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42 result/s found for physical Sight

... don't see them as they see themselves: I see them with the vibration of all the forces that are in them and pass through them. That means my physical sight is not failing, but changing in character, because, to me, the physical precision of normal physical sight is false. But that does not stop me from seeing physically. If, for instance, I try to thread a needle while looking at it, it's literally ... what happens when that point of matter, which is in perfect continuity with the entire terrestrial body, spreads itself? 63.67 It's a curious thing ... the sight is completely different from physical sight: you see thousands of kilometres away and very nearby at the same time. 72.268 (Question:) But what do you see? I feel like saying: nothing! Nothing, I “see” nothing. There is no longer... separates this true physical from the ordinary physical. Sceptical, I often asked Mother from one year to the next, if it was not a “psychic's vision.” Of course not. It is “the same vision, physical sight, purely physical, but a physical which appears ... more complete.” And to cap it all, Mother was supposedly blind — therefore with what physical eyes could she see, if they were not ophthalmological ...


... first stage of the process,—but is itself supramentalised along with all its instruments. There is accordingly a change, a profound transformation in the physical sense, a supramentalising of the physical sight, hearing, touch, etc., that creates or reveals to us a quite different view, not merely Page 867 of life and its meaning, but even of the material world and all its forms and aspects... indivisible part and even in a subtle way an expression of the unity of all that we see. And this unity that we see becomes not only to the subtler consciousness but to the mere sense, to the illumined physical sight itself, that of the identity of the Eternal, the unity of the Brahman. For to the supramentalised seeing the material world and space and material objects cease to be material in the sense in which ...


... acquire and put to greater use this ascending faculty of 'sight'. But it needs no mention that the sight of which we are speaking has nothing to do with mere physical sight. In fact, the operation of 'sight' is not confined to physical sight alone. To each plane of consciousness there corresponds a particular strand of sight. Thus, we may possess and utilise a sight in the sense-mind, an emotional ...

... new experience to what we already know. It need not affect the physical sight, if we can remain aloof from it. As for the tendency to blindness, it has two main causes. First, many people, when these visions come, get into the habit of continually keeping their visual attention inward and create a disturbance in the physical sight. Then, the light which is seen is very brilliant and it has the ...


... contacts with supernatural beings such as God and angels, so that it does not have to imply Page 239 physical sight. Therefore we cannot simply assume that when Paul speaks of Jesus' 'appearing' to him or when he says he 'saw' Jesus (1 Cor 9:1), he means physical sight of a corporeal being." In favour of a possible purely internal experience Brown 7 observes: "It is noteworthy that... normally active in a few....It comes more easily with the eyes shut than with the eyes open, but it does come in both ways."   Of course, when the eyes are open, it is still not the physical sight that is operative: an inner vision acts simultaneously with the outer and imposes its own discoveries on what the latter discloses. In the situation pictured by Brown, the reality of a supraphysical ...

... We wonder whether there can be sights and sights, any sight more authentic than the well-known physical sight which is, as we know, directly or indirectly dependent on the employment of physical sense organs. Of course, it may be readily granted that apart from the well-known physical sight there may be other occasions or situations in which another sort of visualisation is quite possible... thinkers hastily conclude that all the cases of so-claimed inner sights and visions are nothing but subjective fancies and formations: there can be but one true sight and that is the objective physical sight occasioned by physical sense-organ. Does then Sri Aurobindo's affirmation of "from sight to greater sight" lose all meaning? Surely not. We shall come to the discussion of this very important ...

... course,—but the English version has only physical sight, sometimes with a little glow in it, and the precision that comes with that sight. I do not know why your critical sense objects to "girl". This line [ "She is a flower, a moth, a flaming girl" ] and one other, "Windy and wild the golden torches burn" are the only two that rise above the plane of physical sight. But both these poems have the distinction ...


... vision a much more continued concentration is needed. Physical sight serves to stabilise. It gives a continuity to things. It is the same thing with regard to hearing. So, when they are not there any more, one becomes directly conscious of the thing, and that gives the true knowledge. The Supramental will surely act in that way. Physical sight and hearing have been thrown into the background to make ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... of all the forces that are in them and pass through them, and quite frequently with the supreme Vibration of the Presence. And that's why my physical sight is... not exactly failing, but changing in character, for the physical precision that normal physical sight gives is... it's false for me. Instinctively (not because I think of it that way), that's how it Is. So I no longer have the precision of a ...


... is no more: Only the Spirit sees and all is known." (Ibid., Book IX, Canto I, p. 571.) It needs no mention that the sight of which we are speaking has nothing to do with mere physical sight. In fact, the operation of sight is not confined to physical seeing alone. To each place of consciousness corresponds a particular strand of sight. Thus, we may possess and utilise a sight in the... and contact that is the spiritual vision, d ṛṣṭ i,... is to the spirit what the eyes are to the physical mind and one has the sense of having passed through a subtly analogous process. As the physical sight can present to us the actual body of things of which the thought had only possessed an indication or 8.Sri Aurobindo, Kena Upanishad (1952 ed.), p. 76. (Readers wishing to pursue the point ...

... altogether exhilarating note. And yet, as the Mother commented on 11 January, for the past almost six weeks she had undergone a physical trial "for the sake of the growth of consciousness". Her physical sight and hearing had been practically disrupted and one of her legs paralysed. Though there was "a great diminution of capacities", she testified on the l6th, actually Page 789 it was not... pain was "quite bearable" and her body had "resumed a little of its normal life", and on 11 January, she had made some comments which were later jotted down from memory by a disciple. While her physical sight and hearing had been thrown into the background, this had only made room "for identification by consciousness". Every seeming loss was actually proving to be a new gain: "What I need to hear, I ...


... of all the forces that are in them and pass through them, and quite frequently with the supreme Vibration of the Presence. And that's why my physical sight is... not exactly failing, but changing in character, for the physical precision that normal physical sight gives is... it's false for me. 17 Even her taste could no longer taste what was not true! A few days ago I had the experience that the ...


... suggestion to a mere picture of the reawakening of earthly life in the physical dawning. And even if here the word used for the vision brought by the Dawn, cakṣuḥ , is capable of indicating only physical sight, yet in other passages it is ketuḥ which means perception, a perceptive vision in the mental consciousness, a faculty of knowledge. Usha is pracetāḥ ̣, she who has this perceptive knowledge ...


... formed, if it has reached the perfection of its being and is free to reincarnate or not, it has also the capacity of choosing. But I believe I have explained that to you already. They don't have a physical sight like ours so long as they are not in a body. So, evidently, they look for a body which is adapted and fit to express them, but they must give its share to the material inconscience, if it may be ...


... she externalised her inner vision and experience so as to see through the physical eyes also, but it was Page 288 the inner vision that saw and the inner hearing that heard, not the physical sight or hearing. That is common enough. It does not indicate an "advanced" sadhana, whatever that phrase may mean, but only a special faculty. I have heard that there are people here who feel the ...

... embracing and exceeding of all particular forms and appearances in That which is their cause and upholder. This way cannot go to its end without a seeing vivid and vital, as concrete in its way as physical sight, of the works of the universal Spirit everywhere. On its summits it rises into a constant living and thinking and willing and acting in the presence of the Supramental, the Transcendent. Whatever ...


... should expect "he thought", it says instead "he saw". It is to the spirit what the eyes are to the physical mind and one has the sense of having passed through a subtly analogous process. As the physical sight can present to us the actual body of things of which the thought had only possessed an indication or mental description and they become to us at once real and evident, pratyakṣa , so the spiritual ...


... and general and particular rule of himself and Nature" . 32 Homer subjects impulse and action to no change by the vital or mental vision, but his subtle-physical sight is intuitive and interpreta-tive - and, like the mental sight of his successors, it is so "on large and comparatively bare lines dwelling only on the salient ...


... internal spiritual sight, d ṛṣ ti or d ṛ k- ś akti, "is to the spirit what the eyes are to the physical mind and one has the sense of having passed through a subtly analogous process. As the physical sight can present to us the actual body of things of which the thought had only possessed an indication or mental description and they become to us at once real and evident, pratyak ṣ a, so the spiritual ...

... too dazzling for the human time-born sight to behold. The Mother used to say that the supramental sun looks black to human sight. It so bright, so dazzling that it is beyond the range of our physical sight. Thus the body of glory of Goddess Dawn gets expunged, expelled, cleared from heaven, from the sky. It was too mystic, at the same time real. Mystic is visionary, not substantial, and yet it ...

... giving birth to a daughter. Again, the sonnet speaks of his wife's face being veiled: Milton had married Katharine nearly five years after his total blindness and the dream reflected his lack of physical sight of her. Un- Page 143 fortunately, both the arguments are ineffective. Professor W. R. Parker has submitted that the sonnet refers to Mary and not Katharine. For, in the first ...

... The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri Fourth Element: Obstruction to the Sight: As in the case of an ordinary physical sight the interposition of an opaque obstacle in between the viewer of an object and the object itself is liable to prevent the vision of the object from taking place, so in the case of a subtle supraphysical vision ...

... It means simply that she externalised her inner vision and experience so as to see through the physical eyes also, but it was the inner vision that saw and the inner hearing that heard, not the physical sight or hearing. That is common enough. It does not indicate an "advanced" sadhana, whatever that phrase may mean, but only a special faculty.         This kind of inwardly visible contact ...

... adequate picture, one may say.... The difference is that the French has vision and the inspired movement that comes with vision - all on the vital plane, of course, - but the English version has only physical sight, sometimes with a little glow in it, and the precision that comes with that sight.... But both these poems have the distinction of being perfectly satisfying in their own kind. 81 And ...

... that 'it is the psychic being... which will materialise itself and become the supramental being'. 1970 Dec- 1971 Jan Suffers from a kind of paralysis for a month and half, during which her physical sight and hearing are 'thrown into the background to make room for identification by consciousness'. 1971 Jan 16 During the illness, although her body felt it was 'being torn asunder' her universal ...


... a nonphysical world than it was nonphysical laws. It was one and the same physical world, but differently seen and lived, as if there were another category of physical laws, another category of physical sight, another category of existence, one within the other. Perhaps the next world and the next species that strove to emerge, still half-veiled by the residue of the old species. Yes, between the c ...

... get the intuition of the significance. Or if you want their science too, then learn and apply the occult science which can alone deal with supraphysical phenomena. There is, besides the outer physical sight which sees external objects, an inner sight in us which can see things yet unseen and unknown, things at a distance, things belonging to another place or time or other worlds.... It is the working ...


... bring with it a transformation of all the parts of the nature and all its activities. "There is accordingly a change, a profound transformation in the physical sense, a supramentalising of the physical sight, hearing, touch, etc." that will reveal to us "a quite different view, not merely of life and its meaning, but even of the material world and all its forms and aspects." The supramental ...

... the eyes closed, you begin to see things, people, scenes of all kinds. This is not a bad thing, it is a good sign and means that you are making progress in the Yoga. There is, besides the outer physical sight which sees external objects, an inner sight in us which can see things yet unseen and unknown, things at a distance, things belonging to another place or time or to other worlds; it is the inner ...


... does that mean, what does one see exactly? Does one see a... What does one see? ( Laughter ) One perceives, if you like; one can see, but not see with a physical image. There is not only the physical sight, it is not seeing with... And in fact, one can see with one's eyes, if the eyes are plastic enough to allow the higher Consciousness, the divine Consciousness to pass through them. Page 364 ...


... psychic sight sees what goes on in the psychic, either in the psychic state or the psychic domains or the psychic being. A mental sight sees what goes on in the mind: it sees. It is a seeing like a physical sight, truly physical. With your physical eyes you cannot have a psychic vision; only your psychic being can have psychic sight. You may have a sufficiently close relation with your psychic being ...


... formation. If the psychic being is completely formed, if it has reached the perfection of its being and is free to reincarnate or not, it has also the capacity of choosing.... They don't have a physical sight like ours so long as they are not in a body. So, evidently, they look for a body which is. adapted and fit to express them, but they must give its share to the material inconscience, if it may ...


... myself, 'Ah! That's why, from the physical, purely material standpoint, my vision seems to be a bit blurred .' Because what I was seeing was MUCH clearer and infinitely more expressive than normal physical sight. And I recalled that it is with these clearer eyes that I see and recognize all my people at balcony darshan. (From the balcony I recognize all my people.) And it's that vision (but with open eyes ...


... and he said, "Yes." And I could see—I saw lots of people. Because it's a strange thing, the eyesight is absolutely different (it's in the subtle physical), the sight is absolutely different from physical sight: you see thousands of miles away and very near at the same time, and distance is implied only by a given place in the atmosphere (I don't know how to explain this), but what's far away is as near ...


... hues displayed Like an untimely sunset's magic glories live. Another rendering of the same passage by Sri Aurobindo: A god concealed in mountain majesty, Embodied to our cloudy physical sight In snowy summits and green-gloried slopes, To northward of the many-rivered land, Measuring the earth in an enormous ease, . Immense Himaloy dwells and in the moan Of eastern ...


... supreme deity in the eyes of his devotees, and as a mere human child in the eyes of those in the grip of Māyā. 12. Ah! How can one describe the good fortune of the inhabitants of Vraja before whose physical sight stood He, the dust of whose feet the Yogis fail to attain even through austerities practiced in life after life, with their minds indrawn and concentrated on Him! Appearance of the Demon ...


... most, from within outwards, but not from without, not even from without inwards. This inner Page 175 world has its own laws and they differ from the laws of optics which govern the physical sight; but there is no reason why it should be called unnatural. It is unnatural only in the sense that it does not copy physical Nature; it is quite natural in the 1 sense that it is a faithful reproduction ...

... nervous translation and thus be aware of the object in question. But this account errs on many counts. The physical eye belonging to the physical body is meant only for a limited range of physical sight. But we have bodies other than the physical one: the subtle body {suksma satire) and the causal body (kārana sarìra), and these bodies have their corresponding "eyes". Our total being is not ...

... ion of all the parts of the nature and all its activities." There will be according- Page 89 ly a profound transformation in the physical senses, "a supramentalising of the physical sight, hearing, touch, etc." that will reveal to us "a quite different view, not merely of life and its meaning, but even of the material world and all its forms and aspects." The supramental ...

... without going to the supraphysical worlds?       What light? If you mean the supraphysical light you don't get it on the physical. You get the supraphysical inner vision often behind the physical sight and you see with that, supraphysical things as is perfectly natural.         When one tries to do something that is contrary to the Divine's Will, what is it that tells one inwardly not ...

... three knots? They are the knots of the Body, the Vital and the Mind. For the poets and litterateurs too there are three similar knots. First, the knot of the body, that is to say, the physical Page 52 sight, mere perception of the senses – to accept that which is external as absolute truth and to draw a picture of the outer form visible to the eyes and palpable by the senses. In literature ...

... him a most meaningful and characteristic element. However, it must be granted that the spiritual and not the physical held his gaze first and foremost: from there he looked downwards with the eyes of the rapturous reformer. Keats is aware, first and foremost, of the physical, the sights and sounds and scents and touches of the earth, the shapes and energies that achieve a concrete beauty, a beauty... discovery of the divine Idea, Power and living norm of Beauty which by its breath of delight has created the universe, supports it and moves towards a greater perfection, inspires the harmonies of inward sight and outward form, yearns and strives towards the fullness of its own self-discovery by love and delight." 1 Shelley and Keats stand side by side with an apparent antinomy but with an essential... the heart with the beauty caught through those windows that are the eyes of eternal reverie. From the Nightingale's Song let us turn to an even deeper spell that Keats can cast with a merging of sight and sound, sound and silence. Recollect those lines on the carvings upon the sides of the Grecian Urn: Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry