Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo

  Sri Aurobindo : corresp.


Nirodbaran's correspondence with Sri Aurobindo began in February 1933 and continued till November 1938, when Sri Aurobindo injured his leg and Nirod became one of his attendants. The entire correspondence, which was carried on in three separate notebooks according to topics - private, medical, and literary - is presented in chronological order, revealing the unique relationship Nirod enjoyed with his guru, replete with free and frank exchanges and liberal doses of humour. Covering a wide range of topics, both serious and light-hearted, these letters reveal the infinite care Sri Aurobindo devoted to the spiritual development of his disciple.

Books by Nirodbaran Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo 1221 pages 1984 Edition
 Sri Aurobindo : corresp.

October 1933

Yes, it's very true that there is still a "taste" in the being. But what to do about it?

You can put pressure on that part of your mind to give up its predilection.

I cannot deny that along with my urge for acquiring a fine style etc., there is hiding some desire for fame as a good writer which, however, one can reject, at least one can hope to.

Better not force the inspiration. You have some literary gift and can let it grow—but no desire for fame, if you please.

I send you a letter from P.

I don't find P's letter. Perhaps it has flown down to Nolini.

Mother, P wants your blessings. Could you give a flower for him at pranam?

Mother will try to remember—otherwise she will send with Nolini.

I send a poem for your kind perusal and opinion. There is hardly any originality in thought and expression. Will you kindly tell me how to acquire power and subtlety in writing, both of which I seem to lack awfully? And do you think the style and originality in technique come in automatically or one has to consciously strive for them?

The opening and close of the poem are rather poor, but in between it is well written, as it seems to me, and there are some good lines.

The original poetry comes in when you get back from the mind and outer vital to some inner source or at least channel of inspiration. Aspiration for that is better than to strive.

Lately all vitality seems to have disappeared, leaving no interest in anything.

It is a tamasic reaction, I suppose. It is to be discouraged and got rid of.

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