Enlarged edition. Writings, letters of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother that were preserved by Champaklal. 'These writings to devotees are most valuable' - Champaklal

Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II

  Sri Aurobindo : corresp.

Interviews with Tirupati

(The following seven reports of April 1925 are notes on Tirupati's interviews with Sri Aurobindo,)

When you bring down Power, you always bring down fighting power. The Divine power need not always be fighting power. When so power conies, a mere touch is enough to produce great effect. The Higher power knows the need of the system. In the physical, it is the calm, persistent power that works best, so you open with Sattvic ease, and the power can come down very easily, without your feeling strain. You need not bring down fighting power, unless you have to fight very great forces. In the vital, you could safely bring it down, for the vital is a fighting being.

7 April 1925

What I am now getting is the consciousness of unity with everything. The knowledge of difference, feeling etc. will come afterwards?

When you have got the unity, then you have got the right foundation for difference.

11 April 1925

1) Supermind is the Divine mind of knowledge and wisdom.

2) It shows the true relation of everything.

3) It shows everything.

4) Unity is the nature of the Infinite.

5) The idea of unity etc. is the creation of the mind.

6) You must pass beyond all these, to arrive at the true Supermind.

7) That which is coming is coming from above.

16 April 1925

1) What you are getting is what I call Vishaya Ananda; Ananda of the visayas.

2) Influence coming from these, have the nature of the true physical.

3) The Power is working in the material.

17 April 1925

1) Faith may be due to:

(a) The awakening of the psychic being.

(b) Fully developed emotional being turned upwards.

(c) Fully developed mind, which sees the thing as certain.

(d) Religious faith which is stupidity.

(e) Faith may be due to the absence of intellectual development; intellect which sees all possibilities gives prominence to each.

(f) Doubt may be due to the physical mind having positive side. We have to see, what is the source of faith. There is no absolute rule of law.

2) Spiritual being is Sachchidananda, which can be realised on the mental plane. One need not go to the Supermind at all.

3) First the whole physical being must be opened up; the Supermind must come and change the whole being from top to bottom; supramentalise it; then you get into the Supermind when you have the absolute truth.

4) Capacity of the physical being to extend depends upon our becoming conscious, and upon the plasticity of matter. Its capacity is the same as in the other parts, i.e., the plasticity and becoming conscious.

19 April 1925

There are very few people who have a trained mind. The education is such — getting mere ideas from books. They do not have that accuracy of the intelligence: intelligence which properly deals with the facts that are offered to it.

20 April 1925

I mean by trained intelligence the capacity to think rightly and see the truth, the truth of things in themselves and in right relation to each other. I mean the ideative mind. I do not mean to say that people have no ideas, but having ideas does not mean they think or look for the truth. Being* idealistic does not mean that they have trained intelligence. It is just the opposite of it. Idealists are mostly narrow. Opinions anybody can have. People may be optimistic, pessimistic, idealistic and it does not mean that they think.

My faith is from the psychic plane.

All power is one, but in manifestation it takes different forms and aspects.

These are different aspects and expressions of Ananda, delight of the perception of all things on all planes. In some there may be psychic or intuition, but that is a different matter. That is .very rare in humanity.

What do you mean by psycho-mental, psycho-vital, etc. ?

That is only a name. You can call it larger mental and larger vital.

What is pure psychic?

Pure psychic is Divine Principle.

Should we not be conscious of our strength ? You say, what is strong in me.

Yes, but you should be also conscious of your defects. You have a very strong vital being, and a good psychic being.

Is it more easy to act from the psychic ?

That you need not know now. The one advantage of having a good psychic is that there will be faith and certainty that the thing will come down. It is this that is necessary to fight the things on the physical plane. What they say Cue... it is faith. The nature of the Physical is to refuse power and light. But your faith brings down into the physical, the power and the light.

You ask me to be always conscious of the forces working and you make me so. But many people are not conscious yet; and yet they make progress. Why? How does the power work?

That is very common. It works behind the veil. Power is always working in the world. People are progressing, but few know how much they progress.

Becoming conscious is exceptional. It depends upon the aspiration of the being behind and upon the call from above. There is something in you which always, even in the darkest period, wants the higher thing. That is because of the force that has been gathered up in previous lives.

21 April 1925

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