Living in The Presence

  The Mother : Contact

Seminar Of World Union

Madhav Pandit once asked me to prepare a programme on the occasion of a seminar of the World Union. On the day of the programme, at around half past two, dark menacing clouds filled the sky and a huge downpour started. The rain continued ceaselessly. In those conditions, it was impossible to go to the Theater for the programme. Madhav Pandit came home in the evening by car and said, "Shobha, in these conditions, it is impossible to do the programme, we will have to cancel it." "The Mother has been informed and the programme cannot be cancelled. We shall do the programme," I replied. "But, Who will come?" he asked. "We shall do it for the Mother," I said. Madhav did not say anything after this. He turned around to leave but then stopped midway, "Think again, Shobha. Isn't it a good idea to cancel the programme for today?" "No, the programme shall take place." I replied. After this, Madhav remained silent and left.

    Around 6 in the evening the rain started abating. The programme was to begin at 8. The sky was filled with stars then! Not the slightest trace of rain was left! The programme took place as scheduled. The spectators felt the Mother's un-mistakable presence at the Theater. They all came and told me, "We felt that the Mother was really present during the programme." I heard everything in silence and with an equal heart. After the programme, Madhav came and congratulated me and added, "Shobha, you are truly a worthy child of the Mother." I received this compliment too without reacting. Whenever people praise me for my programme, I don't let it touch me personally, for I know that whatever happens is entirely due to the Mother's Grace. It is all Her doing and I have nothing to do with it.

    This happened the following day. It was my habit to go and see Nolini-da on the day following my programmes. And each time he would give me his reaction. If he had any suggestion to give me, he would do so frankly. For me his suggestions and reactions were most valuable. So this time too, I turned up in

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his room to get his feedback. Hardly had I entered his room that he exclaimed, "Shobha, your programme yesterday was good. The Mother was very pleased. A deep depression was descending upon the earth. Seeing that, your inner being went straight up to the Mother and said forcefully, 'I shall not let this get into me.' The Mother was greatly pleased with this." Then, Nolini-da remained silent for a while. After some time, he resumed, "Madhav had come to me yesterday. He told me, 'Shobha is determined on doing the programme. Kindly in' form the Mother about it once." I asked Nolini-da, "Did you tell the Mother about this?" "Yes," Nolini-da answered, "I went up to inform the Mother. That is when She spoke to me about this cloud of depression." Then, raising his head, as if in pride, Nolini-da said, "Then Mother asked me, 'Will you go to the Theater, Nolini?' 'Yes, Mother, I Will.' Then the Mother replied, 'Yes, I too shall be there.' "

    My eyes welled up with tears of gratitude. I told Nolini-da, "Nolini-da, many people told me yesterday that they had actually felt the Mother's presence during the programme." "Evidently, for the Mother was indeed there!" Nolini-da said in reply. I could not hold myself back any longer. I ran to Nolini-da and placed my head on his lap like a little child. He was seated in his chair in the front room. I bent down to touch his feet, and my tears just kept flowing uncontrollably. This was not ordinary weeping, this was an expression of deeply felt gratitude. Like a father caressing his child, Nolini-da stroked my head affectionately and said, "Shobha, you will become even more worthy, even more worthy, Shobha."

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