Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo

  Sri Aurobindo : conversations

16th May, 1939

A letter from a disciple received on the 29th April written to co-disciple here spoke of his experience at Tiruannamalai.

He mentioned in his letter that the resistance in his physical being was broken by the spiritual experience he had there.

In the evening a disciple asked Sri Aurobindo: "What

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do you think of his saying that the resistance in the physical is gone?"

Sri Aurobindo : I have heard people saying that the body of Maharshi is shaking. How could he have done what he did not do, or did not care to do, for himself, for someone else?

Disciple : But he describes his experience in detail : for instance, the triangle and the Sun and the light pouring into him etc.

Sri Aurobindo : He had always the habit of making mental constructions and living in them. So, his valuation of experience is not right.

Disciple : Why does he commit mistake in the valuation of his experience?

Sri Aurobindo : He had a very powerful ego, which he never tried to get rid of when he was here. He always wanted to start an Ashram; whenever you have this kind of ego it always interferes with the understanding and does not allow correct valuation. At every experience he gets his ego swells up and uses the experience to strengthen itself.

Disciple : How to get rid of the ego?

Sri Aurobindo : He speaks of the peace he got.

Sri Aurobindo : Do you think he got it there for the first time? He got hundreds of experiences here.

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Between 20th and 27th May, 1939

The subject was Trikal Drishti –knowledge of the Time or the True Time Vision. Why he did not know about the accident was also one of the questions.

Sri Aurobindo : I have not said that I am in full possession of the supramental. People have wrong ideas about these things.

Christ, in spite of his miracles, could not cure anyone in one district. He said : "I can't because they have no faith."

People forgot that there are conditions to be fulfilled. It is a question of the divine consciousness working in and through inferior principles, like mind and vital and body and there are conditions to e fulfilled for the working.

Disciple : They say that God being Omnipotence he should be able to do anything however impossible.

Sri Aurobindo : No. Omnipotent does not mean to make God act as our mind wants or expects. Omnipotence does not work in one way; it works in many ways.

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