My Pilgrimage to the Spirit 176 pages 1977 Edition


Govindbhai's correspondence with Sri Aurobindo on his sadhana, experiences & visions. He also describes the 'touch of Grace' in his life in the outside world.

My Pilgrimage to the Spirit

  Sri Aurobindo : corresp.

March 11, 1932

The cosmic consciousness does not belong to overmind in especial; it covers all the planes.

Man is shut up at present in his surface individual consciousness and knows the world (or rather the surface of it) only through his outward mind and senses and by interpreting the contacts with the world. By yoga there can open in him a consciousness which becomes one with that of the world; he becomes directly aware of a universal being, universal states, universal force and forces; universal mind, life, matter and lives in conscious relations with these things. He is then said to have the cosmic consciousness.

Sri Aurobindo

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