Living in The Presence

  The Mother : Contact

Making The Salwar-kameez For The Mother

I was going to be 21. In those days as I mentioned earlier, on our birthdays all of us used to take something we had made to offer to the Mother. Some would embroider beautiful handkerchiefs, some would make greeting cards for Her. I used to make a set of salwar-kameez as my birthday offering. After buying the dress material I would go and give it to Vasudha-ben's embroidery department where sadhikas like Ichcha-ben, Bela-di and Minu-di used to work. They would cut the cloth and in the first year they had even taught me how to prepare a salwar-kameez. I used to study at the school then. The hand-stitching of this dress for the Mother took quite some time. I would go to the embroidery-department

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whenever I found some time from school or on Sundays. Once the salwar-kameez was stitched, I made the design on it for embroidery. In those days Krishnalal-ji used to teach me drawing. I used to always show Krishnalal-ji my design. In 1955 my salwar-kameez was ready by the 13th December because on the 14th was the Mother's class day and it would not be possible to meet Her. That's why I had planned to go and give my offering of love to the Mother on the 13th after the interviews in the Playground were over in the evening. My pranam would happen only on the 15th , not the 14th.
    I went and stood in front of the interview room with the salwar-kameez packed in a beautiful box. As soon as the interviews got finished I peeped into the room to ask the Mother if I could come in. The Mother nodded. I went in and sat at Her feet, offering the box to Her. The Mother asked,

    Mother - Today is your birthday?

    I - Not today, tomorrow, Mother. Tomorrow You have a class and so I won't be able to come to see You. That's why I have come to make my offering today.

    Mother - Yes, I'll see you day after tomorrow.

    The Mother opened the box and kept it on the table and looked at the dress and the design very attentively. This is one thing that we have learnt from the Mother, which is extremely rare among humans, that is to give the utmost attention and love to the smallest and most ordinary of things. She would see and keep all these things with so much care and love. She always encouraged us immensely to learn new things, to make new things. This is verily a remarkable gift for all of us. She looked at the design I had embroidered on the kameez very closely, and then She said,

    Mother - It's very beautiful. Have you done all this by yourself by hand?

    I - Yes, Mother.

    Mother - The drawing is by you? And the embroidery too?

    I - Yes, Mother.

    Mother - It's very lovely indeed. Would you like me to wear this dress tomorrow?


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    I - As you wish, Mother.

    Mother - Then I'll wear it day after tomorrow, when you come to see me. (Looking at me) Is everything fine? Are you fine?

    I remained silent. The Mother asked again,

    Mother - Are you fine?

    I - Yes, Mother.

    Mother - Then, aurevoir!

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