Enlarged edition. Writings, letters of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother that were preserved by Champaklal. 'These writings to devotees are most valuable' - Champaklal

Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II

  Sri Aurobindo : corresp.

General Notes and Messages

It may be said that perfection is attained, through it remains progressive, when the receptivity from below is equal to the force from above which wants to manifest.

3 January 1951

Collaboration and reciprocal good will are indispensable for good work.

11 August 1954

The closer you come to the Divine the more you live under a shower of overwhelming evidences of His immeasurable Grace.

15 August 1955

Before getting angry for the mistakes of others one should always remember one's own mistakes.

It is by combined and patient effort that all good work is done.

When you start a quarrel it is as if you were declaring war to the Divine's work.

For the work steadiness and regularity are as necessary as skill. Whatever you do, do it always carefully.

If mistakes were not to be effaced, then never the world could reach salvation.

There is no fire that can be compared with passion,

no misfortune equal to hatred.

no misery comparable with the agitation of the mind.

He who follows the steep path that climbs the heights can easily slip down into the abyss.

Divine solicitude is supporting you in the disinterested work through which you will attain transformation.

Open to the New Light that has dawned upon Earth and your path will be illumined.

To be always happy, with an unclouded, unfluctuating happiness of all things this is the most difficult to accomplish.

Our faith in the omnipotence of the Grace is never equal to what the Grace itself is. July 1956

There is nothing which, in the last analysis, is not an instrument leading to the integral Victory of the Divine.

July 1956

Be always ready to receive the Divine for He may come to you at any moment at all.

And because He has kept you waiting at the rendez-vous, that is not a reason for you to be late. September 1956

In order to be able to conquer death and win immortality, one must neither fear death nor desire it.

To seek for pleasure is to ask for pain, for they are the obverse and reverse of the same thing.

It is a mistake or a superstition to believe that a thing or an outer circumstance can be the cause of anything whatsoever. All things and all circumstance are the concomittant effects of a force which acts from behind the veil.

The Force acts and each one reacts according to his own nature.

Unless your goal is the Divine Realisation upon earth, at whatever cost, take good care, do not come too close to the divine messengers for their action is like a hurricane that sweeps away all established things.

7 May 1957

Every word spoken useless is a dangerous gossiping.

Every malicious word, every slander is a degradation of the consciousness.

And when this slander is a expressed in a vulgar language and gross terms, then that is equivalent to a suicide - the suicide of one's soul.

9 August 1957

My heart aspires to be vast enough for Thy Victory.

For those who use only their physical eyes, the victory cannot be apparent until it is total, that is to say, physical.

But this does not mean that it is not already won in principle.

2 October 1957

Widen yourself as far as the extreme bounds of the universe and beyond.

Take upon yourself always all the necessities of progress and dissolve them in the ecstasy of unity. Then you will be divine.

13 November 1957

(About the Gnostic supramental consciousness)

What gives the sense of a great simplicity; for it is always when one goes down that the complications begin.

One speaks a great deal about this teaching but one does not follow it.

Human beings for the most part have the inveterate habit of deceiving themselves. They deceive themselves in hundreds of different ways, each more slyly tricky and subtle than the other, and all this with at once a perfect can dour and a perfect insincerity.

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