A compilation of Huta’s autobiographical notes, about which The Mother said : 'This is the interesting story of how a being discovers the Divine Life.'

The Story of a Soul

  The Mother : Contact


The Story of a Soul, Huta's journal of her progress on the spiritual path, runs from 1954 to 1973. This records many of her conversations with the Mother, their private meditations in the Mother's room at the Playground, and their correspondence. In her numerous cards and messages the Mother consoled Huta in her difficulties, appreciated her skill in various works, and promised to help her realise her true being.

The Story of a Soul
 The Mother : Contact

30 December 1955

Now at last I got down to writing to my father and Laljibhai:

My dear father,

I was glad to receive your letter. Please do write to me again.

It was kind of you to have asked my opinion about opening an account for me in one of the Pondicherry banks. But I don't really know what to say. Kindly ask the Mother when you and Laljibhai come here.

My mother has written the same. I do appreciate and understand her feeling. I assure you that I am happy here. The Mother's love and Grace are always with me.

The more you all will recognise the Mother the more will you experience her love and Grace.

I request all of you to believe in the Mother. Our faith in the Divine must be unshakable. Yes, the Divine tests our sincerity.

Whatever we possess belongs to the Divine alone. He has taken responsibility for us. Why fret?

Please remember me to my brothers, sisters-in-law and their children. My love to everyone.

I trust all of you are well. I am quite all right and cheerful. My mother writes to me from Rajkot. She is fine.

I am glad that you will send a draft for Rs. 1,250 regularly.

From Rs. 1,250 you have asked me to take Rs. 250 for my pocket expenses. Thank you very much, father, for your kind consideration.

I was deeply grieved to know about your sister's demise. May God give rest and peace to her soul.

You must come to the Ashram in either April or March along with Laljibhai. The Mother wants you to come. She has said, "It is a good moment for coming." So please do not miss an opportunity given to you all.

With warm regards

Yours affectionately

Dear brother,

Thank you for your letter and the photographs of the Mother's symbol which I showed her the very day and explained to her all the details of your letter. I gave her the photographs. She liked them and was pleased.

The Mother has asked me to convey this message to you:

"You can write to your brother that I shall be glad to see him with your father also. But if it is not convenient for them to come in February, let them come at the end of March (to be here for the 29th) and stay in April up to the 24th. It is a good moment for coming. I send them my love and blessings. And hope that all will be all right for them."

Brother, I believe she rarely writes like this and when she writes and summons there is a secret meaning behind her action. So all of you must come. Please bring our mother from Rajkot. Do not miss the months which the Mother has indicated. They must be very important spiritually. The Mother will set everything right at Miwani. Please do not be anxious. Pray to the Mother. Kindly persuade our father to come over. He can stay as many days as he likes. Also ask him not to worry about the situation there. I feel strongly within me that all of you will experience the Mother's working—her Grace and Love. She is compassionate. We take refuge in her alone.

The Mother has received the calendar from you and the gifts sent by Paroobhai.

Vasanthbhai has sent some snaps of his room where he has installed the Mother's and Sri Aurobindo's photographs. I sent them to the Mother, who wrote:

"Say to your brother that I like the photographs and send him my love and blessings."

Brother, please convey this message to Vasanthbhai when you telephone him in Jinja. Recently I had written to him, but somehow it slipped out of my mind.

Day by day I have been drawn to an unfathomable ocean of the Mother's Love, which I cannot forget or forego.

I pray to the Mother to lead you all towards her Love.

The Mother is the Truth—the Supreme Mother herself. Her actions are beyond our comprehension. Please don't ever listen to anybody who has no belief in the Divine. Have faith in Him.

Let us all proceed on the path of Truth. Let us have the Mother as our Guide. She will not leave us nor will she mislead us.

I do not know anything beyond this. What else to write?

Hope all of you are fine. I remember you all with love.

Today I have received a letter from our mother. She still worries about my welfare, which she should not do, because I am happy here and very much contented. The Mother takes great care of me. I won't leave her. My place is here.

Please bring our sisters. Usha wrote to me. I have already sent her the Mother's blessing packet. Kindly ask everyone not to worry. The Mother will do the needful.

I have given your messages to Dyuman and Shivabhai Amin.

Finally I thank you all for sending money. I have written to our mother and thanked her for sending my things from Rajkot. I appreciate the good will of you all.

With affectionate remembrance in the Mother's Truth and Love


On December 30th the Mother sent me a painted card depicting a white bird—the Phoenix, the mythical bird of Arabia—coming out of leaping flames. These elevating lines accompanied it:



Bonjour! My dear little child,

I hope this day will be a good one for you with my love always near you. This is the picture of the soul coming out victoriously from all the ordeals. I want this realisation for you.

My soul silently prayed to the Mother: "Let your will be done."

It was the last day of the year 1955. So much had happened—so much was still to happen. Let us see what 1956 unfolds.


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