This is the fourth and final volume in the correspondence between Sri Aurobindo and Dilip. Sri Aurobindo keeps up his correspondence with his 'favourite' son throughout the difficult war years. Mother’s letters to Dilip are included in this volume.

Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV

  Sri Aurobindo : corresp.

Dilip Kumar Roy
Dilip Kumar Roy

This is the fourth and final volume in the correspondence between Sri Aurobindo and Dilip. Sri Aurobindo keeps up his correspondence with his 'favourite' son throughout the difficult war years. Mother’s letters to Dilip are included in this volume.

Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV
 LINK  Sri Aurobindo : corresp.

Correspondence 1940

January 22, 1940

Our help and force are with you for the new year of your life.

I am sure that with persevering and sincere aspiration the barrier you feel and the internal difficulties will melt away. With our love and blessings

P.S. Ci-joint quelques bonbons de France. [Here are a few candies from France.]


February 6, 1940

What is this strange rumour about our stopping darshan? There is no truth at all in it. We have no intention of “vanishing” as we do not believe that it can bring in “peace and light”....

As for your sadhana you had developed a true bhakti and an opening of psychic perception. Keep that and it will bring you what is necessary. Meditation is difficult for you still because there is not yet a sufficient quietude in the mind substance. But that too can come in time.

Don’t let these opposite things come in; keep your mental state bright and clear which is the best condition for experience.

Our love and blessings

P.S. Sending back the papers with our force.


February 16, 1940

I am quite ready to shower my grace on this Ajit, but I do not consider it advisable for him that he should come here. I don’t believe half a minute “darshan” can change these habits. We have had bitter experience about them already, that they resist even a psychic opening... He must first have the sincere will to change.

I intend to give an interview to Charu Dutt if he remains sufficiently long after the “Darshan”.

Our love and blessings



April 22, 1940

Our love and special blessings will be with you for the singing tonight and the “darshan” on the 24th.


May 27, 1940

I am not aware of being “better pleased” if you did not go to Madras for the records. I quite approve of your going.

For this Shanti the difficulty is always the same, accommodation; if she can stay in the same room as [?] she can come.

For Kunju Ghosh there is no difficulty as he is going to stay in a hotel. The poem is very good.

Don’t worry about Hitler; no asuric force can stand eternally against the divine force and the hour of his defeat is bound to come.

With our love and blessings


June 18, 1940

Yes, you can come this afternoon on the staircase at 5.45 for pranam and to sign the cheque. I shall give you then some flowers for Hashi and Usha.

I have felt all this time your loyalty and faithfulness and have deeply appreciated your feelings and your attitude.

Our love and blessings are always with you.


August 20, 1940

You are sure to get back the poise, for the progress you have made remains and will come uppermost again.

In these days when lots of people come from outside, there is always some restlessness and disturbance brought into the atmosphere and some disturbance of the poise may easily take place – but it will come back.

Our force will be with you and our help and protection.

With our love and blessings


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October 8, 1940

Of course you can come up after meditation tonight for pranam and signing the cheque.

It is certainly not at all true that I don’t care for the sadhaks and their sadhana. Why should the world conditions being bad make me cease to care! It would be rather a reason for insisting more on a quick spiritual realisation as the only way out of the impasse. You should not believe in what you hear from people; so constantly nasty and disturbing things are being said which are quite untrue. You are not so empty of the inner surrender as you now think. Cast away your doubts; you had a very long period without them which gives a certainty that you can get rid of them altogether.

All our help and force will be with you.

And our love and blessings


November 10, 1940

I will speak to Bula about the repair of the cane chairs. There will be no difficulty.

Don’t let yourself be worried by people and their ways. You may be sure that our love, blessings and help are always with you.


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