Living in The Presence

  The Mother : Contact

Some more memories

About Another Programme

Once I was preparing a dance-drama that the Mother had liked very much, although I don't quite recollect its name today. She had seen it and when all of us went to see Her after the performance, She praised us very generously. Then, when I went back to see Her the following Sunday, She brought it up once more and said positive things about it again. I did not say anything to the Mother but just considered myself blessed to receive such appreciation from Her. The following Sunday, the Mother once more began talking about the same programme in glowing terms. Then, She enquired if I was thinking of any other programme. I could not contain myself and blurted out to Her:

     I - Douce Mère, what did you exactly like in my programme?

     Mother - Your programme was very good, my child. The way you depicted man's aspiration rising from ignorance and darkness, I liked that very much. There was true aspiration in it. It was good, I liked it.

     I was not totally satisfied with this dance-drama, which impelled me to break my silence and tell the Mother:

     I - Douce Mère, You always appreciate and encourage us for our smallest endeavours, our play-lets, our recitations. But, Mother, our efforts are so incomplete, so run-of-the-mill! I

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myself am so dissatisfied with my own efforts. How did you see so much that's positive in this programme? What was it really that you liked? I thought many times of asking you but never plucked up enough courage to do so. Divine Mother, you are Mahalakshmi, you are the symbol of perfection! How did you see beauty in this programme?

    The Mother laughed a little and then stayed silent for a while. Then, She spoke:

    Mother - Whenever I see a programme, I identify myself with its director. I identify myself with his or her efforts, her force of imagination. I see the effort, the imagination, the force of vision that has gone into the making of the programme. You know, when you identify yourself with the director in this way, you see everything differently. (silence) In the new world this identification will happen quite effortlessly. Then, any programme will be approached in this way by people who have developed this power of receptivity. The completeness of technical perfection will obviously be present. Each programme will have to be executed in an aesthetic way in its totality, but the cardinal need would be this inner aspiration, this inner feeling with which the director has executed the work, the inner vision that has guided the director. This is very important here, my dear child, and that is what I see in your programme, present in a very beautiful way.

    When the Mother said this, She looked intently into my eyes. I don't remember which flowers the Mother gave me on this darshan. Then, taking my hands into Hers once more, She concentrated on me and said,

    Mother - Aurevoir, my dear child. Let there be more light, more consciousness in your programmes. Aurevoir!

    I - Douce Mère, I feel if we do a cultural programme with the right attitude, it becomes a means of upward progress. Is that not so, Mother?

    Mother - Cultural programmes do not only take you higher, they also are a means of self-purification.

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