An account of Huta's sadhana & the grace showered on her by The Mother - especially how Mother prepared her for painting the series: 'Meditations on Savitri'.

My Savitri work with the Mother

  The Mother : Contact   On Savitri


This book tells the story of how Huta came to the Ashram and began her work with the Mother. It presents a detailed account of how the Mother prepared and encouraged her to learn painting and helped her to create two series of paintings: the 472 pictures comprising Meditations on Savitri and the 116 pictures that accompanied the Mother's comments titled About Savitri. During their meetings, where the Mother revealed her visions for each painting by drawing sketches and explaining which colours should be used, the unique importance of Savitri and the Mother's own experiences connected to the poem come clearly into view. The book is also a representation of Huta's sadhana, her struggles and her progress, and the solicitude and grace showered on her by the Mother.

My Savitri work with the Mother
 The Mother : Contact  On Savitri

19 February 1958

The following Message, given to me by the Mother, appealed to me very much:

The Next Step

The Supramental world exists permanently and I am there permanently in a Supramental body. Now, I know that what is lacking for the two worlds to unite in a constant and conscious relation is an intermediate zone between the physical world as it is and the Supramental world as it is. It is this zone that remains to be built, simultaneously in the individual consciousness and the objective world, and is being built.

When I used to speak formerly of the new world which is being created, it was of this intermediary zone that I was speaking. And in the same way when I am on this side, that is, in the field of the physical consciousness, and see the Supramental Power, the Supramental Light and substance penetrating continuously into Matter, I can say that this zone is being erected.


The Mother

My health became worse than ever. It was the nagging anxiety and persistent emotion that had sapped my strength. Now I could not eat at all. My body failed to stand even liquid food. The Mother knew my situation. I received a letter from her saying:

My dear little child,

I have something to tell you and will see you this evening at the Playground—come at 6.20. I shall wait for you.

My love and blessings

I went to her. She gathered me tenderly into her arms and soothed me for quite a long time with compassionate words. She suggested to me:

Child, your health will improve and you will be all right if you will go to Africa for a few months for a change. You know I will always be with you. You must become absolutely well and I know that you will.

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