An account of Huta's sadhana & the grace showered on her by The Mother - especially how Mother prepared her for painting the series: 'Meditations on Savitri'.

My Savitri work with the Mother

  The Mother : Contact   On Savitri


This book tells the story of how Huta came to the Ashram and began her work with the Mother. It presents a detailed account of how the Mother prepared and encouraged her to learn painting and helped her to create two series of paintings: the 472 pictures comprising Meditations on Savitri and the 116 pictures that accompanied the Mother's comments titled About Savitri. During their meetings, where the Mother revealed her visions for each painting by drawing sketches and explaining which colours should be used, the unique importance of Savitri and the Mother's own experiences connected to the poem come clearly into view. The book is also a representation of Huta's sadhana, her struggles and her progress, and the solicitude and grace showered on her by the Mother.

My Savitri work with the Mother
 The Mother : Contact  On Savitri

22 December 1960

The Mother called me on 22nd December 1960 to the Meditation Hall upstairs and made me understand the truth of life. Later I noted down what she had said and sent it to her for confirmation. Here is her talk:

Child, you must be obstinate. You see, the Supreme Lord himself is very obstinate. He persists in His aim of taking away all obscurity, inertia and unhappiness from human beings and making them perfect. This process goes on in an endless cycle. He does not change human beings suddenly. Everything has its own time.

Failure always comes in human life but even he who fails can go one step forward to his goal. Not a single person can escape from misery, difficulty and failure.

A few people seem highly educated and intellectual, they are praised by many for their remarkable work and success, but, after all, these 'wise' people are full of ignorance, and in the end they fail to achieve their goal.

A person gets married, has children and all the rest, he is not happy at all. At the end he falls into the chasm of death and again he comes into this world. This goes on and on and on until he finds the Truth.

This world is the only place where man can progress and lessen the burden of his past life and present life and get ready for the next more fortunate birth to find something higher and more beautiful. It is only here in this world that you are given the opportunity to progress towards the Eternal.

I have seen many other worlds, which are dull, grey and full of darkness, where people are bored and are groping to find happiness.

I know the beginning of the world and its end up to Eternity. Your failure is that of your past birth and not of your present birth. Failure is nothing but a step forward to your success. You will have to dig in each step carefully and set your feet firmly and proceed in future to the Truth. But you must be obstinate.

The highest cannot be realised until one becomes perfect. It takes years after years, century after century. However, you must be obstinate like the Supreme Lord. Be more and more obstinate in front of your own defects.

Life is not so simple and straight. It is like the waves of an ocean. Do not care about what people say. They are ignorant—their judgement leads you nowhere.

Remain in the vastness of Supreme Love, Truth, Light and Peace. This is the Law of the Supreme.

Yes, whatever the Mother had said was true. But I knew within myself that I had to fight yet another gigantic battalion of the hostile forces, in order to come out purified from the obscurity of the lower elements. I wanted very much to be a true and perfect child of the Mother, and for that I was fully prepared within my true self to face the most severe ordeals. It was a challenge of my soul to the dark forces. My struggle already had begun,

I used to go to the Mother in the afternoon, but also sometimes in the morning. She told me something about painting and spirituality.

I heard some people talking about me after my coming from London. I told the Mother. She gave me one of her photographs in which she looks up, with her blessings. She gave me the meaning of her picture: "Realisation". After pointing to the pose she advised:

Child, you see, here I look upward. I always do so. Beauty, Peace and Light are there above. They are ready to come down. Aspire always by looking up to them to manifest upon earth.

Never, never look down at the filth of falsehood—the ugly things of the world. Always look up towards the luminous and beautiful things.

Look upward with me and there you will find the Supreme Truth.

The Mother has stated about her photographs:

In each photo it is a different aspect of myself which is revealed It is an entity that is present there; it is not just a picture on a piece of paper, but a living Presence, a vibrant Force and an entity or an emanation which is projected and has a tremendous power of action and means of execution.

Anyway, it is a part of myself materialised, concrete, which is revealed in such a way that the Force acts through the photo itself because my Presence is living there and a portion of myself is manifested in the photo.

With these luminous words came the end of the year 1960.


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