My Pilgrimage to the Spirit 176 pages 1977 Edition


Govindbhai's correspondence with Sri Aurobindo on his sadhana, experiences & visions. He also describes the 'touch of Grace' in his life in the outside world.

My Pilgrimage to the Spirit

  Sri Aurobindo : corresp.

March 10, 1932

It does not at all concern the sadhakas to know to whom the messages are addressed. In fact, I do not know why they should be called ‘messages’; for in fact they are answers to questions or to letters, and only as much is circulated as is considered apposite or of general interest or use from the point of view of sadhana.

These movements obviously belong to the lower vital and physical consciousness. It is the petty love of gossip and the pleasure in small talk and scandal and fault-finding and the rest that are responsible. These are activities that, I believe, are generally supposed to be part of the "human nature," but do not adorn it and certainly quite foreign to sadhana and Yoga.

Obviously, curiosity and gossip and wrong movement cannot be helpful to sadhana. The messages are not meant as food for gossip, but to give sadhakas indications that can be of use to them in their sadhana. If they misuse them in this way, it is their own loss.

Care nothing about them; regard them with perfect indifference and reject them from the personal atmosphere. Do not do these things yourself and do not mind if others do them.

Sri Aurobindo

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