given you must be felt as the Mother's and done with joy, opening yourself for the Mother's force to work through you. You can be absorbed (in the work) without throwing yourself out — that means a silent concentration. During work I am so much entangled by unnecessary thoughts that I don't know how to escape from them. Reject ...
... The right side of the Mother represented Light, on the left was Power. Each of us found a seat to her right or left according to the turn of our nature of the inner being. I was to her right, Amrita sat on her left. A strange thing used to happen every day at these meditations. Purushottam was one of our number in those days. He used to sit directly in front of the Mother, a little apart from the... in the nether world; his task was to work in that darkness, sweep it clean and make room for the Light, the Higher Forces of the Mother. This manner of working continued for some time; then it came to a halt, and we had only meditations. The Mother's endeavour at that time was for a new creation, the creation here of a new inner world of the Divine Consciousness. She had brought down the Higher... considered to be a necessity, a sign of the Mother's Grace. But these attentions were reserved only for two or three people. During this process, the Mother of course remained silent and engrossed in meditation. All was done, no doubt, under her control and guidance, but from an inner poise. One day, Purushottam proclaimed to the Mother in a loud voice, "Mother, I do not mean it as a boast, I mention this ...
... safety is the refuge at thy feet, O Mother of Bliss, Mother victorious! The fear of death and age vanishes today, O all-conquering Mother, Mother victorious! The seas of sorrow disappear at the touch of thy Grace, O Mother of Peace, Mother victorious! The sheen of gold pales before thy hue that enthrals my soul, O Mother of Light, Mother victorious! In the heart of the devotee... O Mother of Dreams, Mother victorious! Overwhelmed with wonder the heart lies prostrate at thy feet, O Mother victorious! Saints and great souls sing to thee in adoration, O Mother omnipotent, Mother victorious! Blind darknesses fall faint and numb before the arrows of thy Light, Mother victorious! Saviour from all evil, deliverer from pain is thy Great Name, O Mother victorious... Soul is All-Light and needs no illumination; It is Darkness that yearns for the Light And so the Soul has descended in answer Into the gloom - The gloom stretches interminable, The abyss seems fathomless, - Only to the spirit that ventures with its own lantern; But my Soul is never alone -the Mother of Light upbears it - A cataract of limitless blaze swirls behind And presses ...
... the refuge at thy feet, O Mother of Bliss, Mother victorious! The fear of death and age vanishes today, O all-conquering Mother, Mother victorious! Page 314 The seas of sorrow disappear at the touch of thy Grace, O Mother of Peace, Mother victorious! The sheen of gold pales before thy hue that enthrals my soul, O Mother of Light, Mother victorious! In the heart of... O Mother of Dreams, Mother victorious! Overwhelmed with wonder the heart lies prostrate at thy feet, O Mother victorious! Saints and great souls sing to thee in adoration, O Mother omnipotent, Mother victorious! Blind darknesses fall faint and numb before the arrows of thy Light, Mother victorious! Saviour from all evil, deliverer from pain is thy Great Name, O Mother victorious... Soul is All-Light and needs no illumination; It is Darkness that yearns for the Light And so the Soul has descended in answer Into the gloom - The gloom stretches interminable, The abyss seems fathomless, - Only to the spirit that ventures with its own lantern; But my Soul is never alone -the Mother of Light upbears it - A cataract of limitless blaze swirls behind And presses ...
... middle and the pouring out of light signified the opening of the centre of thought, will and vision there. When this opens, there is the opening of the inner mind consciousness through which the light of the higher can pour out—here it is the Mother's white light that was pouring out through the opening. The lights you saw were the many lights (powers, forces full of light) of the higher consciousness... ess, the Truth consciousness or divine consciousness. Their pouring down was preceded and made possible by the appearance of the moon, the spiritual light. It is when the spiritual light is there that the presence of the Mother is revealed and her action brings down the powers of the Truth, the Divine and she gives them to the sadhak. If we regard the gradation of worlds or planes as a whole ...
... consciousness, the voice that grows and protests against the light and is averse to transformation. Savitri sees no reason to 25 Ibid., pp. 503-04. 26 Ibid., p. 505. 27 Ibid. 28 Ibid., p. 507. Page 435 answer him; instead she addresses the Mother of Seven Sorrows, Madonna of suffering, Mother of grief divine, Thou art a portion of my soul put... turns to the Mother of Might: Thou art a portion of my soul put forth To help mankind and help the travail of Time. Because thou art in him, man hopes and dares... Thou hast given men strength, wisdom thou couldst not give. One day I will return, a bringer of light, Then I will give to thee the mirror of God. 39 This, she says would give the Mother of Might the... great And shed my grace on the foolish and the wise. I shall save earth, if earth consents to be saved. 40 She is the mother-power "that labours towards the best" and builds a world of consciousness out of the Inconscience. She is the mother-light that leads life to immortality out of the darkness of death. She is Knowledge, she is Charity, she is Peace and Silence and yet cannot ...
... the Not So Great Yogananda [ A tribute on the occasion of the birth-centenary of the one who chased dreams and fulfilled destiny, lived in the Mother’s Light and Love, did what She willed him to do. ] (Chasing a Dream — Fulfilling a Destiny) Hearts that are delicate and kind, and tongues that are neither — these make the finest company... write to the Mother. Yogananda, emboldened, did so. The relief came, simple and fast. The Mother told K.D. Sethna (Amal Kiran) who was in charge of the Furniture Service to send an easy chair to B.S. Khirod-da was told to permit Yogananda to rest there. A friendship developed between Haradhan-da and Yogananda. Yogananda helped him in his garden to grow flowers and vegetables for the Mother. Haradhan-da... born in Kargaon village near Kishoreganj of Mymensingh District, Bengal. He was born on the 17th of August 1898. A sister preceded and four brothers followed him. They lost their mother early. Their father and his mother brought them up. Around 1918 Jotindra came under the influence of one Bharat Brahmachari of Bairati (not to be confused with Birati, another village near Calcutta). The Brahmachari ...
... of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo that has given birth to the New Race. Had the Mother remained in Paris and Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry, Supermind would have perhaps been realised but not manifested. Manifestation requires the womb of the Mother. This is seen in the Mother's own revelation: Sri Aurobindo is the Soul of Matter, the aspiration of the whole humanity. He is the Light in Matter... Ibid., p. 520. Page 147 So, Savitri, once again, consoles the Mother of Light: One day I shall return, His hands in mine, And thou shalt see the face of the Absolute. Then shall the holy marriage be achieved, Then shall the divine family be bom. There shall be light and peace in all the worlds. 27 After conquering Death, Savitri enters the... continuous progression, it may become ready to receive and manifest the supramental Light in its entirety." 18 What has this story got to do with the legend of Savitri?—one may ask. We can easily connect the story and the symbol. This Love or the Original and the Eternal Avatar is represented by Satyavan. The Mother explained that Satyavan is the earth's Jiva. Once we understand the meaning of ...
... reality that hides behind, and yet half-reveals itself. That Godhead is the Mother's form of Might; we name it variously, Kali and Durga and Lakshmi, for it is Her Grace that is ultimately expressed and fulfilled in this world of vital power. It is because of this realising power of the Mother that Slowly the Light grows greater in the East, Slowly the world progresses on God's road.... human being proper, he has attained his own humanity. Here he has received the light of knowledge, a wider and deeper consciousness, he has unveiled the secret mysteries of Nature, brought to play hidden forces that were unknown and untapped. All these achievements have been possible for man because it is the Mother of Light that is behind and has come forward to shed something of her luminous presence... the Mother of the Worlds. There is a motive in its existence and it is her will that is being worked out in that existence. The world moves for the fulfilment of a purpose that is being evolved through earth-life and human-life. The ignorant incomplete human life upon earth is not the be-all and end-all of the life here. That life has to evolve into a life of light and love and joy ...
... reality that hides behind, and yet half-reveals itself. That Godhead is the Mother's form of Might, we name it variously, Kali and Durga and Lakshmi, for it is Her Grace that is ultimately expressed and fulfilled in this world of vital power. It is because of this realising power of the Mother that "Slowly the Light grows greater in the East, Slowly the world progresses on God's road. ... human being proper, he has attained his own humanity. Here he has received the light of knowledge, a wider and deeper consciousness, he has unveiled the secret mysteries of Nature, brought to play hidden forces that were unknown and untapped. All these achievements have been possible for man because it is the Mother of Light that is behind and has come forward to shed something of her luminous presence... in and through the Mother of the worlds. There is a motive in its existence and it is her will that is being worked out in that existence. The world moves for the fulfilment of a purpose that is being evolved through earth-life and human-life. The ignorant incomplete human life upon earth is not the be-all and end-all of the life here. That life has to evolve into a life of light and love and joy perfect ...
... reality that hides behind, and yet half-reveals itself. That Godhead is the Mother's form of Might, we name it variously, Kali and Durga and Lakshmi, for it is Her Grace that is ultimately expressed and fulfilled in this world of vital power. It is because of this realising power of the Mother that Slowly the Light grows greater in the East, Slowly the world progresses on God's road... human being proper, he has attained his own humanity. Here he has received the light of knowledge, a wider and deeper consciousness, he has unveiled the secret mysteries of Nature, brought to play hidden forces that were unknown and untapped. All these achievements have been possible for man because it is the Mother of Light that is behind and has come forward to shed something of her luminous presence... in and through the Mother of the worlds. There is a motive in its existence and it is her will that is being worked out in that existence. The world moves for the fulfilment of a purpose that is being evolved through earth-life and human-life. The ignorant incomplete human life upon earth is not the be-all and end-all of the life here. That life has to evolve into a life of light and love and joy perfect ...
... him, you can give yourself to me.’ 17 Sri Aurobindo’s light is the same as the light of ‘the blue God’ Krishna: ‘Whitish blue is Sri Aurobindo’s light or Krishna’s light,’ 18 he wrote himself. (The Mother’s light is the pure white diamond light.) Among the gods who had been unwilling to take up a terrestrial body was Shiva. As the Mother later told: ‘Shiva refused. Shiva said: “No. I will come... quite willing to help.” It was the day that he was present in my room, and he was so tall that his head touched the ceiling, with that particular light of him that is a mixture of gold and red — tremendous, a tremendous being!’ 19 The Mother is the mother of the whole manifested universe and everything it contains — a fact of which her greatest offspring, the positive forces called gods, are the most... seen as forms of light or as a play of lights. The world of the Gods is called the ‘Overmind’ in Sri Aurobindo’s terminology. In the history of mankind this world is often considered as the highest form of existence — the one of the high, not terrestrial beings and sometimes of the Supreme Being. ‘That Overmind has ruled the world by means of all the religions,’ 5 said the Mother. Man has tried ...
... reality that hides behind, and yet half-reveals itself. That Godhead is the Mother's form of Might, we name it variously, Kali and Durga and Lakshmi, for it is Her Grace that is ultimately expressed and fulfilled in this world of vital power. It is because of this realising power of the Mother that Slowly the Light grows greater in the East, Slowly the world progresses on God's road.... human being proper, he has attained his own humanity. Here he has received the light of knowledge, a wider and deeper consciousness, he has unveiled the secret mysteries of Nature, brought to play hidden forces that were unknown and untapped. All these achievements have been possible for man because it is the Mother of Light that is behind and has come forward to shed something of her luminous presence... and through the Mother of the worlds. There is a motive in its existence and it is her will that is being worked out in that existence. The world moves for the fulfilment of a purpose that is being evolved through earth-life and human- life. The ignorant incomplete human life upon earth is not the be-all and end-all of the life here. That life has to evolve into a life of light and love and joy ...
... divine reality that hides behind, and yet half-reveals itself. That Godhead is the Mother's form of Might, we name it variously, Kali and Durga and Lakshmi, for it is Her Grace that is ultimately expressed and fulfilled in this world of vital power. I t is because of this realising power of the Mother that Slowly the Light grows greater in the East, Slowly the world progresses on God's road. ... human being proper, he has attained his own humanity. Here he has received the light of knowledge, a wider and deeper consciousness, he has unveiled the secret mysteries of Nature, brought to play hidden forces that were unknown and untapped. All these achievements have been possible for man because it is the Mother of Light that is behind and has come forward to shed something of her luminous presence... in and through the Mother of the worlds. There is a motive in its existence and it is her will that is being worked out in that existence. The world moves for the fulfilment of a purpose that is being evolved through earth-life and human - life. The ignorant incomplete human life upon earth is not the be-all and end-all of the life here. That life has to evolve into a life of light and love and joy ...
... blankness has gone. All sorts of things can pour in and yet the silence still remains, but if you become full of force, light, Ananda, knowledge etc. you can't call yourself blank any longer. Every kind of realisation—infinite self, cosmic consciousness, the Mother's Presence, Light, Force, Ananda, Knowledge, Sachchidananda realisation, the different layers of consciousness up to the Supermind—all... obstinate in keeping and always repeating them, more slow to receive anything new or to change. But by the detachment and steady rejection and reliance on the Mother's force, this obstinacy can be overcome and the cup emptied for filling with the Divine Light. There is nothing out of the normal in what you describe—it happens in the course of the change of consciousness. What has to be remedied is that... emptiness with the sense of something close or drawing near which is not yet there, e.g. the closeness of the Mother or some other preparing experience. What you describe is the neutral quiet. There is no need for anxiety. When it comes, one has only to remain quiet and open and turned to the Mother till something develops from within. What you describe is the same neutral condition that you had ...
... a straight line - it is a curve that is lit to a smile, and one end of it is suspended from a point in eternity whose name is Sri Aurobindo and the other from a similar point namable as the Mother. Their light and their bliss flow through it, however faintly. By their grace alone I have been able to discover this inner thread. I cannot say that every moment of mine is identified with it. A few moments... picture of the new skyline of Oxford horrifies me. Not that I am wedded to the past in all its forms, but when our Mother sees the Lord as going always ahead she does not reject everything of the past. On the contrary, all that is fine in times gone is quintessenced by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and carried over into a new revelation. I might aver poetically that their work answers to that superb phrase... is just to sum up the Page 381 digits of 1986 and reach 24 which reduces to 6. Now the number given me by the Mother among those present in the Store-room for a special purpose was 15 which also equals 6. (6, by the way, signifies, according to the Mother, "New Creation", something I must be particularly in need of!) Apart from all this, The Life Divine happens to be my ...
... but that darkness itself is a mother of light and always Dawn comes to reveal what the black-browed Mother has prepared. Here, how ever, the seer seems to speak of continuous dawns, not broken by these intervals of apparent rest and obscurity. By the brilliant force of that continuity of successive illuminations the mentality of man ascends swiftly into fullest light. But always the force which has... Mitra, Varuna,—but, like them, they also are friends of Truth, creators of Light. It is so that the Rishi, Gotama Rahugana, prays to them, "O ye who have the flashing strength of the Truth, manifest that by your might; pierce with your lightning the Rakshasa. Conceal the concealing darkness, repel every devourer, create the Light for which we long." And in another hymn, Agastya says to them, "They carry... lesser shining hosts are admitted as subordinate powers who impart to men their impulsion towards the high truths which belong to Indra. "Giving the energy of your breath to their thoughts of varied light, become in them impellers to the knowledge of my truths. Whensoever the doer becomes active for the work and the intelligence of the thinker creates us in him, O Maruts, move surely towards that illumined ...
... The same must happen with the subconscient. The subconscient is still very active and takes more space in my consciousness than ever before. I suppose that is due to the Mother's higher light which presses on it more and more for change. But it does not seem to accept the change so easily as other parts have done. Perhaps it is waiting for some more hammerstrokes. The... plucked five flowers, three in a bunch and two loose of 'The Supramental Light in the subconscient' (Copossandra). In the dream all other things, like the background, plants and the rest, were as if non-existent. The whole scene seemed to have been created for me only to pluck the flowers. But how could it be true of the supra-mental light descending into my subconscient? Page 37 ... difficulties of those in whom it is to come down first? It is true, unless they are so surrendered to the Mother, so psychic, plastic, free from ego that the difficulties are spared to them. Page 31 An Ashramite says that at present the Mother and you have started to send us down into the lower nature (for the purpose of transformation). Is it true? ...
... in the upper flight of the staircase. A pale light could be seen through a square aperture on the wall just behind where Mother stood. The meditation lasted, I presume, from twenty to thirty minutes. But I did not fidget. Something held my attention and I watched with interest: a light around Mother's head. Coloured. My eyes would remain glued on the light—open eyes, of course! —and each day the colour... never again saw those coloured lights around Mother's head. He was so astonished. "But it was always the same electric bulb!" He was quite taken aback. "I never, ever put any coloured bulb there." That taught me something, I can tell you. The next time I saw Mother with light around her, I did not make the same stupid mistake, I assure you. Talking of Mother reminds me of what she said to Satprem as... attending to the interval between wakefulness and sleep. Then I saw this round circle of light, and when I began pranayama it became very much intensified." This circle of light "is a round globe of light which goes on increasing. This is not due to anything physical" —such as by pressing the eyeballs. "It is the light from one of the inner centres, especially the ajna chakra, the centre of Will, and ...
... Let there be Light, and there was Light"? But when we say, "God said, Let there be Light", we assume the act of a power of consciousness which determines light out of everything else that is not light; and when we say "and there was Light" we presume a directing faculty, an active power corresponding to the original perceptive power, which brings out the phenomenon and, working out Light according to... Reality and the Universe The Life Divine Chapter XIII The Divine Maya By the Names of the Lord and hers they shaped and measured the force of the Mother of Light; wearing might after might of that Force as a robe the lords of Maya shaped out Form in this Being. The Masters of Maya shaped all by His Maya; the Fathers who have divine vision set Him within... old truth of the Universal developing itself successively in Time, seen opaquely through the study of Force and Matter, can find its own full sense and justification,—by illuminating itself with the Light of the ancient and eternal truth still preserved for us in the Vedantic Scriptures. To this mutual self-discovery and self-illumination by the fusion of the old Eastern and the new Western knowledge ...
... not complete at the moment yet proceeding towards completeness. And when there is an increasing tendency not to run away from the centre, the aspiration that is in you to give yourself to the Mother will light little candles, as it were, in all your peripheral parts and in the midst of that ring of soft illumination the Yogic you will break into a finer, an intenser flame. This will be the signal of... with the lights off and listen to the Mother's music, and dream..." The presence around your head is the two hands of Sri Aurobindo on either side of it, blessing you in response to your stepping back at will and offering yourself to the Mother. Sri Aurobindo has blessed me like that. It was a way of his when he saw that one had moved close to the Mother in one's heart. You have also... mental an affair. Of course to stop at times and talk to the Mother, "Here I am offering to you what I am doing so that you may turn it into a further step closer to you," is a good practice. Especially good it is when something hurtful impinges on you and, instead of directly reacting to it in a personal manner, you divert it in the Mother's direction so that it gets lost in her all-transmuting vastness ...
... however small a scale, is a glint from the highest - Sri Aurobindo's and the Mother's supramental light - as shown by the golden crescent on one side of the sky and a golden star on the opposite side. There cannot be a greater promise of a sweet and profound future. The crescent bears in its arms the gift of the Mother's healing bliss and the star symbolises intuitive knowledge, bringing to you as... cropper. Here's a sonnet I wrote long ago - 27.8.1936: Puma Men call thee bare because they fear thy light. The dazzle of far chastity that brings A joy but with the whole heart void of things Dear to brief clay; yet grows thy simple white The virgin mother of each passionate tone, Save for the mind that will not follow fast Page 191 The visionary... without it" This does not mean that you should ask to be more and more ill in order to feel the Mother's Force increasingly. It only means that She stands behind everything and sometimes makes use of abnormal circumstances to find short-cuts to us. Last night, during my sleep, I was for hours in the Mother's presence and the atmosphere of Her beauty and serenity and infinite graciousness is all around ...
... unable to concentrate, Amal Kiran started looking round at the rapt faces with closed eyes, and at last he turned to the Mother: I have never seen the Mother as I saw her then. She was no longer human. Her whole body appeared to have become magnified and there was a light pervading her and the face was of a Goddess. I can only say that it was the face of Maheshwari. Sri Aurobindo has written... inspired writing like Sri Aurobindo's, the centre was apparently everywhere, and the circumference was nowhere. For example, on 6 April 1931, the Mother herself lighted upon this passage from the Arya: The knower of Brahman has not only the joy of light, but gains something immense as the result of his knowledge, brahmavid āpnoti. What he gains is that highest, that which is supreme; he... Amrita concentrating, when he was about to open the page, on what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as the twin Avatars were doing to him and to the other sadhaks and the rest of humanity? Why were they bearing the burden of earth-nature and treading its dolorous way? The answer was provided by the passage Amrita lighted upon: The Avatar comes to reveal the divine nature in man above this lower nature ...
... darshans, in response to my article in the November Mother India, 1990, is such that I feel I have succeeded in putting my very soul into this piece of writing. That is always my aim in writing letters. Even if the subject is intellectual, it should be tackled not with the mere mind but always by the Dweller in the Depths who lives in the light of the Divine Presence at all times. Shouldn't something... bewilderment at one desired project coming to nothing, your letter shows an attitude born of the soul's spontaneously profound wisdom. I would not be able to state better the keen devotion to the Mother's guiding light and the enthusiastic confidence in its being all-in-all for you. 1 note also the wide charity of your heart, the fervent good-will towards every creature. But your estimate of me seems too... Master who was a dispeller of all darkness and the feet of the Mother whose smile could heal every wound? Memorable was the whole series of darshans but perhaps the most memorable was the last on November 24,1950. And here I may speak of a reversal of the roles of the Master's look and the Mother's smile. Now it was the Mother whose look struck me. For even when I was at the door leading ...
... contact with the Light. With all my love. My sweet Mother, I want a deep peace—a very deep peace. I feel that I am always in your arms. Yes, it is good to stay in my arms; there you will find the peace you aspire for so much, and also a repose from which the true energies come. My love enfolds you and embraces you always. My sweet Mother, Light, more light. Enlighten me... in the peace you will find the light, and the light will bring you the knowledge. With all my love. Your mother. My dear child, How happy I shall be the day when you always feel strong and happy in all circumstances. With all my love. Page 150 × The Mother underlined the words "all will be... exclusion of all else, the highest good for the loved one. This is the love that I have and want to have for you. Your mother. 6 April 1934 Page 117 My sweet Mother, May peace be with me always. Peace, peace in your heart and your vital. Yes, Peace, Light, Force and Bliss are always with you in the Consciousness that is constantly by your side, bringing you the solicitude ...
... to bring in the Light and the Truth, if the viral clings to its desires and does not admit the true initiative and impulsions that the Mother's. power brings, if the physical is shut up in its desire, habits and inertia and does not allow the Light and Force to enter in it and work, then one is not open."¹ Opening can be most easily done by a constant, loving remembrance of" the Mother. Her Presence... something like Leibniz's "windowless" monad, into which the light of the Divine or His power can hardly enter. To open to the Mother is to turn our consciousness to her, to open windows, so to say, on the infinite, and let her Force stream in. Describing the opening, Sri Aurobindo says, "To be open is simply to be so turned to the Mother that her Force can work in you without anything refusing or ... of converting and transforming the entire being by a descent of the supramental force, cannot be overcome by the unaided strength of any human being. To open to the Mother is to let her infinite Force enter into us and work in the light of its infallible, if to us inscrutable, knowledge. But what is opening? How Page 138 should one open? These are questions that are usually asked. The ...
... crystallised for my work?" Mirra has only to love the Divine "in all things, everywhere and in all beings" 33 . She will become the finished beautiful crystal, in her the Mother of Sorrows will be turned into the Mother of Light and the Madonna of Love, and be ready for the work of realising on the earth the Life Divine. On the other hand, as Sri Aurobindo had warned her in his letter of 26... of the supramental Light and Force, and through it the supramentalisation of earth-existence - this was the master-plan for the terrestrial transformation, and the determined sadhak was destined to fare forward and storm the gates of Victory. Such was the assurance Mirra received, - Mirra the great collaborator in Sri Aurobindo's work, Mirra the Shakti, the Kali, the Mother-to-be of his integral... which moves him, of course, is to "possess securely the Light and the Force of the supramental being"; but progress in that direction is sometimes delayed by the gheraoing "old habits of intellectual thought and mental will" that "crowd round the mind and pour in their suggestions whenever it tries to remain open only to the supramental Light and the higher Command, so that the Knowledge and the ...
... . Seeking her soul she passed further through another zone where she met three universal Energies or Powers: The Mother of Sorrows, the Power of unlimited psychic sympathy and love, the Madonna of Might, the power of Right, maintaining the reign of Law in the world, the Mother of Light, —the power of mental or intellecutal—knowledge. Each of these had a deformation of its working reflected in human... prayed for divine Energy to hold all creatures in her mother's arms. In place of solitude of rapture she asked for the Divine Sweetness for Earth and man. She receives the Divine's assent and blessing to her choice and the promise of fulfilment of her mission which is equally the Divine's own. Then from their Seat of Eternity, where only the light of Truth reigns and love Divine is the motive force... eaten up by her Light. Then She and Satyavan break out into everlasting Day. Page 251 Savitri has not merely to overcome the negation, refusal and opposition of Death based upon the Inconscient, She has also to avoid the temptation of partial and exclusive Light promising individual attainment. That is a task more difficult than that of rejecting Darkness. A partial Light holds out a j ...
... condition for any progress, there is also an obligation of fulfilling oneself here. Page – 60 Aswapati is alert to it and hence he must remove the veil of light. III: 2 The Adoration of the Divine Mother In that self-discovery Aswapati comes to know about God's desire that works here even in this mortal world. Here he is rewarded. It is in response to... whatever she is trying to bring to her. She has power, yet she is unable to function here. Savitri proceeds further. If the physical world is to bear the higher descent, there must work the Mother of light-joy-peace, Prakash-Harsha-Shantimayi Mata. However, this goddess meets the opposition of an arrogant will. Savitri has to bring the absolute Wisdom, that in it might be born the divine family... However, for Savitri's mother Malawi this is altogether unacceptable. She pleads to her, in the way of human pragmatism, to make another choice. But Savitri is firm in her resolve, maintaining that it was her soul's decision and it was not necessary for her to reverse it. VI: 2 The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain The emotion-charged mother questions the way the ...
... called "Krishna's Light in the Mind". Sri Aurobindo has said that Krishna's Light is also his own. Krishna's and Sri Aurobindo's Light—a whitish blue— surely needs for the preparation of its establishment in the mind the latter's complete psychicisation by devoted submission to the Mother. Even in that whitish blue the white, according to Sri Aurobindo, comes of a fusion of the blue light of Bliss (Ananda)... There will Page 114 start for me in the December of this year—on the 16th, to be exact—my own 47th year as a member of the Mother's Ashram. Later Comment After the Mother's passing away a sharp light falls on the number 47. The Mother took charge of the Ashram, at Sri Aurobindo's bidding, on November 24, 1926. The year 1973 completed, in November, 47 years of her creative... the dress changed to a pale shiny orange on the way to the Mother's own chamber where Sri Aurobindo must have been waiting, a glimpse was afforded of the nature of the work both of them are at present intensely doing; for orange or red-gold light is the light of the Supramental in the physical, and the whole effort of the Master and the Mother is to emanate into our outer material world the Supermind's ...
... period'. Isiolini Kanta writes in his reminiscences: 'The Mother would now sit down daily for her meditations with all of us together, in the evening after nightfall. She made a special arrangement for our seating. To her right would sit one group and to her left another, both arranged in rows. The right side of the Mother represented Light, and the left was Power. Each of us found a seat to her right... communication with the Master and the Mother when he could offer himself anew to them and receive their blessings. For Sri Aurobindo and the Mother it was an occasion to look into the innermost being of each disciple to see his spiritual progress. Besides, Sri Aurobindo said that at the time of the darshans there were special descents of spiritual Force, Light, Peace, etc. which could help the disciples... exception that they should receive the light and force from her and not directly from me and be guided by her in their spiritual progress. I have made the arrangement not for any temporary purpose but because it is the one way, provided the disciple is open and receives, that is true and effective.' Also, in reply to queries from disciples regarding the Mother's spiritual stature and her role in the ...
... condition of the Vedic realisation. 36 But Dawn also alternates with her sister Night, and "darkness itself is a mother of light and always Dawn comes to reveal what the black-browed Mother has prepared". 37 The cow, again, is concealed or imprisoned wealth, the light of the Sun hidden in the darkness, which has to be uncovered and released by a divine show of force. The Angirasa is a seer... 457 Whether Sarama figures as the fair-footed goddess speeding on the path or 'the heavenly hound, mother of these wide-ranging guardians of the path, the idea is the same, a power of the Truth that seeks and discovers, that finds by a divine faculty of insight the hidden Light and the denied Immortality. 33 The "seven rivers" mentioned in Vishvamitra's Hymn to Agni (III.i) are not... not find similar corroboration (or clues) for his supramental Yoga in the still earlier Vedas. Seeking light from this most ancient scripture of humanity, he found that his intuitions and deeper experiences hadn't misled him, and in the very process of looking for light he was able to throw new light on the Vedas. Page 449 His intuitions helped him to read the Vedas as they should ...
... Reminded of the endless need in things The heedless Mother of the universe, An infant longing clutched the sombre Vast. Insensibly somewhere a breach began. Earlier we read that a vague unformulated consciousness desired light. Also, there was a kind of foreseeing and a yearning towards some change to come. This desire for light, this yearning for change, produces an effect. The... tread that vibrates. After the phenomenon of dawn, the Face of a Deity appears. She is the mother of light, Usha as she is called in the Veda. When her eyelids open, they open the heavens; her face is the centre of Infinity. Infinity has no circumference, no form, but it has a centre. It is a Face of rapturous calm. It is very difficult to conceive of a 'rapturous calm'. Normally, if there is... Compelled renewed consent to see and feel. There is no mind, there is no light. The ray of light intervenes, its message breaks through that condition. There is a hush, silence, everywhere; it is a reluctant hush, it does not want to admit anything of that light. In spite of it, the message of the scout, the message of light creeps through, calling everything to wake up and have the adventure of ...
... apprehensive of the approaching Hour of Fate! Then what is she? She now traverses the "inner countries" of matter, life and mind — encounters the triple soul-forces (Madonna of Suffering, Mother of Might, Mother of Light) — door after door opens, veil after is pierced, impersonation after impersonation is exposed — and last of all comes the recognition of her sea-green oneness with the Whole: ... must die": An unshaped consciousness desired light And a blank prescience yearned towards distant change... Arrived from the other side of boundlessness An eye of deity pierced through the dumb deeps... Then through the pallid rift that seemed at first Hardly enough for a trickle from the suns, 14 Mother India, June 1971, p. 328. Page 283 ... the beauty of thy face? ... Let thy infinity in one body live, All-Knowledge wrap one mind in seas of light, All-Love throb single in one human heart... Let a great word be spoken from the heights And one great act unlock the doors of Fate. 34 And the Mother gives her consenting voice: O Strong forerunner, I have heard thy cry. One shall descend and break the ...
... sts had become well established: Truth to sensation, Light governs all, etc. But Truth and Light were Mirra's natural elements. No truth, no reality escaped her. Mirra, we have seen, was someone who observed, who studied. As Mother puts it: "There was an intense vital 1 development during this period 1. Vital: Sri Aurobindo and Mother have made a classification of the being. Roughly, the... throat and nose." It had got much worse when Mother was taking classes in the Playground. Then she began her own yogic treatment. "It was over in a week, and for three years there was no further sign of it. Recently — the last two or three months —I felt it trying to come back, for exactly the same reason of overwork." But as was her wont Mother made light of her ailment. "It did come back. It gave me... "It just gives me an excuse to tell people I am still not quite well!" Although Mother made light of it, it was a right royal cold, I can assure you: hoarse voice, swollen face, watering eyes, an almost continuous sneezing and coughing, to say nothing of the accompanying fever. That is the type of cold Mother used to have, I saw for years. I noticed also that she caught colds quite frequently ...
... thy chariot, now hold the lightning in thy hands, for now thou hast perfect steeds, for now thou governest, O divine, thy reins of light. (4) When, O God-mind, thou hast a multitude of thy words of self-expression, then warring thou createst from them the mother of Light in her abundant pastures; yea, the Bull of the herds has cloven in his battles the very Name of the destroyer for the Sun of the... out for him the wine in the clear heat of the light or in the heat of the abundance, he, oh he, becomes a soul of light; farther and farther the Puissant bears the extending limits of his being and makes it luminous in its formation; for this is the lord of plenitudes who is the comrade of the seer. (4) When he has slain the father of a man or his mother or his brother, he flees not from him, no, he... Thought that discerns and Page 286 disparts he shall be joined to them in their light of knowledge, in their inspiration of movement, in their gleamingsout. (16) That I might seek the divine Friend, they illumined, declared to me first their many-hued Mother, 1 yea, they declared the bright Mother of the herds; then their Father who gives us his impulsions they declared, the Terrible ...
... "realisation" did you mean when you wrote, "Blankness is only a condition in which the realisation has to come"? Every kind of realisation - infinite self, cosmic consciousness, the Mother's Presence, Light, Force, Ananda, Knowledge, Sachchidananda realisation, the different layers of consciousness up to the Supermind. All these can come in the silence which remains but ceases to be blank. ... the Self or Purusha, spiritual in consciousness and the spiritual consciousness is made of peace, force, silence and in its greater intensities of light and ananda also. Above the head I see a plane of infinite and eternal Peace. The Mother is the Queen of this world. From there I feel an unceasing flow coming down towards me. It first touches my higher being and passes through it without... begins to be a peculiar light and energy and ananda of knowledge." Could you kindly give me some idea of this light, energy and ananda? No. It has to be experienced first. Things that are above the ordinary mind (intellect) cannot be submitted to rules and descriptions. Is it true that the knowledge of the higher mind always brings down with it light and force in so far as ...
... ve of the approaching 'Hour of Fate'! Then what is she? She now traverses the "inner countries" of matter, life and mind - encounters the triple soul-forces (Madonna of Suffering, Mother of Might, Mother of Light) - door after door opens, veil after veil is pierced, impersonation after impersonation is exposed - and last of all comes the recognition of her seagreen oneness with the Whole: ... meditation, must involve an attempt to re-capture the vision and re-enact in the Mind of Light awakened out of the Mind of Night that "supreme revelation". The Mother's comment on the very first line lightningly projects the sublime spiritual perspectives of the poem. The first emanations from the Supreme Mother - Consciousness, Bliss, Truth, Life - lose contact with their Origin, get immersed in Darkness... be so easily put off, and he makes reply to the Divine Mother: How shall I rest content with mortal days And the dull measure of terrestrial things, I who have seen behind the cosmic mask The glory and the beauty of thy face? ... Let thy infinity in one body live, All-Knowledge wrap one mind in seas of light, All-Love throb single in one human heart. ... ...
... understand? Yes, Mother. Au revoir…. Au revoir, Douce Mère. April 10, 1966 * * * ( from the Mother’s written answer: ) … if I did not veil myself with a certain degree of obscurity, I could not come in contact with earth and men. October 15, 1967 THE MOTHER’S WHITE LIGHT ( In the course of a conversation Mother mentioned Her vital light ) But what does it... mean, Mother, Your vital light? My child, one who is enveloped in this light, has a special protection against everything. It is a special case for one who is enveloped by this light. It is the best protection that one can hope for. It is the vital protection which acts equally, everywhere. One cannot have a better protection. It is the ultimate protection. One who is protected by this light walks... sensation, as if one is enveloped by a light that protects us, that guides us and that increases our confidence. For truly, this protects against all attacks, whether it is vital or any other, if one remains enveloped by this light. Like this, I have a range of lights which rise higher and higher, till the light becomes white. It is white like paper. ( Mother indicates the paper on Her table ) It ...
... seems to be sleep. Violet is indeed the colour of light of Divine Compassion, as also of Krishna's grace. January 1935 The Mother did not tell Nolini to ask you to come for a little time, so I do not see why you shall make the Mother Page 210 responsible for his phrase and refuse to come on Monday morning. The Mother limits the time like that for many, but She has... you may remember, had composed a year or two ago a song in the same metre and rhyme scheme which Sahana sang to Mother: Tui Ma amar hiyar hiyā tui Mā āmār ankhir ālo [Mother thou art the heart of my heart, thou art the light of my eyes] I will sing this song sometime to you and Mother—my own I mean, as it came out of a deep emotion and very spontaneously. page-318 September 21, 1935... feel Mother can spare it—1 mean i will be able to replenish this Rs.50 from the gramophone funds. Will you allow? You will hear my music will be?] much improved by this innovation. You see I have always had this vein for innovation and Ardhendu is enthused over my idea! So—? Yes, of course. P.S. Mother, I saw a nice dream at about 4.30 a.m. this morning. I saw a violet light (in dream) ...
... 12) True life awakens as if we had never seen the light of day before: Place the prism on one side , says Mother, and the light is white; turn Page 83 it over, and the light is broken up. Well, this is exactly what happens; you restore the white. In the ordinary consciousness everything is broken up, and now you restore the white. Mother also described the experience this way: You are... awakening of the Consciousness-Force in Matter: It's as if our spiritual life were made of silver , explains the Mother, while the supramental life is made of gold; as if the whole spiritual life here were a silvery vibration – not cold, but just a light, a light that goes to the top, a light altogether pure, pure and intense; but the other, the supramental one, has a fullness, a power, a warmth that... to its own sense and the light of the Thought that carries in it its own opposites. 174 Then, one day, because of our burning need, after being like a mass of compressed gas, the doors will finally burst open: The consciousness rises , says the Mother, Page 164 breaking the kind of hard carapace, there, at the top of the head, and one emerges into the light. Above was an ardent ...
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