Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo

  Sri Aurobindo : conversations

22nd June, 1940

About the report of military correspondent that the French thought in terms of French fortress and positional war. They did not believe the importance of tanks and aeroplanes even though they knew that the tanks decided their victory last time.

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Sri Aurobindo : And Gamlin had to go because he was so much accustomed to the idea of fortress that he did not know what to do when the Germans came in through Flanders. Gamlin and Daladier both are so evidently weak that one is surprised how they were regarded as strong men. Government after Government in France was appointing Daladier as Foreign Minister, while he did nothing in fact for preparing for war and so also Chamberlain. You have only to look at their photographs at Munich conference where you can see fierce cunning and crafty Hitler while Daladier appears like one who can be broken in no time, while Chamberlain looks like a cunning fool who thinks he was getting his point, while really he was not.

There was a Nazi incident in Uruguay.

Disciple : Will that be an excuse for American to join the war?

Sri Aurobindo : If it is true that Germans have given a threat and if Uruguay Government shoots some of the Nazis and Germans declare war on Uruguay then Monroe Doctrine will come in full force. But I don't suppose it will go to that extent.

About armistice discussion between French and Germany Sri Aurobindo said if they ask for capitulation of navy and air force then it will be very hard for England. The English have their air-force but do they have sufficient tanks? A big invasion of England seems unlikely and if the English can last till the end of the year then Germany may be defeated.

Russia is very foolish in putting its pressure on Turkey to keep out of war. There is bound to be a clash between Russia and Germany about the Balkans and at that time if the English are defeated there will be no chance of blockade.

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23rd June, 1940

On hearing about the terms of French armistice which included putting all the French resources at the disposal of Hitler Sri Aurobindo said, it is an "act of basest treachery". When he heard about the Rumanian Government becoming Nazi he said "the whole world seems to have been taken by a wave of selfishness, cowardice and treachery."

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