Living in The Presence

  The Mother : Contact

Longing For Pondicherry

August of 1942 was around the corner. Ma called Dada and said, "I would like to go to Pondicherry for the darshan." It was decided that my second brother Robi would accompany Ma this time. But I too wanted to go to Pondicherry, I went on insisting. I kept repeating this to Ma. I was not even nine then and going to school. Baba refused to let me miss school in order to go to Pondicherry. He was a stern man and once he made up his mind he was inflexible. It was simply impossible to make him change his decision. Day and night, I kept pestering Ma about my desire to go to Pondicherry. We were at the beginning of July. Ma and my second brother Robi had to write a letter to the Mother seeking permission to go. I went to Baba and holding his hand, pleaded, "Baba, I want to go to Pondicherry with Ma." Baba was getting ready to go out and did not answer. He went out of the room and began scolding  Ma, "You are the one spoiling this girl! This little girl no older than nine wants to go to Pondicherry 1300 miles away! She is not bothered about school or her studies, she just wants to go to Pondicherry!" And saying this he angrily walked out. I ran up to the second floor terrace and began to cry.

    A few days passed by. I used to sleep with Ma in those days. One night, I dreamt that I was standing all alone on the vast shore of an ocean. A European woman dressed in a long white gown but with her long hair open like an Indian's, was swimming towards the horizon. From time to time she turned around and beckoned me to join her. I said to myself, "How can I join her? I cannot swim!" And just then I woke up. I told Ma about my dream the following day. I also told her that the European woman's face resembled the Mother's in the photograph in our room. I felt it was the Mother who was swimming towards the horizon and calling out to me behind. Ma was very happy to hear my dream and hugging me close to her, she said, "The Mother is calling you. Who can stop You then?" And that is what truly happened. Baba changed his decision inexplicably. Maybe my dream had something 

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to do with it but I do not remember why he changed his mind. So Ma, my brother Robi and I left for Pondicherry for the August darshan. This was to be our first darshan.


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