

Huta's letter to The Mother in 1965 inspired the creation of Matrimandir; it was to Huta that The Mother first explained Her concept of Auroville's town-plan.

The Spirit of Auroville

  The Mother : Contact   Auroville


Huta had a strong connection with Auroville – a letter of hers to the Mother in 1965 inspired the creation of Matrimandir, the Mother’s Shrine; and it was to Huta that the Mother first explained, with sketches, her concept for the town-plan of Auroville. In 1966 Huta produced the painting which the Mother named ‘The Spirit of Auroville.’ All this is told in her books 'Matrimandir the Mother’s Truth and Love' and 'The Spirit of Auroville'.

The Spirit of Auroville
 PDF     The Mother : Contact  Auroville

Patricia from Auroville wrote to me:

Dear Huta,

"The Spirit of Auroville" is in front of me now—a call, and a constant reminder of the one thing that all of us here must become—this wonderful little picture with Mother's blessings and all the pertinent and powerful quotations. Your New Year's packets were received with such love and delight.

Truly, one feels them as real help now, as everything is so touched by Mother's Light, in these times of challenge. If ever I become a bit discouraged at the face that Auroville wears at present, I try to remember that sweet Spirit who is the true face of our City of Dawn. Surely, one day She will gaze from all our faces.

Thank you Huta, for giving and sharing as much as you do with your young brothers and sisters of Auroville.

At the service of truth.


Bhaga from Auroville took many copies of Matrimandir—The Mother's Truth and Love from me. Some years later she wanted to get a book published in Auro Press, entitled The Spirit of Auroville. Bhaga and Bill Sullivan gave me the following typescript:

The Spirit of Auroville—550 pages. All Mother's messages and conversations about Auroville, arranged chronologically, with some brief introductions about the context of the quotations and a subject-index in the end. A special prepublication subscription at the reduced rate is offered to you at Rs. 100/-, including postage. Kindly transfer the amount by cheque or draft, payable to Auroville Trust, accompanied by a note specifying it for "The Spirit of Auroville" and indicating to which address it is to be sent. Please send it directly to Auroville Trust, Bharat Nivas, 605104 Auroville, Tamil Nadu.

They took blocks of the Mother's facsimiles from me to put in the book. Unfortunately, the book never came out because of controversies, clashes and oppositions. On top of everything they lost many of the precious blocks. Eventually, they made xeroxed bound copies and named this book: Auroville—in Mother's Words. They gave me a copy of the book.

During that period Bill suggested in the Auroville Committee that it would be nice if Huta's books were published in Auro Press. His suggestions were turned down with these words:

We don't want to publish her books. She is ambitious. She wants name and fame. Moreover, we don't want her here.

Touching! When the matter was reported to me, I was very much amused. I felt sorry for them. As a matter of fact, I do not depend on peoples' judgement and opinion. They praise one day and the next day they abuse me. That is what I have experienced throughout my life.

I like to recount this wonderful talk given to me by the Mother.

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