This is the fourth and final volume in the correspondence between Sri Aurobindo and Dilip. Sri Aurobindo keeps up his correspondence with his 'favourite' son throughout the difficult war years. Mother’s letters to Dilip are included in this volume.

Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV

  Sri Aurobindo : corresp.

Dilip Kumar Roy
Dilip Kumar Roy

This is the fourth and final volume in the correspondence between Sri Aurobindo and Dilip. Sri Aurobindo keeps up his correspondence with his 'favourite' son throughout the difficult war years. Mother’s letters to Dilip are included in this volume.

Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV
 LINK  Sri Aurobindo : corresp.

Correspondence 1939


January 20, 1939

Of course it was only an untrue dream. I never thought for a moment of asking you more money after all you have given with a generosity and loyalty I fully appreciate.

As for the departure, it is difficult for me to say anything. It goes without saying that we will be very sorry if you go. But how to stop you if you are so unhappy here?

About the suicide, you are aware that we do not approve of it because we know that it is no solution for the difficulties, on the contrary it is bound to increase them and to throw the departed being in a very miserable condition.

I would so much like that instead of thinking of death you would pray for the removal of the last obstacles and the descent of an all illuminating peace and joy.

Sri Aurobindo asks me to express his great regret at your decision and the necessity you feel to go. He asks you not to make it as a final decision but to keep the door open in yourself for return and happy emergence from your difficulty.

In all circumstances his love and affection will remain with you. You know that it is the same with me.


January 20, 1939

Nobody sees Sri Aurobindo except the doctors and those who come for personal work and attendance. If you have heard to the contrary it is quite false. So you must put away from your mind the idea you build on it that Sri Aurobindo has no longer any love for you, nor allow these things or any sense of isolation from us created by them make you go.

Your dream also is part of the same unreal building.

If you decide to go to Ali’s place to get some relief, we have no objection.

We shall certainly welcome you back whenever you wish to come – the sooner the better. Love and blessings


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January 22, 1939

À Dilip

Avec mes meilleurs voeux de bonne fête, et mes affectueuses bénédictions.

[To Dilip With my best wishes for a happy birthday and my affectionate blessings.]

Love and blessings from Sri Aurobindo.


January 23, 1939

I have just read your three letters to Sri Aurobindo. He is glad to see that you are beginning to recover from this attack. He is very glad that you have seen how unfounded is the doubt of our love for you and that the ideas of death and suicide are not at all called for. We hope you will never allow this doubt and these ideas to take hold of your mind again.

As to the advice you ask for regarding the best course for you to take, the perception expressed in your third letter seems to us the best. To keep yourself occupied with music and writing is always good; for your nature finds there its inborn occupation and that helps to maintain the vital energy and keep the balance.

About sadhana I should like to ask you why not do sadhana through your music? Surely meditation is not the only way of doing sadhana. Through your music bhakti and aspiration can grow and prepare the nature for realisation. If moments of meditation and concentration come of themselves then it is all right; but there is no need to force it.

I hope you will soon recover your full energy and poise and the clouds pass from you.

Be always sure of our love and help and blessings present with you.


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January 24, 1939

We quite agree to your going to Ali for a short time and you can go with our free consent and blessings.


February 9, 1939

I read your letter to Sri Aurobindo and he has seen your poems. The translation of “The Soul” especially is fine. We give our blessings to the poet and to Anilkumar’s wife and to Subhash.

For Maya blessings are only possible when she has undergone a sincere repentance. Love and blessings


February 22, 1939

I was glad to read Baron’s letter; it is beautiful as all his letters are. I have also received one letter from him today.

Certainly you can sing tomorrow and my love and blessings will be with you.


February 24, 1939

Sri Aurobindo thinks that it is not possible for us to intervene by a wire in a political matter of this kind. At most you might write to him (Subhash) your private opinion about the best course for him to take in these painful and difficult circumstances.

With love and blessings


March 12, 1939

It is only tomorrow (Monday) that I can read your letter to Sri Aurobindo and then we shall answer.

This is only to tell you that we will surely not ask you to go.

Our love and blessings


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March 13, 1939

We were very glad indeed to read your letter. We shall certainly give you all the help possible to carry out your resolution and the aspiration behind it. I feel sure that with an earnest and sustained effort you will conquer and effect the opening for which you have been striving and preparing so long.

Our blessings are with you in your aspiration and endeavour. With our love


March 18, 1939

Here is Aly’s letter. Once more we assure you that we shall have no objection to your going to Hyderabad for a short time if you decide to do so.

Our love and blessings


April 2, 1939

The Rs. 10 are quite welcomed... Glad that your work is going on nicely. Our love and blessings are with you.


April 27, 1939

The translation of Mirabai’s song is good. The “with” is possible but perhaps “for” would be better.

Blessings are given for the two objects for which you ask them.

“It is strange” will do very well for the title. You can, of course, come tomorrow after the meditation, for blessings. With our love and blessings


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November 10, 1939

I have only this to say about the matter. From the point of view of the sadhana it is much more dangerous to go to Tiruvannamalai than to go to Sylhet for giving evidence.... Our love and blessings Mother

P.S. You can show this answer to Baron.


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