

Huta's letter to The Mother in 1965 inspired the creation of Matrimandir; it was to Huta that The Mother first explained Her concept of Auroville's town-plan.

The Spirit of Auroville

  The Mother : Contact   Auroville


Huta had a strong connection with Auroville – a letter of hers to the Mother in 1965 inspired the creation of Matrimandir, the Mother’s Shrine; and it was to Huta that the Mother first explained, with sketches, her concept for the town-plan of Auroville. In 1966 Huta produced the painting which the Mother named ‘The Spirit of Auroville.’ All this is told in her books 'Matrimandir the Mother’s Truth and Love' and 'The Spirit of Auroville'.

The Spirit of Auroville
 PDF     The Mother : Contact  Auroville

Barun Tagore wrote me from Paris on 17.7.74:

Dear Hutaben,

I hope by now you must have received my postcard.

Your brochure on Matrimandir is simply excellent. I showed it to some of my friends and they like it very much. Someone told me: "At last the truth is coming—it is so simple." So see how the Mother's Force is working. Here too people want to know the Truth. I am sure with your help we can do much more work for Auroville and show to people what exactly the Mother wanted for Auroville. Your paintings too are very much appreciated and loved. One night we had the show of Michel's film on your paintings—to tell you the truth your original paintings are 100 times better. Anyway it was also impressive.

Did you see M. André? What does he think of your brochure?

Here things are moving—people are very much interested in Auroville, but our duty is to show the true Auroville to them—and the sooner the better. I think that the Mother is working very fast. Let us all be faithful instruments of Her.

Did SABDA sell your brochure well?

My leg is getting well and soon I shall be back among you all. Still I have some work to do for our Auropress and publications here at Paris—and I think for this my presence is required.

I hope you are keeping well. Take good care of your health—it is very important—you must be fit (physically) to fight out the Asuric Force who instead of serving the Mother is opposing her. So we pray: Victory to sweet Mother!

Your brother


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