

Huta's letter to The Mother in 1965 inspired the creation of Matrimandir; it was to Huta that The Mother first explained Her concept of Auroville's town-plan.

The Spirit of Auroville

  The Mother : Contact   Auroville


Huta had a strong connection with Auroville – a letter of hers to the Mother in 1965 inspired the creation of Matrimandir, the Mother’s Shrine; and it was to Huta that the Mother first explained, with sketches, her concept for the town-plan of Auroville. In 1966 Huta produced the painting which the Mother named ‘The Spirit of Auroville.’ All this is told in her books 'Matrimandir the Mother’s Truth and Love' and 'The Spirit of Auroville'.

The Spirit of Auroville
 PDF     The Mother : Contact  Auroville

A letter dated 5.4.75 came from Gloria:

Dear Huta,

Thank you for sending us the book about Leonardo da Vinci. We have enjoyed reading it.

I also remember your visit of the 21st February and spontaneously the memory came to me, with this deep feeling, so beautiful, expressed in the Book Three, Canto Two of Savitri:

All here shall be one day her sweetness’s home,
All contraries prepare her harmony;
Towards her our knowledge climbs, our passion gropes,
In her miraculous rapture we shall dwell,
Her clasp will turn to ecstasy our pain. ||81.25||
Our self shall be one self with all through her. ||81.26||

Huta, if you could see how beautiful and powerful the Matrimandir now looks! The scaffolding is finished and has reached the maximum height, we can see the size of the sphere. The 4th April, Sri Aurobindo's arrival day to Pondicherry, was the day on which four instructions of the Mother and the orientation of Matrimandir had been taken: the axis perfectly in line with the first ray of the sunrise.

I hope your health is well.

Thank you for remembering us.

With sincere love,


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