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Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [1]
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Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [1]
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Mother’s Agenda 1963 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [2]
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Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
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By The Body Of The Earth or The Sannyasin [1]
Chaitanya and Mira [1]
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Early Cultural Writings [1]
Essays on the Gita [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [1]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [1]
Letters on Poetry and Art [3]
Letters on Yoga - III [3]
Letters on Yoga - IV [2]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [2]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Notes on the Way [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [1]
Talks on Poetry [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Future Poetry [1]
The Human Cycle [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother on Auroville [1]
The Psychic Being [1]
Visions of Champaklal [1]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
58 result/s found for True vision

... iron, he is using it to cut through subtle air, the air closes behind his passage and remains unsevered. He finds here only poor and false poetry, unoriginal in imagery and void of true wording and true vision, but that is again a matter of personal reaction and everyone has a right to his own, you to yours as he to his. I was not seeking for originality but for truth and the effective poetical expression... poetic intention. He sees only an outward form of words and some kind of surface sense which is to him vacant and merely ornamental or rhetorical or something pretentious without any true meaning or true vision in it: inevitably he finds the whole thing false and empty, unjustifiably ambitious and pompous without deep meaning or, as he expresses it, pseudo and phoney. His objection of longueur would be ...


... call "transference") and so, seen with the ordinary vision, that would be senseless because difficulties seem to increase with what might be called "conversion"; but... to the true vision, when one is within the true vision, it is the remnant of Falsehood which is seen as the cause of all ailing (that which is still a mixed thing). And it is so even quite materially (morally this has been conquered ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... vision you will have will be the vision of the Truth-Consciousness. It's the supreme vision, the true vision. (One may have visions in the subtle physical, in the vital, many in the mind, but ... none of that is satisfying, one always gets a sense of a not quite accurate transcription.) But the true vision is the vision of the Consciousness, the supreme Consciousness. And he told me that's what you would ...


... he is fusing it to cut through subtle air, the air closes behind his passage and remains unsevered. He finds here only poor and false poetry, unoriginal in imagery and void of true wording and true vision, but that, is again a matter of personal reaction and everyone has a right to his own, you to yours as he to his. I was not seeking for originality but for truth and the effective poetical expression... intention. He sees only an outward form of words and some kind of surface sense which is to him vacant and merely ornamental or rhetorical or something pretentious without any true meaning or true vision in it: inevitably he finds the whole thing false and empty, unjustifiably ambitious and pompous without deep meaning or, as he expresses it, pseudo and phoney. His objection of longueur would ...

... the deeper heart and from there is lighted in the mind, the vital and the physical body. In the mind Agni creates a light of intuitive perception and discrimination which sees at once what is the true vision or idea and the wrong vision or idea, the true feeling and the wrong feeling, the true movement and the wrong movement. In the vital he is kindled as a fire of right emotion and a kind of intuitive... means of carrying home what has been thought or seen and fixing it in the mind in an atmosphere of light and beauty. Moreover, the object is not only to present a secret truth in its true form and true vision but to drive it home by the finding of the true word, the true phrase, the mot juste , the true image or symbol, if possible the inevitable word; if that is there, nothing else, repetition included ...


... no place in the spiritual life. If you keep to what you have resolved, then all will be right—and the right knowledge will come not from the mind and its reasonings but from the soul and its true vision of things. Page 788 You must throw this black poison [ of dissatisfaction and revolt ] out of you at once instead of dallying with it and giving it expression as if it were your own... these things mixed together. Sometimes the rajasic and tamasic ahankar mix together and subtly support each other. In both cases it is the "I" that is making a row about itself and clouding the true vision. The true spiritual or psychic vision is this, "Whatever I may be, my soul is a child of the Divine and must reach the Divine sooner or later. I am imperfect but seek after the perfection of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... really difficult, and then, seen with the ordinary vision, it would make no sense because difficulties appear to increase with what we might call the "conversion," but... to the true vision (when you are IN the true vision) it's what is left of Falsehood that is the cause of all unpleasantness (what's still mixed). Even quite materially (morally, it's been conquered for a long time: with the disappearance ...


... of birth—all that is obsolete. It is the individuals who have attained a certain higher consciousness who have the right to govern—not others, regardless of their social class. This would be the true vision. All those who participate in the experiment should be absolutely convinced that the highest consciousness is the best judge of the most material things. What has ruined India is this idea ...


... antipathy, any attachment, any repulsion. One must have a total, integral vision of things, in which everything is in its place and one has the same attitude towards all things: the attitude of true vision. This programme is obviously very difficult for a human being to realise. Unless he has decided to divinise himself, it seems almost impossible that he could be free from all these contraries within ...


... must persist and establish the opposite habit of living in your inner being which is your true being and of looking at everything from there. It is from there that you get the true thought, the true vision and understanding of things and of your own self and nature. You must have somehow externalised yourself too much. It is only by living in one's inner consciousness and doing everything from ...


... Page 184 When sacred Troy shall shed her towers for tears of over-throw. The second line is what is called a conceit — something which, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, does not convey any true vision or emotion but is meant to strike and startle the intellectual imagination. Shakespeare, we said in an earlier Talk, has a strong tendency to be ingenious, but he mostly carries off his ingenuities ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... it here and there; yet the poetic breath blows authentically in every line and, like the soul of whom Wordsworth speaks, joins all together and uplifts even the heaviest phrase into a whole of true vision charged with a "feel" of Pantheism and not merely an idea of it: depths in us are stirred and an inner sight is opened. In passages where Wordsworth is most Wordsworthian the impact both poetic ...


... birth―all that is obsolete. It is the individuals who have attained a certain higher consciousness who have the right to govern―not others, regardless of their social class. This would be the true vision. All those who participate in the experiment should be absolutely convinced that the highest consciousness is the best judge of the most material things. What has ruined India is this idea that ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... outdated), but those individualities that have reached a higher consciousness would have the right to govern, whatever class they belong to—and no others. Page 106 That would be the true vision. But all those participating in the experience would have to be absolutely convinced that the highest consciousness is the best judge of the MOST MATERIAL THINGS. You see, what has ruined India ...


... Manifestation). And it was very interesting: all that doesn't collaborate (in the sense that it is a sufficient experience, an experience that has come to its end) was reabsorbed. It was like the true vision of what was rendered as the Last Judgment. It is something going on constantly, that mighty "gust" of manifestation, and there are things that have been, according to our vision of time, but that ...


... poetic intention. He sees only outward form of words and some kind of surface sense which is to him vacant and merely ornamental or rhetorical or something pretentious without any true meaning or true vision in it: inevitably he finds the whole thing false and empty, unjustifiably ambitious and pompous without deep meaning or, as he expresses it, pseudo and phoney. His objection of longueur would be ...


... from there is lighted in the mind, the vital and the physical body. In the Page 267 mind it becomes a light of intuitive perception and discrimination which sees at once what is the true vision or idea and the wrong vision or idea, the true feeling and the wrong feeling, the true movement and the wrong movement. In the vital it becomes a fire of right emotion and a kind of intuitive feeling ...

... difficult; to make them feel and embody the consciousness. Sometimes for years and years this faculty stops. Mental people also give a mental form to things by their ideas and thoughts and so the true vision-form does not appear to them. But even if one is not able to see, one can feel or perceive these forces or presences. And feeling is a step towards realisation. There are, in the inner vision ...


... possibility of the Communist principle becoming a means "at once of the fulfilment of the individual and the perfect harmony of a * Plato's idea of a philosopher was that he should have a true vision of Reality and that he should possess utter truthfulness.   Page 478 collective being". 26 But if that is ever to happen, "it must be on a foundation of soul's brotherhood ...

... hidden in the object, something the soul sees before the eye can catch it. Ignorant of the way, they seldom rise beyond a striking and fantastic imagination, but sometimes an inspired eye catches the true vision. Page 540 The Indian begins at the other end. He sees the thing itself either by sukshmadrishti, the soul-sight, or by dhyana, a spiritual union with the object studied in which the ...


... interested in occult phenomena, this type of perception often precedes the emergence of the capacity of vision which may be in course of formation. But you must guard against mistaking this for true vision. We shall reserve the word “vision” for experiences that occur in awareness and sincerity. Are there not false visions? If you narrate something you have not seen, evidently that is a ...


... Mysticism in Religion, Chapter XI. 4 Men Who Walked with God, Sheldon Cheney (p. 384). 5 The Synthesis of Yoga, SABCL, Vol. 20, p. 71. Page 126 invoked by the true vision — then the mystic's world cannot be dismissed as a world of selfish inaction, euphemistically called "contemplation". Anyone who has ever had the supreme good fortune of living under the aegis ...

... told us one day in passing: that most people who called Sri Aurobindo great based their estimate on data which could not reveal the moral core of his greatness. "That is why," she had added, "a true vision of what is the essence of greatness is indispensable, especially to the pilgrims of the Spirit — if only to obviate lamentable mental muddles." About Krishnaprem's greatness I had never had a vestige ...


... venture Beyond my depth. KESHAV But what then do you want? A man must be a man and act like one. Worship is not enough: you must win knowledge Even as love — unless you hate true vision. Suppose your Krishna came to you, what would you Page 34 Ask of your Lord, my boy? SRI CHAITANYA ( his eyes filling instantly ) What would I ask If He, my Krishna ...


... fixing it in the mind in an atmosphere of light and beauty. This kind of repetition I have used largely in Savitri . Moreover, the object is not only to present a secret truth in its true form and true vision but to drive it home by the finding of the true word, the true phrase, the mot juste , the true image or symbol, if possible the inevitable word; if that is there, nothing else, repetition included ...


... the deeper heart and from there is lighted in the mind, the vital and the physical body. In the mind Agni creates a light of intuitive perception and discrimination which sees at once what is the true vision or idea and the wrong vision or idea, the true feeling and the wrong feeling, the true movement and the wrong movement. In the vital it is kindled as a fire of right emotion and a kind of intuitive ...


... interested in occult phenomena, this type of perception often precedes the emergence of the capacity of vision which may be in course of formation. But you must guard against mistaking this for true vision. For, I repeat, these phenomena occur most often in a state of almost complete ignorance and Page 41 are too frequently accompanied by much error and wrong interpretation; not to mention ...


... obsolete). It is the individuals who have attained a higher consciousness who have the right to govern — but not others — regardless of their social class. Page 87 That would be the true vision. But all those who participate in the experiment would have to be absolutely convinced that the highest consciousness is the best judge of THE, MOST MATERIAL things. You know, what has ruined ...

... asked themselves whether human beings, who are so small and limited, could see things as they really are; and in the hope of understanding better, they have sought for a diviner vision, a global and true vision—with the result of Yoga. And those who have succeeded in their endeavour have found that when one is united with the Divine, one's vision of things changes totally, and they have all come to the ...


... necessary to put external things into the body, to dress ourselves we have no need to put on clothes, etc ... . The play of forces is the spontaneous expression of Truth and of the true Will, the true vision. The question remains: for those who have seen and to whom things have happened in this way (like the little child, for example, who was playing with fairies), is it that they enter into this ...


... understand it, when Falsehood is gone (even in a single person—when not a vestige remains...), there must be Light, Peace... ( Mother stretches her arms out )... Vastness... perfect understanding... the TRUE vision of our world and things, and union, a conscious union with the divine Consciousness. ( Mother plunges in ) × ...


... constantly), but it takes some time (what, for us, is expressed as "time") between the vision and the execution ( Mother draws a downward curve ), and if one is in the true consciousness and the true vision, what was there like that ( fluid gesture above ) can be changed. You understand, the whole creation is in a movement of such tremendous rapidity that it's imperceptible for the physical consciousness ...


... when it's ... unpleasant. But if you transform that ... it's in-com-pa-rably, vastly superior, in the sense that it gives an extraordinary STABILITY and consciousness and REALITY. Things become the TRUE vision, the TRUE consciousness; it becomes so concrete, so real! Nothing—nothing else, nothing else can give that fullness. Escaping, fleeing, dreaming, meditating, going into ... all that is very ...


... poetic intention. He sees only an outward form of words and some kind of surface sense which is to him vacant and merely ornamental or rhetorical or something pretentious without any true meaning or true vision in it: inevitably he finds the whole thing false and empty, unjustifiably ambitious and pompous without deep meaning or, as he expresses it, pseudo and phoney.... I have not anywhere in Savitri ...

... Mother made me understand the new paintings. After the work, she held my hands with all her love and compassion and said with a charming smile: Here is a little message for you—you shall have true vision, true understanding. There is an opening... And she kissed my forehead. Then she looked at me for quite a long time and said: Your soul came out—just now I saw it on your face. You know ...


... actual, by fact, by what it has to face imme- Page 53 diately. Reason asks : how can it be ? That is why I pleaded yesterday, in my talk on psychology, that those who have got the true vision of life see what "is", from what "can be" : "A world that 'is', from a world 'to be'". What is the world going to be ? From there, they get to what the world is. The limitations of reason come ...


... transformed, and so they fell back into the old way of being. But to transform this matter, is incomparably superior! It gives an extraordinary stability and consciousness and REALITY. Things become the true vision, the true consciousness; it becomes so concrete, so real [yes, true Matter]. Nothing — nothing else, nothing else can give that fullness. Escaping, fleeing, dreaming, meditating, going into higher ...


... mind—outside of the Mind, everything is miraculous and a constant miracle. Or rather, everything is miraculously natural. A natural we do not see. The supermind is the natural miracle of Matter. True vision is vision of the constant miracle. There is no need to create miracles and wonders. They are already here! We need only to see them, live them, and let ourselves be shaped by them without interposing ...


... full meaning. So? You are going to cut out evil, and you will cut out the good with it. What do you know of the good of the world, what vision have you?... Björn, let me tell you, if we had the true vision, we would automatically have the power; we have no power, because we have no vision, For we would eliminate just those things which should not be eliminated. —Then I'll clear off with bag and ...

... (1911-1928) Autobiographical Notes To an Unknown Person Now you have seen practically all that needed to be seen with an entire sincerity and a true unsparing vision. The root was there in the lower vital; it was that one among your formations of personality on the vital level which brought in a persistent element of insincerity and vitiated precisely in... part of the work has been well done. Now it only remains for you to cast out this thing finally with all its effects from your mind and life and physical being so that there may be clear room for the true Person to descend and occupy all the place. Do your part and the full Power and Grace will be upon you. ...


... there for the first time? He got hundreds of experiences here. Page 227 Between 20th and 27th May, 1939 The subject was Trikal Drishti –knowledge of the Time or the True Time Vision. Why he did not know about the accident was also one of the questions. Sri Aurobindo : I have not said that I am in full possession of the supramental. People have wrong ideas about these ...

... persons is: Is there any negative side to the free indulgence of the faculty of subtle vision? The answer is: Yes, all that comes in visions may not be true; some visions may be due to the mental or vital formations of the subject; some others may be introduced by some hostile occult forces and beings. Some visions may be nothing more than alluring falsehoods. Some others may come only with the purpose... Aurobindo's Savitri Section V: Supraphysical Subtle Visions The first question we have to answer is: What is, after all, a "vision"? Here are two passages from the Mother's writings which make the point absolutely unambiguous: (1) "A vision is a perception, by the visual organs, of Phenomena that really exist in a world corresponding to... Person who has a well-developed vital being can see in the vial world with his vital sight, consciously and with the memory of what he has seen. This is what makes a vision." (CWM, Vol. 10, p. 41) Page 29 (2) "Vision is another plane of perception which awakes. It is the senses in the mind or vital or physical which wake up and manage to pass their experiences to the outer consciousness ...

... the Future Painting, you must not copy blindly the outer appearance without the inner vision. Never let people's ideas influence your mind and impose their advice about the Future Painting. Do not try to adopt the technique either of modern art or of old classical art. But always try to express the true inner vision of your soul and its deep impression behind everything to bring out the Eternal Truth... expressed in the Future Painting. To paint perfectly is not an easy thing. It certainly takes time. But by the growth of consciousness you can have inspiration, intense vision, delicacy of colours, harmony and subtlety of true beauty. Then you can surely express wonderful things in painting. Otherwise painting will be a lifeless confusion. The growth of consciousness is essential for doing ... realism and visions—all these I had to put on canvases with vibrant, various strokes of brushes. I was perfectly aware that it was not going to be easy, but life now beckoned me along strange paths which I must tread. There was no turning back since I had committed myself to the spiritual life and the higher artistic sphere. The Mother has stated: If you want art to be true and highest art ...


... sounds of the other planes.         Naik told me, "This subtle faculty is perhaps something like an occult thing opening in the consciousness, similar to seeing visions." Is it true?       Yes.         Visions help sadhana; does this faculty also help me? If it is accompanied with knowledge. Page 186       I don't know if knowledge of subtle sounds... They were all moving and playing into each other harmoniously and joyfully. Afterwards the petals also appeared. What does this vision mean?       I suppose it meant simply a happy activity of the force represented by the flower.         Here is another vision: the flower meaning 'Consciousness turned towards the light' (Sunflower) is supporting an enormous weight which is frying to... Page 185 collective Meditation I saw the flower signifying 'Fire in the Mind' (Poinciana pulcherrima). At first it appeared as a bud and then slowly it opened out. Has the vision any connection with my sadhana?       It means, I suppose, what is intended to happen — what was preparing before this inertia came — the opening of the dynamic light and force in the Mind ...

... inner self-vision? Dry? policeman? criminal? Great Lord! If it were that, it would cease to be self-vision at all—for in the true self-vision there is no policemanship and no criminaldom at all. All that belongs to the intellectual-ethical virtue-and-sin dodge which is only a mental construction of practical value for the outward life but not a truth of real inner values. In the true self-vision we see... see only harmonies and disharmonies and set the wrong notes right and replace them by the true notes. But I say that for the sake of truth, not to persuade you to start the self-vision effort; for if you did with these ideas of it, you would inevitably start it on the policeman basis and get into trouble. Besides, evidently, you prefer in the Yoga to be the piano and not the pianist, which Page 26... can stand back from the mind as from the vital and feel the deeper and larger mental and vital Purushas within one which are capable of silence, capable of a straight receptivity of the true Word and Force as of the true silence. If the nature takes the way of fighting down the difficulties first, then the first half of the way is long and tedious and the complaint of the want of the response of the Divine ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... increase or make room for an increase of human capacity, perfectibility, happiness. This view of human life and of the process of our development, to which subjectivism readily leads us, gives us a truer vision of the place of the intellect in the human movement. We have seen that the intellect has a double working, dispassionate and interested, self-centred or subservient to movements not its own. The... integuments of your vision until there is only my own luminous veil between you and him. Remove that and make the soul of man one in fact and nature with this Divine; then you will know yourself, discover the highest and widest law of your being, become the possessors or at least the receivers and instruments of a higher will and knowledge than mine and lay hold at last on the true secret and the whole... movement and its future potentialities. It has also an upward and inward eye and a more luminous functioning by which it accepts divinations from the hidden eternities. It is opened in this power of vision to a Truth above it from which it derives, however imperfectly and as from behind a veil, an indirect knowledge of the universal principles of our existence and its possibilities; it receives and turns ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... method has been used to replace the little personal by the large impersonal being, to annul the separative illusion in the unity of the Brahman and to substitute for the blind seeing of the ego the truer vision of all things in one Self and one Self in all things. Its truth has been completed by the impartial revelation of the Parabrahman from whom originate both the mobile and the immobile, the mutable... the supernal and universal Person, the inward-dwelling Master of our existence for whom man's knowledge, will and adoration were seeking through the mists of the Ignorance. There remains only the vision of the multiple Virat Purusha to complete the revelation on one more of its many sides. The metaphysical synthesis is complete. Sankhya has been admitted for the separation of the soul from the... is the partial being in Nature. Its possible limitations have been exceeded by the soul's seeing of all things as the Lord in the light of a perfect spiritual oneness. There results an integral vision of the Divine Existent at once as the transcendent Reality, supracosmic origin of cosmos, as the impersonal Self of all things, calm continent of the cosmos, and as the immanent Divinity in all beings ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... subjective, sometimes a more objective form, that lingers amid dubious lights on the border and cannot get through its own rather thick and often violent lustres and colours to a finer and truer spiritual vision. There is an emotional and sensational psychical intuitivism half emerging from and half entangled in the vitalistic motive that has often a strange beauty and brilliance, sometimes stained... has to make its substance. It is in effect a larger cosmic vision, a realising of the godhead in the world and in man, of his divine possibilities as well as of the greatness of the power that manifests in what he is, a spiritualised uplifting of his thought and feeling and sense and action, a more developed psychic mind and heart, a truer and a deeper insight into his nature and the meaning of the... in the sense of its inmost and not only its more outward truth, the discovery of the divine reality within it and of man's own divine possibilities,—this is the delivering vision for which our minds are seeking and it is this vision of which the future poetry must find the inspiring aesthetic form and the revealing language. The world is making itself anew under a great spiritual pressure, the old ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... experience is the beginning of the fundamental and decisive realisation which carries the consciousness out of the limited mental into the true spiritual vision and experience in which all is one and all is the Divine. It is this constant and living experience that is the true foundation of spiritual life. There can be no doubt about its truth and value, for it is evidently something living and dynamic and... passeth all Page 14 understanding, the small current or thrill of inner delight the first trickling in of the ocean of Ananda, the play of lights or colours the key of the doors of the inner vision and experience, the descents that stiffen the body into a concentrated stillness the first touch of something at the end of which is the presence of the Divine. He is not impatient; he is rather careful... which can take only physical things as real and important and vivid and to it inward phenomena are something unreal, vague and truthless. The spiritual experience does not even despise dreams and visions; it is known to it that many of these things are not dreams at all but experiences on an inner plane and if the experiences of the inner planes which lead to the opening of the inner self into the ...


... laughs ). Now, of course, when I say that, people imagine it's a psychic or mental vision—that's not it, I don't mean that! I mean a PHYSICAL vision, with these very eyes ( Mother touches her eyes ). But a TRUE physical vision, instead of the distorted vision we have now. This means, basically, that the true reality is far more marvelous than we can imagine, because all that we can imagine is... think or expect.... It's rather like the vision of the TRUE internal movement that would IMPOSE itself in such a way that it would veil the false vision which sees things like that [on the surface]. It's very hard to explain, but it's... I've felt it several times for a few seconds (I have a sort of sensation of the thing): there is something true, the true Physical, which, although it's not perceptible... just what I should tell Satprem tomorrow!" I told you that the only process I've known, and which recurred several times in my life, is to renounce an error. Something you believe to be true—which probably was true for a time—on which you partly base your action, but which, in actuality, was only one opinion. You thought it was a truthful finding with all its logical consequences, and your action (part ...


... sometimes the expanse of consciousness in movement. The opening of vision must be allowed to develop, but too much importance need not be given to the individual visions unless or until they become evidently symbolic or significant or shed light on things in the sadhana etc. What was developed in you is a power of true inner vision—this will help you to enter through it into touch with the Divine;... they are the genuine visions and the true voices. Naturally, they are not the realisation but only a step on the way and one has not to get shut up in them or take all as of value. The vision of the higher planes or the idea of what they are can be had long before the transformation. If that were not possible, how could the transformation take place—the lower Page 88 nature cannot... easily to intellectuals as it does to men with a strong life-power or the emotional and the imaginative. It is true that the field of vision, like every other field of activity of the human mind, is a mixed world and there is in it not only truth but much half-truth and error. It is also true that for the rash and unwary to enter into it may bring confusion and misleading inspirations and false voices ...


... intellectual kind, a metaphysical analysis which labours to define notions, to select ideas and discriminate those that are true and those that are false, and to logicise truth by dialectical reasoning. The Upanishadic seers saw Truth rather than merely thought it. It is true that visions have been clothed with a strong body. Page 20 if intuitive idea and disclosing image. But the clothing is... Existence and Existent, and they beheld, felt, lived in the inmost truth of all things in the universe and the inmost truth of man's inner and outer existence by the light of this one and unifying vision. The Upanishads are thus the records of self-knowledge, world- knowledge and God-knowledge. As a first step of the yoga, there has to be an inquiry, such as that of Nachiketas, which impels the... Strength and Mastery; they have found themselves victorious in their eternal battle with the adverse powers that deny, vijaye deva amahiyanta, the gods became mighty in their development, but their vision is as yet sealed to their own deeper truth; they know of themselves, they know not the Eternal; they know the godheads, they do not know God. Therefore they see the victory as their own, the greatness ...


... done in a flash, because it’s not AT ALL—it won’t at all be done in the way people think or expect. It’s rather like the vision of the TRUE internal movement that would IMPOSE itself in such a way that it would veil the false vision There is something that is true, that is the true Physical, which, although it’s not perceptible to our eyes as they see, could make itself perceptible through an INTENSIFICATION... appearance with the real form.... Now, of course, when I say that, people imagine it’s a “psychic” or mental vision—that’s not it, I don’t mean that ! I mean a PHYSICAL vision, with these very eyes [and Mother touched her eyes] . But a true physical vision, instead of the distorted vision we have now. 92 A physical mutation of sight? We cannot help but think (we = the fish in the fishbowl) that... simply a question of vision and if the human vision changes, the imponderable will become perfectly ponderable. But there still remains this old rag that we bury, and I do not know why, but I feel that the whole secret is precisely there. Otherwise why talk of transformation? The first time that Mother went into “Sri Aurobindo’s home” in 1959, I asked her if this “other” world, this true “lining” of the ...

... and the righteous or the puritan is rewarded with celestial joys and afterwards again pampered for the same virtues and good deeds in a new terrestrial existence." (Ibid., p. 805) True truth: Vision of the Integral Yoga: "... a law or chain of Karma is only an outward machinery and cannot be elevated... as the sole and absolute determinant of the life-workings of the cosmos..."... theories and, since this is fundamentally and unchangeably a world of Ignorance... that escape is likely to be the true end of the cycle." (Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, Cent. Ed., p. 833) That is the ancient view, but our way of looking at things is different. We affirm that in the Vision of the Integral Yoga the consummation of a triple immortality is the crown of rebirth. Let us explain. ... naturally comes to an end." (CWM, Vol. 3, pp. 145-46) "The outer form only dissolves; unless that too is made conscious and is organised round the divine centre. But the true mental, the true vital and even the true subtle physical persist: it is that which keeps all the impressions received in earthly life and builds Page 150 the chain of Karma." (CWM, Vol. 15, p. 134) ...

... on takes place in us should be attributed to the experience, and not to the vision. Besides, there are visions and visions, and one must be able to tell the true from the false. Let us take an outstanding example of a vision of the soul and its eternal Master dwelling in it. Suso, the Western mystic, once saw a vision of angels and, as Dean Inge describes it, "besought one of them to show him... abiding. But a vision is a different thing. It is seeing and knowing rather than being and becoming. There are, it is true, certain visions which produce a considerable change in us, or leave an ineffaceable imprint upon our being and nature, but they are more an exception than a rule,—and even they do not possess the power to transform our consciousness. Sometimes it happens that a vision is followed... the heart of that union. A vision, if it is not very powerful, may, in course of time, and particularly if life is forced in a contrary direction, fade away from the mind, or remain only as a vapid memory in the remote background of one's consciousness; but an experience is a guest that never departs—it has come to stay and and conquer and possess. "A vision is a vision," says the Mother, "but an ...

... the Future Painting, you must not copy blindly the outer appearance without the inner Vision. Never let people's ideas influence your mind and impose their advice about the Future Painting. Do not try to adopt the technique either of modem art or of old classical art. But always try to express the true inner vision of your soul and its deep impression behind everything to bring out the Eternal Truth... paintings are lifeless and without value. But where there is a combination of the two—outward charm and inner vision—then they are real and can be considered as true art. In your paintings I have felt the living vibrations and that is very good. The Mother added: A true artist never speaks of what he has done: "Oh! I have done a nice painting!" Instead he thinks and says, "Oh, no... answered: 16 Ibid., pp. 40-41. Page 39 Happily, the true worlds, and the true Consciousness are not a dream, but the only real Reality for those who are sincere and conscious. Bonne Annee for 1970 with all my love and blessings Then I did the painting of my vision and showed it to the Mother. She said: It is very impressive. Page 40 ...

... any Truth. True visions are very rare and they can't be com­pletely understood unless one had the right discernment and great purity in the being. I would like all people Page 139 interested in our yoga to understand this thing. Such visions as they have been seeing obviously show that they are creations of their vital desires that have taken form. Such visions have no value... him that the idea prevalent, but mistaken, at Chittagong is that yoga means seeing visions and that it is something mysterious and miraculous, or receiving suggestions. This is a great mistake. The aim of yoga is not seeing visions but to change the conscious­ness. There are many kinds of visions. Some visions are only images, some are forms taken by our vital desires, or they are images of... one is sincere then generally he profits by such work. For instance, such a man will submit his inspi­ration to the test of hard physical experience. If it is found true there then it is true. But if the inspiration fails to come true in life then one can set himself on the right path if one is sincere. But what people generally do is that if the inspiration fails they get another and then another ...

... inner self-vision ? Dry ? policeman ? criminal ? Great Lord! If it were that, it would cease to be self-vision at all—for in the true self-vision there is no policemanship and no criminaldom at all. All that belongs to the intellectual-ethical virtue and sin dodge which is only a mental construction of practical value for the outward life but not a truth of real inner values. In the true self-vision... self-vision we see only harmonies and disharmonies and set the wrong notes right and replace them by the true notes. But I say that for the sake of truth, not to persuade you to start the self-vision effort; for if you did with these ideas of it, you would inevitably start it on the policeman basis and get into trouble. Besides, evidently, you prefer in the yoga to be the piano and not the pianist, which... heart whatever she should know. As for your other friend Subhash, what is all this bother about ? Certainly I don't advocate blind faith. True faith is not blind though the interpreting mind may weave a tissue of partial untruths about the vision just as the same mind may weave a tissue of falsehood around the bare datum of a sense perception, e.g., mistaking a post for a man. St. Paul ...