Living in The Presence

  The Mother : Contact

About The 'Aspiration' Dance

21st August, 1954. The person who had had the interview with the Mother came out of the room. I quickly got in. I noticed the Mother was already on Her feet, in order to come out. I asked Her,

    I - Mother, have You decided anything for the 1st December programme?

    Mother - No, nothing yet. I know only two things so far. (the Mother was arranging the flowers on a tray) I don't want a lengthy programme. Last year it had become far too long. I just want two or three dances, one recitation and in the end, two plays.

    I - Mother, You had asked me to dance. Shall I dance?

    Mother - Yes, I have kept your dance.

    I - How much time can I have?

    Mother - I can't tell you the exact time, now. I have to first check how much time all the other items are going to take, how long the entire programme will be.

    I have already told you and I am repeating it once again: I did not know how to talk to the Mother. I would talk to Her in a very stupid way, ask Her very stupid questions. However, the Mother in Her infinite compassion, always tolerated all this and forgave. ,

     I - In order to express 'Aspiration' what kind of movement would be appropriate: slow or fast?

    Mother - Why don't you find all this out yourself? This is not my work. Normally people lift their hands like this or like that. (Saying this, the Mother moved Her hands in different ways.)

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    I - Mother, people normally do it in this way, but what is the true way to represent 'Aspiration'? What do You. expect from me.?

    Mother - I don't quite know. I have never taught dance. You can ask somebody. I don't know who can show you the appropriate style for this. (At this point the Mother looked at me very intently.) Why don't you try yourself to create new movements? (Then, She remained once again silent, as if in deep thought.) You know, it is not important whether your movements are in slow or fast speed, or whether your bodily movements go up like this or come down like that. You have to invoke the force of aspiration, call it down. Keep calling, calling and praying to it. This prayerful attitude must go on. Let a deep aspiration rise from deep within your inmost being and come into the outer being and suffuse all your bodily movements. Let this aspiration flow in you, in the smallest atom and particle of your being. Let it flow... That is what I want. My child, this thing is within you (looking at me meaningfully). You will be able to do it. You will. Keep praying, just keep praying. You will succeed.

    The Mother stood in front of Her chair and I was standing in front. A great restlessness stirred within me because I felt that all the advice the Mother had given me, I had not been following. I started feeling quite a worthless child of the Mother. Feeling guilty, I bowed down at Her feet. I spread my arms on either side of Her feet and looking up at Her, implored,

    I - O Mother! Here I am, surrendering myself to You. Make of me Your worthy child.

   The Mother blessed me. She placed Her right hand on my left shoulder and looked into my eyes intently. It is impossible for me to express in words my experience of that day. After that intent look of the Mother, She smiled sweetly and said,

    Mother - Aurevoir, then. I need to go now. It's time for the March-past.


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