Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo

  Sri Aurobindo : conversations


From notes

4th October 1943

1. C. Rajagopalachari in the Puja issue of the 'Amrit Bazar' has pleaded for the reconstruction and revival of the Cripp's proposal !!

Sri Aurobindo found it 'late' but C. R. had got back his clarity of mind. As to the actual revival when Wavell comes the difficulties are 1. I. C. S. and Congress on two sides and 2. Jhinna on the third.

2. Anil Baran's article about Bengal flood situation created a great stir in the Ashram. Sri Aurobindo's plea was for organization by the people. Mere Government regulation or work would not do. The ministry is people's and so their dishonesty, want of public spirit and want of tradition of honest public work is our fault.       

Even if the people had rioted at some places, Government would be compelled to act, etc.

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3. Jivatman descends here – not geographically. It is a way of saying that 'it takes up the consciousness' and 'organizes the nature' etc.

Who gets Nirvana or who passes away into the Absolute'? 'The Jivatman. It is the Jivatman.'

Article by K. C. Vardachari.  Answer to Malkani. By 'Chit' in Ramanuja is it meant the surface consciousness?

The Narayan is indissolubly connected with manifestation. You can't know him even if he has an existence independent of his manifestation.

Sri Aurobindo : I would agree with him by saying that the Absolute is not knowable by the mind. But it is knowable to itself. It has self-illumination ('Swayam-Prakasha').

4. On the 3rd October Sri Aurobindo said : It seems in this war the human element is in the background –  the whole thing is so much dominated by the machine. It may be illusion. But the men of the past looked so much higher in comparison with the leaders of the present crisis. Even look at the generals. Napoleon and his generals you find the human character there dominating. The leaders do not come off so high. Whether the machine can be used to help men to good? It can help to make life more comfortable, it can add to the convenience etc. but how can it aid men in spiritual or inner progress?

The End

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