

Huta's letter to The Mother in 1965 inspired the creation of Matrimandir; it was to Huta that The Mother first explained Her concept of Auroville's town-plan.

The Spirit of Auroville

  The Mother : Contact   Auroville


Huta had a strong connection with Auroville – a letter of hers to the Mother in 1965 inspired the creation of Matrimandir, the Mother’s Shrine; and it was to Huta that the Mother first explained, with sketches, her concept for the town-plan of Auroville. In 1966 Huta produced the painting which the Mother named ‘The Spirit of Auroville.’ All this is told in her books 'Matrimandir the Mother’s Truth and Love' and 'The Spirit of Auroville'.

The Spirit of Auroville
 PDF     The Mother : Contact  Auroville

I received a letter dated 28.6.76 from Gloria:

Dear Huta,

It is from the 29th of May that I wish to write to you to thank you for your beautiful letter and tell you that during the concreting I put the 5 red hibiscus flowers in the Mahakali pillar as you asked me to do, and also to tell you how wonderful was this night in which we have completed the structure of Matrimandir.

We had put up the Mother's flag on the top for the occasion: Her presence was powerful more than ever. The participation of Ashramites and Aurovilians was great. The presence of Champaklal and Nirodbaran contributed to give the feeling a moment of exception—many little children wanted to remain the full night and it was so nice to see them fallen asleep at last, on the sand near each other, in the midst of the work.

The concreting finished at 4 a.m. in the morning, but many of us remained on the top to await in silence the dawn of a new future.

When in the evening of the same day 8 Aurovilians were taken to prison, it was clear for many that was a final strong attack of the hostile forces who try to impede the harmony between the contraries, which the Mother seems to succeed in through the Matrimandir. You cannot imagine how beautiful it has been in this last month with the massive participation of the Ashram in the work of Matrimandir. There was an enormous quantity of work to do, to move and clean the scaffolding before using them for the new phase, i.e., the slab for the floor of the inner Chamber.

Twice a week more than 200 people each time have come from the Ashram in a joyful, concentrated and harmonious atmosphere of collaboration. They have given a big push and accelerated the time of the work. You see how Mother calls her children and how they answer.

For us is a deep joy to have the occasion to work together with many of our friends of the Ashram, to feel the unity around our common love for the Mother. And we know how you also contribute to that with your prayers.

Together in aspiration for new Light,



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