An account of Huta's sadhana & the grace showered on her by The Mother - especially how Mother prepared her for painting the series: 'Meditations on Savitri'.

My Savitri work with the Mother

  The Mother : Contact   On Savitri


This book tells the story of how Huta came to the Ashram and began her work with the Mother. It presents a detailed account of how the Mother prepared and encouraged her to learn painting and helped her to create two series of paintings: the 472 pictures comprising Meditations on Savitri and the 116 pictures that accompanied the Mother's comments titled About Savitri. During their meetings, where the Mother revealed her visions for each painting by drawing sketches and explaining which colours should be used, the unique importance of Savitri and the Mother's own experiences connected to the poem come clearly into view. The book is also a representation of Huta's sadhana, her struggles and her progress, and the solicitude and grace showered on her by the Mother.

My Savitri work with the Mother
 The Mother : Contact  On Savitri

26 October 1959

Miss Doris Tomlinson reached Pondicherry on 24th October 1959. I got a letter dated 26th October from the Mother:

To My dear little child Huta,

I have just received all the nice things you have sent through Doris with your love and I am very glad to have them.

My love and blessings are always with you.

Also there was a quotation from her own writings:

Always do the best you can and leave the result to the Supreme. Then your heart will be in peace.

At the same time I had a letter from Doris advising me to wear warm clothes and be very careful during the winter. She added:

I was so happy to see the Mother. She inquired all about your welfare and thanked me for assisting you in London. I felt really embarrassed. Did you write to the Mother? The Mother affirmed: 'Now London has come under my Consciousness.' Huta, isn't it wonderful?

October drifted into November. Raw, cold, wet weather gripped London in its remorseless fingers. Days of anxiety and uncertainty lay ahead of me. My restored confidence ebbed away. The adverse forces invariably found their means to destroy my peace. How could I ever win, with the dice so heavily loaded against me? God, if I were capable I would choke the life out of the devil. I felt unhappy and full of unrest.

I stood near my window and watched the sky darken, the ashen clouds scurry across in the wild wind. Gingerly I got ready to leave for college. Meanwhile the Mother's envelope waited for me in the pigeon-hole. I opened it and found a card which depicted frosted snow on the trunk of a big tall tree and on its branches, near a Church. Her words conveyed sweet warmth to my heart:

To My dear little child Huta

Bonne Fete!

Cheer up! 'All is well that ends well and the end will be all right. My love and blessings

Her assurance brought a sense of relief. My mind started clearing, the mist of depression receding. I felt that the Mother was my sole anchor in this dangerous and insecure world. Grace a toi!

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