Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo

  Sri Aurobindo : conversations

JUNE, 1940

15th June, 1940.

In one sense one can say, history it repeating itself because Greco-Roman culture was destroyed by German Nordic hordes and to-day it is again the Germans who are trying to destroy the centre of European culture. The Asura working behind Hitler has been giving him very correct and remarkably accurate guidance. He knows what is possible. That is why Hitler has never been listening to reason. He only waits for the voice. Till now it has guided him correctly. One mistake, it seems, it has made it to think that when he attacked Poland he thought that England will not go to war. Otherwise he has direct guidance which Napoleon did not get.

The question was put to Sri Aurobindo whether the Asuras can have the power of vision.

Sri Aurobindo : Yes, they have. Vision is not only on the spiritual level. It can be on the vital and on the subtle physical level, and can be very accurate.

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The question was whether the Asura can see his own end.

Sri Aurobindo : No.

Disciple : It is like the astrologers who can't predict their own end.

Sri Aurobindo : No, they can predict accurately. There are instances in which the exact hour and minute has been predicted. Instance on the point is of the Charles of Burgendy who was taken prisoner by Louis XI. He had made arrangements with his guards that if he said "be in peace or pass in peace" then he should not be killed but if he did not give nay such sign the astrologer who visited the jail where Charles was prisoner should be killed. Then, he asked the astrologer the time of his death. He said he could not give the exact date but it was 24 hours before the death of Louis XI. Louis took great care to see that he was saved, and years afterwards it came out that actually Louis died 24 hours after his death. This happening Scott has described in his novel.

Disciple : Hardhan says that the French will ultimately triumph.

Sri Aurobindo : It is not unlikely.

About the surrender of Paris, Sri Aurobindo said : How can they allow Germans to enter Paris without fighting? If the old civilization is to be destroyed, it is better that it is destroyed heroically.

Disciple : Advaitanand met some sadhak at Tiruvanamalai who was arguing with him that knowledge need not be accompanied by power.

Sri Aurobindo : Yes, it is true. It depends on whether you lean on the side of witness Purusha or power or both. If

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a man realizes the Sad aspect, the Pure Being, he may have no power, because Pure Being does not act. On the contrary, there may be those who may know many things but have no power to act. Generally even in the mind you see that a man may have much knowledge but he may be very weak. Even in the case of those who realize the power aspect the power may not be always used.

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