Living in The Presence

  The Mother : Contact

The Organ From The Mother

After I began organising the Sangeetmala programmes, some-one lent me a 'baby organ' or table harmonium. I played on it for some time, but then the person to whom it belonged took it back. After this, I would go to the Library after Group and play the big organ there. Nobody else used it so I would play and sing at the same time.

    One day, I got word that Nolini-da wanted to see me. As I entered his room, he asked me, "Mother wanted to know if you had an organ." "No, Nolini-da, I sometimes go and play the organ in the Library with Niranjan-da's permission. I don't have any organ at home."Nolini-da replied, "I will inform the Mother."

    After this I forgot all about the incident. From time to time, K and I would go to the Library and sing, K would play the guitar and I would recite something. Or when K recited I would play the organ. We used to really play and sing to our hearts' content. One day, I went to take my French class at the school. When I got back in the afternoon, I found Niranjan-da sitting outside in the verandah of our house along with the big organ of the Library. As soon as I entered, he informed me that the Mother had instructed him to hand over the organ to me. It was to remain with me. I was overjoyed! It was a pedal-organ and had a very deep, sweet sound. I called a few boys and got the organ moved into my room. My heart was dancing that day! I had never imagined that such a big organ

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would one day sit in my room! The following Sunday when I went to meet the Mother, She said:

    Mother - Have you received the organ I sent to you?

    I - Yes, Mother. I have. It's beautiful and the sound is absolutely lovely!

    Mother - I would like you to play this organ. You know how to play it, don't you?

    I - Yes, Mother. When I was studying in Calcutta, my Principal, Miss Lindsay, taught me the piano. I can't play it very well but I do play.

    The Mother straightened herself in Her Chair and closed Her eyes as if She had gone into a trance. I kept looking at Her from my seated position. After some time, She spoke again:

    Mother - Sit before the organ daily. Pray to Sri Aurobindo for a few minutes before starting to play. Something will come. To start with you will need some text. You could select some parts from my Prayers and Meditations. Try and compose something around that.

    Then the Mother smiled a little, concentrated on my eyes, then continued:

    Mother - Let's end it here. Aurevoir, my dear child.

    I - Aurevoir, Douce Mère.

    She began giving me flowers into both my hands, one by one. I asked Her:

    I - Mother, have You played this organ?

    Mother - No.

    She blessed me once more. Today, after all these years, I look at myself and I understand how much of the Mother's Grace and benediction were behind that simple act of giving me that organ.

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