Living in The Presence

  The Mother : Contact

My Friend

K was a very dear friend of mine. We shared common interests, resonated with the same enthusiasm to the same things. We were both lovers of art. Dance, theater, music, painting, We were fond of all these arts. Both of us used to dance and draw together. My friend played the guitar while I played the organ.


Immediately after our Group activities and the groundnut distribution by the Mother, we would rush back home and get ready as quickly as we could to run to the Library with our pencils and notebooks and the guitar and prepare little programmes. I used to really enjoy doing this. One day, in the excitement, I told the Mother how my friend K and I would prepare little programmes around music and dance on a variety of themes. The Mother had encouraged us, saying, "Good, keep it up!"

    Then all of a sudden something changed between us. K was soon more attracted to M. Their friendship began to grow. We grew apart. She would spend most of her time with M now. Both were in the same class. M was a very intelligent girl, good both in studies and in sports. Probably that is why my friend K was more attracted to her and distanced herself from me. We practically stopped talking to each other. People were so used to seeing us together all the time that they now began to ask me all sorts of questions. I was very young, then, and I gave this affair undue importance. One day, unable to control myself I blurted out to the Mother, "Douce Mere, K is my friend but she has been behaving very, very strangely with me. She doesn't even talk to me. We do not pursue any artistic activity together any longer. We do not meet harmoniously any more. This has caused me a lot of hurt. I find it very hard to stay without her, without her friendship." Hearing me, the Mother laughed out a little, looked at me for some time, and then said, "You will have to free yourself from this attachment. All attachment is harmful in the sadhana." After selecting the flowers to give me, She held my hands from below with Hers, so soft and flower like, and concentrated on my eyes in silence for some time. Then still holding my hands ever so gently, She said with exceeding tenderness, "All true feelings are preserved by the Divine. They are never lost. Remember this."

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