Enlarged edition. Writings, letters of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother that were preserved by Champaklal. 'These writings to devotees are most valuable' - Champaklal

Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II

  Sri Aurobindo : corresp.

Message to the Prime Minister of India

Let India work for the future and take the lead. Thus she will recover her true place in the world.

since long it was the habit to govern through division and opposition. The time has come to govern through union, mutual understanding and collaboration.

To choose a collaborator, the value of the man is more important than the party to which the belongs.

The greatness of country does not depend on the victory of a party but on union of all the parties.

6 October 1969

The Mother

Mother is which all those who are sincere in their aspiration towards a divine life.

26 March 1971

For each problem there is a solution that can give satisfaction to everybody, but for finding this ideal solution each one must want it instead of meeting the others with the will to enforce one's own preference.

Enlarge your consciousness and aspire for the satisfaction of all.

All quarrels in the place where food is prepared, makes food indigestible.

The cooking must be done in silence and harmony.

Insincerity leads on the path to ruin.

Even within the confusion, there is the seed of the Divine order.

It is good to read a Divine Teaching

It is better to learn it.

The best is to live it.

Indeed, the goodwill hidden in all things reveals itself everywhere to that one who carries goodwill in his consciousness.

This is a constructive way of feeling which leads straight to the Future.

Those who are ready for the transformation can do it anywhere and those who are not ready cannot do it wherever they are. 12 November 1971

Take the division out of the heart and then speak, of no division.

Whether I see you or not makes no difference to the help. It will always be there.

Let your consecration to Truth be complete and constant.

It is not in the outward circumstances that you must look for quietness, it is from inside yourself. Deep inside the being there is a peace that brings quietness in the whole being down to the body, if we allow it to do so. It is that peace you must seek and then you will get the quietness you wish for.

When we have to work collectively, it is always better to insist, in our thoughts, feelings and actions, on the points of agreement rather than on the points of divergence.

We must give importance to the things that unite and ignore, as much as possible, those that separate.

Even when physically the lines of work differ, the union can remain intact and constant if we keep always in mind the essential points and Principles which unite, and the Divine goal, the Realisation which must be the one unchanging object of our aspiration and works.

From step to sleep, from truth to truth, we shall climb ceaselessly until we reach the perfect realisation of tomorrow.

A broad mind,

a generous heart,

an unflinching will,

a quiet steady determination,

an inexhaustible energy

and a total trust in one's mission,

this makes a perfect Doctor.

Be sincere in the work you have undertaken and the Grace will always be there to help you.

Let the waves of the past flow far from you carrying away with them all attachments and all weaknesses.

The luminous joy of the divine consciousness is waiting ready to take their place.

Let each one do his very best and, peacefully,-leave to the Supreme the care of the result.

If each one took the resolution of mastering oneself and controlling one's impulses, the situation would become more clear.

When people allow their consciousness to remain in a turmoil, all their life becomes a turmoil.

Do not expect any satisfaction from physical life and you will no more be tied to it.

Let nothing short of Perfection be your ideal in work and you are sure to become a true instrument of the Divine.

It is better to use the energies received from the Divine for perfection rather than for aggrandisement.

An illness of the body is always the outer expression and translation of a disorder, a disharmony in the inner being. Unless this inner disorder is healed the outer cure cannot be total and permanent.

Disease is needlessly prolonged and ends in death oftener than is inevitable, because the mind of the patient supports and dwells upon the disease of the body.

From the standpoint of yoga it is not so much what you do but how you do it that matters most.

Which is the easiest way to forget oneself?

Always do the right thing, in the right way and at the right moment.

To be convincing when you speak think not in ideas but in experiences.

Be grateful for all ordeals, they are the shortest way to the Divine.

When difficulties besiege you know that the Divine grace is with you.

With confidence we shall advance;

With certitude we shall wait.

Never say, "I have nothing to give to the Divine." There is always something to give, for always you can give yourselves in a better and more complete way.

Nothing can be compared to the peace that comes from a total trust in the Grace.


That is what we aspire for and for which we shall strive unceasingly' however long it may take.

Here the only power we can dispose of is the power of love.

In the depths of the Inconscient, there also shines the Divine Consciousness resplendent and eternal.

Death is not at all what you believe it to be. You expect from death the neutral quietness of an unconscious rest. But to obtain that rest you must prepare for it.

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