Find in Savitri Poems Flowers
... planchette… fortunately! But those who indulge in this exercise, an exercise of unhealthy curiosity, get what they deserve; for the atmosphere we live in is filled with a great number of small vital entities which are born of unsatisfied desires, vital movements of a very low type, also the decomposition of larger beings of the vital world; indeed, it is swarming with them, you see. It is surely a... one does it scientifically—but then, scientifically, one realises that it leads to nothing, nothing at all except just passing your time in what you consider an interesting way. In some cases vital entities really get hold of you, and there it is dangerous. But fortunately these cases are not very frequent. Then it becomes very dangerous. A very long time ago when I was in France, I knew the case ...
... planchette... fortunately! But those who indulge in this exercise, an exercise of unhealthy curiosity, get what they deserve; for the atmosphere we live in is filled with a great number of small vital entities which are born of unsatisfied desires, vital movements of a very low type, also the decomposition of larger beings of the vital world; indeed, it is swarming with them, you see. It is surely a... one does it scientifically—but then, scientifically, one realises that it leads to nothing, nothing at all except just passing your time in what you consider an interesting way. In some cases vital entities really get hold of you, and there it is dangerous. But fortunately these cases are not very frequent. Then it becomes very dangerous. A very long time ago when I was in France, I knew the case ...
... I thought you were using the word "ghosts" to mean vital entities. Those beings are certainly not the ones who can help you in your sadhana. I would like to know how to conquer these anti-divine ghosts. By willing to do so, and by always refusing to believe in their suggestions. 29 June 1934 Yes, Mother, these vital entities lead us astray; but aren't there beings who can help us ...
... n of the will." She spoke plainly, hiding nothing so that people would not be lured blindfolded into this type of trap. "The atmosphere in which we live is filled with any amount of small vital entities that are the product of unsated desires, of a very low type of vital movements, as well as the decompositions of more important beings of the vital world —in short, it swarms with all this. You... to get in contact with those small entities then what happens is that the latter have fun at the farmer's expense. "It's a fine booby-trap, all this business," said Mother. "In some cases the vital entities really get hold of a person, and then it is dangerous." She was telling us all this in 1958. "Long, long Page 230 ago, when I was in France, I knew a man who had a little ...
... all, but they are at the service of people who practise magic. When people practise magic, they order them [these small vital entities] to come to their assistance, and they are compelled to obey. To do this there are symbols, there are formulas. ‘So, they [the small vital entities] came [to me]. They were afraid, they were terribly afraid. I said: “Why do you throw stones like that? What does this ...
... usually very contradictory stories and perhaps all at the same time! These are really very active people. Well, it is extremely comic—and it is impossible. The truth is that these are small vital entities, a class of beings formed by the decomposition of desires that have persisted after a man's death and retained their form; of imaginations that have remained coagulated and try to manifest and ...
... spider that’s feeding upon all your forces!”, that would really not have been very charitable. And that’s how it is most of the time, almost everywhere; it is a vital force which is there, for these vital entities feed upon the vibration of human emotions, and very few people, very few, an insignificant number, go to church or temple with a true religious feeling, that is, not to pray and beg for something ...
... transform it. Voilà ! Sweet Mother, do these people have powers? Page 72 Yes! There are some who have great powers. But these powers come from the vital and from an association with vital entities. There are all kinds of powers. Only, those powers don't hold out before the true divine Power—they can't resist. But over ordinary human beings they have much power. Then, they can do harm ...
... fasting may lead to an excitation of the nervous being which often brings vivid imaginations and hallucinations that are taken for true experiences; such fasting is frequently suggested by the vital Entities because it puts the consciousness into an unbalanced state which favours their designs. It is there fore discouraged here. The rule to be followed is that laid down by the Gita which says that ...
... earthquake? I don't know what it is.... I don't really know what it is, but the day before, in the evening (I forget what I was doing, I was busy), there was suddenly ... Often there are small vital entities, I think, or vital forces (but to me those things are without force or power), and a small vital entity showed me the memory of an earthquake: around 1922 or '23, we had an earthquake; I was with ...
... "The Mother told me, 'We'll see what it is.' She went into meditation and gave a call, 'Let us see, who is throwing stones at us now? You must come and tell us.' The Mother saw three little vital entities which have no strength and just Page 223 enough consciousness confined to one action - they are at the service of those who practise magic. They were terribly frightened! The Mother ...
... s, without any bloodshed or partition. Later declares: '...the division [in 1947] was... beyond question a human deformation.' 1921 Uses her occult knowledge and force to subdue the vital 'entities' employed by a Muslim magician to throw stones inside Sri Aurobindo's house. 1922 Jan Begins to organise Sri Aurobindo's household but keeps herself well in the background. - Sep-Oct ...
... part of the material being, towards material comfort and a pleasant indolence, which is suppressed in the waking state, but comes up in sleep from the subconscient. The two servants may be small vital entities who take pleasure in encouraging this tendency and conspiring how to do it. The Mother ...
... a sort of aura through which other worlds and beings contact and influence us. We are actually constantly surrounded by hundreds of invisible beings of all kinds, by thousands of free floating vital entities, and by clouds of thoughts or shreds of thoughts, some of which gain entrance into our head and are then deemed our own. In fact, a truly personal thought is a rare phenomenon, and so is a truly ...
... practice [e.g. table-turning or automatic writing], which derives from an unhealthy curiosity, get what they deserve. You should know that the atmosphere we live in is full of a great number of small vital entities which are born of unsatisfied desires, of vital movements of a very low type, and also of the decomposition of larger beings of the vital world. Indeed, it is swarming with them. It is no doubt ...
... reincarnate after death? This may happen, but it is accidental. There are trees—trees especially—which have lived long and can be the home of a conscious being, a vital being. Generally it is vital entities which take shelter in trees, or else certain beings of the vital plane which live in forests—as certain beings of the vital live in water. There were old legends like that, but they were based ...
... spider that's feeding upon all your forces!", that would really not have been very charitable. And that's how it is most of the time, almost everywhere; it is a vital force which is there, for these vital entities feed upon the vibration of human emotions, and very few people, very few, an insignificant number, go to church or temple with a true religious feeling, that is, not to pray and beg for something ...
... planes one feels dazzled. There are beings of the vital, if they appeared to men, or to say things more exactly, whenever they have appeared to men, men have taken them for the supreme God—these vital entities! If you like, we shall call that a disguise but it is a very successful disguise, because those who saw it were thoroughly convinced Page 283 that they had seen the supreme Godhead ...
... people who proclaim they perform miracles with my name or my force—bringing dying people back to life, wonderful things, anyway. To me, it immediately smacks of the ego a mile off; and the ego means vital entities taking advantage of it. I don't like that. It's a labor of every minute, without a break, night and day. Last night again... I went through strange places with people I know very well and ...
... that those five characters belong to different "lines of manifestation" and therefore they are rather unlikely to be combined in a single being (a single human being)! It's obviously little vital entities having fun. They have fun, and the more fanciful, the greater the fun, of course! But judging by the letters—all the mail—there is a kind of occult activity spreading over the earth in a very ...
... screamed. And afterwards he said it was in the material world: beings from the most material vital, but which are in the earth atmosphere, not in the vital atmosphere. Page 83 It may be vital entities that are the residues of dead people—it's possible. But it may also be kinds of half materializations of beings from the vital itself: beings from the vital. But my whole life I've had that ...
... "messages" and "communications" arise from the subconscient of the "medium" and of those who attend a planchette seance. Besides, as we have had occasion to point out before, many small vital entities of dubious intentions are swarming in the lower vital world of the supraphysical regions. These entities may grab at times the fragments and residues of the discarded mind and vital of the dead ...
... things. When you wish to go into trance, to have the experience of being outside the body, you must have someone by your side, not only to keep watch on your physical body, but also to prevent the vital entities from getting possession of the nerve centres which, as I said, are no longer under the control and protection of the conscious intelligence. There is a still greater danger. When one goes out of ...
... that, one has a perception - a little vague, a little blurred - of the people who were there, of the circumstances, of the events.... 17 But psychic memories are beyond the ken of the vital entities that respond during sessions of spirit-communication or automatic writing. And since these entities "are in a domain from where it is easy to read human thought, they tell you very well what ...
... my heart that the pain would diminish, and it did. When I got down at Bombay I was almost normal. “What do you think of it? Should you inform Mother?” One small physico-vital force of mischief and some vital entity, both responsible for the pain. The dish is the symbol of my help which would bring cure if it were received properly. 22 January 1960 ...
... see results right away. So then, they think they are pulling the Supramental down—and they pull some little vital entity that leads them on and afterwards plays nasty tricks on them. That's what happens most often, ninety-nine times out of a hundred. A little individuality, a vital entity that puts on a big show and creates dramatic effects, lighting effects; so the poor devil who has pulled is... same for everything. The Vital is a sort of super-theater giving performances—very alluring, dazzling, deceptive performances—and it's only when you know the True Thing that immediately, instinctively, without reasoning, you discern and say, "No, I don't want that." And for everything, you know. The one point in human life where it has assumed cardinal importance is love. Vital passions and attractions... the "Thing," the true experience... then the whole Vital is seen as a masquerade—not an alluring one. And when people pull down, oh, it's much more than ninety-nine times out of a hundred—it's one case in a million in which the True Thing happens to be pulled down; which proves the person was ready. Otherwise, what's pulled down is always the Vital: the appearance, the dramatic representation of the ...
... is himself, his line of action is located in a relatively very material domain: the physical, the immediate vital and the physical mind—not the higher, speculative or intellectual mind, no: the physical mind, the one that has an action on Matter, then the vital with all the vital's entities (he always mentions them, and he also gives the ways of mastering Page 215 them, of overcoming them) ...
... Divine's infinite mercy, one would be saved from such dangers. What are these suggestions that sometimes invade me? Do they not come from outside? Yes, they do come from outside, from some vital entity that is amusing itself by sending them to you to see how you will receive them. I saw the suggestion passing at the time I gave you the flower. I did not attach any importance to it because it was... kind; I was inside you, penetrating you as usual, but in the form of this supreme purity which is so foreign to all that is anti-divine or even to all ordinary human movement. This adverse entity is not only vital, it is also mental and supports its desires by some apparently reasonable principles which become aggressively stupid by their rigidity. When this seizes you, you seem to lose all common sense... may be able to get rid of them completely for ever. These adverse forces are connected with sexual desire. They live on the energy wasted when the act takes place. And even a thought, a mental or vital desire is sufficient to let them come in and settle in the atmosphere. Thus it is in the mind itself that the purification must take place. My blessings. 12 September 1950 Mother, sometimes ...
... immediately. And then, they believe they are pulling down the Supramental—they pull down some small vital individuality who mocks at them and in the end makes them play the shabby fool. This is what happens most often—ninety-nine times out of a hundred. A small individuality, a vital entity who plays the big play and makes a great show, plays of light. Then the poor fellow who has "pulled" is... same for everything. The vital is like a superstage that gives shows—very attractive, dazzling, deceptive; it is only when you know the True Thing that you recognise immediately, instinctively, without reasoning, and you say, "No, I do not want that." And for everything it is so. Where it has taken a capital importance in human life is with regard to love. Vital passions, vital attractions have almost... others! One must have the true experience, then the whole vital appears like a masquerade—not attractive. And when you "pull", well, it is much more than ninety-nine times out of one hundred... out of a million there is found only one case where one happens to pull the True Thing-this proves one was ready. Otherwise it is always the vital which you pull, the appearance, the theatrical show of the ...
... That is quite difficult. Before cutting one's relations with beings who are linked with a vital entity, one must be sure of their connection. How can one be sure? Evidently it is difficult to know, unless one has direct vision of the vital, that is to say, unless one is able to see directly into the vital world. I have seen many, many times... that two things may happen, and generally do happen... Take, for instance, the passion of a miser for his fortune. He dies. His vital being is dissolved, but his passion for his money remains alive. It gathers around itself a certain number of elements to form a living and conscious entity in the vital world. If this man has in his lifetime hidden a treasure somewhere, that entity goes and installs itself just above the place where the treasure is, as if... numbers, which originate from that wretched sexual desire. If this desire (with its corresponding entities) is not dissolved at the time of death, these entities continue to exist and they come and settle in the atmosphere of sensitive persons to goad them, to egg them on. These entities feed upon the vital force emanated at the time of the act and naturally their only desire is to get as much nourishment ...
... out is sometimes the subtle physical.... But usually it is the vital which goes out and still more often, the mental being." 19 The more important problem, however, is for the temporarily vacated body to be insulated from outside interference till the wandering Page 18 entity - be it the subtle physical, the vital or the mental being - returns to its tenement: It is dangerous... the news of his tragic end.43 As for the danger of trusting too blindly to luck, or to a run of good luck, engineered by certain invisible entities, there is the story of the gambler at Monte Carlo. He had put himself in contact with a vital entity through the use of the planchette. This sinister being gave the gambler precise indications as to how to play at roulette at Monte Carlo, and it... told him peremptorily: "Stake everything, everything you have upon this." He obediently did so, and lost everything. Then it told him, dazed as he was, to shoot himself - and that he did too! The entity had thus waited long, but had driven its victim to perdition in the end.44 The debit and credit sides of occultism were thus well within the range of Mirra's knowledge and experience. Occultism ...
... sottise - mais je vois que vous l'avez reçue. What are these suggestions that sometimes invade me? Are they not coming from outside? They do come from outside, from some vital entity that is amusing itself by sending them to you to see how you will receive them. I saw the suggestion passing when I gave you the flower. I did not attach any importance to it because it was just... No, it does not; it simply means that we can't always be holding back people whose vital says, "I want to go, I want to go," and they side with the vital. They are allowed to go and take their risk. If one leads the ordinary vital life, there can be no spiritual struggles - only vital troubles. Page 246 He was always on the point of going. He wanted... pranam every day. What most people do is simply to pull vital force from the Mother and live on it - but that is not the object of the Pranam. Pulling is a psychological act - people are always pulling vital force from each other though they do not do it consciously, i.e. with a purpose in the mind - it is instinctive in the vital to draw Page 256 force from wherever ...
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