

Huta's letter to The Mother in 1965 inspired the creation of Matrimandir; it was to Huta that The Mother first explained Her concept of Auroville's town-plan.

The Spirit of Auroville

  The Mother : Contact   Auroville


Huta had a strong connection with Auroville – a letter of hers to the Mother in 1965 inspired the creation of Matrimandir, the Mother’s Shrine; and it was to Huta that the Mother first explained, with sketches, her concept for the town-plan of Auroville. In 1966 Huta produced the painting which the Mother named ‘The Spirit of Auroville.’ All this is told in her books 'Matrimandir the Mother’s Truth and Love' and 'The Spirit of Auroville'.

The Spirit of Auroville
 PDF     The Mother : Contact  Auroville

She answered on 9.8.1965:


Huta, my dear little child,

Lions are indeed very nice, I have always at least one lion with me, but not physically, because people are too frightened and their fear makes a mess... Soon the architect is coming and at once we shall see what can be done.


After our work on Savitri, I asked the Mother whether different kinds of birds could be kept—they would, of course, be free and not caged. Also peacocks, India's National Bird, because they eat up snakes and scorpions. I added that the plants of Basil kept snakes away. She smiled and nodded.

Here I remember the legend of the book, Bhagavati Bhagavata. There is a marvellous description of the Supreme Mother and Her abode. It is on a coral island surrounded by tall trees, waterfalls, varieties of fragrant flowers, plants and hillocks. Animals wander fearlessly. Colourful birds continuously chant Her name melodiously among the splendours of magnificent nature. The Supreme Mother reclines on a unique divan supported by Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and Maheshwara. The whole Universe dwells in the nail of the big toe of Her right foot.

I once related this story to the Mother. She was charmed.

I never forgot to kiss her right foot whenever I went to her. I observed that many a time the Mother would stretch her feet towards me, as a help.

Sri Aurobindo has stated:

All is created by the Supreme Goddess, the Supreme and Original Mahashakti, all proceeds from her; all lives by her, all lives in her, even as she lives in all. All wisdom and knowledge are her wisdom and knowledge, all power is her power, all will and force her will and force, all action is her action, all movement her movement. All beings are portions of her power of existence.

Sri Aurobindo, Record of Yoga - II: Undated Notes, c. December 1926

On 1-5-1957 the Mother sent me her embroidered Egyptian crown which had two wings, one on either side of a bird. She asked me to paint only a profile of the bird. I finished the painting on 4-5-57 and showed it to her. The Mother liked the painting very much and asked me:

Child, can you draw a face with the crown which you have painted?

I replied:

Yes, Mother; I will try.

Afterwards she made several sketches of a face with the crown in order to show me how it could be done. Then suddenly she looked at me and said:

Ah! but you know that I have features like an Egyptian.

I caught a hint! I found one of the Mother's photographs in the Japanese dress—kimono—and sketched her face and showed it to the Mother in her room at the Playground. She saw my sketch. Amusement quivered in her voice as she asked me:

Child, from which photograph have you done this sketch?

I showed her the photograph. She exclaimed:

Well, eyes, lips and nose are not correct. Do you mind if I alter the drawing?

I replied:

Not at all, Mother.

Then she opened a painted glass-box sent to the Mother by my younger sister, Usha from East Africa. She took out her hand-mirror and gazed at her reflection in it. It was a thrilling sight to watch the Mother do her own portrait with so much concentration and serenity. Time and again her lips were touched by sweet smile. After completing it, and handing the sheet of paper to me, she said joyously:

Ah! Voilà! the Supreme Mother herself came and showed her face. In this picture dwells my soul, and I give it to you. Indeed, you are a very lucky girl!

I was so much moved that I could not utter a word. She took my face between her hands and looked at me intently. There was a warm deep glow in her eyes with an exceptional charm I had never seen before. Then she drew me closer and pressed my head against her heart. I felt immense relief and peace.

Here is the portrait of the Supreme Mother.


After our work the Mother and I usually talked about one subject or another. Often the subject was Auroville—especially the Mother's Shrine.

I have kept a record of all the Mother's conversations, seen, corrected and approved by her. During the year 1965 she told me more than once that if people would not buy land quickly at Auroville when the price was low, then surely they would have difficulty later on when the price would be much more and many complications would arise.

This I conveyed to the people concerned. BUT...

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