At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo 196 pages 1985 Edition
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Sahana Devi's recollections of her sadhana and selected correspondence with Sri Aurobindo. The parts in Bengali were translated by Nirodbaran.

At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo

  Sri Aurobindo : corresp.

Sahana Devi
Sahana Devi

Sahana Devi's recollections of her sadhana and selected correspondence with Sri Aurobindo. The parts in Bengali were translated by Nirodbaran.

At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo 196 pages 1985 Edition
 PDF    EPUB     Sri Aurobindo : corresp.

07 March 1937

There seems to be two elements in the physical difficulty that is weighing on you. The first is the liver trouble weakens and must weaken still more if it leads you to diminish your food below what the body needs for maintaining sufficient strength to react — also probably the nervous tendency to insomnia with its consequences. The second is an inertia of the lower vital and physical consciousness which prevent it from throwing off the lassitude, from reacting against the attacks and from opening steadily to the Force which would remove these things. All that is due to the breakdown of the poise that you had for so long, the vital trouble that caused it and the reaction of the lower vital to the insistence on throwing out the causes of the trouble. This reaction seems to have been a restlessness at losing the things of which it was still holding — such a reaction always brings the inertia of the physical consciousness while the right reaction in the lower vital brings on the contrary a sense of peace, release, quietude which definitely opens the lowest physical parts to the higher consciousness and force. If you can get over this and get back the old poise, then all these things can be made to disappear,

Nirod was of course right from the medical point of view in recommending exercise — both for the liver and as a tonic to the body it is helpful. So if you are not going to the Aroume more than once or twice some walking may be advisable. Care should be taken of the body certainly, the care that is needed for its good condition, rest, sleep, proper food, sufficient exercise; what is not good is too much preoccupation with it, anxiety, despondency in illness etc., for these things only favour the prolongation of ill health or weakness. For such things or the liver attacks treatment can always be taken when necessary.

But it is always the right inner poise, quietude inward and outward, faith, the opening of the body consciousness to the Mother and her Force that are the true means of recovery — other things can only be minor aids and devices.


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