My Pilgrimage to the Spirit 176 pages 1977 Edition


Govindbhai's correspondence with Sri Aurobindo on his sadhana, experiences & visions. He also describes the 'touch of Grace' in his life in the outside world.

My Pilgrimage to the Spirit

  Sri Aurobindo : corresp.

December 28, 1933

[The following reply was sent throught me:]

… I am unable to see him because for a long time past I have made it an absolute rule not to have any interview with anyone. I do not even speak with my disciples and only give a silent blessing to them three times a year. All requests for an interview from others, I have been obliged to refuse. The rule has been imposed on me by the necessity of my sadhana and is not at all a matter of convenience or anything else. The time has not come when I can depart from it.

Sri Aurobindo

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