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Vikramorvasie : Kālidāsa’s play Vikramorvasīyam; second of his three extant dramas.
... Love and Death (See 51). 1895-1908: Poems: Ahana and Other Poems, excluding "Ahana" (See 3), Perseus the Deliverer (See 65). Volume II, Contents: 1895-1908: Translation: Vikramorvasie (See 97). 1902-1915: Baji Prabhou (See 5); Nine Poems: "The Mother of Dreams", composed in Alipore Jail in Page 381 1908 or 1909 and first published in the... and the four studies making up "Kalidasa's Characters". "On Translating Kalidasa" and "Pururavas" (published as "The Character of the Hero") appeared as Introduction and Appendix to Vikramorvasie (See 97). The First Edition included a fragmentary translation of Malavica and the King, dating from the Baroda period. The Second Edition, however, omitted this and substituted the... which make up Part Two are included in Section VIII of Volume 17. SABCL: The Supramental Manifestation, Vol. 16 The Hour of God, Vol. 17 Page 410 97. VIKRAMORVASIE (The Hero and the Nymph) R. Chatterjee, Calcutta, 1911 A translation done by Sri Aurobindo at Baroda, of Kalidasa's Sanskrit drama. The 1952 edition included "On Translating ...
... to the poetic genius of Kalidasa. Sri Aurobindo seems to have made, in the early Baroda period, drafts of translations of Vikramorvasie, Meghaduta and the first canto of Kumara-sambhavam, - perhaps of Kalidasa's other works too.* While the renderings of Vikramorvasie as revised, saw publication in 1911 as The Hero and the Nymph, * Recent research has shown that the translation of the... other major work remains to be considered - The Hero and the Nymph. In attempting to render Kalidasa's Vikramorvasie into English verse, Sri Aurobindo knew he was daring the impossible, yet he was not daunted. Romantic, fascinating, tantalisingly remote from everyday experience, Vikramorvasie was not easily to be coaxed into changing her robes. That Sri Aurobindo's translation was no cavalier... drafts of the same work, or of particular passages or stanzas), some in a complete and some in a fragmentary form. The Hero and the Nymph, Sri Aurobindo's blank verse translation of Kalidasa's Vikramorvasie, for example, was begun in Baroda but not published till 1911. Many of Sri Aurobindo's manuscripts were seized during the Alipur trial (1908-9). These manuscripts were recovered after his passing ...
... intended to be the opening of the piece. Sri Aurobindo broke off work on this draft abruptly. Page 768 Vikramorvasie: The Play. Circa 1900-1903. Editorial title, suggested by the title of Chapter VIII of "A Proposed Work". Vikramorvasie: The Characters. Circa 1898-99 (note the phrase "till late in the present century"). Editorial title, suggested by the title of ...
... are from Kalidasa. The rendering of Meghadutam in terza rima has so far not been recovered, but one hopes against hope it will be. The Hero and the Nymph, a verse rendering of Kalidasa's Vikramorvasie, was first published in 1911, and there is no better version—or one as good— in English. The prose patches are racy, and the blank verse is supple, full of modulations, and proves equal to the... Love and Death and Baji Prabhou, all belong to the pre-Pondicherry period, at least the first two to the Baroda period. Urvasie is an Aurobindonian narrative version of Kalidasa's play, Vikramorvasie. The Urvasie myth goes back to the Veda, and it has been treated variously by poets and dramatists. Tagore's lyric, Urvashi, 115 has been described as "a sheer melodious and poetic cry", a hymn ...
... soul. But now he sees Urvasie and all the force of his nature pours itself into his love for her like a river which has at last found its natural sea. Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings: Vikramorvasie: The Characters Urvasie I come to you, O mountains, with a heart Desolate like you, like you snow-swept, and stretch Towards your solemn summits kindred hands. Sri Aurobindo... of human passion and emotion: all finally that seizes, masters and carries away in art, poetry, thought and knowledge, is involved in this one name. Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings: Vikramorvasie: The Characters Urvasie She sat, the Mother of the Aryans, white With a sublime pallor beneath her hair. Musing, with wide creative brows, she sat In a slight lovely dress ...
... 1ff; from the Mahabharata, 84ff; on Nala and Savitri, 85-6; Vidula, 87; translation from Bhartrihari, 88; from Kalidasa, 90ff; The Birth of the War-God, 92ff; The Hero and the Nymph, 94ff; on Vikramorvasie, 98fn; Urvasie, 99-107; Love and Death, 108; Baji Prabhou, 1148; Perseus the Deliverer, 120-9; The Viziers of Bassora, 128-34; Rodogune, 13441; Eric, 141-7; Vasavadutta, 147-52;... 148ff; "controlled experiment", 150; psychological subtlety and dramatic intensity, 152 Venkatanatha (Vedanta Desika), 97 Vidula ,68,86ff,185,242 Vidyapati, 72 Vikramorvasie, 94,98m, 99 Vidyasagar, Iswar Chandra, 14-15,16 Vijayaraghavachar, c., 529 Vijayatunga, J., 736 Vision of Science, A, 159-60,161,169 Vivekananda, Swami ...
... this be the case with a rich, many-sided and flexible genius like Kalidasa's. 3 Page 270 Passages and Fragments - IV [ Alternative and unused passages from the manuscript of "Vikramorvasie: The Characters" ] We shall now understand why the Opsara is represented as the Hetaira of heaven. They represent all that is sensuous, attractive & voluptuous in the Universe, the element of ...
... the theatre during Savitri presentation.” Now and then I do see her. What plays of Sri Aurobindo did you take part in? Well, there was Vasavadutta , Rodogune , Perseus the Deliverer , Vikramorvasie ( The Hero and The Nymph ) to name a few and of course Savitri . What other guidance did Mother give to you for your sadhana? I remember going to her and telling her that I just didn’t ...
... mention of it is useless. 28 January 1931 The Hero and the Nymph and Urvasie On an old advertisement page of the Arya I find: "The Hero and the Nymph, a translation in verse of Kalidasa's Vikramorvasie." Yes, I had forgotten the Hero and the Nymph . Our library hasn't got this translation, nor your poem Urvasie, both of which are out of print. I don't think I have the Urvasie , neither ...
... important works, the characters in the plays, the age he lived in and on other aspects of his genius. Moreover, he took in hand some translations of Kalidasa. Of these, a very fine rendering of Vikramorvasie was later published under the title The Hero and the Nymph, but the manuscript of his translation, in terza rima , of Kalidasa's Meghaduta could not be discovered. I remember that once when ...
... choreography, especially Krishna's 'Vishwarupa darshan': Sanjukta was completely transfigured! The group came to the Ashram several times after that and performed other dance compositions like Vikramorvasie, Geet Govindam, Symbol Dawn (from Savitri), etc. I have seen many other dancers and guns after Sanjukta and Kelu-babu but no one came anywhere near that quality of choreography and dancing. The ...
... epic scale almost, and also to underline what may be called its "national" significance; he accordingly made certain departures from the purely dramatic unfolding of the theme in Kalidasa's Vikramorvasie. The Urvasie myth has indeed shown an easy adaptability and a limitless flexibility through the ages. Hymnist and ritualist, chronicler and romancer, theologian and playwright, - to them all ...
... The Poetry of Kalidasa Early Cultural Writings Vikramorvasie: The Characters Pururavus is the poet's second study of kinghood; he differs substantially from Agnimitra. The latter is a prince, a soldier & man of the world yielding by the way to the allurements of beauty, but not preoccupied with passion; the subtitle of the piece might be, in a ...
... The Poetry of Kalidasa Early Cultural Writings Vikramorvasie: The Play Vikram and the Nymph is the second, in order of time, of Kalidasa's three extant dramas. The steady development of the poet's genius is easy to read even for a superficial observer. Malavica and the King is a gracious and delicate trifle, full of the sweet & dainty characterisation ...
... them again to be sure, but for that I have no time. Again, I am charged with modern nineteenth-century romanticism and a false imitation of the Elizabethan drama in my rendering of Kalidasa's Vikramorvasie ; but Kalidasa's play is romantic in its whole tone and he might almost be described as an Elizabethan predating by a thousand years at least the Elizabethans; indeed most of the ancient Sanskrit ...
... early days under the influence of Bengali pronunciation calls them) may be of interest. Here we may fruitfully draw upon his own Notes, found among his old unrevised writings on Kalidasa's play Vikramorvasie which he has rendered into English as The Hero and the Nymph. When the Gods and the Titans had joined to churn the primeval Ocean of Being to bring up for the earth a marvel which neither side ...
... curriculum in England. Thus he read much secular Sanskrit literature, especially the works of Kalidasa, the pre-eminent poet of the golden age of Sanskrit. He translated his plays Meghaduta and Vikramorvasie, later published under the title The Hero and the Nymph. And it is self-evident that he read and reread the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, the epics that even today remain alive in the heart ...
... have no time. Again, I am charged with modern nineteenth-century romanticism and a false imitation of the Elizabethan drama in my Page 16 rendering of Kalidasa's Vikramorvasie; but Kalidasa's play is romantic in its whole tone and he might almost be described as an Elizabethan predating by a thousand years at least the Elizabethans; indeed most of the ancient Sanskrit ...
... 1893-1905 1956 Page 274 Savitri: A -Legend and a Symbol (including letters on Savitri) 1954 Last Poems, 1938-1940 1952 More Poems 1957 Vikramorvasie, 1903-1904 1911 Songs of Vidyapati, 1893-1905 1956 Rodogune (a tragedy in 5 acts), 1893-1905 1958 Illion: An Epic in Quantitative Hexameters, 1893- 1905 1957 ...
... Sri Aurobindo had tried blank verse of the ordinary kind in his early poems, Urvasie and Love and Death and Baji Prabhou, as also the plays (including his translation of Kalidasa's Vikramorvasie as The Hero and the Nymph), but now his aim in Savitri was, "to catch something of the Upanishadic and Kalidasian movement, so far as that is a possibility in English." 147 ...
... 357, 361 Indra, 275, 371 Italy, 196 JACOB, 121 Japan, 54, 78, 196 Job, 305 Jupiter, 328 KALI, 80, 249, 297 Kalidasa, 278, 390-1 – Hero and the Nymph, 390 – Vikramorvasie, 39 1n Krishna, 134, 183, 206-7, 350 228, 297, LAKSHMI, 249 Lear, 391 Leo X, 196 Lindberg, 316 MAETERLINCK, 71 – The Blue Bird, 71 Mahalakshmi, 206, 228, 297 ...
... Present .- 1st ed. 1946 Poems from Bengali, 1893-1905 (translation).- 1st ed. 1956 Savitri .- 1st ed. 1950 Last Poems, 1937-1944.- 1st ed. 1952 More Poems .- 1st ed. 1957 Vikramorvasie, 1903-1904 (Baroda).- 1st ed. 1911 Songs of Vidyapati, 1893-1905 (Baroda).- 1st ed. 1956 Rodogune, 1893-1905 (Baroda).- 1st ed. 1958 Ilion .- 1st ed. 1957 Vasavadutta 1915-1916 ...
... Eric. Volume 7 — Collected Plays AND SHORT STORIES, Part Two: The Viziers of Bassora; Prince of Edur; The Maid in the Mill; The House of Brut; The Prince of Mathura; The Birth of Sin: Vikramorvasie (The Hero and the Nymph). Short Stories: Idylls of the Occult: The Phantom Hour; The Door at Abelard; The Devil's Mastiff; The Golden Bird. Juvenilia. Volume 8 — Translations, From ...
... dictum your path will be smooth and you will be happy.' He finished these words and got up. He went straight to his book case, and knowing my love for Sanskrit picked up Kalidasa's Shakuntala and Vikramorvasie and presented them to me as a token of his love. He also gave me / his book of poems: Songs to Myrtilla and another, Urvasie. I Page 222 quietly bowed, touched his feet ...
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