Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo

  Sri Aurobindo : corresp.


Nirodbaran's correspondence with Sri Aurobindo began in February 1933 and continued till November 1938, when Sri Aurobindo injured his leg and Nirod became one of his attendants. The entire correspondence, which was carried on in three separate notebooks according to topics - private, medical, and literary - is presented in chronological order, revealing the unique relationship Nirod enjoyed with his guru, replete with free and frank exchanges and liberal doses of humour. Covering a wide range of topics, both serious and light-hearted, these letters reveal the infinite care Sri Aurobindo devoted to the spiritual development of his disciple.

Books by Nirodbaran Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo 1221 pages 1984 Edition
 Sri Aurobindo : corresp.

October 1937

[Sri Aurobindo stopped all correspondence due to some eye-trouble, and the Mother, instead, took up the medical correspondence.]

Mère, veuillez-vous me dire comment Sri Aurobindo se porte?

[The Mother put brackets around "veuillez-vous" and wrote above it "Voudriez-vous".]

Très bien, mais je tiens à ce qu'il ne reҫoive pas de correspondance pendant quelques jours encore. Si vous avez quelque chose d'urgent à me communiquer vous pouvez le faire.184

I am thinking of giving some milk to Jiban [convalescing from jaundice] at night.

For the milk it might be better to wait a little more—

[A letter from Sitabala:] Ma! for the last few days I have been having a severe attack of headache... My head feels empty and I cannot walk with S's steps... I do not have good sleep nor can I eat well. I pray to you for speedy recovery.

With humble pranam at your feet
your child Sitabala


I would like you to see her—It might be "arterio-sclerose" Will you verify it and let me know? I suspect also that she is constipated, it is to be ascertained.

If it is arterio-sclerose Pavitra has some good medicine for it—

I am afraid these are not the signs of arteriosclerosis—except the headache... But she is badly constipated which may be the simple reason of her troubles. We shall examine her urine. Please advise what to do.

You might first examine the urine and treat the constipation. We shall see for the rest afterwards.

N was better last night—the temperature remained 102°... He has eructation, especially after taking milk... There is always a persistent rise of temperature in the evening. There are injections for bringing down the fever, e.g. Diéménal and Omnadin.

Are not these medicines a bit dangerous?

I wonder why J's eczema, once improved, comes back again. It has been there for 5 or 6 months and is trying to spread...

Have you ever tried to wash the place with a cotton pad dipped in Listerine (pure) dusting afterwards (when dry) with an antiseptic powder?

No, I have not tried Listerine etc., but only Acecholex. First of all we don't stock Listerine, secondly if it can be procured from the Pharmacie, what antiseptic powder do you suggest? And should there not be a bandage after the dusting?

Not at the Pharmacie but perhaps it can be found in Appadorai's.

The powder must be a composed one, but for the composition all depends on the patient's reactions.

The bandage seems to me only good to prevent the scratching.

You saw Jiban at Pranam. Should there be any change in diet?

He seems to be progressing.

If it is convenient, you may reply in French. It will help me to learn the language.

Pas de réponse ce soir185

For J's eczema, I wonder if Acecholex is proving to be too strong now; otherwise why should the wound become so raw after scratching?

It may be.

I think tomorrow we shall buy Listerine.

If the skin is too raw it may burn.

N is not very well. He is much troubled by hiccoughs etc... I think his mind will be quiet if somebody stays there at night. Can his adjacent room be spared?

It is not possible as Chimanbhai is arriving and the room is kept for him.

Last night N slept well except for a little hiccough now and then, lasting half an hour. But I wonder why he sleeps so much. We are not giving him any hypnotic except 15 grains of bromide in one dose. Due to Force?

It seems to me more the effect of the bromide and it may be safer not to give him too much of it.

Sitabala got a slight headache after a cold bath... She asks if she could have hot water.

Yes, she can have. Inform Amrita.

... N is the same. Do you advise any outside consultation or Dr. R? Or shall we wait?

We can wait a few days more.

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