This is the fourth and final volume in the correspondence between Sri Aurobindo and Dilip. Sri Aurobindo keeps up his correspondence with his 'favourite' son throughout the difficult war years. Mother’s letters to Dilip are included in this volume.

Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV

  Sri Aurobindo : corresp.

Dilip Kumar Roy
Dilip Kumar Roy

This is the fourth and final volume in the correspondence between Sri Aurobindo and Dilip. Sri Aurobindo keeps up his correspondence with his 'favourite' son throughout the difficult war years. Mother’s letters to Dilip are included in this volume.

Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV
 LINK  Sri Aurobindo : corresp.


“My appeal to you is this, that long after the Controversy will be hushed in Silence, long after this turmoil and agitation will have ceased... he will be looked upon as the poet of patriotism, as the prophet of nationalism and lover of humanity. Long after he is gone, his words will be echoed and re-echoed not only in India but across distant seas and lands. Therefore I say that the man in his position is not only standing before the Bar of this Court, but before the Bar of the High Court of History” – thus said Deshbandhu C.R. Das during his peroration at the famous trial of Sri Aurobindo in Calcutta, in 1908. These prophetic words have been more than fulfilled, far beyond anybody’s ken and the process is further expanding, as we can perceive.

We are glad that we are able to complete our task and present this fourth and final volume of Sri Aurobindo’s letters to Sri Dilip Kumar Roy. It covers the period from 1938 to 1950. Mother’s letters including the ones written after 1950 to Sri Dilip Kumar are also given in this fourth volume.

Sri Dilip Kumar responded to his Guru’s clarion call with all his heart and soul and lived his life dedicated to this ideal till his last breath. In his own words: “To us, who have heard his (Sri Aurobindo’s) clarion, there can be no question of following a lesser call: we must consecrate all we have and are to achieve the goal

“To raise the world to God in deathless Light... ... To change the earthly life to life divine.”

Savitri, XI.I

These letters from the Master, shine the Divine Light in our earthly life.

Sri Aurobindo had assured his Dilip (16.5.1932), that “you do not belong to yourself – you belong to the Divine and myself and the Mother. I have cherished you like a friend and a son and poured on you my force to develop your powers – to make an equal development in the Yoga....” Through the years this process was more intensified not only for the sake of the disciple, but through him to draw and help countless seekers of spiritual Truth. In fact the Guru had remarked that more people are drawn to him because of Dilip than by himself directly.

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Further, the Master saw in Sri Dilip Kumar the makings of a Sadguru and when Janak Kumari came to Pondicherry for the first time on Darshan day (21.2.1949), a new dimension was added to the Sadhana of Dilip. Now he had to concentrate not only on his own Sadhana, but also to take on the additional responsibility of a disciple. When Smt. Janak Kumari went into Savikalpa Samadhi soon after the Darshan, Sri Aurobindo wrote in a letter to Dadaji, that Janak Kumari was a highly evolved soul, ripe for yoga and she need not go back: Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were willing to accept her as a disciple. But Janak Kumari insisted that being a novice, she needed day to day guidance and Sri Dilip Kumar was her Guru. Sri Aurobindo may have smiled at the thought of Dilip’s dismay but sided with Janak Kumari and wrote to Dilip that she was right, and he was her Guru and he (Sri Aurobindo) will work on her through him. Sri Aurobindo gave her the name ‘Indira Devi’.

Sri Aurobindo kept a close watch on Smt. Indira Devi’s welfare and authenticated her experiences, which Dilip faithfully reported to him. The Ashram published a book (Shrutanjali) of her songs heard in her visions with permission and blessings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. We have included in this volume one of the letters written by Smt. Indira Devi to Sri Aurobindo in 1950 to give a glimpse of her Bhakti and surrender to Gurudev Sri Aurobindo.

In 1953, the Government of India, sent Sri Dilip Kumar Roy and Smt. Indira Devi on a cultural mission around the world. They were also invited by the Stanford University to give lectures on Indian philosophy and music. A litterateur, a musician, a musicologist-composer par excellence, a philosopher and a spiritual personality, Sri Dilip Kumar Roy was the right choice to be the cultural ambassador and propagate the best of India to the western world. The Mother gave her consent and blessed Dilip and Indira for this tour. Dadaji talked about his Master Sri Aurobindo and on Sri Ramakrishna besides music and culture. We see that Sri Aurobindo’s Force continued to work through his beloved disciple, even after 1950, not only in his personal life but round the world in ever-increasing intensity and reach.

The genesis of this publication of the four volumes of letters can be traced to a request of Sri Satprem to Ma Indira Devi in January 1996. Sri Satprem wrote:

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16 January 1996

Respected Indira Devi,

It is a grace to write to you personally. I still remember Dilipda in 1946 when I was with Monsieur Baron in the French Government house and I have heard Dilipda singing, his face beaming and entranced – probably you were there also sharing the love of Music and his love. Of all Sri Aurobindo’s letters, those written to Dilipda as to a son very much touched my heart. I wish you would agree to Sujata’s request or prayer... we would love to have these invaluable letters published... and if I can, I could try to translate them into French.

With warm remembrance and regards, and in my heart Dilipda’s smile.


While acknowledging our debt of gratitude to those from whom we have received in abundant measure help, support, love and contribution through concrete inputs, we must mention, as well as Sri Satprem, most importantly, Dr. Govinda Gopal Mukhopadhyay, who was the main initiating spirit behind this project. It is a matter of great regret that he is no more. He left his body on the 26th of March, 2009, before he could see this final volume. We also feel deeply the irreparable loss in the passing away of Revered Satpremji and of Sujatadi.

We thank wholeheartedly Ms. Diane who took the responsibility on her able shoulders and ensured the preparation of the manuscript for the press. We also thank the whole team at Mira Aditi who willingly helped in many ways. Our thanks are due to Dr. Karan Singh for writing the preface. We acknowledge his love and respect for our Guru Sri Dilip Kumar Roy and his continued regard for the Hari Krishna Mandir.

I would like to end this note with a blessing of love from Sri Satprem which he personally sent me in February, 2005.

rr fevrier 2005

To Shankar

In this auspicious month of the Divine Mother it is most touching to read re-read and re-read Your faithfulness in the Truth Divine With my deepest Love and Mother’s Love


Shankar Bandyopadhyay

Hari Krishna Mandir, Pune January 22, 2011

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