Enlarged edition. Writings, letters of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother that were preserved by Champaklal. 'These writings to devotees are most valuable' - Champaklal

Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II

  Sri Aurobindo : corresp.

Clinging Impediments

Could it be that you are a little impatient about what you consider as a slow advance?

Is it that you are restless and eager to taste soon the fruit of your efforts?

Moreover I cannot see how to be plunged again, even for a few weeks only, in the very atmosphere which is responsible for the thickness of the surface-crust through which your soul has to pierce to make itself felt exteriorly, can in the least help you to get rid of the "clinging impediments".

You are quite conscious of the aspiration and the aim of your soul; you are quite conscious of what your soul wants you and expects you to become. It is only some consequences of this present physical formation that stand in the way, and now, it is only a steady and patient working out of these impediments that can solve the difficulty.

So, from the yoga point of view, any "taking leave" would be a kind of "giving way" to the obstinacy of the resistance. This for me, is quite clear.

But are you quite sure that there is not the remembrance of an attachment lurking in some corner of the mind which makes you answer unknowingly to the insistence of a pressure coming from outside? In that case the problem would have to be considered from another angle.

The Mother

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