Huta expressed some of Sri Aurobindo's poems through paintings, under the Mother's inspiration & guidance. See 50+ paintings with relevant lines from the poems.

Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems

50+ paintings by Huta, inspired by Sri Aurobindo's poems

  The Mother : Contact   Painting


In March 1967 Huta began the work of expressing some of Sri Aurobindo's poems through paintings. Under the Mother's inspiration and guidance she selected certain verses from the poems and completed fifty-four paintings, which were all shown to the Mother in September of that year. This new book presents these paintings along with the lines which inspired them from some of Sri Aurobindo's most well-known poems

Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems
 The Mother : Contact  Painting

The Hill-Top Temple

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One of Sri Aurobindo's experiences, of the contact with the Infinite, was on the Hill-top Temple of the Parvati Hill in Poona.

Image 73

After unnumbered steps of a hill-stair
   I saw upon earth's head brilliant with sun
   The immobile Goddess in her house of stone
In a loneliness of meditating air.


Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems: The Hill-top Temple


The sense of the length of time depends upon the consciousness in which you find yourself. In an ordinary human consciousness, time is measured in relation to the number of years you expect to live. If you succeed in uniting your consciousness with the psychic consciousness, a life is but a moment among similar moments that have existed before; then one life more or less has not much importance. If you are united with the consciousness of eternity, time no longer has any reality.

The Mother, Questions and Answers (1950 - 1951): 22 March 1951

It is never too early to begin, never too late to continue.

The Mother, Questions and Answers (1950 - 1951): 13 January 1951

Find the Guide secret within you or housed in an earthly body, hearken to his voice and follow always the way that he points. At the end is the Light that fails not, the Truth that deceives not, the Power that neither strays nor stumbles, the wide freedom, the ineffable Beatitude.

Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine and Human: Partial Systems of Yoga

The liberated individual being, united with the Divine in self and spirit, becomes in his natural being a self-perfecting instrument for the perfect outflowing of the Divine humanity.

Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga - II: The Principle of the Integral Yoga

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