My Pilgrimage to the Spirit 176 pages 1977 Edition


Govindbhai's correspondence with Sri Aurobindo on his sadhana, experiences & visions. He also describes the 'touch of Grace' in his life in the outside world.

My Pilgrimage to the Spirit

  Sri Aurobindo : corresp.

July 26, 1932

Q What is the difference between stilling, suppressing and controlling or mastering?

A. If you suppress, you will have no movements of the chitta at all. All will be immobile, until you remove the suppression—or will be so immobile that there cannot be anything else than immobility.

If you still, the chitta will be quiet; whatever movements there are will not disturb the quietude.

If you control or master, then the chitta will be immobile when you want, active when you want, and its action will be such that, what you want to get rid of, will go; only what you accept as true and useful will come.

Sri Aurobindo

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